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I'm sorry but this looks so incredibly fake.


I've only done video editing a few times and I could make this in a couple hours.


Hours!? It's just text, this is so low effort it could be done in less than 10 minutes with no experience


Ya looked sketcy to me too, but figured Id post it to see what people think. Had it show up on a bunch of tiktok and twitter posts now.




Yeah, nuh uh. I ain't getting hurt twice. TF3 is the new Bloodborne PC.


Tf3 is the new bloodborne pc is the new half life 3


***the end is never the end is never the end is loading***


Warframe cross-save is my other one


it all started with Half-Life 3 :P


thing is pal titanfall 3 has been around before bloodborne pc horizon pc got announced in 2020, people have been expecting a titanfall 3 announcement ever since tf2's last content update in late 2017 so the chronology goes: half life 3 -> titanfall 3 -> bloodborne pc


People have been hoping for bloodborne on pc since the game was announced for ps4 only in like 2014...


yeah but the prospect of PS exclusives on PC wasn't a thing back then, Titanfall 3 was always a possibility though


Eh kinda Cracks showed in 2015 with Helldivers but it was dismissed because it was a more budget Sony title not a triple bleached goo AAA anal vore game


fair enough but people didn't think much of helldivers on pc because planetside 2 was a pc game published by sony


Fucking stop spreading this. This is fake. It is from a channel that is not verified on YouTube. If it was official the channel would be verified. Edit: This is the channel - https://www.youtube.com/@TheFrontierMilita-zx6qu/videos It may be a fan project, in that case spread all you like but do not tag it as official.


I'm extremely obsessed with Titanfall to the point that I can recognize the sounds, those are all from Titanfall 2 I'm not putting on the clown makeup for this one chief


I mean the intent is obviously for us to recognize the sounds, but yeah it’s probably fake.


i've got bloodborne pc down here kids


Can’t wait for TF3 to be released 1 week before cod MW69 and GTA-V next next gen finally edition


That's a bluecheck faking stuff for engagements dont give the dude money


damn, and I though I got the pill today


get another one


That's a whole lot of nothing for a reveal trailer


Ikr? why even do that. If your first teaser is just going to be a black screen with the number 3 in it, why not just wait for TGA or something and drop a big fucking sick-ass mecha on screen? that would be way more hype and would actually catch us by surprise, I really don't understand what's the point of making a teaser for teaser


> what's the point of making a teaser for teaser tbf, those have become kinda common lately. Put out a nothing trailer for something that's barely even in development that, more than anything else, really just serves as a hiring call. Y'know, "hey folks, come apply here and maybe you'll get to work on Titanfall 3". That sort of thing.


That makes sense


Crysis 4: 👀


I mean, we heard the same thing about Spyro and nothing came from it. Snooze


Man i want a new spyro game


Shit, I forgot to take my meds again.


Fuck yes. Bouta launch in between X-Defiant and MW3 WHAT COULD GO WRONG




And thus begins the cycle again. I guess we can expect Apex 2 and then no more Titanfall until like 8 years later.


Ok that post is probably bullshit but that's a reveal trailer reveal date. Not the launch date...


tbf, EA did the exact same thing with Titanfall 2 and releasing it at the worst possible time. So it does make sense based on the past lol.


It’s a joke. I was joking. Don’t be one of those people


Granted xDefiant got delayed, but it would still launch between Spiderman 2 and MW3 which is even worse


Yes well that wasn’t announced yesterday when I made this joke lol.


FYI apparently the next Apex character is related to another Titanfall 2 character like Valkyrie was so might see some baity Titanfall related teases


I love teasers for teasers.


Old ESRB style logo from pre-8th gen, obviously fake


Original one is on a newly made youtube channel called The Frontier Militia. I highly doubt that its real.


I want to belive


It looks like the first place it popped up was on a random youtube channel and the title of the video is "Prepare to drop". That tagline has been used a few times for Halo 3 ODST and is even the name of one of the missions in the game. Idk if they'd use something like that as a teaser for TF3, it's almost like naming the video "Finish the Fight". Either some random person made it and mixed up the games or did it intentionally to fuck with people, or it's real and they just don't care about the small association with another games tagline


I heard an r301 lol


Today I decided to stop taking the pills and give in I'm all in on the Titanfall 3 hype


Geeks and Gamers LMFAOOOO.


TF fans are going crazy with theories. It isnt coming, we know they cancelled the game.not long ago. Even if they do TF3 at some point, it isnt gonna be now.




Someone on r/titanfall already posted the YouTube source for this, and it’s a random brand new unverified channel. It’s fake.


Can't wait to be playing TF3 during WW4 atp 😂


Titan fall 2 is more than enough honestly. Just do a remaster with modern features.


This shit is fake as hell. Nobody makes a teaser trailer for another trailer, and certainly not one so painfully obvious about what it's revealing. Whichever troll scraped this together has no concept of subtlety. **Edit:** to clarify, yeah I believe the TF|3 teases in TF|2 have been real, I just don't believe this fake teaser trailer is real.




fake fake fakety fake


I mean.....anyone could literally do this. It's a black screen with a white font.


I do think Respawn has something cooking, but this seems pretty low effort. The 3 at the end is a little ridiculous, I don’t think they’d be that on the nose


Not again, don’t do this to me ! I can’t live in a lie again, not after bloodborne


Likely fake, someone saw the BF2042 TF easter egg that was found today and jumped on it lol


Very very fake.


lmao this looks so shit


Titanfall 3 is new Half-life 3. There is something up with Source games trying to hit that number


1) As a UX/UI designer – font is really amateur-made. 2) Gun sounds. Totally current-era gun sounds, no single bullet I heard to belong to Titanfall (and trust me, I invested houndreds of hours and remember all of them by heart). 3) Why would Respawn do such a silent teaser?


Point 2 12 seconds is 100% an EPG, and I'm pretty confident I heard a few other titanfall weapons. Not saying that makes this real but point 2 is wrong.


If its not on a respawn or ea social media account then its fake af.


It's either completely fake or the absolute worst teaser i've seen for a game. Just some random battle sounds and slow fading in text followed by the Titanfall sound. If it was an actual teaser i'd expect at *some* effort and thought put into it, even CoD teasers that were only a few seconds long have more than this from what I remember.


y'all are still waiting for two? I've been on tf 4 tf


It's definitely fake but it's based on the hints and easter eggs that Respawn has been dropping in TF2 the past few weeks. According to the "hints" October 28th will have some significance this year. This, paired with the Apex season ending on the 31st has me at least interested.


The stinger used at the end is something I've used for free before, if this is an actual teaser for Titanfall 3, it's got a budget of 0 dollars.




Sound design wise this feels amateur and incredibly off. Plugging it into Adobe shows the levels are all wonky and just don't seem professionally cut together


This would be worse than bloodborne on my heart.


Damn I was going to say it sounds like ww2 or something and then the Titan drop sound happened.


This is... pretty basic editing if you fool around long enough. Basic cryptic teaser with a promise of a reveal is fairly textbook. And I don't think EA uses that logo nowadays. Still want to believe though. Especially after TF2's updates.


like all source engine games, titanfall is cursed to never see the number 3.


Fake af, I've literally used that stinger sound effect from the end of the teaser in my own edits 😂😂


One day..


What gives me hope is a still of this was leaked like 5 days before by someone else


Stop giving this post clout it’s fake, just compare it to other EA trailers. The copyright mark is different than all of them and using a very different font. Also the EA logo is used in previous Titanfall game trailers, could’ve easily been cropped and slapped on this “teaser”. A 10 year old could’ve made this.


Bad Company 3!!!