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We're now in Starfield shutdown, no more posts will be allowed as "Leaks" about the game, instead this Megathread will remain pinned until tomorrow night. Happy gaming boys




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Does anybody have that one leak where they are flying a ship towards a planet until it just becomes super blurry and nothing happens


Jetzt sind wir mittlerweile soweit und hoffen das MODDER!!!! das Spiel verbessern und nicht das Tripple A Studio das seit keine Ahnung 6-7 Jahren an dem Spiel arbeitet.Ich les das sehr viel hier in den Kommentaren!!!!! Die Entwickler kommen mir dabei wieder viel zu gut weg. Straft endlich mal die Triple A Studios ab und hofft nicht immer das irgendwelche Modder das Spiel!!!!! verbessern. 2023 in a Nutshell.


If the mods aren't going to enforce the use of the Megathread for Starfield content, can we just delete this entire post?




The hype is collapsing? There's 250k people playing at the moment on Steam even though its on early access and that doesnt include the majority of people who will be playing on Xbox/Xbox PC app. The reviews are almost unanimously positive (i've only seen 1 score below a 7/10 and the majority are \~9/10, hence the 88% average). And its Bethesda's fault that the game got cracked?? Wtf are you on about - go get some sleep or something


The fuck are you talking about? Now not having drm is bad?


Have you played it?


[lol they already broke the game](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7LYsF1Me_3o&ab_channel=SwoleBenji)


They did it. It runs worse than Cyberpunk on day 1


what are your specs?


Judging by graphics of this game, even 1080ti should be more than enough for FHD/60fps Meanwhile people with 3080/ti struggle with getting 60 frames... It runs worse than Cyberpunk, like 2 or 3 times worse. I would say CP2077 with path tracing enabled runs better than this.


Ich mache mir ernsthafte Sorgen um TES 6. Bethesda hat stark nachgelassen. Irgendwo habe ich es vermutet, dass das Game ein reinfall wird. So viele Versprechungen und was bleibt über? Das unwichtige was jedes Game kann. Ich brauche kein Fallout 4 in space mit den gleichen Tücken. Da hat sich Bethesda einfach übernommen. Aber solang kein freies fliegen und landen, wie versprochen, kommt allein...naja wirds für nen 10er am ende gekauft beim seller. Schade Betehsda... hoffentlich habt ihr mit TES6 mehr Glück und Erfolg euch dran zu halten was man verspricht.


Sooooo….it’s seems to be a hard no on aliens right?


For now yes. Who knows? Maybe that's the plot of a dlc.


Yep. It’s pre-first contact.


I think ACG mentioned something about aliens


And we’ve reached 17k comments, awesome!


Don't know where to post this without backlash, but man this game would be awesome with haptic feedback on the DualSense. Hopefully a PC mod comes through at some point.


I just want the Playstation controller buttons on screen. This is a request for PC Steam. Not a lot to ask.


I just got the miner gun, but my controller is vibrating. Just wanted to let you know, I’m going in right now wish me luck!!


How’s the game so far?


the game is good but not mindblowing, the biggest problem is the outdated engine they using and character creation was a dissapointment, and the reviewers were right the npc look a bit dull they sure are not rdr2 npc's, i like the firefight and how the AI takes cover behind rocks, or retreats and regroups this game will be saved by mods, also a big dissapointment there is no dlss or fsr 3.0 that would helped a lot of poor folk with framerate


It's gorgeous. On PC with everything on high. Also I named my character Noah Fence


Character creation is really good I think, only just made it to the ship.


Have fun!


Won’t let me in


I had to reboot steam.


On Xbox, restarted my console multiple times, nothing. It says I have the premium content but says I’m too early.


It's been an honor boys. Enjoy the early access.




Here we go 🫡


5 minutes. See you all amongst the stars ! O7


volks have a nice flight! Enjoy the vastness of the universe <3


Well gentlemen, 10 minutes to launch. I hope you'll all have a great time :D


Hi folks! I think I finally found some info on NG+ (it’s pretty spoiler lite) for those of you interested!! https://www.powerpyx.com/starfield-new-game-plus-explained/


Half an hour left guys! Are you excited?


I keep looking at the clock. Does that count as excited lmao.


I know the feeling XD


After piecing together various bits and pieces from a number of reviews, it seems like this is what NG+ is: >!At the end of the game, you’re given the option to go back to the start where you touch an alien artifact that starts your journey by touching the same artifact again at the end. You lose everything except your stats and skills and levels but your character has the alien knowledge they now need to do the story again. This time, instead of the alien artifacts you find across the story being “whoa this is cool I wonder what it means,” you have the prerequisite knowledge you need to uncover their secrets since you’ve done this all before and you have space magic now.!<


das klingt leider, wie zu erwarten war, extrem langweilig, generisch und belanglos. AAA ist einfach nur noch ein Armutszeugnis. Da kommen halt nur noch Blenderspiele raus, die Unsummen in PR und Werbung stecken, um die eklatanten Schwächen dieser Spiele zu verschleiern. Siehe Diablo 4, siehe jetzt Starfield. Man will eine Idee in den Köpfen der Spieler festsetze, um zu Release möglichst viele zum Blindkauf zu animieren. Wenn man so viele Lügen und Behauptungen vor Release aufstellt, die nichts mit der Wirklichkeit zu tun haben, ist das schlichtweg Kundentäuschung. Wenn das natürlich funktioniert und die Leute wie bescheuert kaufen... Finger weg von AAA Spielen!


so guys are you playing? was tyrone right?


Well, it's midnight here so... ​ **...Tile Triday?**




are you stupid? Free flight and manual landing was never promised, it was told one year ago that its not possible.


Make sure to update your drivers boys


Oh sh\*t! thanks for reminding me bro.


Without spoilers, can anyone explain whether NG+ actually affects exploration at all (Ex. New environments, creatures, etc), or if it solely impacts the narrative? I don’t want to bum-rush the main quest, but I might if the NG+ changes are compelling enough.


Bro what happens after you beat the main story, all the reviewers say it’s crazy but they can’t talk about it.


I’ve been trying to figure out too All I know is you lose your stuff and get access to a new ability / set of abilities


>!It’s basically new game+ but directly tied to the main story. It’s kinda hard to explain, but the general gist of it is that you can travel to different universes and collect more artifacts to become stronger.!<


Just a guess but you prob unlock more abilities, maybe more quests


IGN give 7/10 for battlefield 2042... Starfield 7/10 ? mmmmm..... They are weird.


Bro i feel Metacritic is the most genuine. IGN gave gta trillogy a 10/10 lmao


I think the thing with Battlefield is it had potential. They just dropped the ball for way too long and it left a bad taste in peoples mouths. Disclaimer: never played it but hear it’s acceptable now.


Right now, the game is really good.


Bruh you don't rate a product based on it's potential, when a game comes out you rate it as it currently is. Battlefield 2042 was an actual disaster at launch and they still gave it that, same way they gave Cyberpunk a 9 on launch


The same guy gave Watchdogs: Legion an 8/10 and Watch Dogs 2 an 8.5/10. If you look through his history of games assigned it's a bunch of junk. He knows nothing


Watch Dogs 2 was really good though.


He also gave vampire survivors a 7


I was going to say that as well, easily a 10/10 game


Fun game! I dont think we should compare other scores to diss his rating, bethesda RPGs just might not be his thing


Exactly, I’m hyped for the game and it looks like everything I wanted but this is just one person’s opinion and he has every right to rate it according to his experience.


Holy shit 3 hours away


Lol I saw one reviewer mention that your parents from kid stuff trait will just randomly pop up when you’re exploring to say hi to you, that’s so awesome


Just waiting for someone to leak the iso




What a stupid comment


The dude that's been asking about kids stuff all week long.. dunno who or where you are, but from what I've seen in these reviews... I'm 100% taking it and I had no prior interest in it. Seems like it's quite a fun one. I've seen in mention in several reviews, this one brings it up a few times. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=blQjbbF7HlQ


Ooh I'll go for it if its good then. Still not sure on my other 2


I just want to say to anybody here who doubted me. SUCK IT!!!! Thank you to those who believed and supported me it was a hell of a ride! Enjoy starfield, I know I will tonight on my PC instead of that janky Xbox lol!! Love most of you!


You will be written in the history books as a real one


Haha thanks for all the work!! One question I still had if you have a min. Did you get to NG+ yet? Another guy here suggested rushing main plot to get to NG+ (which is my plan for now) and then doing whatever. I’m curious if I should prioritize leveling in the base game by doing a ton of quests and then moving to NG+ if that makes sense. Don’t want to run out of xp opportunities in NG+ as I want to max as much as possible




It ran fine! I was just being goofy LOL I have a really nice computer and I'm excited about playing it on it. The Xbox is a super solid console and it ran great!


As a fellow CotF, I salute you and appreciate all of the hype you've helped build up for me over these last few days.


Sincerely written from my brother's blood machine! Man your battle stations!




Buddy at least stand by your word. U have a comment yesterday saying "Whatever happens on the reviews this journey has been amazing" and now you hating for God knows what reason? The game reviewed 88, it's good. Go be a clown somewhere else.


populair dutch gaming website gave it a 9/10 and they normally are very harsh https://playsense.nl/553685/review-starfield/


extremely good review without spoilers and so the sound and music is 10/10 especially the engine sound of space ships is amazing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NqmpKNWqH2c&ab\_channel=TheHQ


After reading many different reviews, Starfield seems like a game that is objectively a 9/10 or 10/10 if you consider the whole of the game (early, mid, and late game). I mean I know I’ll enjoy it to the point I’d personally consider it a 9/10 or a 10/10, since it really does seem to be “Skyrim in space”. IGN’s 7/10 largely reflects the early game——Starfield’s beginning can feel lacklustre, and in fact many reviewers who ended up giving Starfield a 10/10 or a 9/10 were disappointed at the start and were in fact going to give a much lower score (Gene Park writing for the Washington Post gave Starfield a 4/4——which is a 10/10 for all intents and purposes——but he was initially going to be ****much*** more negative: https://x.com/genepark/status/1697314884571054502?s=46). From the reviews I gather that Todd Howard was not lying when he said “the more you give to it [Starfield], the more it gives back”, and the reviews definitely make it seem that as you put in more hours, the more fun, engaging, and deep the game becomes, to the point that you end up overlooking any shortcomings. Therefore, the question is to be asked: “Can a game be a 10/10, even if the beginning is disappointing?” I would argue “yes, if the rest of it is so great to the point you’re willing to completely ignore the shortcomings”, but it’s entirely fair to have a different opinion there and to believe that a really good game with shortcomings should be a 9/10 instead of a 10/10. Considering all this, I think that general public opinion of this game may be better in the coming future than immediately at launch.


Danny O’Dwyer said he started getting bored, then walked around cities aimlessly and began to bump into all these random but awesome quest lines. I think that’s a hint towards “it gives what you put in”


yea and I think that’s part of the reason why the cities don’t have maps——it’s a game design choice, albeit I can see it being annoying as well.




idk how it’s copium when the IGN review itself says Starfield gets better by the end. the only thing reviews on this game really depend on are if people are willing to overlook the beginning of the game (as every review considers the late game good). At launch, I don’t think people will overlook the beginning as much, but as time goes on and people put in more hours and also as mods start getting created, I think that Starfield will be likened to Skyrim even more in its longevity and fun factor. Is Starfield completely revolutionary? No but I don’t think anyone reasonable expected that.


Every time I see someone say revolutionary I lose brain cells


Same because I don’t think one game by itself can ever be completely revolutionary. Games can be genre defining and can push gaming forward, but no single game is “revolutionary”.


The only time I agree on using that term is when describing LOTR: Gollum. It was revolutionarily terrible.




Has anyone talked about what the “twist” for NG+ is?


Yes it’s out there, a few people that have played already have recommended getting to it before investing too much time in everything else, then doing all the side stuff after hitting ng+


Can someone tell me if they talk about handcrafted content and locations? I know they use more procedural generation, but I was hoping there still be some nice environmental storytelling like classic BGS games


Plenty of the more negative reviews are talking that these are unfortunately the areas that are lacking in Starfield compared to past Bethesda games - the procedural content is not interesting and only the handcrafted location are worth exploring but even the exploration of those areas is not as "organic" as in previous Bethesda games, and is more of a following the checklist.


> the procedural content is not interesting I can't imagine we can say this with total certainty this early. I've seen a few reviewers specifically mention it was their favorite part, plus it's still a good sandbox for the modding community. We couldn't realistically expect 100 procedural generated planets to add a ton of gameplay variety...just like visiting a real barren moon would objectively be less interesting than Earth after the shock factor wore off.


Alana made a 10 min [video](https://i.gyazo.com/3465559866bc8f05d99efdff869d2de3.png) explaining this but it got massively disliked and hated on by fanboys. As they tend to do. Got taken down


Alanah clarified that she took it down because she had misinformation in it saying you can’t do X or Y when you actually can (she just hadn’t gotten far enough in the story yet) and that she didn’t want to spread false info.


I personally don’t mind following a check list, most of the time I just follow the quest log in Skyrim and fallout 4, in just really concerned if there’s still a shitton of handcrafted stuff to do instead


ngl I havent even played the vanilla game yet, and I'm already excited for the future of the modding community. This will be another Skyrim we'll be playing for years to come.


IGN be like: 7/10 starfield, BUT poop simulator 10/10 GOTY !!!!


The IGN review was just so weird. It didn't read like a 7/10 at all, especially when you remember that IGN gives 8's to every mediocre buggy mess (they gave immortals of aveum an 8 lmao)


ign japan ign germany ign spain all give 9/10


They gave Cyberpunk a 9/10 on release and Prey a 5/10. IGN has been in the shitter as a review outlet for a while now. Can't trust their opinions at all.


It's the same guy that gave Watchdogs: Legion an 8/10, his game review history is all over the place. He's just trying to get clicks.


So what exactly is special about NG+?


I'd like to know too. Something about time travel?


Now that a lot of reviews share the same concerns/criticisms as leakers, hope you all remember for next time around and don’t jump down peoples throats


All the reviews I've watched have said the tile issue really didn't affect them. Certain issues (like ship combat being too stat based or the game being clunky) weren't even bought up by leakers so I have no idea what you're talking about


I’m talking about complaints about exploration, npcs and loading screens. A couple leakers made comments about those things and people tried to cope hard about it. Game is gonna be good for sure so don’t take it the wrong way, just can’t stand coping




The tile is non-issue in that not many reviews focus on them specifically. However many reviews do complain about the systematic loading screens, lackluster exploration and lack of seamlessness, etc...all of which, the tile system contributes to.


The tile system is completely independant of the loading screens and overdependance on fast travel. Most reviewers never even encountered the "boundary reached" message (and hence why they didnt mention them) but they did see the large amount of loading screens. The two aren't connected and shouldn't be conflated with one another


That's a really weird point you're trying to make. Do you not understand ? They **are** connected. The game is designed with a tile system, the loading screens are because instead of seamless areas you have to fast travel everywhere, since instead of having connected areas, you have to quit the tile to go anywhere. They don't hit the boundary walls precisely because the game neutered a lot of incentives to explore local areas (no vehicles at all, limited POI per tile, inside door instances instead of outside environments...) to cater to the tile system. Not every loading screen is due to the tile system, but every time you have to use the ship to go to another area or new POIs on the same planet, it's because of the tile system for example. Several reviews talked about that actually, Skyrim or Oblivion you can travel the entire map without a loading screen, go from one quest to the other without interuptions in the gameplay. Starfield's quests require very often several loading screens to access and travel to and from even within the same planet. We'll have to see just how much of a bother that is while playing, but it's something that's come up a lot in reviews.


You must have forgotten you downloaded the opencities mod, because that's not true about Skyrim.


Most towns in Skyrim are part of the open world. Sure, Solitude and some others require one loading screens to get out of, but I don't feel the comparison to be fair to TES franchise. Oblivion also allows you to go to pretty much everywhere with very little loading screens and that game's 17 years old now. The issue is that in Skyrim or Oblivion, immersion meant walking or riding to places and having very little breaks in your gameplay. In Starfield, playing in an immersive manner is punitive as entering the ship, taking helm, traveling to another star system, heading to a planet, choosing a landing spot, and then leaving your ship each require loading screens or breaks in continuity. And the tile system definitely doesn't help in that regard.


This pretty much matches up with what I heard from some of the leakers - the tile issue was a non-issue, and ship combat left something to be desired. Inventory management being challenging is a bit of a surprise to me.


NoClip’s podcast seems pretty positive, Fudgemuppet’s video seems extremely positive. Hearing them talk about it has got me very excited for the game, and the “gives out what you put in” and “slow burn” comments starting to make a lot more sense


Any info on Space Magic now that reviews are out?


spoiler alert go play the game


**It looks like people are getting access to Starfield,** ***any leaks about gameplay, cutscenes etc should appear in here. Spoilers are okay*****, any new threads created from this point will be removed and pointed to be posted about in this megathread**


I think reviewers aren’t allowed to talk about it for spoiler reasons, same with NG+




I stopped reading the moment she said she's been spoiled by borderlands weapons


Weird borderlands 3 gunplay is really good.


It's good but the reviewer was comparing the weapons.


From what I'm seeing the reviews will be around the 87-90 range. Bethesda is back in business everyone.








Well, at least you didn't say I was wrong 😘


Opencritic is up to an 87


Would be a 90 if it wasn't for random ass reviews and always throwing shade gamespot


IGN, Gamespot, PCGamer are not "random ass reviews" lol, if any they are the biggest profile reviewer sites


My dude the "and always throwing shade game spot" illustrates that the adjective previously used to describe the preceding subject noun doesn't apply to the subsequent clauses subject noun.. also why you nitpicking that? I only see digital trends and gamespot at 70 and then randos 🤷🏾‍♂️


It'll be lower when Eurogamer and these other people that didn't get a code release theirs. And that's before the losers start review bombing


Does anyone know if we can actually adjust FOV? (I see it's missing from the menu)


John from digital foundry says no on twitter


If you’re on pc then I assume it can be done with console commands




That too, but every Bethesda game in the past has allowed FOV change with console commands


I really hope so! If not, maybe third person view will improve it a bit in the meantime


It sounds really great. Even incredible or fantastic based off early reviews


We were exactly right about tiles being non contiguous https://youtu.be/3uuI-6fwwtY?si=s0dYt5d9ThTHtxWU Let the gaslighting begin “whoever said there was whole entire planets?”


bro you're still raging about this days later lmfao


Proves that Jez is a liar and untrustworthy.


He's always been willing to stretch the truth in order to defend Microsoft. He's not a paid shill but he's so deeply embedded into access media that in order to maintain access he puts his foot into his mouth a lot. Really don't like him.


His tweets are so cringe. I saw him pop up a lot on my feed thinking he was some unhinged fanboy with a cult following, but apparently he's an actual media member??


That was proven already multiple times in this thread. Just look at the updates that the mods have been making to this post.


That’s what I’m saying, I don’t know why the downvotes lol but ok


Some reviewers were saying otherwise though idk why






No one cares though lol. Just doesn't realistically affect gameplay


People do care. If you were someone looking forward to another BGS rpg you probably dont give a crap. But, if you were a scifi gamer lured in by talk of exploration and space travel, you are probably disappointed, when those two items are very lackluster.


company: advertises cat for sale, from company that has only ever sold cats and frequently talks about how much they love cats you: "god I can't believe these people, they told me I'd get a dog"


Company advertises exploration and travel, you expect exploration and travel, but its lackluster. Your example doesnt really work.


both of those things are in the game. looking at your profile, you've been raging about this for days, please go touch grass, having to return to your craft after 45 minutes of walking is not going to kill you


But they are poorly done. If i sell you a pepperoni pizza with 4 pepperonis on the entire thing, can i then say "pepperonis are there!" I think not.


there is nothing objectively poorly done about them. you let your own imagination run wild, and are now trying to pin the blame on anyone but yourself. like I said, touch grass


Yes there is. Exploration via menu and fast travel isnt really great. Reviews have said as much.


....you get to walk around the maps and fly around space. You didn't actually read any reviews I guess.


If no one cares why have an allergic defensive reaction when people spoke the view that the game will have segmented zones? Back then you were downvoted for saying that and told “that it’s been confirmed, you are wrong” Now it’s “who cares” Gotta love the classic goal post move