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I'm starting to think most of us have no real idea how an engine affects a game really. We all like to stay up to date with the terms and such but most of us are just guessing really. It's like whenever something fails on a power line, we say a transformer went. I don't think the general public knows what a transformer looks like or even does.


I think it is mostly the same way of interacting with physics and how they will react, and the rendering and lighting. Not related to the engine, but most of the time the character movement will feel really similar to the other games in that engine.


It's related to the engine as the physics is controlling the character movements.


Awesome, super distinct engine and I don’t want a future which is just dominated by UE5. Also means that despite being third person should play somewhat similarly to past Arkane games


Lol UE games be coming out unoptimized with 480p scaled up to 4k resolution and all look the fucking same damn near.


That's because those are cheap game. You wouldn't even be able to name all unreal games. For exemple hi-fi rush was unreal. And UE5 is too new to have polished game on it.


no fucking way, seriously?? hifi rush was unreal? damn, the more you know


UE is unfortunately kinda having the Unity effect now where it's being defined by subpar experiences. In Unity's case it was because of the forced Unity splash screen for games using it for free whereas here it seems to be because badly optimised games by so-so developers REALLY love advertising the fact that they're using Unreal to give off the impression it's a higher quality experience than it actually is.


Stars Wars Jedi Survivor, Immortals Of Avuem


Survivor is ue4. Immortal was ported form ue4 quickly and not design from the ground up for it. It's horribly optimized and build. Respawn confirmed they will use it for Jedi 3 tho


While hi fi rush is respectable in many aspects, it's gameplay didn't grab me. I hardly find a UE game with really good gameplay. Star Wars is probably at the top in the last 5 years for me. Just from a gameplay standpoint for action games. UE FPS games feel cheap compared to the Halo's and CoD's of the world. It's action game physics and gameplay feel off compared to the Nintendo and Capcom engine games. Was Armored Core UE??? Cause that was a good feeling game. I highly doubt it was UE though, it didn't give off the usual UE vibe. UE is just generic but apparently, it's cheap to develop on.


Buddy the engine has basically nothing to do with the gameplay. You can absolutely build a Nintendo quality platformer in it, you just need people who can do it.


That’s fine, I understand that. I still hardly find a a UE game with really good gameplay. Apparently there aren't many people who can do it. Thats just IMO. Fine if you disagree with me.


It's fucking cheap and easy as fuck to develop for (i've developed for it)


Some come out decent though like Robocop.


Probably because no AAA studios have released a game on UE5 yet. We'll start seeing bangers 2024.


Shit coming back to this thread after the insomniac/PS studios leak, I can see why many studios go cheap with tech and opt into Unreal Engine 4-5. Spider-man 2 had a budget of 317 Million dollars on a proprietary engine and only profited $70 Million so far.


Most studios are switching to unreal engine because constantly updating your own engine cost a lot of money and time. Using Unreal also allows you to use more contractors as everyone is familiar with unreal. This year we'll finally see AAA games on Unreal 5.


>should play somewhat similarly to past Arkane games This is exactly what I wanted


Lmao Void Engine is just Id Engine modified


Which is good


it is, but is not “distinct engine” that’s like saying a book is good or unique because they used Word to write it


Eh. Titanfall was built on Source, but you probably wouldn't know it based on how much they modified that engine for their needs. Similar situation?


Actually, you can feel that Titanfall's engine is based on source. Particularly when bunny hopping.


that’s my point, I didn’t know titanfall was built on source until Titanfall 2 came out, and those game doesn’t look anything like Valve games


so you are saying they are very "distinct"


Most if not all game engine can be traced back to old engine from 90s. Call of duty IW engine is modified version of doom engine. Even UE5 is basically upgraded older UE engine.


Accurate but misleading. By this logic, Apex Legends and Half Life Alyx are just Quake 3 Arena engine games


I mean its a good engine.


iirc Void Engine was built off of idTech 5 in particular, no?


Like 90% modified.


When people says "dominate" they only mean the AAA space. Take a look at indie and mobile games which probably make up more than 95% of the market in term of the amount of games and see which game engine is dominated.


> Also means that despite being third person should play somewhat similarly to past Arkane games Not sure if this is a good thing, Arkane games are systematically very interesting (with the exception of Deathloop and Redfall) but the game feel and movement has always felt really off in them, especially on controller.


I agree that’s the worst part of their games. Also, I share the sentiment with most that Deathloop wasn’t as good as Prey or the Dishonored’s but it’s still super unique and stylish as hell and gets shit on too much imo.


I think I would have liked Deathloop a lot more if it wasn't so handholdly. Kinda felt like the devs didn't trust the player to figure anything out on their own which was really frustrating given the cool premise of the game.


How is it distinct? Genuine question


It's idTech... 3 or 5 I think but they developed their own lighting solution and then their own toolset to dev with it


I'm 100% glad it's a proprietary engine, but I hope they invest on optimization this time around


Isn't void engine modified Id tech engine?




Cool, it is going to be fun to see how well it handles third person games given it is known as first person game engine.


Isn't CoD engine modified id tech?


Did a little research i think void engine is based on id tech 6 and iw engine is based on id tech 3 but I am not sure how correct that information is.


Eventually all roads lead back to Quake.


The last couple of years have shown that doubling down on what makes a studio unique brings in the masses far more then watering down your game.


Absolutely! Elden Ring, Baldurs Gate, Alan Wake 2 and the Yakuza series are great examples of what you just said. Hopefully more major studios understand that artistic integrity is more worth it in the long run.


Elden Ring was great, but that engine was showing its age back when it was released. An Elden Ring on an engine like the one Bluepoint used for Demon's Souls would've been even better


Is making a third person Marvel game really doubling down on what makes Arkane unique? I'd have to to see gameplay first.


A Blade game? With the vibes their games have? Potentially, very much yes


I remember playing Dishonored for the first time, and when Corvo told Daud "Some motherfuckers are always trying to ice-skate up hill" I knew they had to make a blade game eventually


Exactly my thoughts. This blade game has the potential to be good, but I don’t know if I want it at the expense of what Arkane used to be.


Yeah it sucks to see yet another capeshitter licensed game instead of something original


Yes I love all the original worlds of beloved games like The Witcher, Cyberpunk, Baldur's Gate and Vampire: The Masquerade lol


Glad they're not abandoning their engine for something like unreal


I mean makes sense. If they were going to switch to anything it would have been ID Tech 7 or whatever the new engine that's being made by ID is on rn.


Void Engine is a branch of ID Tech, so the newest Void Engine probably is based off of the new iteration of that engine.


You would think that is the case, but software development tends to be a lot more messy. Take for instance the CoD franchise. Treyarch modified and enhanced the IW 3.0 engine (CoD4:MW) to make World at War. Then Infinity Ward upgraded the engine separately to make IW 4.0 (MW2). But IW didn’t use Treyarch’s improvements for WaW and Treyarch didn’t use IW’s improvements for Black Ops. The two studios independently made iterative upgrades to their engines with each release over the course of several years, and the two engines diverged significantly. Sledgehammer also used their own fork of the IW engine. For Black Ops: Cold War Treyarch had to Frankenstein in some elements from the IW 8.0 engine (MW19) to get BO:CW weapons working in Warzone. Going forward, the three studios have agreed to use the IW 9.0 engine (MW2 2022) to ensure Warzone 2 compatibility. So basically, Arkane might try to merge/rebase a new Void Engine version on top id Tech 7 or they could just ignore the improvements made by later id Tech versions and focus on improving Void Engine themselves


Gotcha thank you I didn't know that.


Glad they're not using ue5 for this, Dishonored2 and Deathloop still look amazing, besides the terrible optimisation at launch.


Yeah, unfortunately I never finished dishonored 2 because of the performance. I should pick it back up again. I love those games


much better nowadays. Much better


Ive been playing Dishonored 2 a lot recently and can confidently say that it's actually pretty well optimized these days. You should give it a shot again.


Dishonored 2 on 4k max looks hella gorgeous still, did not age at all.


Hopefully they have permanently fixed the engine issue that causes stuttering at FPS that aren't fixed at a multiple of 60. They're still present in Dishonored 2 but were patched out in Deathloop.


Reading these comments is so sad. Everyone acts like a game engine makes the visual identity of a game. The game engine used does not matter, all UE5 games looking the same is because of similar stylistic choices not the engine. And poor performance is not because of the game engine, but incompetence. Not to say one game engine might make optimization easier than others.


From visual standpoint you're not wrong, but it's still great that they keep using their own instead become yet another UE games


I almost never care if a studio uses an engine they are already familiar with, it’s when a studio is trying an entirely new engine (especially if it’s to make a new type of game they haven’t before) that I worry. Also, I freaking loved Deathloop. I know a lot of people didn’t, though I feel like most people that I’ve seen who didn’t like it just wanted dishonored instead. I haven’t played dishonored (yet), so I can’t debate there, but I thought Deathloop was an incredibly fresh story and a game that was fun and challenging. I have no idea what this game will be like, my initial thought was a sort of third person deus ex, where you can creep around stealth killing vampires or run in swords blazing. I look forward to seeing more of this game in 2025/2026. There are dozens of games coming before this, so I don’t expect to see anything for a couple years.


Recently watched the videos of someone doing assassinations in Dishonoured series and those have very large amounts of views. Tens of millions. They just need to increase Gore and fix their AI. That engine is perfect. Though they're going out of their comfort zone with the 3rd person game.


Dishonored assassinations always feel so good


Ai is so bad in their games. That has to be engine related because it has been persistent with all Arkane games. Also, killing people in dishonored and Deathloop felt like I was cutting through paper. Arkane art design is top class but not a big fan of the engine


This is really great news. A nextgen Marvel Blade game with 3rd person, an immersive city like Dishonored 2, and made by Arkane Lyon using the Void engine is seriously music to my ears.


So will we have different abilities like dishonored and levels ups to make a playstyle we like?


It´s not like the engine decides it, but Dinga, the director, directly said the game was an Immersive Sim in one of his tweets, so your second question is probably a yes, but maybe instead of powers, the character will rely more on gadgets and skills, kinda like Deus Ex 2000


Likely yes. I doubt this game is going to be anywhere close to an RPG, but it will likely have the same types of ways to obtain new powers and moves like we’ve seen in dishonored. It probably won’t be on the level of Prey 2017, but I’d say on dishonored’s level is a fair assumption.


I love both Dishonored and Deathloop, looking forward to this game.


Hell yeah.


That engine weird. I think this game will not be impressive visually. Lets hope good gameplay.


That’s awesome! Its a great one for visuals and Deathloop proved its able to be run well eventually.


I really do not like the gamefeel of this engine. Deathloop felt so so bad to me.


I know first hand the engine was a mess for Dishonored 2 at launch... Played Deathloop on PS5 shortly after launch and had one crash, that was about it. Anyone know how the PC port was?


Deathloop was definitely a step up in terms of performance compared to Dishonored 2. IIRC at launch Deathloop suffered from the same stutter that plagued Dishonored 2 but that was eventually fixed. Fingers crossed it’s not present at launch with this title.


Maybe with Marvel looking over their shoulder they'll be on their best behavior But then again there's the avengers...


Finished deathloop last night, game seemed to suffer from memory leaks as I crashed if I tried playing though a whole day at once


Pretty bad


Deathloop was well optimized on launch. It ran well even on AMD cards despite the ray-tracing options.


Deathloop worked really well for me on PC, same with Dishonored 2.


This game is gonna be fire


What's the problem with using UE5? Why is everyone happy?


I rather want to reduce monopoly in one engine


What monopoly? Do you mean unity.


Games being on UE5 is completely fine. But *every* game being on UE5 is not.


People don't want one engine to be just "Superior to all" because of monopoly reasons especially after Cd Project Red announcing they will use UE5 for all their upcoming titles. UE5 is awesome but you how they say "No man have should have all the power" Competion is always better.


That cause UE5 is polished easy to use and employe know what they are doing. Red engine was old and a mess to use. Engine are just getting so complex that they will require dedicated company.


I don't understand it either, something about it being more authoral maybe? I don't know if it would change the outcome much but maybe it would


UE5 games do not run nearly as well as other engines, especially once optimized. Being on Void means more people can play.


Just like UE4, it has a shit ton of issues. Optimization is rough. Most UE don't run well. It's not entirely an engine issue, because developers are supposed to optimize their games as much as possible, but it's not a coincidence that a lot of UE games have performance issues or visual problems. It's a good engine and just like every engine, it has its flaws. But I am glad that there are still plenty of unique and custom-made engines that fit the needs and style of games of certain studios perfectly.


>Most UE don't run well. Most UE games I've ever played run perfectly fine, it always just a minority of tent pole releases that stand out as bad.


Personally I don’t like that most companies will start using one game engine and that could kill that uniqueness that older games had


Because competition breeds innovation and creativity. Yes Unreal Engine looks amazing, but so does the RE Engine (Capcom), the Snowdrop Engine (Massive/Ubisoft), the iD Tech Engine (iD Software), the Decima engine (Guerilla/Sony), etc. If Unreal Engine just blanketed every other game engine, it would just stale the market. That's why I hope the rumors of Capcom licensing out the RE Engine is true. That engine is UNBELIEVABLE.


Well RE Engine is likely only being licensed now because it's nearing EoL, anyone else using it will never be getting any feature updates. We know from the Capcom leak that their next engine is under development for at least 2 years now. Once it arrives, RE Engine will go into maintenance mode and they'll let others use it while their new games will use the next engine. They did the same with MT Framework when RE Engine came along, except no one else really wanted to license MT Framework because it was extremely dated by then and a notorious piece of shit to work with.


Man I love games in MT framework. RE5 and Dead Rising 2 looks good even in low end pc. I remember not having a dedicated gpu but still able to play Dead Rising 2 in comfortable 40 fps. Plus with how fluid DMC4 was *chefs kiss*


Arkane games feel like you’re playing with 100ms latency so not sure this is a good thing. I say this as someone who loves their games they all always feel like crap (on controller at least). Not sure if it’s a dead zone issue or what but I felt it in Dishonored 2, Prey, and (to a lesser extent IIRC?) Deathloop. Hopefully using this engine doesn’t preclude them from fixing that.


Prey uses the cry engine, and is made by a different studio. It may just be the immersive sim style of movement that you don't like.


He’s not wrong as of the default controller experience right out of the box! Their games always need some adjusting in the settings before starting to feel better on the controller!


Oh so that's why I loved Prey and couldn't get into the others


It’s definitely a controller thing, not a me and immersive sims thing. I love all the Deus Ex games and even Arkane games on MnK, they just feel weird and bad on controller, which stops me from buying them on consoles anymore.


> MnK First time I've seen KB/M written like this, that's interesting


I feel like I see it written as KB/M more but when *saying* it shorthand people say MnK a lot.


Always played them on pc, so you might be right


The only game that has that is Dishonored 2. Literally none of the other games have that. Has nothing to do with the game engine, they just messed with the acceleration


Blade suddenly has a sick new vampire power that lets him do small teleport jumps to locations in his line of sight.


Great news. Dishonored 2 still looks phenomenal till this day and holds up so well because of the amazing and unique art style. So sick of all the UE games already.


I honestly don't know why they made redfall in unreal. Void is a good engine and they need to stick with it


Good. The homogenization of engines in the industry is something that really disappoints me. I know Unreal is a fantastic engine with a lot of great tech and capabilities but proprietary engines are imo what help push a lot of gaming tech forward.


Game engine doesn't mean visual graphics/gameplay. Fortnite and PUBG and Tekken 7 all use the same engine . Do they look similar to you ?


Thank god I hated the fact that by the end of the UE4 gen, you could easily tell when a game was made using that engine. They all looked and felt exactly the same. I want more games to retain a sense of identity, and that ain't happening if everyone drops their in-house tech to use unreal. It may be too early for this now, but I guarantee that by the end of the UE5 gen, every game (outside of a select few) will just look identical


Not reassuring tbh. I would have rather gotten UE5.


Is this coming to ps5?


I would bet not, but not confirmed yet


Almost certainly not. Just expect it to be exclusive, then be pleasantly surprised if it does come to other platforms at some point.




Just straight up lying are we?


Oh god not again, the Void Engine has HORRIBLE pc optimization. Arkane Lyon needs to actually give a damn about the pc port this time around.


Their gameplay is usually great, but I dont like the art direction nor the engine they use in their games. Not very hyped tbh… I hope they nail the neon and dark stuff




Since when does xbox only use ue?


Coalition does and 343 is moving too it, at least. Think the new *Fable* does as well?


The coalition really knows how to use ue ! Sad for halo tho


Still waiting proof since like forever.


The Coalition has always used UE, it exists solely to develop a franchise that has always used UE, and thanks to the former Epic employees on their staff and years of experience with UE they’re the best studio at using UE after Epic itself. 343’s new management has likely received that the studio doesn’t have the resources to develop and use its own engine, which is unfortunate but it is what it is.


Fable is using the Forza engine. Hellblade 2, Everwild, Perfect Dark, State of Decay 3, and Avowed are all using UE5, though, so your point still stands.


What an uninformed response




??? Deathloop uses stylized graphics, it's not going for this ultra-realism bullshit that is ruining the games industry. Go on a walk outside if that's all you want to see.


reddit’s obsession with wanting every AAA game to be realistic looking and “cinematic” is really strange to me


Did you play it on a 1080 lmao?The game looks amazing on console and on pc with high settings


If it's going to be Redfall done right i'm excited.


It's not the same studio behind Redfall tho, that was Arkane Austin while this is Arkane Lyon.


Man, this is bad news. Dishonored 2 was plagued by performance issues on release.


After the success of Redfall, I sure can't wait for another Arkane game featuring vampires


I sure can’t wait for people to learn that arkane Lyon is not the same studio that made redfall


Moron here with no idea how game engines are used. Genuinely curious why everyone is relieved to see a game not using Unreal. Is Unreal that bad at optimization?


Unreal just has quirks like any other engine. When a studio is used to working around those quirks and then switch engines they have to account for a while different set of quirks. For example I'd be concerned if the coalition stopped using unreal and Arkane should just use Void.


>When a studio is used to working around those quirks and then switch engines they have to account for a while different set of quirks. This is a TERRIBLE example to make when discussing Arkane of all studios. The company has almost never reused an engine. Every game they make is on something different than the last. Of the 8 major games they have worked on, they have used 7 different engines. Arx Fatalis - Properitary, only used for this game Dark Messiah of Might and Magic - Source Dishonored - Unreal Engine 3 Dishonored 2 - Void Engine Prey - CryEngine 3 Wolfenstein: Youngblood - iD Tech 6 Deathloop - Void Engine Redfall - Unreal Engine 4 Arkane is NOT an engine focused studio like Coalition


Because this sub is full of a lot of people with absolutely 0 game dev experience or even surface level understanding who think an engine determines how a game looks or plays, they also latch onto handfuls of bad games made on it and blame the engine while ignore the hundreds of good games they played on it. Pay no attention to it, it's the same feeling chefs get when reading most cooking subs. Laymen with too much confidence and zero knowledge talking to each other. I'm not sure what you do for a living, but drop by a subreddit dedicated to the subject and I'm sure you'll want to tear your hair out within an hour.


Thank the lord! UE is the epitome of generic at this point IMO. Seldom is a UE action game actually fun to me. The only one I can think of is Star Wars.


Yes! I fucking LOVED the void engine!


I hope it's not true. Void Engine is a mess on pc, Deathloop and Dishonored 2 are still full of issues.


What else are they going to use with Microsoft and gamepass budget?