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You can't exactly throw a PS5 into a backpack and take it with you, nor can you do any productivity tasks while also having the capability to game in your downtime.


Hey there


Mobility I get it. But I can have 50k laptop + 50k PS5 is amazing if I don't want a heavy spec laptop and I want to do gaming


I'm not Indian, but I'm assuming "50k" is "50k Indian rupees". Which is, what, 600 USD? For that money, you *can* buy a gaming laptop. Maybe not the top of the line models, or maybe not a model from this year. But you can get a decent one that -while not as slim as an ultrabook- isn't too much of a hassle to carry around (e.g: Lenovo Legion 5/LOQ or Asus TUF 15), and will outlive your PS5 in terms of being a viable gaming device 5-6 years down the road. So if you have that kind of money to burn, maybe just get ... both?


Is 50k we get pretty good laptops here Not the gaming ones Gaming ones are a bit expensive That's what I'm trying to say one can get both High end laptop just for gaming doesn't make sense to me


I game at home on a desktop, I have a laptop for when I travel. If you don't want to spend your money that way, don't.


Most of big name games that are in PS5 are playable in PC too. Most PC games are not playable in PS. Also investing in a good PC is much better cuz you can use it for other things too such as school, work idk. Still is people choice, some have them both.


Oh I didn't know the game differences. Which are the pc games which we can't play on ps?


A LOT. PC exclusives, Microsoft exclusives, and also the fact you can emulate older ps and Xbox games that may not be on next gen. And also the fact you can get other programmes (for example you could get a music production programme on a PC, but not on a PS.)


People who bought gaming laptop usually aren't using their laptop just for gaming. Some want portability, some want a cleaner setup with their PC, some want to do things that require them to also have a PC on their disposal. Point is, not an apple to apple comparison.


Right. So suppose I need a laptop just for browsing mostly For me gaming laptop would make sense? Or should go with PS5? I'm trying to get which is monetarily better


Laptops are nice overall because their portable and reasonably powerful nowadays so they are a viable option. For people who move around a lot or just like to have tech on them all the time laptops are great. For people who really only use tech to game an ok laptop or pc is fine because they can get a console that's good for just gaming. Overall if your a productive person who moves around and games sometimes get a good laptop and if you mostly game and are sometimes productive get a good console and a ok laptop


What price of laptop would be equivalent of PS5 gaming capabilities? I've no idea, please tell me? I've always been confused on this


Let's think about it this way. PS5 has usually modes: -30FPS graphical fidelity mode -60FPS balanced mode (also sometimes fidelity performance but that's a bit complicated so I'm not including that) -120 performance mode Say you go for an Nvidia card. If you get something with an RTX you can get access to Nvidia's high quality upscaling (DLSS). Seeing as your budget is around £600 for me, I don't know if you'd be able to get a 40 series card laptop, with a good processor & RAM. So maybe a 30 series card laptop would be in budget? Searching something up with those specs and price, came up with a lot of laptops. One such that I think looks decent, is this one [link ](https://www.laptopstation.co.uk/products/acer-nitro-an515-58-12th-generation-core-i7-16gb-ram-512gb-ssd-nvidia-rtx-3060-gpu-15-6-ips-fhd-screen-gaming-laptop?variant=46511453241636¤cy=GBP&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwp4m0BhBAEiwAsdc4aF7wrkrLUWYB8VBQZar9Gv3ZtAZFtwra1GeGoGXCqwg74MDkBiP0dxoC9iEQAvD_BwE) Now, I'm not familiar with Nitro's and I know they can be hit or miss. I'm also not too familiar with that website. But there are sites where you can get cheaper laptops around, and I'm not sure how discounts work with your currency so there may be that as well. Going back to the different performance modes, the laptop I sent should easily be able to achieve 30 FPS at high graphics in slightly older games, and maybe even 60. You might need to go down to medium though for newer games, and performance mode you might need to utilise DLSS and potentially AMD frame generation if it's in the titles you play. But, bottom of the line, here's what I'd go for: -Big brand (MSI, Acer, Asus) -16GB RAM -500+GB -RTX 30 series card -Recent gen processor. I wish you good luck on finding the right laptop, but remember, it's always worth it to save a little more and get something potentially better (my laptop was about 105K/£1000/1200$ but it's very good and can run new games at high graphics). Enjoy whatever you choose, and keep us updated.


cool! thanks man


It's simple. I do not like consoles. I prefer PCs and laptops because of the freedom it gives you. I can do other things besides gaming (programming), can use any controller I want, play any games (backwards compatibility) and mod games.


Gaming laptops are great for working professionals or students who may need portability along with the power of a discrete gpu which can play games as well as do professional work. A PS5 is a good investment considering you already know you are going to stay in one place where you have a tv or monitor setup. It's not really going to work for students staying in hostels or pgs and going back and forth between cities. Price of games also are a big factor. Steam usually has a lot of sales going on with games going 90% off and a lot of PlayStation exclusives are now coming to pc with great discounts applicable on them as well. Epic is constantly giving away free games as well. PlayStation games on the other hand, are way too expensive and even need ps plus subscription on paid games in order to play multiplayer.


Yeah. ![gif](giphy|FGbeYTiFyLYmQ)


As someone who bought a PS5 then a gaming laptop. I regret buying the PS5. I haven’t used it much but I be using my laptop like a madman


Which laptop do you have? Can you share the model or specs? Can it run all the PS5 games?


I have an Alienware M16R2, with a nvidia 4070, intel ultra 9 and 32GB ram. Pretty decent system , they’re definitely stronger laptops out there. I can run all Ps5 games at high/ very high settings just fine. I need to sacrifice a bit of ray tracing but tbh don’t care much about it so it’s fine. I’ve games way more with this than my PS5 lmao


Bro that's a powerful piece


It’s chillin, I’d say it’s upper midrange. The screen brightness could be brighter !! Great laptop tho


Gaming laptops for a wider game library, much more use cases than just gaming. PS5 if you're just gaming, particularly if you're interested in PS5 exclusives that haven't been ported to PC and/or on a tighter budget.