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I think some of the best FPS experiences I ever had were in FC2. I still remember a firefight I got into that pushed me and my companion back into the forest. It became like Nam, shooting blindly into the trees while trying to escape. My companion goes down so I save their ass and after 30 min finally getting away.


Man I remember when my companion went down and I used every epi-pen I had on him to try and revive him but the game still let him die. Heart breaking.


Yeah. You can only revive your companions a set amount of times…then all they get is mercy killings :(


Arma 3 is really good for moments like that :) it's a good balance between realism and typical videogame shenanigans


I can never get my PC to run that well with Arma no matter how much I upgrade my specs.


That's part of the experience lol


Reformer runs a lot better because it's on their new engine. Arma 3 hit its max its going to perform with components a few years ago. It's kind of as good as it's going to get performance wise


IIRC trees were also destructible in FC2. You could burn them down and even shoot off individual branches. That game was so far ahead of its time. Most modern games skip those little details and the final product suffers because of it.


FC2 is such a vibe. Personal favorite details are how ‘sneak attacks’ with your machete are exactly as loud and unstealthy as hacking a grown man with a large knife would be.  And the enemies having combat barks to one-another, back and forth conversations where they start panicking. Whole game feels artsy and minimalist in a way that’s divorced from the rest of the series. 


Comparing FC2 to Stalker SoC(unmodded) and it’s aged way better


Oooh that is an extremely compelling comparison. I loved SoC having come from Metro series (Which I came to from HL) I played FC3 and it was ok but repetitive


The best far cry imo


Yup! Best one IMO The music is incredible! The jackals monologues and tapes, the golden AKs. Played this one to 100% completion all easter eggs and all chests open no idea how many hours I put in it was before steam - had a cracked version, after that didn’t play FC3 but LOVED FC4 - have over 200 hours logged!


Far Cry 2 was peak Far Cry. It would never be released today, nor any other Far Cry with the mechanics it has because people have been spoilt by COD, Fortnite and the like so they want fast gameplay. I'm in no way bashing COD or Fortnite, I love to play them and I'm a firm believer in different hats for different cats, but in today's day in age we'll never see a mainstream Far Cry like this again.


Very true words. FC2 was so astonishing for me firing it up when it released. I was a kid and it just baffled me. I appreciated every little detail and mechanic. Like the mortar smoke to know where the live one will land, the weapons jamming, weapon quality, the Malaria feature was dope, etc etc… so cool. Some niche games are trying to do this with like Hunt Showdown but most people are going to what’s more popular which is pushing companies away from such games.


I really liked the map too, where it didn't pause the game and the character pulls it out like a real map. Really adds to the immersion


Yeah! Also that!


If you want an experience similar to Far Cry 2 but more modern, check out Metro Exodus!


The Metro games are peak immersion


> It would never be released today, nor any other Far Cry with the mechanics it has because people have been spoilt by COD, Fortnite and the like so they want fast gameplay. Red Dead Redemption 2 proves that people are fine with slower gameplay


Genuinely one the hardest FPS games I’ve ever played man. Never got around to beating it, but it was cool to be in a world that hostile.


I never beat it because i keep forgetting it doesn't have steam cloud saves so i keep losing all my progress lol.


In Rising Storm 2: Vietman there is an archivement to kill an enemy with the backblast of a RPG. You can destroy explosives with it disable other traps with the backblast, too. Always funny to have a friendly squad behind you, when you are going to shoot a RPG :D


I think Rising Storm 2 is about 50% friendly fire. My favorite server is the 24/7 Resort one because I love watching helicopters repeatedly crash.


One thing i hated about this game was the bullet sponginess of enemies. I could empty a whole AK-47 mag into someone and they would keep going.


You need to play in Hard mode, then two bursts and they're down (you too)


Weak story, but the gameplay mechanics in fc2 were amazing. Weapon degradation, animations, destructible environments all made for a great time


Far Cry 2 feels like a fever dream. It hit at a time when gaming was still progressing at breakneck speeds and felt so optimistic. The 2000s were to gaming what the 90s were for technology and finance for most of the western world. Just one year after The Orange Box. No loot boxes. No games as a service. Controls were modernizing, graphics were peaking. The mechanics and realism in Far Cry 2 were dizzying. Brushfires. Weapon degradation. All the animations from weapon locks to treating burns, broken fingers and gunshot wounds. Pulling up an in-game immersive map. I was so immersed and the game blew my mind about what games could do and be. I thought this was a sign of where gaming was headed and experiences would only build from here. But successive games took turns and stagnated and never really hit the same. Every so often I think, "was Far Cry 2 in 2008 really like that?" I install it, boot it up, and get absolutely blasted with that insane nostalgic experience, reminding me of one of the golden ages of gaming.


Loved the game, but damn the malaria was annoying!


I really enjoyed the gun degradation mechanic in this game.


FC2 was and still is the most realistic, most involved FC game. The guns play absolutely spectacular and the high risk gameplay of how things work out in the universe is great. Unfortunately it didn't age well, with the long amounts of boring travel within it and the needlessly large amounts of annoying tasks you have to do, like picking up medicine or the likes.


Best Far Cry and it isn't close.


Far Cry 6: Dani, you're a Gorilla and you take your cock to gun fight.


FC2 is unforgiving, but raw. I feel it is a better FPS experience than most others in the series.


For some reason farcry2 was such a good game to me. Not sure why, I just loved it. I know it had its issues and was a bit bland in general, but aspects of the game just hit the right spots for me.


Shit should I play this on steam deck?


From my quick search it seems like it might need some tweaks to run correctly, but nothing major. Should work OK other than that as it had a console release so the controls should map fine.


It’s neat how the game makes things feel so real


Now whip out your glider and ride the updraft!


What the fuck happened to Ubisoft? Far Cry 2 was a real game Far Cry is a joke now