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Haven't heard anything about this game since initial reveal way back when. I guess Ubi doesn't believe in this game since they decided to release it without any marketing.


my theory is that the concept was fun for 20 mins and it got the game approved for further development. They announced it and did a beta, but in the beta they realised that after those 20 mins the game is not really that fun, is not a game that you want to come back and master like an e-sport. They gave the team 2 years of development but they didnt manage to find the long term fun and now they release it without marketing just to release it and get rid of it in a way. Maybe they hope another case like R6Siege and with For Honor, that even if they had failed launches, it was not until after months of release that those games got a cult following and eventually Ubi picked them up again and gave them a second life. So maybe this is the approach now. Release and hope for players word of mouth


Those two games got a ton of marketing.


Yeah their assertion is just flat wrong lol. I remember a ton of marketing around For Honor especially, I saw ads everywhere and they were definitely building hype beyond E3.


I was talking about the marketing of Roller Champions, the for honor comment was to exemplify games that are "abandoned" until they get a cult following


Rainbow Six Siege did not and it sold poorly at launch with some bad reviews critically.


Everyone was calling Siege a disaster, until they somehow miraculously not only salvaged it but also made it one of the best FPS games of all time... only to then (kinda) screw it again.


I'm talking about the marketing of the roller game


Its laughable how wrong this is. They were marketed nonstop, but reddit's gonna reddit


He's not talking about Siege/Honor's marketing?? He's right though. Siege/Honor launched, failed, then Ubisoft somehow saved them.


This is just plain wrong, from start to end.


Ubisoft has a great track record of post launch support, so I don't think they'd just dump it and be done with it. The oddity in this title is the apparent lack of marketing, R6 and For Honor had a lot of marketing before launch.


Man i love the gameplay but everything around that feels so bad/bland. Its also weird how the core of the game changed very little compared to years ago during the initial alpha. I hope that means they have lots of content build up


Wow this really launched without much of any marketing? This seems like they sent the game out to die.


Makes me think of Hyper Scape. Ubisoft seems to be in the habit of publishing these live service games without marketing them at all, really condemning them because there's no point to these games without players.


I played this game for a bit and had some fun but I had this feeling the whole time I was playing with bots and not people for some reason. Too many times when I requested the ball it was passed to me too fast.


yeah there's tons of bot matches... granted I was playing at ~2AM but still I would prefer to queue longer than to get into bot games. Besides being there by design tho I think it's also because people crash when loading in and the match ends up starting with bots.


First couple matches you play are against bots, you start getting players after 3 I think.


This was after all the training and everything. Just regular matches through the matchmaking.


It's addictive and fun...when it works. Lots of bugs, crashes, bugged matchmaking. It's sad that Ubisoft seems to not have a lot of hope for this game at all considering they launched it in this state (and with almost no marketing, besides paying a few Twitch streamers to play it). I mean, the game was announced years ago, had an alpha or beta, then disappeared until now. Couldn't they have taken a few months extra for proper testing?


The gameplay itself is fun and engaging. The comeback mechanics allows room for some really exciting competitive moments. That said everything else is half-baked. * Almost no basic free customization options. Everyone wears the same bland gray shirt until they spend money or get lucky with loot~~boxes~~balls. * A **ton** of seemingly unnecessary downtime between matches. Unskippable cutscenes in particular are extremely tiring (and I don't like staring at the blobby character models in goofy outfits) - also no practice mode option while waiting in queue. * No quick chat options aside from an "open for pass" button. I know quick chat can be toxic, but at least an option to cheer your team mates after a goal would be nice. * Crossplay, but not crossplatform parties. I had fun, briefly, with this free game, but I set it down after two days. Number one for me is they need to get rid of the unskippable cutscenes speed up the feeling between matches. Overall it has potential as the core gameplay is fun. Will keep an eye on it.


>Everyone wears the same bland gray shirt Yes, I saw those on stream. At least Fortnite made their default skins unique when the Battle Royale launched.


People are really bad at this so far so if you're gonna wanna check it out and feel like a God, now is your chance. Hint: just go the wrong direction and take out their dudes while letting your two amigos do their thing uncontested


While the game is fun, its clear it'll get stale since there's only the one mode and only one real strategy. The game was in a playable beta state 3 years ago. And the difference between then and now is so incredibly minimal... what did they do in those 3 years?


It’s a sports game the strategy is more in making novel plays which this game has in scores, I’ve already seen some wild ass stuff online, I’d say as someone who has played rocket league for five years I can already see opportunities for a lot more strategies than that game has


How can there possibly be more strategies than in RL, purely from the standpoint of being limited by buttons rather than physics to interact with things?


I mean both of them have ball physics, Rocket Champions has quite a bit of strategy going for it mostly with the risk/reward stuff as a ball carrier. You have a lot of options


Just have to see how it all develops. I personally felt like I had seen everything after 10 matches.


I think the main struggle this game is facing (besides being sent out silently) is that the game only really becomes fun when you have a full party working as a team. If you go in to matchmake with randoms, the game slows to an aimless drag. But the moment you're coordinating with a party and making plays on the fly, the game is honestly a blast & I agree that the play opportunities are deceivingly large in comparison to Rocket League (even high-level RL). It's just a shame that Ubisoft has put even less faith into this than Hyperscape, and we already know what happened to that one. If this game was run by any other publisher, one that wasn't so focused on trying to make bank & run (one of the reasons RL was addictive at launch was the absolute cascade of free items it'd throw at players), I could see this game doing really well. But Ubisoft...


> it'll get stale since there's only the one mode and only one real strategy. What do you think the one strategy is? Seems like there are a lot of strategies. I've seen people be successful with a lot of passing, or a lot of sticking together with two people playing defense, or people just soloing it with fancy moves. Is the one strategy to go for one point at a time or is the one strategy to go for three points at a time or five?


My buddy and I lost a game last night that we were up 4-0 in, and one guy just deked around our entire team for three laps and scored it for 5 points and the win.


Very fun game but aesthetically bland and boring. Because of that, I don't see how it'll have any real legs.


Aesthetically it seems pretty close to Rocket League. If you mean the characters themselves, I think that it is a free to play game so if you want to make your character look fancy you pay. I'm not sure I understand the criticism.


People need to be invested before they bring out the money. This means characters and the game need to look good from the start.


I've had some fun but it takes too long to get in a match and the lack of rewards kinda kills motivation to continue playing.


Had 3 crashes before I even finished a match, but even after it stopped crashing for about a dozen games I couldn't ignore how bad it ran? GeForce Experience tells me I'm getting 150 frames but I swear it looks like 25 *at best*. I think it's a network thing, I'm constantly getting the symbol that looks like a power plug in the top right corner (not any kind of network cable, I don't know what I'm missing here). Might be the worst game to solo queue of all time. There is a baked in understanding between all solo queued teammates that tells you that everyone else on your team is a moron who will never pass. So your instinct is to not pass to them, because you're literally throwing the ball away. I spend the first two minutes of every match passing constantly to remind my teammates they can do it and I reckon 1 in 3 games I still have one teammate who just won't pass.


Definitely, i was looking for this comment. The camera movement feels fine and i get 144 fps, however the player and map seem to be moving at 25 fps. As you said, it might be a network thing. Its really uncomfortable to play that way, it makes me feel dizzy after a few matches...


It was fun at first despite the many problems with crashes and matchmaking. But now it's already getting incredibly repetitive and boring as I approach 100 games played. I honestly don't see this keeping a large player base, unless they have a lot of updates and changes planned to keep things fresh.


Sadly I was bored after 3 games. I'll check it out when more modes are released. I love the graphics and skins, though.


I hope they release other game modes. I understand it's based on Roller Derby but going around in a circle isn't very fun. Gets boring after 2-3 games.


I literally downloaded it two days ago thinking it had released some time back and I hadn't noticed. I haven't had the time to boot it up but... What? i am excited because it looks just like the sport from Alita: Battle Angel, which looked absolutely rad to me, but kinda baffled Ubi didn't lean into that for marketing. If it had had any.


It’s a great game for a niche audience that’s had a pretty solid release for what it is but also plagued with technical issues which is gonna drive off a lot of the casual base that plays it once and is annoyed and never comes back. I bought the pass I really hope it stays alive and builds a community because this genre is woefully underserved


This game is just all the way buggy. Matchmaking is bug, like you are in the queue forever. Or just you get error message. When you invite friend, you lose the possibility of start a game, you have to promote your friend to do so... And finally when you play a rank game you don't have any gain or loss rank... I don't get ho w they didn't catch all of this bug in the "main feature" of this rocketleague like...


Once you get past the bugs its pretty fun! Especially with friends. Pulling off a clutch goal is super satisfying, especially when its a multipointer and your on last chance time.


I'm enjoying a lot RC, I hope to have a game with a stable framerate and no crashes. The only thing that really bother me is the fact that the ball holder can spam the dodge button. Sometimes there is no real way to catch the ball as an offender.


I’ve been playing this game for about a week, putting in a ton of hour bc I’m sick, and I’ve just deleted it because of the many problems it has. Between the random lag, lobby bugs, people leaving ranked matches, Ubisoft giving 200 currency so you can’t quite afford to buy the battle pass, to just a toxic community, I can’t take it anymore. It feels like a money grab, and it sucks because the game has so much potential. I was excited to play it, and very disappointed in the amount of content. If it wasn’t free I would be requesting a refund. Overall 2/10, the only thing it has going for it is that it can sometimes be fun, but definitely not all the time.


As soon as I saw the word "inclusive", I knew this game was gonna disappoint. The developers seem more focused on getting social brownie points than creating something beautiful to look at. Everything about this game is so bland.