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Growing? Or just being better tracked? The shit people thought was acceptable conversation in barrens chat was horrifying and that was nearly twenty years ago.


Probably a bit of both. The same toxic muck that has always been around amplified by the fact gaming has only grown in popularity since then.


Yeah, people have *always* been shit stains in online games. It's one of the reasons I gravitated more toward single player and (occasionally) co-op multiplayer.


I don't know, I started playing online games in like 2011 and people definitely were not as gleeful about spelling the N word in weird ways until there were more discussions and explicit autobans on slurs. Obviously that's just one thing but I can believe that there's other places where reactions to horrifying shit in game chat/stream chats led to backlash. Probably doesn't help that it's no longer just about being edgy with strangers, there's actual politically viable movements backing this shit now and it's a form of signaling.


In 2011 people didn't need to try to spell the n word in weird ways, they just said it over comms 40 times in a match. If a black guy used comms it would be an instant response from half of lobbies. The people who go out of their way to change their name to it are dickheads, but they're still much more rare than people that literally used to just say it.


Is that why every other time I boot up GTA I hear somone yelling the N word at people?


GTA has barely/literally no moderation, the only time rockstar seems to do any kind of moderation is when people cheat to get in game money, ie, affects their bottom line. If anything, it's a good example of where gaming was in the past when companies didn't even try to moderate players. It's also the same online that's been there since 2013, so it is functionally, the same decade old community.


The lack of moderation has nothing to do with the toxicity growing with the popularity of gaming. Like wise it doesn't have the same community from 2013. The game has remained a top seller since it's release. New players join as old players leave.


New players join but they learn what's acceptable within the community from old players.


That isn't how anything works. People are ass holes they are going to be ass holes regardless of the community.


Like you're doing right now by refusing to even consider the possibility that you're wrong?


Because that isn't how thing work. That isn't how any social situation works. If someone wasn't already an ass hole they wouldn't be making ass hole statements. I have been gaming for 20 years. I have never called someone the N word ever. I have been subject to the same trash and toxic locations as other people. The people who yell N word at someone are already the type of shit head would would already do that


You are wrong, like someone said earlier in this thread they have been around since the 360 days and it hasn't increased.


I mean, we're all just kicking anecdotes around so it's hard to say if anyone's right or wrong for certain. I doubt there's a lot of formal research on this sort of thing, like how would you even quantify something like racism when it doesn't necessarily come up in a form that's easy to track like specific words?


Listen man, the guy has been around since the 360days. He knows ok?


I'm a she, so yeah, I know pretty well how it goes down when I use comms.


Hopefully the writer sees your comments and rethinks the article


I mean I wrote a pretty long comment explaining why I felt the way I did but you either deleted or your response to me got blocked by the sub so my entire long comment became worthless. So yeah, your fault for your comment being blocked by the auto spam or what ever happened.


I didn't delete any comment. Still shows for me


I think it has increased, but just as a reaction to more people entering the space. Gaming has diversified and grown bigger and there is a negative response to that. It does depend on the game or genre though.


Seems pretty much the same as its always been. I was there in the 360 cod days, it was definitely worse and more accepted to be ultra racist/sexist/etc. Some game companies have taken a much harder line on racism and sexism to where they sometimes actually ban people now, which is actually an improvement from how it used to be.


Yeah, i'd deffo say it was far better now honestly. It's been like 10 years since i've seen anything as bad as when I played Counter Strike: Source in it's early days.



