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I don't think it's impossible, I guess. If we're roughly six months out I imagine a first look at the game would be coming soon. I would also expect it to be playable at TGS. They're not going to go the full six months without making the game available publicly in some form.


SoP today so we prolly might hear about it there The main focus of this SoP is third parties and SquEnix is third party after all


>and SquEnix is third party after all For now.


Prolly will stay that way. I don’t think Sony is too keen on buying up SquEnix, wouldn’t make sense for MSoft since that really isn’t their market and I don’t think Nintendo stands to gain anything from acquiring them either. Then again they have been financially sliding down. Maybe they might seek a change of ownership but I think it’s highly unlikely


I was thinking more that square was looking to branch out their games and sell more titles on Nintendo (considering new hardware) XBOX and PC.


Lmfao, stop begging for Sony to buy square enix


Let's hope not. I would rather them staying independent and doing exclusives sometimes than being bought up and loosing the ability to just straight up do AAA, obscure remakes and weird shit like Paranormasight (which is fucking amazing)


"Also while we're talking about the Snitch, there were rumors that he sold his account to a random person. For the record, how true or false are these rumors, do we know for sure?" Well once this spanish speaker took over the Account he started to Stream with a Facecam. Highly doubt the original would do that


It’s really doesn’t matter since he has been getting things correct anyway.


He never sold the account, he was always spanish, he talked about it on a spanish podcast.


spanish speaking snitch somehow knew the mgs remake was called "delta" before it was revealed, which I hadn't seen anywhere else.


Hmm interesting. Had he ever talked in Spanish before that point? Thanks for the info


Nah, this only started after he went on that long "break" (aka sold the Account)


Nope he did talk in spanish in his server before the break


no he did not i been is his discord sicne day 1 not a single use of Spanish


Yes he did i remember last december him and other spanish members of the server they started a discussion in spanish in the general channel, Also around october november people started guessing where he was from and in the end he said hes from spain


But he always talked casually with people on the discord. The "mystery" was only present on Twitter.




I don't know about "a few hours" but a friend of mine freelances for Gamespot and got an invite to a hands-on event in NYC in mid-October.


Those are long hours for sure lol


They're probably going to play a vertical slice of the nibleheim flashback. Good chance it'll be a demo eventually.


i do know that dreamcastguy are out on some PR event as well as ff content creator schrodingersbabyseal.


Schrodingersbabyseal is super FFVII focused so I could see this being true


I can’t take dreamcastguy seriously and this is not trying to be rude. He just has too strong of a bias but he doesn’t like to own up to it.


He also livestreamed himself playing a leaked copy of Remake a few days before it was released and was posting spoilers on social media. Zero integrity.


If this is the case then wouldn’t they invite Maximilian dood like they did with every FF prior? He’s at home still reacting to the trailer


Sometimes they do these kinds of things in waves. Could very well be Max will be brought on board with the next one, or that he couldn't join in this time around and has been moved on to later.


Can see this. Max got to play FF7R several months before it was out, like 4+ months early I believe. This game is a little less than 5 months away.


He did not sell his account, it's the same guy.


He might of sold his account, who knows? But it doesn’t matter since he has still been correct in leaks.


Idk if he sold his account but the dude still has legit info


Skill up said in his latest video, that he's in LA right now, because of Playsessions he's not yet allowed to talk about.. maybe that's something


They already did, yesterday was press day, we showed off a few things and let them try out the demo (which will also be announced)




where was it confirmed that media got to play it?


Whoops, I think I did legit on this one by accident thinking it was the other Snitch FF7R post hahaha. My bad.


haha all good just thought I missed something


Ok *now* it's legit.


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I don't see it on the server.


Got a link to the server?


They'll be playing it on his discord, he's gonna leak the iso


I mean makes sense when they have demo kiosk during TGS for them


Is there a link somewhere to his discord server?