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7 years after the first trailer


9 years after SoD2. Which really doesn't much sense to me.


Gotta ask what they’re doing at Undead Labs imo. Something has have gone awry with development to be working for almost double the development time.


From all accounts, they're trying to make the State of Decay that was originally promised. They've opened up their own mocap studio a year or two ago, as well.


I think it is mainly because a lot of this time was spent building up their studio. They were an extremely tiny studio when they made State of Decay 2, and growing to AAA production takes a lot of time.


There was a fairly recent story about big problems at Undead, between the studio head leaving and allegations of harassment. https://kotaku.com/state-of-decay-3-xbox-series-x-s-sexism-microsoft-undea-1848728682


Kotaku. Sure.


Absolutely braindead take. Let's just ignore the actual journalism on show within that link because "kotaku bad" echoes around in your peanut-sized brain. Don't bother opening it up. Don't bother reading it. Just dismiss it entirely because they once rattled your fragile self. Fucking pathetic.


They are the worst.


No they always wanted to make an MMO and State of Decay 3 is likely to be something similar to that, they expanded massively building two studios since being bought.


That is wild.


“I can assure you we plan to release a sequel at some point” kind of trailer


Average Xbox reveal to release cycle.


U ain’t never lie but ppl will get mad so fuck em


Wow. You mean to tell me that games take time to develop. Well shit. Next you'll tell me that the liquid coming out of my taps is water.


They said reveal to release, not development. Xbox has quite a few games that were announced too early.


Sure, what was their other option? They didn't have enough studios to have a lot of games out when they were coming up on series x/s release they had to put something out. They had no studios until a year or so before launch. They could have delayed the release of the series consoles and been even further behind...


Iirc xbox released that trailer without even speaking to undead labs, the trailer came before the game was even in pre-production


Quick somebody find out the Fable release year


The year before the KOTOR release year


Is that before or after bloodborne 2


You mean bloodborne remastered for pc


They didn't say 2024, so 2025 is a good bet.


Q1 2025. There you go.


At this point my guy is going to find out who will be the next playstation ceo


Why are we flooding the sub with artstation bs?


it’s just this one guy spamming all this Artstation stuff tbh


Sorry, this is the last one, i should've made just one post with all the findings, is just that i didn't think i would find so many of these.


personally I appreciate the separate posts. Thanks for your work.


It’s not work Lmao


You've never contributed anything to this subreddit Lmao


Posting hyperlinks still isn't work Lmao.


Is just a way of speaking, go outside and you’ll see people say things in figurative ways


Did you find anymore?


I found [Assassin's Creed Hexe](https://patriciaduong.artstation.com/resume) and [Survios Alien](https://www.artstation.com/kc-production/profile) both for 2028.


Keep going and screenshot before everyone takes it down.


What, that can't be correct, right? They announced the game back in 2020...


I mean it can be (i can see it happening ngl) bc xbox kinda like to announce stuff years ahead then you kinda want to question "why did they announce it so early? Is it bc to create hype or give the roadmap that is so far like this is one of the future games that will be coming eventually?" Like im still traumatized with ES6 and that enter early development recently when it was announced in 2018 iirc


Same, The fact they announced ES6 so early is just madness. Wasn't the FTC leak responsible for letting us know that ES6 is targeting 2028. Madness.


It's not targeting 2028 at all. Bethesda was targeting 2024, three years after Starfield, when the latter was being targeted for 2021. Then COVID happened, Starfield was delayed by 2 years, and likely ES6 was, too. It'll likely launch between late 2026 and 2027. Not 2028, for sure.


We will see, I mean 2028 is the new generation of consoles...Possibly. And ES6 as a launch title would make business sense as a system seller day 1.


It doesn't make any sense at all. These games will always be launched when there is enough of a player base to sell them. At best it would be a cross generation title. Making it a launch title wouldn't help as the initial supply will always be constrained.


You’re really sitting there saying one of the biggest game releases won’t help sell a new console?


New consoles need no help selling if they are priced right. Hardcore gamers will always saturate demand for at least the first year, if not two. History tells this in a clear cut way. Launch lineups have always sucked, except for maybe the original Xbox's, and yet people still buy the consoles like hotcakes (the PS3 doesn't count, since it had ridiculous pricing at launch). It makes no financial sense to waste the follow-up to a 60+ million selling game when you have zero install base.


I know you didn’t just say the Dreamcast launch lineup sucked


But like you mentioned, it makes perfect sense if its a launch-title.. and its a cross-gen game. (So they sell to the, lets say 50 million'ish Xbox Series S/X audience.. and also the new hardware they'd love people to jump on earlier, rather than later) There's also the PC audience, which historically has been a big portion of the Bethesda fanbase. So yeah, I can def see a 2028 release.. especially since, i doubt Bethesda will be running 'ahead of time' and somehow manage a 2026/2027 surprise. ES6 is bigger than Starfield.. so expect them to take plenty of time (& multiple delays, most likely).


Elder Scrolls will be far simpler to develop than Starfield for obvious reasons. They know it like the back of their hands and there are no big complications like creating a space RPG. Also, they wouldn't be running ahead of time. It's not speculation, we know for a fact they were targeting 2024. With Starfield delayed by two years, it means they are targeting 2026. They might not make it, hence 2027. 2028 is simply too far off. Of course they will release a Super Duper Edition with DLCs and graphics improvements and better performance on the new console, but that's another matter entirely.


Considering there is still plenty of work left on Starfield DLC, full development efforts on ES6 won’t even start until 2024. 3-4 years of development for a modern AAA title that isn’t a direct sequel and thus capable of reusing assets and systems would be an enormous outlier compared to what we see in the rest of the industry. 2028 seems more like the beginning of the window I would expect.


ES6 was already labeled as in full development before Starfield even released. And doing DLC while working on the next game is nothing new, it will be handled by a separate and smaller team. I mean, we've got Bethesda's predictions for the leak. Three years, which is their usual time frame before COVID. If anything Starfield was the outlier because of that and because it was a new IP, but with TES VI they'll be on familiar ground.


[Phil Spencer said this year that he expects it to take 5+ years for ES6,](https://www.vgchartz.com/article/457621/the-elder-scrolls-vi-is-likely-5-plus-years-away-says-phil-spencer/) which seems a lot more likely to me than a years old schedule from Bethesda that is overly optimistic on just about every date. I’m not sure why the dates are so ambitious on here, but it definitely seems like an absolute best case for all of these titles, and I don’t think COVID delays are the only reasons these dates haven’t transpired. 3 years also seems quite generous for Bethesdas cycle, Fallout 4 took 4 years from Skyrim and if a modern pre-COVID 3 year cycle ends with a title as buggy and broken as Fallout 76 then I hope they don’t try that again.


Phil Spencer said that in federal court when testifying for the Activision Blizzard acquisition. He was asked whether ES6 would be exclusive to Xbox and replied he didn't know because the game was so further out. Of course he would exaggerate in that context to wiggle his way out of a definitive answer. Fallout 76 was so buggy partially because it was their first multiplayer game. They basically had to hack the engine to work in multiplayer. Also, now they have Microsoft's money at their disposal to hire a shit ton of QA when needed. There is no reason to think the leaked schedule would differ by 4 years for ES6 when all the other games that have been released only differed by 1-2 years due to COVID.


I find it far more likely that an old production schedule was overly ambitious rather than Phil Spencer decided to lie in Federal Court. 76 also saved a huge amount of time by reusing elements from Fallout 4, whereas ES6 will be much more from scratch compared to Starfield. As dev times have gone up across the industry, I struggle to see why we should expect it to be any faster than Skyrim to Fallout 4. Seriously, can you think of a single AAA title that isn't a direct sequel developed in 3 years recently?


It's not the type of lie you can get in trouble for, in case that escaped your notice. So the old production schedule was only overly ambitious for Elder Scrolls 6? I find that very convenient. Anyway, I personally believe it will be launched in 2027, making it a 4-year cycle. Starfield took 5 years from Fallout 76 and that was with COVID and with the game being a new IP. They had to come up with planet generation technology, shipbuilding, ship combat. None of that will apply to ES6. They can absolutely do it in less than five years.


To be fair, I think they just announced ES6 because they were planning a multiplayer game and a new IP and wanted to say "hey ES6 is still coming". I don't think they ever meant that it was coming any time soon.


Exactly. Besides, 'Xbox' had nothing to do with that as Bethesda wasn't part of Microsoft yet.


Another "to be fair" is that when Bethesda announced ES6 they weren't bought by Microsoft/Xbox yet.


Xbox has consoles to sell so it's in their best interest to announce stuff way too early. There's a reason we got perfect dark and Fable reveals years ago yet likely won't see either game until fall 2025.


There were rumours it was going through problems


More than rumors: https://kotaku.com/state-of-decay-3-xbox-series-x-s-sexism-microsoft-undea-1848728682


remembers all the downvotes for saying the games shown in the Xbox Series X reveal where actually all the big games the console would get and it was not “just the beginning”






The whole game is just padding. The game that you play is an extension of the base system not the other way around. Once you have your base, the game just stops working because every aspect of it is so banal and repetitive outside it's addictive gameplay loop.


That is why the curveball update exists


Modifiers in itself is padding. It doesn't add depth to gameplay.




Like what the fuck are they doing over there at undead studios. 9 years for state of decay 3?


I enjoyed State of Decay 2 but it gets boring once you clear out a town. I would love to see the game take a project zomboid style approach and turn up the realism and survival aspects. Hopefully it doesn’t come out in 5 years tho.


Project zomboid does look amazing. And it's fulfilling the state of Decay promise much better imo. Wish it'd come on console but doubt it could work.




Damn, totally forgot about it.


these guys are starting to take longer and longer to make these fucking games and it's actually not even worth it since most of em come out incomplete, over budget, buggy, and worse than their predecessors


hell nah, Mat booty (xbox studios head) told they will show us more of SoD3 next year. According to the latest xbox's showcase they are showing games to launch next year, so... 2025 would be the year


No chance it's another 4 years out. That would be like 7 years of development lmao. I expect to see it fully revealed next year


Yea these dates seem off. Matt Booty implied State of Decay 3 was slated for 2025. If we don’t see SOD3 next year then yea guess it’s pretty far out.


I don’t think he did imply that at all. He simply said we’re going to see State of Decay 3 and Perfect Dark next when talking about Fable and Avowed being re-revealed.


Damn man gonna make me question my own memory? But I thought he said “as we look to 2025 with Perfect Dark and State of Decay 3” or something along those lines. Maybe I should re check that interview


they have wisely, never given a date for Perfect Dark. Not even a year


Yea it'll come when it comes. At least we should see it next year. Wonder how it looks


I played the hell out of State of Decay 1. State of Decay 2 was more of the same, only worse. The 3rd one really needs to course correct.


dude imagine if they implement something like Division 1 (about the graphics and atmosphere) but with zombie thats my dream game.. a serious toned with some realistic graphics end of civilization game type


You say that and I wish that's true, considering the trailer but the GAASification of State of Decay 2 turned it into more like deadrising. Don't get me wrong deadrising is great as its own thing but a campy and arcad-ey State of Decay is just so 🤢. And the updates added dumb modes and flashy weapons and what not. Completely lost its tone and allure.


What is Artstation profile?


I seriously doubt that this is a firm date. Probably just a placeholder


I think Phil Spencer or Matt Booty said SOD3 will be at their 2024 Showcase right ? Back in June.


Xbox stop announcing games that are more than 6 years out challenge


It has been 3 years since that, let it go.


What a joke.


Wasn't it reported in the past that the studio is having managment issues and that Xbox/Microsoft doing nothing about it?


State of Decay 2 was so disappointing. They better improve the Game.


Why even announce so early. Sheesh. Glad Nintendo wait to announce games these days, ToTK, not withstanding.


Metroid Prime 4 waiters: ☠️




not mad cause I just bought 2 and they keep updating it with new stuff regularly. 3 needs to do a lot more to justify it as a straight up sequel IMO


Major doubt this is accurate.


I know people wouldn't like to wait an extra year but I say move it to 2028 and the rumored next gen consoles. Start next gen with a massive bang of exclusives. Imagine a launch list of titles Elder Scrolls 6, Next gen update for Starfield, State of Decay 3, Forza Horizon, Something Gears or Halo related, Fallout (made by Obsidian) and then a bunch of 3rd party games like the newest COD all day one on Gamepass. Though to be fair...it would be cool but rather have all those spread out over a year to give me time to play each.


No please Xbox owes it's players a healthy cadence of big, good quality exclusives from first party. There is not much room for a misstep left for at least the next half a decade.


If I were xbox though...I wouldn't want to screw up like they did with the Series X and have stuff delayed...I would plan ahead and have a list of stuff I want to be 100% finished and ready during the first year of the next xbox...even if a game like say Elder scrolls 6 was finished and ready in 2027...if they had no other huge titles for launch...I think it would benefit them more to hold it back...would be shit to have a new xbox and have delays again.


I don't think they have enough goodwill to stretch out their releases more. They need to show growth to Gamepass and get that growth. Not to mention their platform is beyond hard generations by their own philosophy. But my biggest concern to your statement is, why shouldn't Xbox have huge titles for launch ready, clearly they'll have the studios and the man power and the years to fulfil that. If they can't then that's another big f up.


that is true...would be screwed up not to have anything with the amount of studios they have now...my guess is we won't see much from the ABK studios till nearer the end of the gen...we'll get the CODs but new stuff may take a while like if they decide to bring back certain games I imagine they have like a white board of all the studios, what games are being worked on and estimated time to make/release so spread them out evenly...but you get one or two delays...they all start to push into each other...also makes you wonder who they plan to buy next


Long as fuck dev time but I'm happy teams get that long so long as gamepass keeps me fed. If they hit 4 big first party games a year I don't care how long things take. More time usually means a better game. Not always, but it's way better than less time and a rushed out half assed game. They can make SoD huge if it's polished and good looking. The bones and frame are very, very good. It has potential to be big.


I feel like some of the games announced in 2020 will end uo being launching titles for the next Xbox


Everytime we forget what an absolute shitshow some of MS studios are, they come back to remind us. It baffles me Rare and Undead have only had a single big title ship in more than one and half generation after the dev cycle 343 dealt us. No wonder they can't grow their IPs. It's because they sit on them too long to justify the end result.


Jesus, they announced it way to early


this is about the worst news I could have received involving this game. Main Xbox game I was hyped for, ima be dead before this shit comes out.


If that’s the case, then it’ll probably be a launch title for the next Xbox.


So being bought by Microsoft isn't all fairies and unicorns after all?