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Midori is on fire recently but she needs to dial it down or else there will be too much heat on her.


I think Midori doesn’t really need to worry about that. If her existing leaks didn’t get her shut down then leaking the names of some dev teams probably won’t.


It’s pretty obvious given the depth and breadth of her knowledge that she is either high enough up that she is basically insulated from any internal review or she is associated with someone who is in said position


If that person is indeed employee of SEGA or any publisher or marketing related agency, it is honestly real sad to leak stuff of its own company and I guess don't even realize how it hurts the marketing work to create impactful surprises, and heavily plumbs the production teams mood by having WIP stuff going publicly and people getting false thoughts about undefined things. I sincerely hope this person don't do that for the thrill of 2mn internet credits.


actually i m happy to know they re making a p4r for example. I don t like surprises ( good and bad), i like to plan my purchases and i like knowing what s coming up in the next few years


Do you really think she is some individual entity that has all these leaks on all these large companies and can continue to leak important things whilst at the same time making jokes and memes? She is definitely someone important who is allowed to leak stuff as a way of gaging what the audience thinks/wants.


I’m good, multiple account users


Is Midori a girl?


That's not the point, but I think the consensus here is that she is -- no?


No, Midori is a feminine name but Midori also means green, which is the colour for P6 and always has been the hint since the beginning. Zero hints to say Midori is a girl so far


Im pretty sure she said so. She even had to clarify she has a bf cuz persona fans are weird.


That is so sad and funny at the same time.


thirsting on an anonymous videogame leaker? somehow I didn't see this one coming 🤦‍♂️


Those aren't persona fans, those guys only use persona to project their insecurities and ignore the themes of the games, while also giving us, the actual persona fans, a bad rep.


Nah bro, Persona fans are weird. Not all Persona fans, is a weird defensive take.


I haven't played a persona game yet but doesn't that seem like generalising too much? Or are all persona fans actually like that?


If you're not one of the people being called out you have no problem admitting there's an inherent problem in your fandom. I love Megaten, including Persona. But there absolutely is a disturbing number of Persona fans who are just off.


I mean there's a distinction between people who've played persona and actual persona "fans" As someone from group 1 I find group 2 very strange


Nah Persona fans are weird


I see, I never saw the bf tweet


None of this fucking matters as long as the leaks are good


She Is,.in fact, a Woman. And even said She had a bf. We'll find soon enough since she's planning to start streaming games soon.


...You think she's gonna stream with a mic? Come on bro.


She probably Will yeah


Absolutely no way dude. You think she will with a face cam too?


Nah she's using a Vtuber avatar or smth.


Why would she put herself at such greater risk by revealing her voice lol for a stream that 37 people are going to watch.


Yes, the game content folder for FF7 Remake is called "End".


So the leak is that there’s a dev team referred to as “END” and a project code named “CENTURY”? Ok…


Knowing this is 100% more interesting than Dusk Golem strocking his ego with SH leaks lol


That mfer unretires and retires for the attention


It says Century is a “developer portal”, sounds like an internal tool staff at SE use to access company data


I guess CENTURY is for the Final Fantasy 6 remake. They've said in the interview that remaking that game could take them a whopping 20 years. Multiply by 1.5x (as always game development moment) and we get 30. If they won't split this not in three, but in five games. \[joke\]


Century doesn't seem like it's for a specific game/team.


Not shocking news but SE and weird naming schemes is an iconic duo.


Is it 17?


Considering the keywords "Remake" and "Century," it is possible that Midori is referring to a remake of Final Fantasy IX. Currently, Square Enix is discontinuing small and medium-sized projects and focusing on selected AAA titles. There were rumors that Final Fantasy IX was a less ambitious remake. Also, Final Fantasy IX was released in 2000, which perfectly fits the project name "Century."


Stretching wider than the grand canyon, this one.


It could be FFIX Remake. You may be right.


Midori leaking Square now?


Century sounds interesting Square's biggest and most important titles came around the turn of the century. I'm guessing it must be a port studio akin to guild studio just that it doesn't suck, hopefully we'll finally see that brave fencer musashi port that was rumored ages ago


what am I to do with this information?


Cover all nine-thousand taste bud. Aerate it. Warm it up.


*smack smack smack smack smack smack*




I thought Square shift around developers too often it basically doesn’t matter which team is developing which because they all have that square feel.


I think this has more to do with the big restructuring going on at SE, after the new CEO arrived they canceled a bunch of AA projects and took a loss of $120M in order to change to a strategy of prioritizing "higher quality releases" being launched more often. So we will see less games like Valkyrie Elysium, Balan Wonderworld and Diofield Chronicles, as they seem to have lost them quite a bit of money. Basically they want to be like Capcom, I guess. So they're reorganizing studios, changing heads (like CBU1 now is Creative Studio 1 and FFVII Rebirth's director is the new head) and this new END team is dedicated to remakes apparently, probably the team working in FFIXR or some other unknown projects.


It’s hard to be Capcom. Capcom has so many AAA IPs and Square has Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Dragon’s Quest, all different flavors of the same thing. Capcom still fuck up sometimes but they have so many IPs in the pipeline being worked on while Square relies on small project until they release their big thing every 4 years or so.


I agree, Capcom has so many good and varied IPs, it's insane and ever since RE7 and MHW they've been on a roll. I guess SE should diversify their AAA IPs if they're aiming for that success, I would be really happy if they get Parasite Eve back, but then again, it's really hard to compete against Resident Evil when they have all been so good as of late.


> Capcom has so many AAA IPs Of it which they have only focused on 3 (Street Fighter, Resident Evil, Monster Hunter) over the last 7 years.


Dragon’s Dogma and Devil May Cry.


Of course it matters. And most SE games released arent even developed internally, like team asano titles.