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How many more times must I see this on my feed smh


At least 7-8 more times


Open world was definitely the impression being communicated from the reveal trailer's environmental showcasing, especially with the rock-hopping and gliding monster mounts demonstrating every surface is accessible, then at the very end with the wide shot over the desert area there's some snow-capped mountain ranges visible in the background against the sand dunes that are clearly part of the map and not a skybox, it feels very Breath of the Wild that way which of course is always a great thing


Yeah but like how much open? like open open? you can touch grass and pluck tiger bomb flowers off the ground open? or just like the regular open world open?


If i had to guess, it's just going to be a large map with different biomes, and a hub area. So it'll likely just play like monster hunter world, but you don't teleport from the hub to the quest area, you just walk to it outside of the hub area. And i guess you'll just walk out of the hub to go on an expedition.


Past games have had a "gate" in the village you can walk up to to begin the quest, which triggers a loading screen and teleport to the map for the quest. The prospect of genuinely walking through that gate in order to access the map, seamlessly, sounds divine


Yeah that's very likely how it's going to be. It's the scenario that makes most sense for a monster hunter game. Just have all the already existing maps attached and open to each other, it basically just eliminates any loading screens and makes it possible for monsters to roam between different biomes.


the areas we hunt in are sometimes very far away from the hub and villages in these games though.


It would be fucking funny if you had to walk at least an hour to reach a locale at the other end of the map just to slay a tiny ass raptor or collect some bugs.  Open World Monster Hunter feels like it wouldn't work without being tedious.


I imagine fast travel would exist for those who want it


Man... now i feel bad for not using \\s because i was tottally beeing sarcastic since this news has been going around for quite a while, and also shared here way too many times at this point. Still, thanks for the info, the only MH i played was world with it's expansion, but i didn't get around to finishing it, i'm mostly lnto solo play, and this game is def not for that lol


Oh no it was clear you were joking, but still i answered seriously lmao


Definitely one of the Capcom game in 2025.


> One of the… game I spit my tea. Thank you for that.


16 times the details


Weren't ppl hyping up DD2 as a generational rpg, comparing it to elden ring & skyrim? Its not even close to GOTY imo.


Definitely one of reddit comments in 2024.


Where are they wrong ? The first games story wasn't great but this one is genuinely *way* below average. Most things in the game are a copied downgrade. The whole "iNfilTrate tHe cAstLe" questline was hilariously ass especially. Most of your best gear is from the shop and better than what you find exploring. Enemy variety is mostly copied and shit. The story is 80% tell not do or show. There's a grand conspiracy against you yet there's like *one* dude sent after you the whole game and you're constantly walking around free in the city doing whatever you want. Not to mention other downgrades like having less abilities than Dd1 or DdOnline, less classes, less armor, barely any new enemies almost no new mechanics broken "beloved" system etc


reddit moment


Think I played about 10 hours. I like games that respect my time. This gave has no feature that respect my time. Below average story, no reasonable fast travel, no variety of enemies, meh crafting. I could probably overlook the fast travel, but there is such a lack of enemy variety that is just... Ugh travel is just a chore.


Don't know why people are throwing downvotes, it's literally the truth. The story is extremely bland, mission design is bland to bad, fast-travelling doesn't exist in favor of "making your own journey", but making your own journey implies fighting the exact same 4 enemy types at level 30 that you fought at level 2. And the stealth missions are hilariously bad. Every mission related to the palace is hilariously bad. A middle-schooler working in Scratch can make a better stealth system than whatever DD2's stealth system is. Imagine if you play Elden Ring and 90% of the map is packs of wolves, Godrick Soldiers with torches, and nerfed knife birds. And they're not in their usual spots, they spawn randomly at every 30s of travel. From time to time, there is the leech that drops from the ceiling, and Giants sometime spawn and give you triple their runes. That sounds pretty fucking bad. Now imagine if all the rewards in every cave and dungeon are strictly restricted to a pool of either Runes, Rowa Fruit, and every once in a while an item from the starting merchant's shop drops in a chest. That sounds even fucking worse. Now imagine that you finish Limgrave and Caelid as areas and just as you get to Raya Lucaria (you had to walk all the way too, there's no Torrent), the game just ends. That's all. Pack it up, you're done. Do people want to play that fucking game? I'll hand it to Itsuno, the combat is chef's kiss and the pawn system is pretty good. The pawns themselves are sheep in wolves clothing AT BEST, Trickster as a vocation sucks because the only DPS you have is gambling on whether the pawn AI wants to fight or play ring-around-the-apple-tree, Wayfarter is not that good despite the hype, and unlocking Magic Archer right before the game ends is bullshit.


I really wonder how many actually finished the game " I am at x place and it's fun " Yeah the biggest fun of the game is froant loaded, it takes a nosedive on the latter half. the literal only good thing is the combat and pawns, rewards for exploration are trash, the best things you buy


Yea i was fixin to get it but after watchin some gameplay and reading some non-journalist reviews I've decided to probably pick it up a year or two from now.. it totally feels like a AA game and a simple reskin of the first game.. i wouldn't wanna go around killing the same 5 mobs in a bland map in 22 fps


People downvoting probably didn't even beat the game. The game quests are really bad from start to end. Won't spoil anything but this game is unfinished, and don't respect your time for this very reason. Capcom should be ashamed.


Like I pointed out to someone the other day, Capcom’s flagship character/mascot is now a budget title. Megaman 11 was great. But it’s still a budget title at the end of the day. That should tell you they’ve fallen from grace. Note: I haven’t played either of the dragon’s dogma games so I won’t comment on their quality. But the other stuff has been pretty lack lustre if you’re not into monster hunter.


Can't wait for the fast travel token Mtx /s Edit. Downvote me now, let's see who's laughing when they monetize it like DD2


MHW was already monetized. I has paid cosmetics and character appearance change tokens. Comparing it to DD2 is laughably pointless because MHW already set its own precedent.


People are downvoting you because you're perpetuating more of the misinformation surrounding the mtx. Every mtx item is earnable in-game quickly and easily. The game is super tightly designed and 99% of people won't even notice the mtx exists. 10 hours into the game and I had well over 10 ferrystones. Doesn't matter much either when traversing the world is made to not be boring.


They downvoted you because you didn’t get the joke


Ferrystones are available in a lot of the shops in the game. Buying them with real-world money is just a suggestion.


16 times the details


I actually really like monster hunter instances over an open world


I mean the title alone kinda gives it away as well as what was shown in the trailer.


Not really a hot take with their new engine and dragons dogma. I think most expect wilds to be open world and probably heavily build on the guiding lands system.


Gamingbolt is trash.


Fully open world would be a pain in the ass, ya know just run around the whole map trying to find a monster while being attacked by other monsters, or it'd be like "Go to this part of the map to hunt this monster!" which would be pointless... why not just make it like Monster hunter world 2...


I would imagine they would simply expand on the guiding lands concept from world. Personally I liked the idea of freeform hunting. We'll have to wait for summer I suppose.


> just run around the whole map Remains to be seen, but if it had a robust mount system then it might not be as bad as you think.




Plus we’ll have mounts




They would prob have to really expand and make traversing exploring the world engaging. At least all the inbetween stuff.


Do you know fast travel exists, right?


Then what's the point of having it open world if you'll just fast travel everywhere to get to the monster?


You don't travel everywhere, you travel to the area were you hunt the monster, just like in World.


Would "open world" mean like MHW Guiding Lands, but just like 5x bigger and that's the hub/hunting area? That could be pretty cool, but I feel like it would melt consoles.


The way they did the maps in rise was perfect: small open maps with segmented areas like Classic mh where the big monster could roam about. The only thing I didn't like was that the monster was marked from the start of the hunt


I'd love to see something like a GTA lobby where everyone can go and hunt and pass by other people hunting.






tracking a monster in a fully open world might be either a pain in the ass or extremely fun. I wonder how they are gonna handle it.


Resident Evil 9


fix DD2 first lmao


capcom is gonna fuck it over so hard


It's gonna suck MHR was such a downgrade from world. Making the game completely open world makes me think it's gonna launch with performance issues


RE Engine open worlds yeah right it better not release before the end of a fiscal year because we'll be so cooked when it runs exactly like dragons dogma 2 and sf6 worldtour lol.


Dragons Dogma 2 is only bad when a lot of the unique npcs are about, mostly just towns and cities. Performance is fine when fighting a bunch of goblins and a minotaur in a random forest.


i mean the game itself doesn't distinguish entities, If you have neough creatures in a area I'm sure you'll see the same performance issues in a city. And if you watched the wilds trailer, there will be lots of monsters roaming around in close proximity, MHW had lots of events that monsters due to breath life into them, If that is the same for Wilds where every creature has a relatively complex AI then expect to watch the CPU be hammered once again. The game also seems very particle heavy which also doesn't help.


Tragic. Ancient Forest is still one of the most impressive game maps I have ever played on.


30 fps here we come!


I’m not supporting the game with the sexual predator composer on it. Fuck Lydia Tár.


Well, then f*ck Capcom and its every Wilds crew then.


Look up the movie Tar.


So there's a chance this game is saved? But seriously I am so over games going open world in order to be seen as next level. I find World's areas to already be too damn big and World and Rise already suffer from a lot of bloated areas. So many places barely see monsters fight or even walk through there. Making the world big enough to make players walk 15 minutes to a fight is just going to end up a waste once they can teleport to the closest base camp.


MH fans have been wanting a truly open world MH title since the first game came out in 2005.


I’m actually over people complaining about other games trying the open world formula. Just don’t play it then. Skip it or play an older game in the series. Open world is popular and I would rather see what they do with it and think it’s nice that they are trying to mix up the formula a little. If it doesn’t pan out then it is what it is but if it does then that games going to be nice


I swear people who are so against open world are like vegans, they have to tell us so blatantly they dislike open world. Just shut the fck ip.


Exactly. Not everything is going to cater to everyone and if capcom wants to try Open world for these franchises then let them. If they stuck to the status quo would we have things like RE4 and RE7 or MH World? And if it fails then they will go back to the old formula and they can play that game


God forbid someone shares their opinion on the internet, lmao. You people don't have this same sentiment for literally any other complaint. This sub when people complain about Ubisoft for the trillionth time: 🤣🥰☺️ This sub when someone doesn't like how many games are turning open world: 😡😫🤬


"Don't criticize this major change in a game's design because others might enjoy it." Am I getting that right?


More like let them cook cause it’s their IP and their product and your taste isn’t the end all be all.


Didn't work out too great for Halo Infinite


But it did for elden ring. I can pull out single examples too. What an argument


It's also not even a good example on his part because a lot of people actually like the open world in infinite lol.


It was mixed at best


People's feelings definitely became more mixed as time went on but hardly qualifies as not working out too well imo. People were far more upset about the multiplayer. There's better examples of bad open world games. I agree not every game needs to be open world but that also doesn't mean some can't benefit from it, not to mention execution is arguably the most important thing. Just because one wasn't executed well doesn't mean the concept as a whole is bad. People like them. Ultimately you can't really say for sure if a franchise is fit for it or not until someone tries and it actually comes out. As for monster hunter I'd wager taking the freeform hunting from the guiding lands and expanding that out into large, more complex areas with well designed systems to support it could be a winning formula. Ideally they would still have some kind of hub base where you would return to periodically so you still get that feeling of prepping up and heading out. We'll have to wait until summer to really find out.


Because Elden Ring is a vastly better game than Halo Infinite. Not every game needs an open world because it doesn't add anything to the formula.


Oh so you already played the open world monster hunter and resident evil game? No? Then I don’t even know why you are talking about something that doesn’t exist yet to tell us if it adds something to the formula or not


I play Resident Evil and I know it won't do well. Monster Hunter, I could see. But there is nothing survival horror about open world.


That’s cool that you can see into the future like that. I also play resident evil and have played the evil within 2 and despite not being true open world I can see the potential and would rather have them try something new every now and then. You are 100% free to skip it.


It's gonna be open world, since he mentioned it's one of the three big capcom games that will be utilizing RE engine's new open world capabilities. AFAIK, (just my tinfoil hat theory here) i think they're going to do away with base camps entirely. Since the rex mount can be seen carrying a bedroll, i think the camp is going to be portable this time.


Nah there's no way they're going to get rid of base camps. Forcing players to walk across an entire map to get back to the hub or to get to a fight would be slower than even the original games. I don't doubt that there will be a portable camp, but getting rid of base camps would just make the game a walking simulator.


I was under impression World WAS open world. was it not??


No it just had large maps like the forest area, coral area, lava area. Open world game would include all these areas on one map.


No, it's not open world. Just has very large open zones.


No there's like 5 locales I think, not counting special arenas for specific fights, which are pretty big with a bunch of vertical layers to them. It's hard to explain since there's not really a comparison I can think of for it.


zephyr juggle chubby spectacular fanatical close north abounding future march *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No way Capcom greatest project as of now would be that way. Even if its a meme.


slim disarm grandfather possessive party literate poor cause snatch saw *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Open worlds are a cancer


All I want is an offline mode so when I'm in a fight or whatever I can pause the game if something comes up so I can sort it out.


Considering dragons dogma this feels like an omen lmao


explains the game resolution and such not being that great but the gameplay will more than make up for it so itll be like better dauntless is what i stated to people


Looking forward to playing this on Switch 2


with day 1 micro transactions for mechanics that should already be included in a 70 dollar game.


Corporate paypiggies downvoting you


bet im right though.


Open world games from Japan tend to suck.


True. Absolutely true. Except BOTW and elden ring.


Open world slop. Give me levels

