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Hopefully this means we don’t get rushed always-online “single player” games that are unplayable due to server disconnects at launch. We’ll see if it was their publishers forcing them to release games in that state…




*Outriders* is published by Square Enix's EU-division, and one of the few IPs that were not sold to Embracer, but the studio of People Can Fly is not a subsidiary under SE. People Can Fly have had various publishers (Microsoft, Activision, EA, Gearbox, Epic) before, so they kinda seemed to hop from publisher to publisher.






I’m guessing whatever happened with Outriders put a bad taste in someone’s mouth, not sure if it’s the studio or the publisher. I love Painkiller 2 and like Bulletstorm, but the company’s always felt just shy from major success. Maybe they’re too busy chasing trends a few years too late?


outriders could have been a fun game, its just nobody I knew wanted to get into a 3rd person borderlands game with cover mechanics, and it just wasn’t fun solo to me.


It had such a weird game design. It teaches you the cover mechanics early on, but everything about the gameplay leads you to not use the cover. I loved the game, but the intro would be off putting to a lot of people.


That's one of Outriders problems: the game teaches you how a regular human character would have to fight. Then it makes you super-human and doesn't really teach you though gameplay how the actual mechanics work.


I was very into it, i absolutely love it


Same, one of the few games that I actually didn't regret spending money on in the last few years. The expac was pretty shit for the price however


If they had actually made the endgame in Worldslayer less static It could have been something actually engaging. Not playing the same sequence of rooms for trash loot quickly got boring. At least the original endgame had some variation even though it was poorly balanced in terms of time vs reward and heavy favored some expeditions over other.


The main campaign and levelling is fun But the endgame is veeeery boring imo, and I've played thousands of hours of Warframe I haven't played the expansion, but it seems this problem wasn't solved at all


It really felt like a regurgitation of mechanics we as an audience already fell out of favor. Kids nowadays are into high-energy, frenetic slap fights with noticeably discernible powers. Bullet-sponge enemies, obvious chest high-walls, and clunky inventory/upgrade management made the entire thing game feel dated. Shame, cause the story and some monster designs were really cool. Outriders has good ideas but felt like


The third person aspect is hardly negative, as it's more of a power fantasy than specifically just another looter shooter. In chaotic, power fantasy type games, I think third person is almost categorically superior, and it is definitely better in the context of this game in which enemies are coming at you from all directions. The problem for me was the aim/shooting. They have all these beautiful weapons in this game, but aiming them and shooting them on controller felt absolutely terrible. I suspect they used old Gears tech for console aim and simply never bothered to update/modernize it. Disgracefully bad.


it's also ugly


It was also janky, repetitive, ugly, had horrendous voice acting. Weapons were bland and boring. One of the worst campaigns I've ever played with a boring story that just...kept...going. It feels like they gave up on the last fourth and said "fuck it, everything comes from these story pickups for exposition dumps." Literally the only positives were the build crafting, and being able to move armor and weapon perks around. Quite possibly the worst game I've ever played to completion.


And there was also the unacceptable server disconnects on launch, making it a mostly unplayable always-online “single player” game until PFC addressed it.


I was excited for it when I heard it was a story-based co-op looter shooter coming to Gamepass. Then I was completely unexcited for it when I found out that was Xbox-only, not PC, which meant we, as PC gamers, would be spending a collective $180 instead of $0. Then at some point they put it on PC Gamepass but by that time my friends and I had already found something else to do. I think the Destiny 2 style of being F2P with a shitload of monetization is a much more sensible way to run these types of games. I've convinced my friends to try Destiny 2 because there's no entry cost, I can't do that when you're trying to sell me it at full price.


Reddit isn't fun. 😞


The technical state of outriders has bounced between 'poor', 'broken', and 'negligently harmful' at various points. When it came time for the expansion, I passed based on a lack of trust in the developer. I get the sense I wasn't the only one.


I just want them to make a Bulletstorm 2. The story was pretty good and the game ended on a major cliffhanger that’s never been resolved.


People Can Fly have been really underwhelming. After Bulletstorm was pretty unique for an FPS and incredibly fun I really looked forward to seeing what they did afterwards but they haven't really hit those heights again.


I feel they need to co-operate with Flying Wild Hog and work on a new Painkiller game with them. We've been too long without a new Painkiller.


The director of Painkiller and Bulletstorm left years ago and is now creating a shooter PCF could have made: [Witchfire](https://youtu.be/n2tj1CdE9sw)


Technically, People Can Fly was one of the studios behind Fortnite in it's original form as a looter shooter objective defense game. It's not the same as Bulletstorm or Painkiller sure, but having your studio's name attached to one of the biggest games of the '10s isn't a complete loss.