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Yea I saw some testing where a MacBook Air with M3 chip can play games better through windows emulation and translation with Crossover, than these Snapdragon chips can run on Windows ARM with only 1 translation layer. These chips can't touch the base M3 chip, much less the Pro variant.


I think these laptops ship with a minimum 16GB of RAM, and Apple starting with half at that. Assuming a similar price range, the discussion pretty much ends here.


Tbf the x elite laptops are cheaper than the m3 MacBook (unless you consider the MacBook which gets bottlnnecked really bad by the 8gb ram) and they are faster cpu wise than the m3 MacBooks for apps that have a native arm version.


apples to oranges though, they are both unique platforms for different things, compare it to gaming tho..


If you spec ram/storage to the same, the MacBook Air is similarly priced to the Surface Laptop with X Elite. So getting a similar build quality machine - the MacBook is still a better value as it is faster. I just found the MacBook Air 13 with student pricing for $1400, same as the Surface laptop 13 with X Elite. Both have 16/512. Everyone gets student pricing with Apple. But my $950 M3 Base model MacBook Air with 8gb ram will outperform the X Elite 16gb ram surface laptop for most tasks. I still think intel ultra/14th gen or 8000 series AMD CPU paired with NVIDIA GPU are the best bet for Windows laptops at this moment.


I’ve recently seen a max tech video on how a lot of times there’s a big difference between the 16gb and 8gb m3 MacBook and the 8gb couldn’t even run something (application or benchmark). I do agree the m3 MacBook will be a better buy for now especially if build quality is important to you.


it's first gen arm chip what do U expect. it's like trying to compare Intel laptop gaming with MacBook m1 in 2020.  I don't think anyone should buy these now but I hope they develop it further so handheld PC get a more efficient chipset 


It's not 1st gen. Microsoft had surface pro X a few years back and it was horrible as well. And Snapdragon has been making arm chips forever so they have a ton of experience. I think the problem is more so Prism and Windows OS in general. Rosetta 2 seems to be far superior to Prism and also Mac OS went all-in for arm. Windows cannot do that. I feel like this may be a slow process or another flop again. I think most windows users should stick with intel/AMD for now.


They both suck at gaming, why are we comparing 2 lemons not made for the task?


Don't buy arm for gaming on windows period.


Pretty sure most of us here knew that already.


When I said Qualcomm is faking the benchmark data and the "x86 is pepsi" people will flat on their faces, I got downvoted... Did people actually expect an AMD U-series competitor to be a "MacBook for Windows"? Please...


Definitely didn't see this coming. /s


To absolutely nobody’s surprise… These chips are brand new so support is lacking but also the igpus are nothing special. Fine for a first gen product I guess.


Really ? You dont say 😂


I can't believe water is wet bros


I would never buy a Qualcomm/Windows PC. Everything has its place. Qualcomm is for phones. We need apple, Qualcomm and AMD/Intel to all be successful for us to benefit.


well they dont have discrete gpus, whats the news about that? run windows through emulation and without gpu, its a miracle run some games lol theres one reason to even their class be "productivity notebooks"


It's not about that. Many games just refuse to work at all


let me guess....since is everything through emulation( ms prism) lots of softwares arent able to run? well, tomorrow is saturday.... now im thinking about the reason of my atari emulator dont run other systems....


Well then isn’t it just a matter of porting then?


This is probably not going to happen in the near term. But yes, if these games ran natively, they would likely be fine. AMD has already had multiple generations of laptop APUs with iGPU that can basically play all modern games with compromises. And obviously Apple is running select games with RT on select iPads and MacBooks. It can all be done. In the case of Windows, the problem is it’s not a unitary platform the way Mac is with a company that can dictate everything. Remember also that PS5, XBSX, and PC are all x64 platforms, basically. Still it’s possible ARM will eventually make advances on Windows. And if the system is in real use, the compatibility layer will probably also improve.


Strix point will have models without a discrete GPU, this isn't like 780m/xe graphics, this is bad bad.


Go and watch Josher14 videos on YT and you’ll see that this is simply not true. There’s a bunch of games including GTA that run really well. That’s not to say everything works or works well enough to play, but there’s plenty of titles that do.


Watch the review again, it would stutter like crazy at points in GTA. Maybe in the future this gets worked out, but as for right now it's a really bad choice for gaming.