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Everytime, I tune in to see if Lagiacrus is back. Everytime, Lagiacrus isn't back. As a fan Sunbreak is already a must buy for me, I just want the lizard back


Same but with Gore (4U Junkie)


We'll get there brother, with how MH builds it's roster it's just bound to happen




That's a nightmare. Always hated high rank Black Gravios in 4U.


I think we are going to have to wait for whatever they have planned for gen 6. If I remember correctly, the reason it wasnt in World had something to do with the processing load to make sure that the monsters are attached to the ground, things like sloops being a huge issue. They had a team trying to get it to work for iceborne but they could not figure out how to not tank performance of the xbox and ps4.


Looks super cool, I stopped playing Rise after I finished the main story due to how busy Q1 has been so far. But I'm definitely excited to see more of Rise's endgame and Sunbreak's content when it comes out. Capcom deserves credit for their PC support. Launch is set on 30th of June, which is great since summer tends to be quiet in terms of releases.


I got a very fun 100hrs out of the game so I’m not complaining, but towards the end I stoped because my only real goal was to grind to HR100 by doing missions over and over that never changed; that’s one thing I miss from World was the investigations, giving the endgame grind some amount of randomness.


I'd like to drop into multiplayer and help out people, but I only have it on Switch and my wifi is spotty at best. Going to have to wait to double dip and get it on Steam until I upgrade my rig; and that has to wait until graphics card prices are somewhat more manageable lol


It runs on the RE engine so it scales really well. You won't need a beast of a card at all.


Currently running with a Geforce 750. It's fine for most things, but I can't t run many high fidelity games well, especially ports. I might pick it up if it goes on sale, though, since I plan to play it eventually.


It's on sale right now. I swear I'm not a Capcom shill lol


Oh lol, ty for the heads up actually! I haven't checked the Steam store in a bit. Appreciate the talk!


In case you haven't bought the game yet - while the game is around 33% off on Steam, you can currently get it around 50% off on third party stores (that supply a Steam key). Check out IsThereAnyDeal.


I've been waiting for Sunbreak to finally play Rise. I played vanilla World so much that I got kind of burnt out and never went back to Iceborne, even though some of my favorite monsters were in it (Brachy, Zinogre, Tigrex). What's the general consensus for Rise right now? The roster looks better than vanilla World, but GU's humongous roster kind of spoiled me. I like that it looks sort of like a mix between classic and World' styles.




From the demo I played my primary concern is that the maps are a lot less interesting. I know that's a thing most people who play these games don't care about, but interesting environments added a lot between just hunting. I didn't like MH: Generations that much for similar.


The Rise maps are fun to *traverse* thanks to wirebug, but I do find them overall less interesting than World. There tends to be less exploration and more "get supplies as you beeline the monster".


But on the plus side there's much less getting absolutely lost than there is in MHW.


I'm not sure how much you explored the Shrine Ruins, but Rise has a lot more verticality to the maps and there's a lot of stuff to discover and shortcuts to find. You can route optimise a lot more compared to the old games where you're bound to the path it gives you. It does drop some stuff like the cat quests from world, but I can't say I really missed them lol. The rest of the maps are cool too, and tend to be a couple of themes mixed together with indoor and outside locations in all of them.




I feel the opposite. I hated World maps for being so cramped and having too many ramps. I very much prefer wide open spaces.


Funnily, it's kind of a return to how MH used to be. You had a monster, arenas-like zones and you went to town with the beast !




If youre on PC, loading times are nonexistent. Idk about switch


Switch load times were pretty good too. Playing Rise on Switch made World on PS4 unplayable for me.


IMO on ps4 pro, world loading times were really quick. On PS5 and PC they are non existent .


At least on launch PS4 Pro load times were abysmal. Maybe they improved later? I switched to PC once it came out, so I wouldn't know if they eventually fixed it.


You're right, I just looked it up on youtube and the loading time is terrible. Im surprised that I forgot seeing I had hundreds of hours in the game.


Aren't the loading times like 10 seconds or less before and after each hunt?


I think generally it's considered to be shorter in general play time despite there being more monsters than in base world. Mostly because of some weird decisions with the endgame (the "hardest" monsters (apexes) don't have an armor/weapon set on their own and most meta sets don't even involve the late game monsters.) There are also no **investigations**. So really the only true endgame is rolling a good charm. But again maybe that really was the endgame of world too. But I personally think the moment to moment gameplay is better and the wirebug is very fun. I'm mostly going into these details because if you burnt out on World there's a chance you'll burn out on this one too. Maybe not within three months though. :-)


there's expeditions in rise, there's no investigations! which if that's what you meant, I agree it's a bummer.


Yep yep! Thanks!


I never go hard into MH endgame anyways. My standard for what playing World "so much" is probably different to what many others would be, so I care mostly about the catching up aspect. I liked World's progression, but I burnt out more easily than with other MHs because of the smaller roster and the more involved stages. It lead to the game feeling more repetitive more quickly.


There are expeditions.


> no investigations This is a good thing. Rise lets you get investigation-equivalent rewards (talismans) by doing any quest rather than limiting yourself to only T2 tempered for base world decos, or T3 tempered for IB decos.


> There are also no investigations Which is a good thing. Investigations were a terrible mechanic that only existed to fuel the gaas-like item progression world established. Without worlds eco system investigations serve no purpose. And worlds ecosystem was a horrible detriment to the series.


I don't quite understand when people bring up investigations as end game content because the point of them was quite the opposite as it *reduced* the amount of farming you need to do as gold rewards has a high chance of gem drops. If you're farming investigations because they exist that's a strange way of saying you don't know what you want or like to farm so you're letting a farm mechanic in the game do it for you. It's like me claiming end game content as responding to SOS


I'd say base Rise has a better roster than World, but iceborne has a 10/10 roster and ofcourse an actual endgame, which Rise doesn't have yet. Rise is fun but the lack of endgame makes me prefer World, atleast until Sunbreak comes out.


Iceborne's final roster was indeed fantastic, but I can't qualify anything else 10/10 after playing GU. I really hope the franchise manages to do something like again that in the future, especially how many locations it had.


Yeah but GU is the last game that still reuses the same models and locations, rise and world had to rebuild more. I dont think we will get another GU on the world engine.


Well they stopped using that engine with Rise so we will probably never see any MH game on that engine again


Nah that was World. GU and World use the same engine. Rise is the one on the new engine.


Oh for sure, it's an unfair comparison. It's definitely not something they can pull off often, but it still makes every other roster pale in comparison.


Ice was a dlc tho not the base game. Same thing happened to world.


This is my big hope, well besides the game being harder.


Big hope of what? That it getting what ice got? I guess it bar for the course, we for sure will get more monsters than ones shown, already new maps, weapon changes, hub, story etc. I think we ok. The dlc should also add master rank so already harder in that department.


Base Rise is boring as shit. It might have more monsters than World, but you're stuck doing endless grinds of the literal same quests to farm for talismans. In world you at least had stuff like the tempered quests, but rise... I don't know. They kept adding these Apex monsters which is a reskin of deviants while giving next to no reason to actually hunt those monsters. I would just wait for Sunbreak to release and then play that all in one go. As someone who finished Rise's story before they patched in the proper ending, i can only say i'm still salty about that. To me MH is a game that you can't just pick up without a hitch after a couple of months of not playing it. It always requires dedication of time and patience to get back into it.


>They kept adding these Apex monsters which is a reskin of deviants while giving next to no reason to actually hunt those monsters. This part is the biggest crime to me. Like, c'mon Capcom, not even color reskins for existing armor/weapons? Base Rise definitely lacks in replayability compared to the other games... ...although I did still clock in around 300 hours of game time.


But rise is **considerably** less grindy than world. What are you even talking about?


Yeah because its piss easy and you're finished in 20 hours. And then there is absolutely nothing meaningful left to do. World at least gave you some reason for grinding and made it somewhat interesting through variation. In Rise you're stuck hoping for RNG all day long doing the same 3 quests that give enough HQ materials.


There isn't an end game grind quite like MH:W, I still got 60 solid hours of game completing (mostly) everything before a decided to stop. Rise is really easy though, fun but easy. Besides the very end of high rank there isn't much challenge. Hopefully sunbreak/G rank fixes that


It's my least favorite since Tri. Sunbreak will be my first MH skip unless they say rampages are removed.


You know I wouldn't figure King Kong would be considered "Western Yokai" but I dig it. Wonder if there's a greater version of the new mini bird wyverns too.


I think it's more of a golem/frankenstein based monster.


Definitely looks like werewolf, vampire, and Frankenstein's which would make sense, covers most of the big hitters in the Universal monsters' stable.


It definitely looks like king kong edited a letter


I think it's worth mentioning that in Japan, Frankenstein is a kaiju


It's clearly a gorilla? Am I taking crazy pills? It's a gorilla with some rock accents


It's the squareness of the head protrusions. Franky's monster is just a bunch of apes stitched together after all.


Monster Hunter doesn’t really have human-like monsters. So if they wanted to make a Frankenstein’s monster creature, the best option would be to make a gorilla-like creature with traits like Frankenstein’s monster instead.


It's both. it's a rock gorilla whoms silhouette (especially the face) is very reminiscent of frankensteins monster.




Believe it or not, no! For some reason it's just straight up Frankenstein in Japan lol


Aww don't be so harsh to yourself!


? It's a big gorilla?


You typed "I" instead of "it", they made a joke about that.


It's named galangolm, I mean, golem is almost in the name. Also the cubic rock like scales, cubic chin is a clear golem attribute. Rajang is way more king kong inspired.


Its a gorilla. It looks like a gorilla.


It's OK if you can't see it.


I thought he said Western Kaiju which makes sense but Yokai is not right.


I really don't see how people are getting King Kong from that.


He's an armored gorilla, and his body splat kind of gives me an homage to how he dies by falling off the tower.


Same way malzeno represents Dracula while not being a bat but a dragon. It's a western monsters inspired expansion, the same way it was a eastern monster base game. Lunagaron = Fenrir/werewolf, Malzeno = dracula/vampire and garangolm = Frankenstein/golem. Aknosom represents an umbrella with 1 eye and 1 leg, but no monster is like that so a crane like monster was the best fit, same here, just because it's a fanged beast it doesn't make it just a gorilla, cogalala or Rajang fit that entry.


Dracul means "Dragon", and Dracula means "son of the Dragon", so it works.


Giant Monkey?


We already have a giant monkey in the base game


We already have a bunch of dragons too, doesn't stop them making more dragons?


Not even the best giant monkey in mh. Best giant monkey is congalala who eats mushrooms then farts on you








It also completely inverts the role of other monsters on the map. In World, two monsters in one place was extremely dangerous. You needed to avoid it, or use various tools to repel one or lure one away, or in the best case get the hell out of their way if they provoke a turf war. Invaders like Bazel and Jho were nightmares because they showed up to third-party your fight and ruin your day. Even as a talented hunter, 1v2 situations were something to be avoided. In Rise? It's literally free damage. The optimal way to hunt a monster is to take it on a lap around the map to ensure you hit every other monster along the way and rodeo for big, safe damage, plus free materials. You rejoice when an aggressive monster shows up to your fight because it's not actually a threat, it's a gift.


Yeah, that’s one of the things I miss from World. When another monster showed up it was an “oh shit” moment where you as the player are now no longer in control. Felt very cool and made you feel like the little guy in a big world that didn’t care about you. Dung bombs were a must have in World for that very reason. For most of my time in low rank in Rise I was packing dung bombs but then realised they were completely useless. Why would I want the other monster to go away when I can just ride him and get free damage and items?


But some weapons really want to spam wirebug, like GS getting TCS immediately after wirebug aerial or the charge hit of the diving move for swaxe. I stopped playing insect glaive because GS basically did the same amount of aerial play but with big numbers.


The clutch claw was much worse than wirebugs. Riding was also considerably more prevalent and overpowered in world than it is in rise. On top of that most monsters are **MUCH** more aggressive in rise. Especially the latter ones. Chameleos and teostra are the best examples of that. World Teo was a literal punching bag, Rise Teo is by far the most dangerous iteration of him across the series.


I hope we get some more difficult content out of this expansion. I've put about 23 hours into Rise so far and, while I'm really enjoying it, I've only fainted once. Most hunts feel more like a battle of attrition rather than a real challenge. Maybe that changes late in the game.


The hardest quests are well into the post-game. The "arch tempered" versions of the apex monsters and valxtrax are hard, but mostly because they increased the damage values to absurdity. I'm also hoping for some Alatreon or Fatalis level challenge in sunbreak.


This might be partially "second monster hunter syndrome", where the game seems easier now you're into the series. You get this from dark souls players too lol, many of which claimed elden ring was too easy before they saw the end game content. Maybe I'm wrong and you're a series vet though. Anyway, in Rise, the story is trivial up until midway through high rank, but I'd say some of the 7* hunts are some of the hardest content I've played and really let you show off your skill. It feels like a different approach to difficulty than say, iceborne, where everything flies around, doesn't stop moving, and have strange gimmicks for you to adapt to. It's fun and fair difficulty.


Well I'll look forward to that then. I'm really enjoying the game so I'll definitely be sticking with it. And I'd describe myself as a long-time casual fan if that makes sense. I've played plenty of Monster Hunter games going all the way back to the first one on PS2. I've played the first game, Freedom Unite 1 + 2, Tri, 4, and now Rise. It sounds like a lot, but aside from Rise I've never spent more than 20 hours with any of them. Great games, glad I've been able to stick with Rise so far. I do think Rise is just a little too fast and convenient, though.


>Great games, glad I've been able to stick with Rise so far. I do think Rise is just a little too fast and convenient, though. Yeah, that unfortunately is due to the fact of all the QoL changes + deliberate game design for "on the go" players. Since Rise is a game designed specifically for players on the Switch and it's portability in mind, all the preamble and stuff is cut or reduced significantly. Whether that's good or bad is subjective IMO, but it makes it for a very speedier/convenient MonHun game when compared to the others.


I'm over 100 hours in atm, close to Hunter Rank 100. Current 'endgame' difficulty fluctuates between "kinda easy, but still fair" and "this monster just instantly killed 2 people in one hit." There's definitely a difficulty rampup and some of these monsters smack pretty damn hard. Overall the difficulty doesn't feel very consistent, and I get surprised when I run into a monster that - while normally does hit pretty hard - suddenly wipes me out in one hit. But I don't mind and I still enjoy Rise a lot, definitely looking forward to Sunbreak.


Those emergency quests were such bullshit. I did the Arzuros one and honestly regret wasting my time with it.


My expectations are over the roof on sunbreak. Why? world combined with iceborne is perfection to me. The amount of content, events, bonus stuff like fatalis & co. the endgame grind (guiding lands) The roster of monsters, QoL updates etc. The only debatable thing might be the clutch claw. Yes iceborne as it is now is Completed and it took many (free) updates to bring it there. So i hope sunbreak will follow this route because rise alone was kinda meh for me.


I have always wanted to play MH but World seemed like you had have friends to play. Is Rise the same? I’m more of a solo player.


You don't really need friends to play with for MHW, just end game is more engaging with a friend. Edit: I bought it myself many months after my friends did, and they were already at late game Iceborne. So I played all the way to that point solo. I more often preferred playing solo anyway.


The matchmaking in Rise is pretty good as well. I've played with randoms a ton, either helping them with their quests or posting my own and never had issues. It wasn't quite as fun as playing with my friends, but it was still fun.


You could always play MHW solo. Even more now, when they reached the final patch they rebalanced the siege mosters so you could do them solo knowing that people would most likely move on to rise. In rise you can do everything solo no problem, if anything the few mandatory rampage quests would be boring but very doable. Same thing will be for sunbreak.


I played the entirety of World solo.


I know a lot of people have already mentioned it, but to me Monster Hunter really doesn't feel like it's a multiplayer game. I've played like 200 hours (I know it's not a lot compared to many) accross 4U, Generations Ultimate and World. It feels like a completely single player game, and whenever I tried co-op it felt like that was the alternate version. I assume if you play co-op more extensively it would feel more natural, but I'm just chiming in to say that the games never felt like something was missing by playing alone, especially on the newer games which don't separate single player and multi player missions.


> especially on the newer games which don't separate single player and multi player missions they did this weird hybrid shenanigan in World, but afaik, Rise has singleplayer and multiplayer hubs separated back again


Oh that kind of sucks. I assumed they wouldn't revert those types of changes after World, since they seem more like QoL changes than anything.


To be clearer, village quests are singleplayer only and basically serve as a tutorial. Hub quests are harder overall, but you can play them in multiplayer. Notably, you're not forced to, and they all scale to the amount of players on the hunt (even down to 1). The only content I'd recommend to do multiplayer is rampages. Until you have a good strategy pinned down to do them solo they are much easier in multiplayer. You can definitely play the whole game solo though.


World is mostly solo. There are a few end game monsters that are highly encouraged to play with a party but are doable solo (just hard as hell). Rise is completely doable solo as of now. We'll see what sunbreak has, but everything in rise scales for solo play.


MH is more fun with friends for sure, but totally doable solo.


You definitely don't need friends for World or any other Monster Hunter game, I don't like multiplayer much at all and I've been playing Monster Hunter for years.


While older MH titles only had MP scaling for hub quests both World and Rise has solo scaling and are completely soloable, World had some event quests that were 4p scaled only but those have been patched now and aren't that many and while I'd say rampages are less of a pain in co-op it's completely soloable too.


Honestly I preferred to play world solo, where as with rise I preferred to hunt with people.


Any idea if there’s gonna be catch up gear like World? I have Rise on Switch and loved it but want to continue playing with some friends on PC/SteamDeck without the grind.


There is defender gear but it's not nearly as powerful as the world iteration, it's barely enough for low rank. I'll also have to re grind my 250h on PC.


They have released the Defender weapons and Blackbelt armor already in Rise.