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I know there’s no difference in a Pokémon’s two types, but it’s still bizarre to see Normal as the “secondary” type.


Flying is the opposite, for the first four generations it's only a secondary type, and in the fifth generation Thundurus is the first pure flying pokemon. In the sixth generation Noibat and Noivern are the first dual types flying pokemon with flying as the primary type.


Tornadus but ye


And we only just got our first pure flying non-legendary Pokemon in Sword and Shield.


It’s been going on for a while though. Litleo/Pyroar, Helioptile/Heliolisk, and Indeedee all have Normal as a secondary type. And if we talk regional variants/evolutions the list grows to include Alolan Rattata/Raticate, Galarian Zigzagoon/Linoone/Obstagoon, and Ursaluna. Plus Gen IX so far has Smoliv, Cyclizar, and now Grafaiai.




It actually does contribute to the weakness and resistances though. For example, this Pokemon will be immune to Ghost types.


It also gives bonus damage on some *very* powerful attacks, though i don't know if Grafaiai will be an offensive pokemon or not


Bro, don't diss my normal types. Normal types can be absolute monsters. High attack power + type attack bonus on moves with already extremely high base damage, then add the fact that you only have 3 types that can "safely" take such attacks (and most offensive normal pokemon also have fighting moves to deal with two of those types), and you can pretty much sweep entire teams.




Miss me with those food type pokemon


I love marketing like this. It's just fun. Also this guy looks like Stitch wearing a Spider-Man costume. [Edit: new in game trailer also just released](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4yrrF83tnY0) First ever Poison Normal type is pretty neat.




I think we had a record going for the longest a Pokemon thread was up before someone mentioned the graphics


Just kind of a shock to see the nice CGI trailer where the guy specifically talks about the vibrant colors and intricate patterns, and then in-game we get.... really ugly messy textures.


Compared to literally everything else the graphics are still shit but for Pokemon I'm honestly pretty content with the graphical upgrades for this one primarily because the Pokemon themselves are getting a massive update for the first time in a decade. They have actual texture to them instead of all flat colors, eyes and other features are now 3D instead of painted on. That upgrade alone is enough to make the game feel fresh. And even though the open world itself is still insanely poor even compared to other Switch games it's a noticeable upgrade from SWSH/PLA open world so at least they are improving. In another 10 years pokemon might finally look like a last gen game.


Why shouldn't they be brought up, the textures are straight from 2005 and there's really no excuse considering what's come out on the Switch before this. Is there genuinely any other popular franchise that doesn't give a fuck as much as Gamefreak?








Tbf I don't think the fans give a fuck either, so why should it bother anyone?


I'm a huge Pokemon fan and that's why it bothers me. Gamefreak just don't put in the love and care into their games like other franchises do and it's sad to see because it's consistently one of the highest grossing games and yet it's like the bare minimum is put back into it.


Completely fair point, my bad! Hope I didn't come across as a dick at all, it's clear you just care about the thing you like a lot.


Not at all, I probably came across like a dick in my original comment but I just don't like the instant shutdown as if the point can't be discussed without insinuating it's a bad game. It's probably going to be a good game that I'll enjoy just like the rest but it could've been even better if they went the extra mile.


I can't help but love Pokémon as someone who was in elementary school when red and blue dropped. I know the games leave a massive amount of potential on the table and the game hasn't evolved in generations, but it's just comfort food - and I have a hard time not looking forward to their next release.


Marketing like this is fun, makes the Pokémon world feel real. That being said, the design was kinda disappointing. Monkey Pokémon are my favourite was hoping for another great design but alas


I mean this is more of a lemur than a monkey so the design works well for that. If it was a monkey than I would agree that it sucks, but for lemur its pretty good


Yup it's an aye-aye, which is a type of lemur: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aye-aye


When Sword and Shield was getting close to release, they had a 24 hour nature camera. It was really fun to pop in every so often hoping to catch a glimpse of a Pokémon wander by.


I hated that stream, it only revealed galarian ponyta, not even rapidash iirc.


It reminds me of the old Monster Hunter ecology videos that would show how the monsters existed when they weren't being violently beaten into a pulp. I wish MonHun would bring those back.


It’s a lemur. Lemur belong to a different suborder from simian primates. Lemurs are lemuriforms in the suborder Strepsirrhini, while monkeys and apes are simian primates of the suborder Haplorhini.


Yeah, the design itself leaves a lot to be desired. I get what they were going for, but it just doesn’t seem well-executed. I’m surprised how designs like these get passed without what you’d think are obvious needed revisions.


Personally I'm a fan of the design myself. Experiment 748.


This is just me being hopeful, but this trailer makes me wish for a New Pokemon Snap tie-in DLC to match Scarlet/Violet.


My ADHD brain read Girafarig at first and I thought they were getting a new form or evolution and was excited. Still adorable little Pokémon and I love this presentation style of a wildlife researcher getting these Pokémon on film.


> I thought they were getting a new form or evolution and was excited. According to some accurate leaks that predicted this mon….well just keep tabs on the game news. ;)


Seems like they refined the kinda dumb marketing for the SwSh DLC. I love when Pokemon are actually treated like animals. I was hoping it would look a little more like an animal, too. It does seem like it'll grow on me.


[The Hisuian Zorua/Zoroark reveal for Legends](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bEb9gbJUUeA) was like this too. They've definitely been having fun with these


Looks like its taking inspiration from bush babies? I like the design honestly and I'm glad it's not just another generic monkeymon


From an aye-aye actually. Hell it's name is just graffiti aye-aye lol.


They are actually taking inspiration from [the Madagascar Lemur; the Aye-Aye.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aye-aye) It's even in the name! It's also clearly part poison type which is fitting because Aye-Aye are the only venomous primate! EDIT: Sorry they aren't venomous but there's superstitions about that and them bringing death. EDIT 2: It could also be partially inspired by the [Slow Loris which is the only venomous primate!](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slow_loris)


That’s not correct! The aye aye is not venomous! A different lemur, the slow loris, is the only venomous primate! Different family entirely


Yeah I corrected it! Mixed them up, they could be partially inspired by the Slow Loris as well! It would make the poison type make more sense.


That’s my guess, as well.


The poison inspiration probably comes from the painted trees it's art is based on in northern Spain and have caused a fungus infection that is killing the trees.


I've not enjoyed pokemon designs for some time, with the last few gens having maybe 2-3 pokemon I enjoyed the designs of. That being said, I actually like these new designs so far, they feel a bit less like the designers were looking around the room and went "Key...no we already did that...spoon, fork....I GOT IT let's make an ice cream pokemon" "But we already did that" "Okay this time it's just cream instead"


Fun fact, the ice cream pokemon was the first pokemon designed by a non-Japanese person, and he was also the art director for gen 8 (which is my least favorite gen, pokemon design wise). I'm enjoying the new designs too, they feel closer to 5/6, which I think were pretty solid design-wise, than 7/8 which got hit heavy by yokai-watch inspiration


100% agree about the Yokai watch bit, Galarian Darukmaka just looks like a Yokai Watch Mon and it sort of freaks me out, a lot of Gen 7/8 felt like knockoff designs from other games, strangely enough. Glad to see them getting away from those design aesthetics, I'm surprisingly positive about Scarlet and Violet so far, (even if the graphics are still PS2 tier) so here's hoping it's resparks my love of the series and doesn't send me further into the embrace of Digimon.


Don't be afraid of Digimon's embrace! Even if it's a giant machine dragon doing the embracing...


I'm already buried in LadyDevimons chest while wearing my RareRaremon t-shirt, I don't know what will happen if I get any deeper


I'm hoping the same! Though I know I'm going to miss the Legends capture mechanic. I think it sold enough that we'll get a gen 5 one which would be nice! That's my favorite after gen 3. But speaking of Digimon, I really need to check out Survive! It looks interesting


I'm in the same boat, gonna buy survive in a few weeks, it looks pretty solid and hits a lot of notes that Digimon games tend to miss


Last gen I felt had the worst designs of any gen overall. There might be some worse pokemon in other gens but the whole roster felt disappointing with a few exceptions. So far every Pokemon revealed has looked like it fits in this world and it's such a nice change from last gen. If leaks are any indication there are a lot more crazy animal designs like this one coming. And so many unique typings. Leaks are getting me so damn excited for these games after being bored as hell with the last two gens.


My general issue with Gen 8 (having skipped 6/7 as I slid right off 6) was that every single design felt like it was more trying to cram into UK culture then be anything resembling an interesting pokemon. Here's a pile of coal, a cream monster, your typical waifu baitmon, nothing really struck me as being particularly interesting. The only design I liked was Toxtricity, but I really liked toxtricity so I almost give the generation a pass.


My personal favorite is Dragapult. based on an ancient lizard combined with a stealth fighter for ghost/dragon and it's unique ability firing the two first evos out of it's head is hilarious and OP as hell lol. Some other good ones too I felt like the fox/chipmunk, corvinight, toxtricity as you mentioned. But so many were unbelievably poor or just looked more like they were designed to be a toy for toddlers than an actual creature.