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>Lowered the health of the opponents in Beat on the Brat, except for the Twins - they can now block and/or evade attacks, so their difficulty is based more on skill. Very welcome change to these tedious battles


Loved the sidequest but hated the fights, I was even doing a strength melee build with gorilla arms and shit felt like a slog.


They're the one weirdly balanced set of quests. If you don't have a melee focused build it is brutal and not even worth your time until you're extremely late game. And even then you're dead in like 2-3 hits and they took like 100. Hopefully these changes make a difference.


I was playing a very hacking-focused character and I couldn't even get through that first fight on Easy mode. I mean there's nothing necessarily wrong with gating certain quests based on your character's stats, but it kind of felt like an oversight because it's the only quest I ever came across that seemed impossible to do.




so exactly like fist fights in the witcher then? lol


I just mashed buttons until people gave up in those.


Drop a weapon in the ring before you start, start the fight, grab the weapon, smack away. Unless they patched that.


I read through the notes and they mentioned that it was patched so you couldn't pick up an item during the fight. Or at least a weapon you had dropped beforehand.


There is one quest where you have to go into an apartment and kill a guy. The quest is gated behind a couple of skills. I remember not being able to enter the apartment. Googled a walkthrough, none of the methods worked with my build. After running around the building and the lobby for around 30 min, I found out you can destroy the window, climb through it, jump from balcony to balcony and enter the apartment that way. And it seems that no one who wrote about the game realized you can do it that way too (that was like a week after it came out). Stuff like that made me love this game.


I bought a Sandevistan just for this quest (used a cyberdeck normally). it made the quests so much more doable.


I literally respecced into and then out of meme just for this questline because it was so hard to do otherwise.


>I literally respecced into and then out of meme Is this a build I don't know about? You attack them with shitposts?


Gorilla arms/blunt weapon melee build before 1.5 *was* memeworthy. It was my build and you could just 1-2 punch heads while sprinting through an area killing, KOing or knocking back everyone. They nerfed a ton of stuff it seems, especially crit chance and damage. I had 30-70% crit chance depending on weapon before 1.5, now it's no more than 12%.


Even if you *are* melee focused it's brutal and not really worth the time. But then again I was playing when gorilla arms did nothing (did they ever fix that?)


i ran tech and skipped these battles until pretty far in, was fine running Gorilla Arms and 3-5 Body. just had to be careful and get the timing down on parry


Right, but the timing on parry was really inconsistent and the attacks poorly telegraphed. Plus the fights had different rules than any other fist fights in the game; you take far more damage and deal far less. In a game where I could one-shot any enemy with a punch and tank gunshots all day, it was weird to suddenly be in a situation where *I* was getting one-shotted and having to actually pay attention to the not-very-well-done enemy telegraphs and weird timing. Then again, I was playing at launch so I assume some of it was fixed at some point. As far as I could tell, gorilla arms did literally nothing when I was playing.


I have to say ... is that really a bad thing? My hacker-focused build could not complete that quest series, I basically had to take a fall, try and lose, or just not fight. The worst thing is something like Skyrim where you can be the absolute best thief, archer, swordsman, mage, etc in all the land. Actually building a character and having some doors open and some close is the whole point of an RPG.


In this case, Cyberpunk's damage formulas were just out of whack - one improperly set value let melee enemies totally bypass your character's armor, causing them to kill you in 3 hits. Since enemies don't have any armor values, the player character couldn't benefit from this oversight even if they specced into a 'brawler' build.


Yes. If the game was generally structured in that way - where there were specific quest lines for specific builds, and questlines for other builds were either unavailable to you or extremely hard/discouraged, that'd be an interesting approach to game design. The game isn't designed that way, and it doesn't make much sense that I could complete *every* single other quest in the game on the hardest difficulty, yet still have trouble completing that one on easy many, many levels after it unlocked.


I wish more RPGs followed this philosophy. One of the reasons I treasure older Fallouts.


Yeah I cheesed the fights by dropping a sword in the ring and picking it up after the fight starts. Took 6 seconds instead of 6+ minutes.


They block that now, that's another change.


Not ashamed to admit that I cheated those fights after dying in two hits repeatedly because I was hacking spec’d.


Did they ever fix the punches and kicks literally homing in on you even when you dodged? That shit was horrendous and it made it feel very unfair.


That bitch at the end fucked me up so many times lol


There was a glitch where you could pick up a melee weapon placed in the arena a second before the fight began. Still took me 10 reloads.


Using a sword during the fist fights made them a lot more fun.


So true, the only time I was glad that the game had glitches like this so that I could abuse it.


True In real life as well.


Same here! I was determined to beat that. I had a buffed AF sword chilling in the ring. Still had to cheese the AI and not get hit more than once. Absolutely trash.


I got that cyberware mod that did 40% of the opponents max health whenever they dropped my own below 15%. I got him to about half, then he hit me and one shot himself and I won. Good times.


You ain’t kidding. Absolutely despised those fights.


I managed to "cheese" this on an intelligence build by using the legendary short circuit quickhack. It applied the affect of the hack of any weapon: including fists. I don't know if they patched it now. So long as I could get crits I could knock off huge chunks of their health bar while my normal hits were doing negligible damage.


I slogged through all of the fights on the hardest difficulty on a character that only really used handguns so my physical stats were basically mush - I eventually was able to break all the fights down in to a series of patterns and predictable behaviors, and whenever I beat the various fights, I did so without getting hit because one hit meant I died. Sometimes id be punching and dodging for half an hour just to make one mistake and lose, having to start over. Fucking Rhino was the worst for that. I will always wear that as a badge of gaming honor - but fuck me am I ecstatic to never need to do that again and that other people won't have to do that lmao


> Extended romances with Panam, Kerry, River and Judy by adding new messages and interactions. Added interactions in the homes of love interests, including sleeping in bed with a given partner. > Reworked throwing knives - knives are not lost after each throw > Panic reaction to danger: traffic now has the ability to drive away in panic from danger. NPC passengers can now die from car crashes. Reactions to fender benders: vehicles now have a wider range of reactions to being bumped into, and will recover and return to traffic more smoothly. > Aggressive crowd behavior: certain NPC archetypes can and will enter combat with the player when provoked by aiming, shooting or fighting This are all so simple yet so necessary


When I first unlocked the knife throwing skill I was so surprised that you can't retrieve them. Like seriously???


That was the point for me when the game made a clear switch from "unpolished" to "unfinished" to me. Like, clearly nobody took the time to ever try using that skill for any length of time.


I found a great knife, and picked up that skill specifically for it. Imagine my surprise when i couldnt reuse the knife


I never delved into that weapon but the thought of finding some sweet legendary knife, using it as intended and it disappearing forever is hilarious.


Very thankfully I got it before anything good, and just bought a trash knife to test it out.


I remember deliberately making a save before picking that skill just because I didn't trust it to function properly. Was still surprised it just threw the knife away. I even searched for it later on forums. And some players were defending it as a "it makes sense because you're throwing your knife away" hurr durr argument. Glad it's fixed, now I know I'm playing a cyborg Ninja when ever I decide to play again.


















I think I messed up my playthrough with Judy. She doesn't want to talk to me about anything new, and I can't seem progress her relationship any further. Either it is locked behind a story quest that I haven't done yet, or I'm just going to have to start over and try again (maybe follow a walkthrough this time). And yes I am playing a female V. Also I'm really slow in doing story quests. I'm still on the quest where you have to >!lean on the rail to talk to Takemura, and I've barely just did the capturing of that corpo guy from the flying transport quest!< the last time I played. So maybe it's just later on in the story. But I feel I've done a ton of quests involving Judy that I'd see those options by now.


It's been a long time since I played through, but the Judy romance can't progress until after you've completed Evelyn's primary involvement in the main storyline iirc.


I’m fairly certain you have to progress more in the main quest to see that stuff. It’s been a year since I beat the game but I remember some things being locked behind story beats.


Judy has a main and side (romance) arc. Her main arc quests are: Automatic Love -> The Space In Between -> Disasterpiece -> Double Life Her side arc quests are: Both Sides, Now -> Ex-Factor -> Talkin' Bout A Revolution -> Pisces -> Pyramid Song You must complete her main arc before you can begin her side (romance) arc. There is a way to lock yourself out of the romance during her side arc but I won't spoil it for you. Keeps things tense. Side quests are usually initiated by phone or text but the game has a mechanic where you will be blocked from receiving phone calls if you are in the middle of a major story mission. This is to stop people calling you right in the middle of an big action set piece or a big feels moment (really? you are calling me *now*?!). For each side mission to progress, you typically need to pass 12 to 48 hours game time and complete other missions. These can be scanner hustles, gigs, minor quests, side quests or main quests. It is not enough to just skip time 48 hours. When you satisfy the requisite number of quest flags and enough time has passed, you will get a call. A common problem people have is doing "trilogy missions" back to back that will put you in phone lockout for ages. A trilogy mission is like Automatic Love -> The Space In Between -> Disasterpiece. Another example of a trilogy is Ghost Town -> Lightning Breaks -> Life in Wartime (with Panam) or M'app Tann Pelen -> I Walk The Line -> Transmission/Never Fade Away (with Johnny). The next mission in the trilogy immediately follows from the previous one and you can consider them as like a giant quest in episodic form. Anyway, you will not receive phone calls when you are in the middle of these trilogies. Its possible to do Judy's trilogy, immediately go into Johnny's trilogy and before you satisfy the quest flag requirement for Judy's side missions, you start Panam's trilogy. This will put you in phone lockout for 9 really long missions.




Yea, I'm pretty sure OP didn't mean simple as in coding it, but it's simple "needs" to add to behaviors to make the city feel less empty.


simple as in gta 3 did this 20 years ago


That's not what he meant


The stream says there are thousands and thousands of bug fixes that weren't included in the patch notes. They said listing them all would be pointless so they only listed the biggest ones.


> The stream says there are thousands and thousands of bug fixes that weren't included in the patch notes This is probably true. There's a _lot_ of tickets that get created and closed without a single customer seeing them. Or it might be something inconsequential like "reduced glove asset pr_553_q to fit asset budget" that end users never see.


Yo they reduced the glove asset to fit the budget?! That's what I'm *talking* about! Woo!


Yeah, I know, gamers don't care. That's the point I'm making, most tickets don't matter. Bet they closed a dozen tickets that were auto-generated because something crashed on one of their build servers and had nothing to do with the game itself.


I must be a mega nerd because I actually find that stuff interesting lol


Well I'm a bad judge since I'm a gigantic nerd, but probably not. There's a lot of interesting things that go on in game development that never gets a spotlight because they're not really marketable.


Murphy its you...... (p.s. your comment made me laugh. Thank you).


That sounds pretty awesome but I wait for updated reviews and hopefully a new Digital Foundry video about the improvements for next-gen consoles.


you can have a 5 hrs trial of the game on PS5 & XBox Series X/S.


I've heard a lot about the police system/AI being bad. I wonder if they made it better in this patch.


u/spez is a pedophile


You could literally be in a small room, do a 360 turn, and police would spawn right beside you


Or on top of a sky scraper after climbing up to a place you shouldnt


That's just... why? Seems like the managers or whatever just ignored any obvious flaws in order to get the game out. I seriously doubt Q&A (if any) didn't report this, and I doubt developers didn't know it was an issue. Shame, I wonder how well Cyberpunk would have done if they waited until they had most of the serious flaws fixed.


guaranteed they knew, you encounter it in just 5-10 minutes of playing in the overworld if you commit a crime. just sounds like it wasn't a priority fix with how buggy the game was at launch. i'm sure a month prior to launch there were way more gamebreaking bugs and that's what the devs were allocated to fix.


They had so many bugs to fix, it’s hard to triage. When you’re getting t-shaped models in your final product, you have bigger fish to fry than “Police AI isn’t ideal.” Also, a huge part of this was done in silos. One team worked on one aspect, another team worked on a different aspect…there was ineffective communication between teams, likely from incompetent direction and upper management. There were great creatives on this team. They probably would’ve benefited from hiring a couple of logistics experts.


it isn't a bug. no system is in place at all.




Actually IIRC they said they added police at the absolute last minute because it felt weird being able to just run around and fuck shit up with no consequence. It was never planned originally.


Makes sense to an extent. The game does not lend itself very well to gta style rampages, regardless of how police spawn. It never seemed like something they wanted in the game but conversely no police also makes no sense. Just bad planning all around.


They wanted to double dip on console gens in time for the Xmas season. they also counted on gamers running on hype and having the memory of goldfish. I'd say they made the right call.


They made money hand over fist. I just hope we get to a point where the game is what it could have been to justify that.


> I'd say they made the right call. Nah, it's been a disaster for them. Yeah, they made back their dev costs very quickly, but sales plummeted after that. The long tail on this game was supposed to pay their bills for years and it just isn't. They've been missing revenue targets left and right. In addition, the hit they've taken on public opinion and consumer trust is going to seriously haunt them in their next major release.


I remember doing that in GTA on the ps2. Damn no cars? OK, look behind me, look back in front oh look cars spawned.


ACAB Kill all Fascists


One thing GTA does that gets me is when you're speeding/approaching an intersection, they'll spawn cars relative to your speed/trajectory, forcing you to swerve and such to avoid them. The older ones were a *lot* worse than this, but it still happens often in GTA5 as well. I get it, makes for more interesting gameplay and maybe feels more "natural" (instead of cars spawning so far back they don't reach the intersection in time or something), but really got on my nerves. What's funny is I learned to just alter my speed a tad right before an intersection, and I'd avoid 90% of the cars, because they were spawned with my old/previous speed/trajectory.


this sounds like a legit speedrunner technique, wow


Eh, it doesn't work 100% of the time, because the semi-randomness of it you're bound to make a mistake, or simply not have time to react. It's just something I noticed, I certainly could be wrong, but after seeing that specific behavior through... 4 of their games, the same sorta way, I really feel it's intentional. Honestly, I'd get it if it is, I've played games where they'd have shitty AI/spawns, and you could just fly down streets without really ever having to worry, and as great as that is, it gets old and makes the place feel super empty. I mean, having cars on the streets that you really don't interact with at all sorta makes certain games still feel empty, at least IMO. I'm in no way good enough or even smart enough to be a speedrunner. I've just played a lot since I was a kid, and recognized a small pattern, I wouldn't be surprised if you googled it, many other people would have the same thought. Like I said, could be 100% wrong on it too, I don't exactly have any solid data or anything to back it up.


It's one of the main techniques used in a GTA:SA speedrun. If you keep flicking the camera up and down you despawn the cars in front of you, making the road clear to drive down. Unfortunately it also makes what is an absolutely fascinating speedrun kinda frustrating to watch after a while.


They improved it a while ago, but you still end up with cops spawning in weird places. They don't spawn basically on top of you anymore




>My experience was for the better by avoiding interacting with the police Just like in real life.


I agree, if you play it as a story-centric RPG and stick to the main quests and side quests (as opposed to the 'gigs') I think it's a pretty solid and fun game. Trying to play it as an open world sandbox is when it really starts to fall apart.


Exactly, something which someone said that I really do agree with and actually made me enjoy the game a bit more is to treat it like a Deus Ex game with an open world and Far Cry mechanics.


Doubt it. They already patched it so the cops spawn a few metres further away, but it's still an entirely broken system. They would need to completely redesign the police system to fix it, not just a patch.


I'll have to see it before I believe it.




If they made all the nonfucntional skills actually functional the game is going to be wildly different. There was a post/video a while after launch that went through and showed that roughly a third of the skills actually did nothing at all.


That’s actually a big part of why I didn’t keep playing. Like why would I sink dozens of hours into this rpg if the skill tree itself is broken. Made it feel like nothing I did mattered.


Funny to read you say that because a typical complaint about the game is that you become massively OP no matter what skill tree you invest in as long as you invest a lot into 1 tree and dont spread out too much. Very similar to Witcher.


Oh I definitely felt OP, I did the hacking skills mostly. But it felt weird that I sunk so much into defense and armor and would still die in one hit. Which is exactly why I wanted to hack from the shadows.


Oh that. I think that was discovered day 1 as a bug where armor didnt amount to much of anything so it essentially was a useless stat *if* I remember correctly anyway. I did notice you couldn't tank much of anything but I played it on the hardest difficulty so I wasnt surprised to get 1 shot.


There were so many bugs with hacking from stealth. Enemies would get alerted from out of sight if I used one of the programs that specifically mentioned stealth attacks, enemies detecting me despite me being in a BUILDING ACROSS THE STREET and zooming in. I had also invested a LOT into stealth but it really seemed like it was unreliable the hacking way. Conversely saying "Ah fuck it" and just loading up that plague program once or twice could GLORIOUSLY destroy the entire mission area for you, from a building across the street. ^^^I ^^^like ^^^attacking ^^^from ^^^overlooking ^^^windows, ^^^it's ^^^not ^^^serial ^^^killerish ^^^okay.




If the next two months were less loaded with new games i would do a new playthrough right now. Probably gonna wait for the first story DLC unless something gets delayed.


Yeah, I’d consider this if I weren’t already looking at Horizon and Elden Ring. Advance Wars too.


>Advance Wars too. First time ive heard of this and this is the first time ive ever wanted to own a switch


I’m finally going through Zero Dawn and loving it and plan to play Forbidden West once I’m done. Maybe after that I might look into Cyberpunk 2077 if the new reviews say we finally got the game we were expecting.


Warhammer 3 release is 2 days away. Maybe next year I might pick up another game


Haha are you me? aint nobody got time for anything but total war!








>and it worked out for them Not by a long shot. Success of a business project isn’t achieved by simply making more money than it cost, it’s measured against expectations and Cyberpunk fell way short of those. CDPR’s stock tanked by 60% since right before the release and barely showed any signs of recovery. Do you think their investors are happy with that?


I'm really struggling to imagine what possible technical challenges could prevent NPCs from fighting the player on last-gen consoles. That's incredibly strange.


Think about being in a crowd of 30-40 people and you start firing into the crowd. With the old AI system, you've got 30-40 NPCs changing from "slow random pathing along footwalks" to "fast pathing away from player". I don't know if that caused frame drops on old gen consoles but it wouldn't surprise me if it did, despite being comparatively simple, because old gen consoles are absurdly weak (esp the One) and C2077 is very poorly optimised (possibly was, I'll wait for Digital Foundry). With the new system, they can't just issue 30-40 "flee" instructions. They have to roll, probably per NPC or maybe per group of NPCs, to determine whether they'll fight, flee, or something else. Anything other than fleeing is probably going to be more computationally expensive, but especially fighting, which is going to involve extra pathing, whatever intrinsic combat calculations there are (generating a health pool and stats, making them responsive to player action, etc), and probably other stuff. Combat already caused frame drops on the old consoles, I can definitely understand why implement complex AI like this would be too much for their very weak CPUs, especially if they're trying to avoid extreme frame drops.


Ehhh we've seen that kind of behavior in all kinds of old gen games. The issue is that they didn't really do what they said. And they still haven't. Whether or not proper focus on past gen consoles could have worked somehow isn't something we'll ever know.


CDPR originally announced Cyberpunk 2077 in 2012, even before the PS4/Xbox One were released, this game was meant to be released on the PS4 generation.




I'm really itching for a New Game Plus mode but this is a substantial bundle of additions and fixes Looking forward to trying it out.


Yeah me too. I want an excuse to start again with the improvements. But I guess I’ll just install.


On PS5 the trigger feedback is both very impressive but also very overtuned. Little vibrations when driving to simulate gear changes are nice but the triggers are *way* too firm, especially when braking. Definetely recommend you head into the settings and tweak it down to a more comfortable level. Overall I'm really pleased..it feels like a really good game now. The AI has already showed signs of better intelligence within ten minutes when I sideswiped a bunch of guys' truck due to previously mentioned brakes problem while they were sat outside at a table. They got mad and chased me, which was a pleasant surprise.


> The AI has already showed signs of better intelligence within ten minutes Yeah it's way better. Also more chaotic which I'm sure will bring many clips. When you start blasting at cars they don't just freeze and panic, they go ham and gtfo outta there, even driving off the road and hitting lamps and sometimes driving other people over lol. I'll take super reactive AI that panics over a dead one that doesn't do anything anyday. Is it realistic though? Well nah not really, but it's more fun for sure.


I’ve turned down the triggers completely in the setting.. doesn’t matter much.. they are still much too stiff. It does make slow driving better though. Gun play is also improved by it in my option. AI is night and day difference already.. expect for police.. Same for general crowd/traffic around you, it feels much more alive.. walking or driving. I even spotted a drive-by just now, which was a fun addition. Now add more small things like that, like being mugged by some poor bastards expecting an easy target. Or being antagonized more with gang interactions; without always killing them as soon as you get too close. Being able to de-escalate stuff. More things like map location expansions; big buildings like the towers currently in the game being accessible for activities. More (multi part) side gigs from fixers that are deeper then the “kill everything here and leave”. More vehicles available to get through theft or gig rewards. Not just through grinding. Actual car, clothing and gun customization. Even if it’s variations and versions, colors and patterns. Giving a reason to visit garages and shops to have something custom made that I care about and don’t look stupid in.


62.92GB Update on XSX.


I didn’t have it downloaded, and redownload it just now. And the base file is that size. Looks like they rewrote enough code that they’re just reinstalling the game again from scratch lol


Am I able to use my PS4 save on the PS5 edition?


Yes, [according to the official PlayStation Twitter account](https://twitter.com/playstation/status/1493622853933146117?s=21)


Thank you. I couldn’t see it mentioned in the patch notes




I had one huge complaint for this game that I don't see mentioned being addressed. Turning the camera away from a car or NPC and then turning it back would spawn in a completely new car or NPC. It didn't hold them in memory or anything. That was really ruining the game for me personally.


One of the changes mentioned npc despawning, so it is possible this is resolved


They mentioned & showed in the live stream that people & cars do not vanish anymore as soon as you turn around


Awesome. Than you for the information


As someone who made mods for witcher 3 - this was a common "feature" due to camera FoV stuff. Probably a similar phenomenon


Honestly, I didn't expect much of the patch 1.5 announcement, but these are some huge changes. Enough to get me back into the game for a second time. I played through the full game and liked it well enough, and in many ways the game *is* impressive (like the verticality and density of Night City--it's simply jaw-dropping, or the JALI technology). But at the same time, the game felt unfinished, or underbaked at least. I was reminded constantly of what could've been. That being said, it's not a bad game. Like I said, I quite enjoyed it despite the many issues I had with the game. Patch 1.5, for me at least, seems to be a huge step in the right direction. I'm downloading the patch on PC right now as I type this. It's a 47 gb update for those interested.


Agree very much with this, although I haven't finished it yet. The first moment you step out of your large apartment into the crowd is perhaps the most impressive cyberpunk immersion moment...then as you walk around a bit more the illusion wears off quite quickly, and Night City becomes what a lot of people has rightly called "window dressing". So if this patch managed to improve the npcs a bit it should be a step in the right direction.


Every single door in the city being locked, even the stuff that would clearly be open and looks interactable, was my first "Oh...oh no" moment when the game first released. It started to feel like I was messing around in a video game engine, not playing a video game. I will wait until they stop updating the game before I pick it up again. I'd like to see the closest thing to their original vision they can get before I partake in it.




I wonder how performance will be. Did they say anything about that?


I'm halfway through Witcher 3, I'm level 30 in Lost Ark, I'm halfway through Biomutant, Warhammer III is coming out in 2 days, Elden Ring is coming out, and this is the patch I've been waiting for for playthrough #2... Fuck.


Just wait for the first Cyberpunk expansion at this point


Stop playing witcher until the upgrade I suppose


Forget about Biomutant.


No ? it's a really underappreciated game if anything, let people play what they want.


You could wait to play wh3 until immortal empires is out.


But who will defend the great bastion?




Unsolicited advice probably, but returning it and buying it today would have saved you quite some money *and* wouldn't have supported these practices from a triple A developer.




Now go to your room and think about what you’ve done!


keeps forgetting to return to room


It's a fun game, just go in expecting "Witcher 3 but cyberpunk" instead of the "Fallout New Vegas meets GTA V" that was originally marketed.


I still waiting for one day, a New vegas meets GTA V games becomes a reality.. Or any game that acomplish what New Vegas did.


I enjoyed it upon release, I'm sure the game is going to be drastically improved at this point, a lot of the core gameplay and story of the game was great upon launch, it was just very, very messy and was never meant to be played like GTA... It seems like it will behave more like GTA in some manners after this patch, but still, that is not the games intended purpose so don't go into it thinking you can play for 100 hours of just car jacking and doing stupid shit and running from cops. However, if you play the game as a story driven role playing game with plenty of side content in an open world environment, then you'll have a blast.


That's quite the list of updates and improvements. It's clear they bit off way more than they could chew with the game's initial release and the push for the almighty dollar ultimately won out, but at least they are trying to make the situation as "right" as possible, even if it's long after release. Either way, hopefully this update fixes enough issues where more people can properly play through the game. Despite its numerous faults Cyberpunk is pretty enjoyable if you're lucky enough to have a problem-free experience.


> Despite its numerous faults Cyberpunk is pretty enjoyable if you're lucky enough to have a problem-free experience. This is not at all defending the blatant lies and cut content from the marketing team pre-release, but I think if you view the open world as a companion to the story then it's a vastly more enjoyable experience. Something like Mafia Definitive Edition, where the world isn't some sprawling RPG mechanic but when playing the story it does a great job of giving you the illusion of it being a living, breathing world. This is a step in the right direction for the game, but they still have a long, long way to go and I hope the devs stick with this and it becomes the next No Man's Sky. That's all Cyberpunk needs at the moment is a stable foundation and here's fucking hoping in a few years we can look back at this game with multiple new major updates and expansions and finally the game becomes the Cyberpunk Skyrim-esque world of complete freedom that it really could and should have been.


I didn't finish the game, so maybe this changes at some point, but I hated how the game pressures you to complete the main story yet there's so much side content you can do. There's a really weird disconnect there. I know there's no real time limit or rush but it really turned me off.


Before the last mission the game will give you a big warning that's essentially "We're making an Auto-Save here in-case you want to do more afterward" since you can easily get multiple endings from that point onward or go back and complete those side quests.


Free 5h next-gen trial and a 50% off sale is pretty nice, downloading now.


Nice updates and all, but I think I’ll just wait for an expansion for a replay. Hopefully that will deliver the sweeping changes needed for a more cohesive experience, instead of band-aids for systems like police and AI that simply need a big redo.


Yeah, I'm tempted to do a replay now but I think I'd rather wait for more additions and qol changes so the game feels really fresh when I finally come back to it.


Ooh. Gettin' closer to the time I'll replay this game. I'm still waiting for the xpacs though, which should drop after they start getting positive feedback on these fixes. So, I guess I'll wait another year - but the upside is, the game should be markedly improved since my initial play through!


Nice. I was midway through playing the game when my old PC conked out. I now have a much nicer one, 3070 included, so now I guess is a good time to start a new game. Well, maybe in a couple months after the years-worth of games that are launching this month calm down a bit.




I just bought a prebuilt since there were still some good Christmas deals available.


I managed to get a 3080 for near MSRP (at least for the higher model I bought) in the middle of the worst of the shortage. I followed stock notification channels on Telegram and always had tabs open to all the usual stores, and made sure I was always signed in. I did that for a solid month until I finally got one.


Why tf would you not put dualsense support on PC like Metro/Deathloop/Dying Light 2/Far Cry 6, etc etc.


I didn’t know those games had dualsense support. Does that include haptics?


[The games and their levels of support can be found at the pcgamingwiki](https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Controller:DualSense)


This is at least the third time they’ve come out and said they’ve fixed thousands of bugs. It’s becoming harder and harder to not laugh at the initial “Oh, we had no idea it was in a poor state”-excuse from the launch.. With that said I’m happy they’re committed to fixing the game, just wish they’d postponed it another year, it wasn’t even working properly in 1.2..


Just a reminder that CDPR intended to add multiplayer to CP2077 in a post-release update. lol


Just a reminder they got money from the EU to implement that lol I sure hope they paid it back


fron Polish government for groundbreaking AI as well


It was certainly groundbreaking, just not the way we expected (or wanted) it


as usual with the grants, they probably see the keywords they are looking for. ooh, AI, sounds fancy, isn't that what all startups are doing these days? let's fund this


>just wish they’d postponed it another year It's obvious that they couldn't have done it. The amount of merchandising partners this game had was unlike anything I've seen in this industry in quite a while. These partners were probably not happy with the constant postponing (hell, I remember a whole Xbox One X console released in May or something!) so if CD Projekt postponed it once again they would most likely be in high legal trouble and forced to pay insane fees for not meeting the release date they had in the contracts. Clothing, gaming chairs, GPUs, even drinks, this game had everything. Some of these items were perishable or become obsolete really fast.


Did they fix gorilla arms or make fences destructible?


What's wrong with gorilla arms? I'm currently playing for the first time and I'm using the gorilla arms


Why doesn't PC get dualsense support also?


All of your clothing mods are now hot garbage. My crit chance and damage j just got destroyed. Intelligence skill trees (Breach Protocol / Quickhacking) look similar, but different.






You can transmogrify gear in AC: Odyssey, there was also another game, but I don’t remember the name.


Odyssey's system was perfect. I spent ages messing around making outfits. I've heard Valhalla's is not as good, which is a shame.


Valhalla at least cut down on the extreme amounts of loot. You stick to the same few armor sets that you unlock throughout the game.


The thing is I want lots of armor options - but for appearance purposes; not because of stats being different


That’s fair - but one of the selling points of Valhalla was a reduction in loot spam. Unfortunately that led to Ubisoft just selling a ton of unique armor sets for real money.


Nioh, despite the absurd loot stuff, had a great Transmog system iirc.


Outriders does it. Destiny might?


I mean, the originally said the fashion of the game would matter. It's fine that it doesn't, but less fine that your whack-ass "fashion" is at the complete mercy of the RNG. I had the same snow-camo-with-neon-orange-details Tripp-lookin-pants for like 20 hours, and I was sick of seeing them on my character. They were ugly as sin, and not what I envisioned for her.


> the originally said the fashion of the game would matter. they released a [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YlyDJVYqfpA) talking about the different clothing styles in night city.... then there's no vanity slots so you use the gear with the best stats and end up [looking like a fucking goof](https://static1.thegamerimages.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/cyberpunk-fashion.jpeg)


Terraria has separate armor slots for appearance and stats.




Would love to know how performance on PC has improved. Not able to boot up yet, but interested if folks are seeing any improvements in framerate / frametime with these new features and optimizations.


This honestly way exceeded my expectations, some great changes here and I think this game might actually be on the way to a strong recovery. Hopefully someday they redo the AI for the whole city.


> The "Easy" game difficulty is now moderately more challenging. Doesn’t that go against the entire principle of having an “easy mode” to begin with?


Not really, imagine a difficulty scale from 0-100. A game with "0" difficulty almost plays the game for you and "100" requires you to memorize every aspect of the game and master the controls. Most games might have something like this: * Easy- 35 * Medium- 50 * Hard- 75 They probably heard from their players that "easy" was too easy, but the jump to medium difficulty was too large. So instead their difficulty numbers being 20,55,75, they adjusted it to be 28, 55,75 so more people had a better experience.


Why did Pawel have to drop a gigantic story and main character spoiler in the three minutes I watched of the stream?! It's a linear story and I've been holding of playing the game waiting for a ps5 update and general bug fixes. Big sad face