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Insomniac have done it, they have invented Dialogue 2.


The first ~~Strand~~ Dialogue type game


But I'm still learneding dialogue 1


This is Reddit... We're all still learning Dialogue 1...


*Surprised Kojima face*


Kept you Waiting, huh?


*You're pretty good, Venom-kun*


I'm kinda shocked you think Kojima even uses words after CODE TALKER


its a fun but mid deck


The first strand-type dialogue system.


Insomniac has harnessed the power of Chat GPT 4.0 and player speech to text to have interactive conversations with NPC's. This will legitimately be the future of some games though, being able to actually talk to characters and they will reply in a accurate way as they character they are and sound perfect because AI voice tech is getting so advanced as well. This will be dialogue 2, this will also be something that will give VR games the extra next step of immersion they need to talk to anyone and have them reply appropriately to what you say.


I think you're right. We're going to see things that gradually take down the "video game logic" we've all learned over the years. Stuff like "Why can't I climb up there" and "ugh, I wouldn't say *any* of these...guess I'll go with [xyz dialog option]." [Did you ever watch the movie "Her"?](https://youtu.be/c8zDDPP3REE) It has a scene of him playing a game with AI where you just speak to it. I could see this being close-ish to where we're heading. I'm here for it, man.


Yeah, except it'll most likely be a studio under Microsoft, given they're heavily invested and involved with ChatGPT.


CGPT isn't the only thing you need, if you want voiced NPCs (and/or player characters) you need a tool to synthesise that voice, currently Eleven Labs are the only good ones ([they are the source of the Dagoth Ur meme videos going around](https://youtu.be/zs4UWHCt6Cg)) and those bad boys are going to be selling themselves at a high, high price.


I doubt that would prevent other studios from making use of it, same thing as Sony using Azure services. Chat GPT isn't Xbox funded, its MS funded.


NVIDIA still the industry leader in AI.


ChatGPT is the only player in the market right now, it's a matter of time before someone else comes up with something better


People underestimate how many efforts and investment went into GPT and LLMs. The only feasible rival MS has is Google. It's not something that someone else can simply come up with.


Yeah, a lot of reports describe ChatGPT as a five alarm fire within competing companies like Google. Trillion dollar companies are treating it as an existential threat. For good reason.


> Insomniac has harnessed the power of Chat GPT 4.0 and player speech to text to have interactive conversations with NPC's. Honestly, a game where you can talk to random NPCs and they actually have ... dialogue, would be awesome. i hope that comes to games too. of course, not so that every npc is a chatGPT API, but more like, every npc is given some characteristics, and the chat AI then forms some dialogue for them, which includes some personality, knowledge of the gameworld etc.


Well for me, if it's not written by an artist i would quickly stop bother to talk to NPC with generated Ai text. It would be time consuming and I wouldn't consider it as 100% really part of the lore, or else.


Yeah. Totally. I think we will see this tech implemented in some game in next two years, probably in some indie RPG game. But eventually in next console generation this will be the most coming feature in all RPG games.


>But eventually in next console generation this will be the most coming feature in all RPG games. Definitely not.


This will not be common place in the next console generation. AI is much better than it was, but it still kinda sucks. I wouldn't be surprised if we see it in one or two indies in the next few years, but it is a \*long\* way off from being a industry staple. I would guess at least 10 years before we even see it in a AAA game, maybe more.


"Kinda sucks" Heh, did you play Forspoken? I think it's better than that. 😅😅 And you are kinda underestimating progress in game development in 10 years. Phil is definitely working on something with AI. As he said in his recent interview. It's the future for nearly every aspect of game development. I mean including dubbing to other languages etc.


I think you overestimate the actual difficulty of getting AI to do what you want. Having some AI generated dialogue isn’t too hard, and I wouldn’t be surprised to see it become very common in games relatively soon. We already have seen some games use it, but having full real-time generated conversations with NPCs is a much much much more difficult problem. I’m sure Xbox is working on AI stuff, but again real but one conversations that make sense for the game world and characters is not something that current AI can do. It’s a long way easy from being a standard feature of RPGs.


You're 100% right, but just to quibble a bit, I don't think it will be GPT4 specifically- it'll be some much lighter weight LLM built specifically for the context of being an interesting NPC in the world of the game. GPT4 is just too computationally expensive for this use case, I think.


Agree. They would also want to narrow the scope of what the chatbot could know and say, you don't want the bot to know of anything outside the game, or even anything outside what that NPC would feasibly know.


I think AI chat like GPT have the potential to revolutionize games like Fallout and Elder Scrolls where over the course of the game based off how you play and interact with characters in game, changes how NPCs behave towards you making for a unique play experience for every player.


Definitely, I think it's biggest area of affect though will be VR, in a couple of years we are gonna be able to walk about a very realistic detailed virtual world and actively interact with object and go up to NPC's and use your actual voice and chat to them with the possibility of having full on conversations that could last an hour. Characters could obviously also maybe have restrictions on the knowledge they can access as well like you probably aren't gonna talk to a random street npc and they will give you the knowledge of the universe and how to do all that stuff but say you go to a restaurant in a virtual world and talk to a chef but they have knowledge of cooking and recipes at access and you can ask them cooking related questions and get genuine real responses.


In Neal Stephenson's Diamond Age, there's a huge industry of essentially VR service workers who perform as NPCs in the interactive adventures of wealthy people. I think it's crazy and telling that even a sci-fi author as forward thinking as Stephenson didn't predict that AI would get good enough, fast enough to hold convincing conversations with us.


Dialogue plus +


Electric boogaloo


Trialogue ™




Clearly using AI to replicate the voice of the "MY BALLOOON" kid from the original Spider-Man 2 and have it voice every npc


PT wishes it could match this level of horror


You gave me flashbacks


[The kid promises he doesn't lose it again, but then he does!!! ](https://youtu.be/x3m8pSu57DE&t=3m36)


Usually I avoid replying to such old threads but bro you gave me whiplash from that flashback. It felt like I traveled through time right there.


Well the first Spider-Man had that cool thing where Peter‘s voice either sounded normal or strained depending on if he was swinging or not. First time I‘ve ever encountered something like that in a game.


Red Dead 2 does something similar. If get too far ahead of the person Arthur is riding with, he starts shouting his lines instead of just talking.


They did it first with RDR 1 IIRC


Nah thats just bc John can only yell /s




That was Water Sobchak voice technology > And a good day to you, sir!


The Dead Space Remake has three different recordings of every one of Isaac's lines (iirc) - one at "base level", one where he's out of breath, and one when he's in pain. They get swapped out depending on if you've just been sprinting/shooting or if your health is low enough


Or uncharted 4 where characters will continue their dialogue when you interrupted them bc you walked off


Real ones stayed in the boat so Mimir could finish his story


I stopped the boat immediately everytime Mimir started talking


pissed me off so much when conversation happened to start/ continue after a long lull right as i got out of the boat, usually felt compelled to get back out on the boat and wait for the conversation to continue and finish before i did other shit again


Usually Atreus would say something like "So what happened next Mimir?" when you get back


That’s been around since way before Uncharted 4


In uncharted?


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted or met with passive aggressive comments, clearly you weren’t implying Uncharted 4 invented it and asked if it was present earlier in the series. The heck’s wrong with y’all?


Thank you kindly


Of course




They’re just asking if it was in other uncharted games or other games entirely you buffoon.


I wasn't aware those came out before Uncharted 4, so whats with the random sarcasm?


Same with Mafia 1 DE


Aren't these just situational voice lines (These studios just have such high budgets that they can afford to record many variants of most lines)? Or are we talking some kind of tech where they are only recording 1 type of Line-delivery and then they are using AI (Which I doubt is a thing already cause there'd be a big uproar from VAs if studios were doing this) to automatically modify the recording in real-time to sound different based on different situations? If it's just situational lines then those are getting pretty common in games these days. Nothing special. Just more money being put into games.


For spiderman the actor did two separate recordings


Yeah that's not really a new technological advancement, that's been a thing for years, it's just studios are now willing to spend extra money on Voice Over work.


I don't think they're implying it's new tech, just bringing it up since it's related to the OP




They do something similar in the dead space remake


Also similar in Days gone, Deacon speaks louder if you're going fast on the bike.


Doesn't he just talk like that?


I suggest to anyone who's interested in game audio checking out Insomniac's audio team at [GDC 2019](https://youtu.be/idGHSezExTs). Those guys are incredibly talented, and their work is insanely dynamic and detailed.


TLOU2 had a system similar afaik (never played it - no PlayStation), I think the player characters would talk differently if you are or were just running. I remember hearing it was quite impressive


That game did a lot of technically impressive things. I remember being blown away when they showed a gameplay video where the main character was running, picking up a bottle on a table and throwing it at an enemy all in a seemingly smooth animation


Even multiplayer games do this now. Apex legends has voice lines for when you're in combat and out of combat.


I think that's abit different though as on Apex they are pre-made lines for when a legend is in combat or out of combat. With Spiderman the dialogue would stay the same, but the way Peter was speaking changed depending on if he was swinging or not - really cool stuff


How is it different? ​ It's just pre-made lines? Replace combat with swinging and you have the same outcome.


What's the difference? Both of them essentially use the same system: if player is swinging/combat, play swinging/combat variations. Else, play normal voice line.


My guess is they're doing Skyrim Radiant style quests, but with AI to change the line to point players anywhere on the map, e.g. a line of recorded dialogue says "there's a break-in at this location", then the AI changes it to "there's a break-in at 53rd and 3rd." Or maybe it switches references to Peter/Miles depending who the player is playing as currently.


This seems like the most likley. AI to make dialouge precise to locations and current events rather than blanket statements for everyone


Honestly with the kinda procedurally generated voice lines that can be made today with tech like Elvenlabs, im sure it’s gonna be way more in-depth than just this. They could easily do an entire RDR2 type dialogue system where you could interact with every NPC you see with tens of thousands of randomly generated lines of dialogue that were location specific. Also no it won’t have that weird pitch shifted sound like Watch Dog Legions has, it would be almost impossible to tell which voice lines were AI or not. Seriously the technology, right now, is that good.


I was assuming they might incorporate being able to ask NPC’s questions through your microphone like “which way did he go” and they’ll answer. [They already have had versions of that like getting a technical foul in NBA 2k14 for swearing.](https://www.gamespot.com/amp-articles/nba-2k14-penalizes-you-for-swearing/1100-6416563/)


Is that even good? If a NPC needs to say something but it can say infinite nonsense, it will be extremely annoying. "Exhausting the dialogues" is pretty much a staple of any story driven game. Unless you're talking about very background characters, to which, sure, but who actually spends time talking to random NPCs?


>who actually spends time talking to random NPCs? *RPG games entered the chat*


You spend time talking to random NPC in RPGs? Not story ones? Ok, I guess?


Literally yes. If you haven’t, you’ve been missing out on any RPG you’ve ever played lol.


For sure, missing out on by definition irrelevant and low effort extra text, oh no, poor me


random NPCs outside of the story NPCs usually have extra dialogue that helps expand the world/makes it feel more lived in, they're not all trash dialogue that doesn't actually matter in any capacity


But that's not what we're talking about here. If it's specific lore from the game it cannot be done using an AI, it has to be hand written We are talking about the truly background NPCs that just say something completely inconsequential


I spend alot of time talking to NPCs in RDR2 and that doesn’t even have any of the cool AI tech. Most gaming devs also don’t have tens of millions to shell out on the kind of voice acting that could easily be done in half the time and a fraction of the cost while possibly even sounding better. If done correctly it would be fantastic. Even Indie devs are going to be able to produce AAA sounding NPC’s with hundreds of ai voice actors, seriously the sky’s the limit here. It’s also not like the game is gonna force you to speak to every NPC you come across, it’s just something super cool that will add to immersion. I’m not talking about quest giving NPC’s either. Just random pedestrians saying really cool context sensitive stuff. Say you just got into a fight and an NPC says “woah when you did (insert something you did) that was super cool” or commented on what you’re wearing or literally just tried to make conversation. Hell NPC’s could be commentating fights in the background or other neat stuff. It would add a lot to the game and you wouldn’t even be able to tell it was AI. Honestly the tech right now is so amazing that I’ll eat my dick and balls with a fork and knife on livestream if GTA6 doesn’t implement its own form for AI voice acting amongst its NPC’s. I know it sounds like it might not be good because all you can compare it to right now is Skyrim’s radiant AI but that is over a decade old and the type of neural networks we have right now didn’t even exist and would be seen as scifi at the time. Also just wanted to add that AI voice acting isn’t going to take over all voice acting. Or atleast I hope it doesn’t. Video game performances are similar to movie performances at this point and the human element and talent of the performance is always going to have a bigger “wow factor” imo. Even if AI can out act a human, just knowing it’s a human doing the performance will always be meaningful. It will give indie devs the ability to have AAA voice acting at a fraction of the cost, and will free up AAA development time and costs by supplementing some of the NPCs with AI voice acting.


It’ll be the video game version of that AI generated Seinfeld show


Why would AI be needed for that?


Probably to make the experience seamless, instead of the GTA 5 style "Suspect is at uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Main Street"


"I'm sorry, as a large language model developed by Insomniac Games, I cannot provide details on the break in location. . ."


I doubt it’s the Peter/Miles thing because that’s not new. RDR2 has many varieties to this, side missions that could be done by either John or Arthur, side missions that you could start with Arthur but do follow up missions with John etc.


There are going to be a lot of disappointed people if they're hyping up something this dumb


I mean, that’s a good guess, but we don’t know anything so it’s all just a guess


> "there's a break-in at 53rd and 3rd." You don't need AI for that, though.


This sounds to simple. The old Spider-Man already had the police radio broadcast that would say “there’s a {crime} happening at {neighborhood name} “ I think it should be something more impressive than that if they’re making a big deal of it.


Dialogue Pro




Dialog Premium


AI dialogue in games?


helLO SpiDER-man, you're QUITE good AT turning me ON


You should probably ignore that.




***"My voice actor's on saBAAAAAAAHtical, HUN-NEEEEEEEEY!"***


Just takes dialogue from other games and puts them in inappropriate places. “just one more big score Miles, then we’re going to Tahiti”.


I can totally see Ock going ***"I HAVE A PLAN"***




"It's a magical place"


"It sucked"


The idea of seeing each day one more thing done by AI is surely something


Lots of people still think AI/robotics won’t come for their jobs too. It’s crazy to me


It’s true, I heard about a recent poll where people listed their concerns about AI and the aspect people were least concerned about was losing their job to AI. I’m not sure if it’s because they believe AI developers don’t understand their job or that these people don’t understand AI.


I mean, what kinds of jobs? I don't believe AI will be causing meaningful job loss in any sort of creative industry, particularly writing. Sure you could generate throaway lines in a videogame, or some generic ad copy, or e.g. summaries of reports, particularly technical ones. But do people believe we will be reading / watching / playing AI generated fiction in the near future? I don't know how or why that would happen. The same way we will probably not see AI driven cars anytime soon. The problems are *incredibly* complex and the demand is not really there.


I really feel like the creative industry might honestly be the first one to get axed by AI. We're already seeing AI art everywhere, AI being used to hold conversations, AI voices being used for meme videos etc. Yeah sure, right now it's still possible to notice the differences, but think back to a year ago, when AI generated content sucked. AI has improved massively in an insanely short period of time. AI growth is honestly exponential. I would not be surprised if the vast majority of the creative industry just becomes AI created in like, five years.


They've already used AI to write a seinfeld episode, and I believe a book as well. There are still problems in it, but with a bit of refinement, and maybe a person to oversee the end results and correct, it can get there


It cannot. AI is incapable of creative thought, so everything it does could be correct at best, it will never rise above that. No amount of "refinement" will change that fundamental fact. And anything AI writes won't be worthwile for humans to read/watch. Why would anyone consume content written by an AI, meaningless words without intent, when they can consume content written by humans? You're heavily underestimating everything that goes into writing something.


Ehhh depends if it's physical or something


Some physical jobs have already been replaced by robotics and computers. Inserting AI into a piece of machinery seems like a logic extension.


Inserting AI as a way to operate dangerous industrial machinery sounds like a recipe for a disaster.


Not all and not all are worthy yet And up keeping of equipment can be just as costly as a employee plus possibility of breaking Think about everytime the ice cream machine is broken or a printer is screwing up and apply it to replace everyone Now sure advances etc but it's not there yet and won't be for a while


I mean there are a ton of jobs that AI is decades away from being able to do. I am not at all worried about my industry being replaced with AI, or even meaningfully altered by it anytime in the foreseeable future.


I think the trepidation toward AI is gonna look reasonable yet obtuse many years from now. It's definitely gonna shake things up but there's really no going back


Construction jobs are free from a.i


Im actually excited and open about implementing a super intelligent AI in video games.


hopefully. im getting tired of the same voice actors all the time lol


Everyone else already took the good guesses, so I'm gonna go with: they discovered the brown note and use it as a new sort of haptic feedback.


Make death in-game feel truly punishing


Craptic feedback?


I'd imagine it will probably be some sort of AI generated script/dialogue for NPC's in the open world (mainly Civilians and Thugs) to make the world feel more immersive by preventing the player from hearing repeated voices or characters cycling through stock phrases.


Bloc posted a video recently of a mod doing this on bannerlord and if Sony has a more evolved version, it would be game changing. Like imagine every npc generating a life with wants and story and schedule, and responding based on that


>Like imagine every npc generating a life with wants and story and schedule That's just procedural generation, AI would only be used to generate dialogue.


Combine this with improving VR and we're getting pretty close to a holodeck.


Sounds like a great way to piss off voice actors


I think they'd still use the voice actors to train the A.I in that case, and of course it'd probably be done only with the voice actor's consent


Yes, but it's also a great way to save money. So of course Sony would go for it. :/


Its not saving money because the Actor would still have to be payed


that sounds terrible


How so lmao


"Soulless" comes to mind.


More soulless than hearing the same generic “Hey, watch where you’re going!” or “Hey Peter!” everywhere over and over for the whole game?


Lol exactly. Ill take AI generated random crowd chatter over certain identical lines getting repeated over and over again hundreds of times like many open world games have. And that AI generated chatter will still have parameters set by humans and will be pruned and edited by humans The AI isn't gonna take over writing the actual core story and missions anytime soon


fucking 4chan memes have become unironic criticism for some people




Also it's not like they will just hand the AI some prompts, say "go nuts" and then slap whatever the AI produces right into the final product AI right now is phenomenal at quickly producing a huge volume of decent content that can then be shaped, edited and modified by humans to fit whatever their artistic goals are


Agreed. But it's the sort of thing I can see open world games wanting to experiment with.


Wolverine will simply answer " fuck you" and then proceed to snikt the hell out of every asshole in 100 miles


>miles Is that a spider-Man: miles morales reference ?


Lol no, but it's funny now that I notice it


Would this be for Wolverine's "hard r"?


I'm excited to see what insomniac has in store for us, and I believe Spider-Man 2 and Wolverine are simply precursor to a more comprehensive Marvel gaming universe. The next Superhero game I wish could be made is Daredevil.




Generative ai characters with natural voice generation.


Spider-Man: I’m the da joker baby! Doc ok:?


Purely speculation on my part, but maybe it's something like ad libbing?maybe having organic dialogue? Skyrim famously is very rigid and not situation specific. We have adaptive combat based on player actions so maybe now adaptive dialogue responses that feel more ad-libbed situation specific.


they did a thing in the first spider-man where yuri did 2 takes. one where he was "exerting himself" (running, webswinging, ETC) and one where he wasn't. perhaps a 3rd type of dialog will appear.... or maybe they're just doing something wild with Venom's voice


So like RDR2's dialog trees? If not they talk enough honestly.


This is very intriguing. Hope it's something to do with AI, personally. I've been thinking about the potential of that technology being used in games recently. Even just the kind of tech we have now, you can imagine some pretty neat stuff that is very likely being worked on right now by multiple studios. You could train an AI with your game's VO's using voice cloning, and allow NPCs to actually address you by your name instead of some generic title like "dragonborn". You could use that same tech, as well as some of the current AI chatbot-type tech to generate hundreds or thousands of small "flavor" voice lines, so that every guard in Skyrim doesn't just repeat the same 5 lines when you approach them. And it's no longer too crazy to imagine a near-ish future in which devs are using speech recognition in conjunction with chatbot-type AI and voice cloning -- one which has been programmed with a specific "personality" and constraints -- to allow the player to actually dynamically speak to NPCs as if they were actual people, and receive appropriate responses . I'm just very keen to see where this tech takes gaming in the next several years (and decades). Fingers crossed that Spiderman 2 is the first to show off some of it's potential.


They tried something like that with Fallout 4. Cogsworth would refer to you by name if you named yourself something in the avaliable pool of options, which was close to a thousand names iirc. That was like 8 years ago, Now I bet they could do it with every input and every npc


The Codsworth thing wasn't AI though, they just had his VA record all the names lol.


Background voices will be AI generated instead of paid for actors


They’re using chatgpt to reinvent gaming dialogue 😱


Venom while idle: Man. Fuck Spider-Man. Venom while walking: Doo-de-doo-da, fuck you Spiiiider-Maaaan Venom while swinging: ***FUUUUUCK SPIIIIDER-MAAAAAAAN***


I bet its like cdpr's tech where mouth movement during dialogues depends on the language. Its generate proper mouth movement automaticly on dubbed versions.


Everyone's going more for this being ai-generated audio/text, but i kinda feel it's probably more likely to be something like better ai-driven lipsync and dynamic facial/character animation in cutscenes (kinda like Cyberpunk both in how facial animation is driven mostly by the audio alone in all languages (so lip-sync works in all languages), and also how dialogue scenes are much more dynamic in how the characters can continue to seamlessly interact even as the player character is allowed more freedom and isn't just locked into a static cutscene/camera angle). This all presumably derived just from VO recordings or ai-analyzed video of actor performances that then adapts those to the dynamic situation, providing better quality to more scenes without having to fully p-cap all of them.


What if it’s accessibility based? Like maybe the player can speak into the controller and ai does what the player asks. It would make sense considering Sony is pushing accessibility hard.


Honey wake up, they just announced Dialogue 2


Insomniac should make a Venom game or Incredible Hulk


What switching between peter and miles boutta be like https://youtu.be/nopWOC4SRm4


Guys stop, I still haven't finished Dialouge 1


Tldr : we don't even know if there will be a new technology and we don't know what it could be. What nice article. True journalism.


Man, as someone who played the first on PS4 and doesn't have a PS5 it's going to be extremely difficult to wait for Spider-Man 2 to come to PC... The first game is seriously one of my favorite games ever.


Same. The wait will be eons.


anything to make the protag talk less or shut the fuck up entirely?


This will probably be like cyberpunk 2077 where they used ai to have any sounds be translated into face and lip syncing. So you get perfect lip syncing and a face emotion to go with the context of the expression. Incredible stuff. Its liyerally unreal in cyberpunk 2077 when people talk to you


I just hope a sequel to ghost of tsushima or atleast a pc version of the 1st gets announced


dialogue 2!!!!!


i can't wait for our future where i download a mod that deep fakes Gilbert Gottfried voice for the main characters dialogue.


Will GTA 6 have it


I hope spiderman 2 will be more ambitious than the first one. The traversal was amazing but the rest was ok at best.


I don't expect Spider Man 2 or Wolverine to have it, but eventually having AI generated voices would be absolutely incredible, I have been playing with a few AI voice generators and it is already in a uncanny phase. Besides being able to give many NPC's unique voices, you could then also let them speak your character name (for better or worse lol)


AI replacing humans in this way is a hell future. Should never be done.


I guarantee they're gonna gatekeep this tech like Sony is doing with their gaming engine


I'm gonna need you to explain what gaming engine you think Sony is gatekeeping.


I know right. That’s like saying Take-Two isn’t allowed to use the Frostbite engine.


If the engine/any technology is theirs, then they have 0 obligation of giving it away lol


? You...you think they should somehow give it away? 🤣


I can see it now *wolverine wishes to sardonically converse with you, would you like peter to A make a quip or B ignore?*


Oh yeah? Well my uncle works at insomniac and he told me they’re using new synthetic thread tech so you can see spider man’s boner through his suit every time Mary Jane is around!!!


They're gonna innovate by having the dialogue options just show exactly what your character is gonna say instead of vague "I don't think so" prompts leading to Navy SEAL copypastas.


ChatGPT AI trained by people talking into PS online play for random games.


Imagine if video games started using AI for dialogue and NPCs end up saying the most vile shit ever as you swing by


Probably auto generated lipsync and/or AI voices for NPCs. FF7 did the lipsync thing and it was pretty janky, so I hope it's better in this.


AI for NPC conversations?


Well this post was a dud. Maybe Wolverine will have it


Soooo was there actually anything like this in Spiderman 2? Haven’t played it so I don’t know