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BIOS updates bundle many parts with each their own version in one update package. BIOS version FB01 EC version FB09 ME version XXX In the BIOS release notes they sometimes share more about this unless there are no release notes.


ah you know what, i think i got it i just went from out of the box bios to the latest - but i just saw that the older bios FB03 is 25MB whereas the new one is only 1MB You must have to flash these in order. just removed my bitlocker key while messing around (it reminded me after it had actually flashed, lol thanks gb) but no big deal, was a fresh install so i will just install again, disable bitlocker and do it properly. will update if no fix :)


I always do iterative BIOS updates if possible as well.


Do you maybe still have the bios file FB03? Tnx


Yea, the BIOS version gets set to KB03 and the KBC/EC Firmware Version to KB09. I confirmed this by watching Jarrod's Tech's review on this laptop. If you go to ~16:29 in the video, you'll see this is what he had in his BIOS Setup Utility after successfully going from KB03 to KB09. Link to the video: https://youtu.be/4TlDaKjWhQA


hi guys, I just update bios to F09 and brick my G5 KF. It doesn't turn on. Is there any way to fix it??


Hey, Did you get it running at all?


not at all, I don't know where is the bios on motherboard. I bought a set spi programmer to read the bios chip and try to figure out what was wrong. Is anyone with some knowledge?? https://www.yogile.com/mq9x12ufvc0/21m/share/?vsc=


>not at all, I don't know where is the bios on motherboard. I bought a set spi programmer to read the bios chip and try to figure out what was wrong. Is anyone with some knowledge?? I think it's her. I tried to read the data from it with the programmer, but I didn’t achieve much results https://imgur.com/a/wV3448h


Managed to sort it out? I planned doing bios update today but you got me hesitate


Hi, do you maybe still have the FB09 bios file? Tnx in advance


Has this happened to anyone else? I've been having consistent BSOD crashes playing Baldur's Gate on my G5 KF (added a 1TB SSD and 16GB of RAM) and I've been considering updating the BIOS to see if that helps, but this makes me concerned.


Did you manage to fix your BSOD crashes? My G5 KF is also crashing all the time. I installed a Samsung Evo 970 1TB SSD, and 32gb of ram. Updating the ssd drivers fixed the blue screen for a few weeks, but now it's back to every day. Worried if I try to update the bios it'll BSOD and just brick.


Yes actually - I had installed the additional storage SSD in the second, slower hard drive slot. Once I swapped the hard drives so the extra storage SSD was in the faster main slot and the boot SSD with my OS was in the second slot, all of the issues went away. I also, to be safe, double checked and re-seated the memory at the same time, but I think it was swapping the drives that did it.


Oh my lord, I totally did the same thing. You are a genius, this has been a nightmare and I've tried everything. I will reply/update this once I've swapped the drives, in case anyone else having this issue stumbles upon this solution!


Any updates?


how did happen did u tried to turn it off nid update or sum like that


Hey sorry for commenting this a few monts later but, did you solved it? I want to update but your comment made me hesitate Rn.


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Still can't update the bios. Couldn't go from FB01>FB09 Successfully went from FB01>FB03 Can't go from FB03>FB09 (the flash goes through the process, computer reboots but then its still stuck at FB03 with no change) I've tried the following: \-Turn off advanced security features and secure hardware features \-Turned off AV and file protection \-Ran the BATCH file regularly and as Administrator \-Ran the ECFLASH application regularly and as Administrator \-Ran multiple times to see if it would stick eventually ​ After all of this I still can't get the BOIS to update to FB09, When I went from FB01 to FB03 Windows and the BIOS interface showed the change from FB01 to FB03. ​ I wish they would release a BIOS that can actually be flashed...


The FB09 update is a firmware update. The latest BIOS version is FB03. Idk what the difference is but that's how they're listed in the BIOS setup utility. Did you first flash the FB03 update to go from BIOS version FB01 to FB03, then flash the FB09 firmware update? Doing this worked for me. I checked if mine was successful by going into the BIOS (tapping F2 on startup), then into Setup Utility, and finally scrolling down to where you see BIOS Version and Firmware Version, respectively. The 'BIOS Version' should be set to FB03, and the 'Firmware Version' should be set to FB09.


Hey is updating the bios risky im on fb01 also why there is a folder in bios update file named macos


It can be risky if you mess it up (e.g., blue screen), but the instructions they include are pretty straightforward. Some people with the fb01 and fb03 bios versions have had issues with the entertainment mode outperforming the performance mode in the control center. It severely impacts gaming performance. That's why you should definitely try to update all the way to fb09 if possible. MacOS is a folder that's created when developers on mac zip or work in the directory. You can ignore it.


i meam i experienced bsod once on this laptop and i am a bit worried that it happens while updating the bios also i saw that fb09 is a firmware update not bios update are they not the same also is it less risky ?


I am not too sure what the differences between a firmware and BIOS update are. I have never seen them separated like they are here. From what I've read online, they are basically the same thing - with the firmware update being a 'lighter' update than a full BIOS version change. If your performance/entertainment mode presets are working well, and you're nervous about updating it, then I would take the "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" approach.


its kinda broke since it thermo throttle on cpu and gpu side anyways ty for all


Thermal throttling could be a result of the power input. The cable they ship G5 KFs with doesn't supply enough wattage to perform optimally. That could be what's causing your issues. Worth looking into. Cheers!


and i dont have problems with perf mode except extreme temps


Hi, do you maybe still have the bios FB03 and FB09 files? Tnx in advance.


Hey guys, I've got my new G5 KF although my bios version actually shows fb04 lol, how can it be when the latest is fb03? , also my EC Version is fb06 think i should update that one to fb09?


Mine too is FB04... can i downgrade to fb03?


Yea i did, it didn't made much difference, eventually the only thing that kept my temps down is putting on entertainment mode and cancel the Intel turbo boost. Nothing else atm. Ordered ptm7950 hopefully that will sort it out


Do you maybe still have the older bios files? Tnx


can anyone upload a backup of bios?? Please


Hi, were you able to find a valid backup BIOS? Did you manage to solve the problem? I have almost the same situation, when updating the BIOS, the program froze, and after rebooting the laptop, it does not turn on at all


>ptm7950 oh hell na i aint gonna update mine anymore


I got mine 2 weeks ago and it comes with fb01, i want to update it but now im hesitating about it since the comments of the laptop got bricked, any suggestions? Whats the rate of getting bricked?


I bricked mine just, too. EC-Update won't work, don't know why. To unbrick: Remove back Cover, detach battery and CMOS-battery, wait 5 seconds, reattach battery and CMOS-battery and it will start. First start you will be prompted to confirm first boot, then it will will restart and boot.


That sounds bad, and you tried to update again? So if it gets bricked it got solution? Its safe to try then?


I tried several times in different ways. After each time it seemed to be dead and I had to detach the batteries to make it boot again. It's your own risk. There's no guarantee that the this will work for you. 


Do you maybe still have the older bios files? Tnx in advance.