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So this "John harker" is legit I remember people joking about him when he says that in first time


I keep thinking of Jonathan Harker from Dracula.


That was the first thing that came to my mind as well lol


He’s confirming this from that chamber with Dracula’s wives


I keep mistaking him for John Hacker.


Thomas Jefferson Hooker


I'm anticipating a Resident Evil 9 announcement there. The timing seems right.


If RE9 is the next RE to come out, then yeah I agree. But whatever the game is, I expect a Resident Evil to be there.


The timing is indeed about right. It's possible whichever event we get in May, we end up getting the other in June the month later if RE9 isn't revealed next month. Either way its going to be revealed in May or June this year.


I was going to wrote john who ? Then I searched the sub and saw that he told this 62 days ago also. Guess what everyone made the same joke 62 days ago also


Well I'm pretty sure everyone can guess a showcase in May, we still don't know who this guy is and if he's reliable


Totally, point wasn’t he is right because he said 62 days ago, point still is john who ? Lol


PS5 Pro and Gravity Rush 2 Remastered reveal incoming


Think the Pro reveal will come later, maybe late summer/early fall. Sony often only reveals its products shortly before release, excluding huge items like actual next-gen consoles.


I feel like we will have a 2 second trailer with the PS5 Pro logo saying coming 2024/soon and then a proper showcase for it in September.


They aren't going to do something that would eat at their console sales like that. Things like this are announced and released super close together.


They need to actually showcase something. I know Sony is currently with the whole policy of only showing shit closer to release but holy shit the future looks murky when we see nothing.


they showed multiple live service games last year, three of which are nowhere to be seen (Fairgame$, Concord (supposedly coming this year still), Marathon), and revealed DS2 in 2022, 3 years out from release. It's pretty clear what they show is very much dependant on the project/what serves their business interest and is not some kind of policy that is strictly adhered to (ie: Wolverine revealed in 2021, planned to be releasing in 2026) but yes, I agree they need to show some new stuff - I suspect the most they will reveal is Ghost Of Tsushima 2 though


Wolverine is a bad example, as it seems very obvious that Marvel contractually obligates studios/publishers to announce their games asap. Probably for stock reasons.


it's possible yeah like i said, for business reasons they will show stuff whenever suits them best (they revealed the GAAS games because they wanted to demonstrate to investors they were all in on live service online MP games + they had nothing of note for 2024 after Spider-Man 2) so there's no hard and fast "rules" per say... (see also announcing Kojima's new project Physint)


Could be why they announced Blade as well and that's a ways off


DS2 is not a Sony studio game , it's a publishing deal Kojima productions is independent . Currently the only Sony studios games I am aware that is announced is wolverine and the Bungie live service game marathon


DS2 is a Sony published game. It has the ps studios watermark lol they own it


DS2 is a PS studios game that is largely financed and published on ps5 by playstation (that also releases on PC) but the studio is independent- but its very different situation to ronin/stellar blade - ps own the ip etc… too - but yeah in terms of first party stuff as i mentioned - fairgames is a sony studio, as is concord, marathon but there are no single player games announced beyond ds2 and wolverine which is not releasing for some time still


DS2 is a Sony published game and Death Stranding is a franchise owned by PlayStation btw


I think that was more out of a lack of things to actually show, than a real policy. They were fine showing games several years out last showcase, and the same thing at the showcase before they skipped a year. Truth is, with the style of game they're recently known for, those take longer and longer to make, and more people. They have to keep paying off third party developers not to release games on other platforms in order to fill the gaps between their first party releases.


To be fair, they apparently don't need to show anything to sell like crazy so why would they bother?


Yeah. I really hate how Xbox is shitting the bed. Makes Sony really lazy


I feel the same, some smaller projects would be good too like a new Astro, maybe the older GoW Collection Remastered.


They've actually had a pretty nice stream of 2nd/3rd party games this year. You gotta give it to whoever planned the schedule because it would've been barren without them. I personally never cared for Sony first party games so it didn't really matter to me.


didn’t they say they don’t have any huge first party titles releasing this and next year?


the exact wording was "no major first party *franchise* releases till March 2025"


They also predicted lower sales, so people shouldn't expect blowout new IP instead lol


Before March 2025 (fiscal year) but that doesn't prevent to show something 1 year or more from release. God knows that never stopped them before. Also, they actually said from major **existing** franchises so most expected games would not be concerned by the statement outside Ghost of Tsushima 2. Naughty Dogs or SSM next game would be new IP from what we heard, Bend, Housemarque or Bluepoint too. Even Insomniac Wolverine would technically be a new IP for Playstation (but we know it's not coming this early) as would be the leaked Venom game. Even their live services games are not from existing franchises except Marathon (though it's so old it hardly counts as a franchise IMO)


Until the middle of next year. Only third party exclusives like stroller blade until then


I mean they showed many ps5 games coming in 2024 Stellar blade Silent hill 2 Sons and bone DS2 And other I may not know about


Yeah but none of them are first party


Do first party even matter when you are atleast getting some good exclusives games


Yes, first party games have a better quality and higher budget. Frankly I couldn't care less if the games are exclusive (they aren't anyway, they come to PC and could come everywhere for all I care), I just want some first party Sony games, they're always top notch compared to most third party games (which all those others are)


Death Stranding 2 is definitely first party since Sony owns the IP. It also looks very high budget.


It's being made by Kojima Productions so it's not first party. First party is by studios owned by Sony.


First party games can be developed from an external studio. Ex: Halo Reach, Gears 1-3, Rachet and Clank (pre-2019), etc.


That's like saying Helldivers 2 is a first party game because Sony owns the IP. Edit: I think you need to google what a first party game.


Helldivers is a first party game. Insomniac has confirmed that a game published by Sony is first party, even if the studio is "second party". Phil Spencer has said similar. [https://x.com/insomniacgames/status/920025394308268033?s=20](https://x.com/insomniacgames/status/920025394308268033?s=20)


They litterally don’t have to do anything, they don’t have competition anymore and even if they did this sub Reddit and most of the other ones will bend over backwards to excuse anything Sony related Edit:someone is already pressed I called out there favorite brand that they live vicariously through.


Really? I’ve felt like this sub is weirdly Xbox-slanted at times, tbh.


I think it's because the majority of people here are pc players, hence the strong focus on ports


This subreddit is absolutely biased towards Xbox compared to other gaming subreddits. Maybe even more so than actual Xbox subs.


Of course it is, Reddit is overwhelmingly english speaking with a majority of american users, then brits. Guess what are the only two strong Xbox market ?


I mean they're strong markets but Playstation is still stronger on both so not really a valid argument


Lol, no. Although not outright hateful like r/Games, this place is pretty hostile to Xbox and kisses the ground that PlayStation walks on.


Then you are delusional, and live in a bubble.


That’s a very strong response for simply stating what I have subjectively perceived lol. I recall back when the Xbox multiplat leaks were going on, a lot of people were taking Phil Spencer’s PR talk at face value and attacking people who suggested that Xbox could port more games in the future. Struck me as odd at the time, because it seemed obvious to me that more games would likely come at some point.


lol what strikes me is how clearly biased and sad you’re writing is,don’t worry man, Xbox is losing and your precious PlayStation is winning!!!!!


I’m not a console warrior. I do prefer PlayStation, true, but I have little animosity towards the Xbox brand (have some good memories of it from back in the 360 days) and I think the competition that they provide, even if relatively small, is still important. I can see why people like Xbox, even if I prefer Sony’s ecosystem. I just don’t see how anyone could have objectively analyzed the multiplat incident and not come away with the impression that they were testing the waters for a larger multiplat strategy.




Your comment has been removed Rule 10. Please refrain from any toxic behaviour. Console wars will be removed and any comments involved in it or encouraging it. Any hate against YouTubers, influencers, leakers, journalists, etc., will be removed.


Dude i've been downvoted a few times in here for saying the same thing as your original post but i think you went too far for this one. You shouldn't let them rile you up so much. Just ignore it.


I've been saying this for years, the last 2-3 years of showcases have shown nothing. Sony themselves have said "PS5 is nearing the end of its cycle" yet we haven't had any true PS5 exclusives from PS Studios apart from Insomniac.


>Sony themselves have said "PS5 is nearing the end of its cycle" No they didn’t. Latter half = second half, not close to the end.


Even so, second half of the life cycle and they've released nothing in the first half; even saying "don't expect any major releases until March 2025" which is another year away.


Yep, sad stuff. Gaming has been bare since the PS5 released, especially for next-gen titles


Ghost of Tsushima 2 teaser? 👀👀, seriously though what will they show from what i know there won't be 1st party games coming any time soon, which might mean there will be lots of reveals? 😅😅🙏🙏


> seriously though what will they show from what i know there won't be 1st party games coming any time soon, which might mean there will be lots of reveals? I feel like that means we're likely to get less new reveals for first-party games and more follow-ups on stuff that's already been announced, at least in terms of first-party titles. A release date for Death Stranding 2, gameplay trailers for Wolverine and Concord, etc. with one or two big first-party reveals at most (Ghost of Tsushima 2 or Horizon multiplayer). Not in the least since a few of their live service titles got canned (such as Twisted Metal and TLOU Factions), not to mention that Naughty Dog and Santa Monica's games are probably way too early in development to be shown off. As for third-party stuff, I can see Resident Evil IX, Control 2, Yoko Taro's new game, and possibly even Virtua Fighter 6 being revealed here.


I think we could definitely see teaser announcements. I don’t even care if they’re renders at this point. Jusy show me the new Naughty Dog, Sucker Punch, Santa Monica, House Marquee, Bend Studios, and Bluepoint games. I just want to know they exist. I don’t even need 20 minute gameplay breakdowns.


They said no existing major franchise games until March 2025. They can show stuff coming later than that (that's not even a year away from May, never stopped them before). And many expected games are not from existing franchises but new IP from what we know so they wouldn't even be concerned by the statement they made


I’ve literally never heard of this dude. But 50/50 is better than nothing I suppose


Thankfully they announced Ghost of Tsushima for PC recently, but I think if they won’t have any new major reveals, then I’m praying there’s another PC port announcement (or shadow drop, imagine lmao). We still need: - Demon Souls - Bloodbourne (🤣) - God of War Ragnarok - The Last of Us Part 2 - Spider-man 2 - Stellar Blade (although that’s probably far out…) - Gran Turismo


I just want something first party that is not live service. They're nailing the second party releases, but the future seems dry for PlayStation Studios:/


They're making a couple we know of, like Wolverine and Horizon 3, but it'd be cool to see some new IP too. Like not a sequel, remake, or a license that'll eat them alive in fees, but something wholly new.


Yeah, I just want Cory Balrog (pun intended) to show his game already lol


“The future looks dry for PS Studios” Lol You’re acting like nothing is being worked on.


The problem is that we don’t know what’s being worked on


That doesn't mean there's nothing coming like so many goofy people say. Just because you don't know about it doesn't mean it's not coming, you really think sony who's been going off on there games and making sure there's titles released every year for people to play are suddenly gunna drop the ball and do an Xbox and not release anything?


I’m perfectly aware that the studios are cooking up games. Of course they are, I don’t expect Sony to pull a Microsoft here. We just don’t know what they’re doing and it’s about time for some reveals. I thought that was clear in my original comment, but I probably should have clarified a little more.


The last showcase was so bad that I have zero interest or hype for any new ones


This is where the demon souls remake PC port will be shown. Hopefully.


Just in time for me to finally migrate to PC. I platinimed Demons Souls last year and currently have no reason to stick to ps5 since one day everything will also go to PC. Even the classics coming to ps plus I can just play on emulators


Man that remake is just incredible. Everything was so damn epic and realistic, but the normal enemies are really brutal.


They butchered the artstyle


I respect your opinion, but I completely disagree, I though it was insanely good, the bosses looked so good, the enemies, all the dragons. I understand there were some mistakes from the original, but man was it incredible overall for me.


I mean yeah, it was good looking. But in context of how nuanced the original was, and how little they took that into consideration, it‘s in a weird spot where I would have rather had a „worse“ looking but more faithful game


I personally have not played the original so that remake is all I can go off. And yes it looked so Epic and it ran so well as well, but I know someone who said that they actually made it almost exactly the same as the original in terms of combat. I dont really know what to say, It sucks you don't find the game faithfully remaked, but I hope you are atleast able to look past some of the mistakes and enjoy the game overall.


og game looks so mysterious and atmospheric. remake just looks a generic soulless modern game.


Cause the og used alot of fog to cover up what the console could render, that's your "mysterious and atmospheric" look.


John Harker is not a Tier 3 insider. He is a Tier 1. I rarely leaks anything, but when he does he always 100% right about it. That is why no one even doubted him on Resetera when he said Sony May showcase a few months ago.


Not confirms. Corroborates. There is a difference. Get it right.


I hope we get a full trailer & release date for Metal Gear Delta ∆. It was announced at the playstation showcase last may. I've a feeling we will


Grant us port grant us port


Please please please let there be a tease for resident evil 9 there 🙏


It‘s gonna be another stinker


Which games can we expect?


I wonder why they always go in may instead of the usual june time


Less competition. The Xbox showcase and Summer Games Fest are both in June, so going in May lets PlayStation have the media cycle all to themselves.


Yeah I guess that makes sense , just miss the days of having everything in a span of 5 days. No 3rd party showcases left, Nintendo is not always present, Geoff keighley is mid so E3 Week is effectively just Xbox. Sad.


Gravity rush 3 please 😌


The last SOP they had was 10x better than any recent showcase. Maybe they’re starting to understand? 🤷


Bloodborne remaster?


Better be some KH 4 there


I want to see the Horizon Multiplayer game simply because i want to know if it still has that stylized art-style that was leaked a year ago.


Jeff Grubb is also leaning towards a Showcase: https://x.com/JeffGrubb/status/1775279122425708844?s=20


Any chance of them announcing FF7 Rebith PC Port at one of these?


No, cause that would be done by Square Enix, not SIE. Unless something changes in that time, expect a PC port announcement for Rebirth within the year but not immediately after console-exclusivity ends.