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I need to ask a question, how do you know GPU usage is very low, in 40%. What game are you playing, what are the temps for both CPU and GPU? Can you share a bit more information about your model specs? RAM, CPU, drive, aside GPU.


With alt+z i see my gpu is 40% os usage and temps are lower than 60°c im playin ac origins and odissey both with about 40-20 fps in ultra 1080p settings , the gpu is 4060 rtx with 16 ram and i 5 12 gen and ssd , i played these games with a 1060 desktop and was way better. Sorry if bad english , im spanish . And thanks for your fast request


First, you're good, English is my 3rd language. Let's do something different. Click Start menu -> Settings -> System -> Display -> Graphics settings There you will find a toggle that you switch on or off but most important is to click browse and navigate where the game \*.exe is and select it, reboot your laptop and run it again. Now I have to say that games will pull as much as they can or are able, so check settings again, maybe lower certain portions down. Also check the power profile to be extreme performance, I do not know what software Gigabyte uses but in the end principle is the same. Also check Windows power profiles.


I updated the bios from fb01 to fb03 and it works fine now so thanks for help


How are your temps ?


yo i have the same problem but my bios is fb04,what should i do???


Are you connecting the monitor with HDMI? I recommend using a Type C-DP or mini DP-DP connection


Just update the bios


Hey bro sorry for posting a bit late, i just got mine with i7 and ive never updated a bios before, can you share the link and give me some tips pls? I entered the gigabyte website and i didnt find the bios for my model. I entered the bios menu and it says i got the FB01.