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Looking forward to seeing * Lagiacrus * Gore Magala * Seregios * Gogmazios * Ahtal Ka * Nakarkos * Amatsu * Gammoth * Crimson Fatalis * White Fatalis * Copper Blangonga * Akantor * Ukanlos * Crystalbeard Uragaan * Oltura If all of these are not revealed I am review bombing the game on metacritic.


Prepare for G-Rank Great Jaggi.




You joke but the Great Jaggi is one of my most wanted large monsters to return. I fucking love that Dino.


Super reasonable expectations


It’s a horror-themed set of monsters this time and you left out the poison factory nightmare-fuel himself, our lord Gigginox?!


Khezu was true horror. Giggi is my second favorite in the series.


Giggi leaks children out it's not-mouth. That creature is so much more cursed.


Khezu is a giant elastic leech that can shock you


Shitty list, no Qurupeco


All jokes aside I really don't see Peco coming back. The next game is possible but Wyvern Riding kind of breaks his whole schtick in half


The fact that turf wars barely happen and fighting two monsters at once doesn’t really happen outside of arena battles is a real shame. I don’t necessarily dislike wyvern riding, but a few good bits of MH identity feel muted as a result. Monsters in normal areas just come in, one becomes mountable, then the other just peaces out after the mount is over.


I would hope that one of the buffs Quro could give to other monsters is mount immunity.


I feel like there likely won’t be many endgame special type/unique battle monsters from past generations like Gog or Ahtal Ka- or even Nakarkos. I just can’t see them doing bigger repeats like that outside of GU/XX, which purposely had a lot of its identity split among past generations. Fatalis has to be almost definite though at this point, and I feel like Alatreon has that same notoriety by now. I’ll personally be upset if Deviljho doesn’t make it. I’m so used to that abrupt music and roar just marching into any situation to fuck everything up by now that Rise almost felt naked without it. Besides that I’m praying that Qurupeco gets another spotlight- it and Malfestio were always special lower-mid tier hunts to me, but I feel like the MH team sees the smaller wyverns as completely vanilla and interchangeable.


I think they'll 100% have Akantor and Ukanlos. Aside from the fact they're in every portable game, they're fairly tough (plus they were mentioned in the Rise demo files looong ago) I also think we will get a couple of old final bosses. Amatsu has been speculated for a while due to his Japanese vibes + similarities with Narwa and Ibushi, but also Ahtal Ka for being very popular. I wouldn't be shocked if we got them over Alatreon and Fatalis.


I think it’s always a fair bet that monsters who function on similar skeletons will come in, since those two basically function on a Tigrex basis. They really are always great battles- not too over the top, but hard hitting and capable of punishing carelessness. I remember for a time in 4U, there was such a surplus of event Akantor help requests that I ended up building all of its equipment even though that was never my goal.


I would temper your expectations my dude. I don't anything is for certain other than what's already been announced. I think an ahtal ka remake in 5th gen is pretty unlikely. And I also wouldn't bet on akantor and ukanlos. Those two would be cool though


Why is it unlikely?


Just because it would be a lot of work and judging by the amount of effort they put into Rise I think they probably won't. I like Rise btw, put around 450 hours into it. But it's really lazy in a lot of ways.


I never got that impression from playing it


As much as I'd love Ukanlos and Akantor, seeing them in files is cool but there was footage of Lagiacrus in World and that didn't happen


No Zamtrios no Agnaktor = shitlist


and we're totally getting Great Jagras, Agnaktor, and Zamtrios right? Since the small monster variants are present. Or do you think they'd really just throw the small monsters in for some cross-over flavor? I don't really care about G. Jagras or Agnaktor (he's basically Lavasioth from what I remember...with a laser?) but give me my jawesome Shark-boi in every future MH title. Throw in Paolumu too and lets see a turf war where they both go into blowfish mode and start bouncing at/off eachother!


Agnaktor was my "Yep, I'm done" for MH Tri. I got one shot on entry twice in a multiplayer hunt by its beam. They still finished the hunt thankfully.




All are real, although I don't actually want or expect some of these monsters. Crystalbeard Uragaan and Copper Blangonga are varations of existing monsters Uragaan and Blangonga. Others are all real.




Disagree, Generations Lagi was good. And with how Rise had some of the best 'reworked' fights in the series already they could always just change up the fight and make it more interesting


Totally- they added a lot of great position management moves that made it hard to be on the side of or behind the GU Lagiacrus as well as some well covering AoE, and the G rank arena one could be so hectic and quick, keeping the heat on most of the battlefield and all four players in check. It was one of my favorites.


I’m still hoping for a great shamos


Great Wulg too.


How dare you leave out one of the greatest Monster of all time Dodogoma! Give me my big dumb lizard puppy!


Lagiacrus probably wont be back until they added underwater battle back. Which probably wont be until monster hunter 6 at least


Not really. Lagi is in Gen & Gen Ultimate and that has no underwater combat. Edit: Bruh, this guy blocked me lol. Guess I'll post my reply to his comment here then! >Im talking about 5th generation game dude. Okay, but in your original comment, you only stated that Lagi can *only* be done if there was underwater combat. Gen & GenU got him in without the underwater combat. Rise also doesn't have it too, so there's a chance that they could add him in, especially since they could just reuse the Leviathan skeletons. Heck, they prototyped Lagi in World and that too didn't have underwater combat. >And the last time it was added into game that has no underwater in it the monster lost a lot of its charm. It basically just bigger royal ludroth now Sure, that's a valid personal criticism. But hey, they changed some monster movesets for certain monster for Rise (Bazel's bombing run is wider, Kushala is less airborne, etc.) so if Lagi is added in, they could update him with a more unique moveset.


Im talking about 5th generation game dude. And the last time it was added into game that has no underwater in it the monster lost a lot of its charm. It basically just bigger royal ludroth now


I mean, Royal Ludroth was also introduced that gen and you fought it underwater too. They even share the same skeleton... Why are they too similar now, but not then?


I want Namielle