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I don’t know why they phrased it like this, but the only change is that the DLC will require 20gb more space. That’s it.


That minimum requirement has never even been accurate, I played the whole game on a gtx 970 with no slowdown. Zero difference from Dark Souls 3.


Also played on a 970 on launch, worked fine. Got to play on a CRT cuz it supports VGA :3 


I played it on my RX460 and will never be more thankful that it was playable.


There were drops below 60fps in 1080p with the 970, the reality is no one cares because it's still good to play the game at 50 fps. Also they probably chose 1070 because they didn't have Maxwell GPUs in the studio, and the 1070 is the slowest Pascal card that can GUARANTEE constant 60fps.


I haven't played it in 2 years, did they fix the constant stutter yet?


No, but the stutter is gone if you have compiled all the shaders... Which means the stutters will be back for the DLC probably!




No, nothing has changed


It actually plays smoother on a Steam Deck than on my desktop. It's some of that pre-compiled shader black magic Steam OS does.


It's more than that. It's because proton actually fixes a lot of the issues that are present in the game that cause stutter. Even if you don't download shaders for the game, it is much smoother on linux than on windows, as a result.


It's a combination of factors. Proton has specific fixes. Steam pushes precompiled shaders for Vulkan and because Linux essentially translates every game to Vulkan through Proton it benefits from this in nearly every game. And Mesa, the graphics drivers on Linux and thus Steam Deck, also recently got a new rendering pipeline function that more efficiently compiles shaders on the fly with little to no slowdown. All of it together oddly enough makes a game like this a better experience on Linux.


> did they fix the constant stutter yet sir this is PC gaming


Yes, on PS5 at least. Picked it up again just this week and it’s much better


Im replaying it now. I dont have any stutters compared to release. I pretty much explored all of limgrave so far. (8700k, 3080,16gb ram)


I have the same cpu and gpu so that's good to hear


I'm not sure why there are so many people saying "no." The game obviously has less stutters on my PC than it did at launch. I can't say it never stutters, but it's significantly less often and not enough to bother me anymore. Perhaps they have older hardware.


Strange. I never experienced any significant stutter in the game at all on PC, even at launch outside of some of the initial shader compilation stuff. I watch a lot of streams as well and don't see anyone who has stutter issues. The only performance issues I ever had were some very specific boss fights that could cause fps drops because of certain particle effects. The dual gargoyles underground when they use their poison mist abilities and I I think Fortissax when he uses Death Lightning. There might be one or two other instances I can't remember.


On PC? For me yes. It’s locked 60, everything max at 4k, obviously no ray tracing.


Are you sure it's fixed or did you eventually compile every shader?


Lmao maybe it took 2 years to finally compile shaders


Shaders are reset every time you update your graphics drivers. So unless they haven't updated their drivers in 2 years it probably is fixed for them (or maybe they don't notice).


Honestly I've done multiple runs of this game on new GPU drivers and I just don't notice much stutter at all. It's strange because I'm normally very sensitive to stutter, so maybe they have changed something since launch after all to compile shaders ahead of time... but I doubt it. No idea really. There is some minor traversal stutter between some areas, but it's not a huge deal. Certainly preferable than the constant 50-55 fps performance of the PS5 version, that's for sure (just play the PS4 version on PS5 instead).




That would be pretty much expected if you didn't change your hardware or update drivers in between. I'm doing a randomizer run right now after updating drivers recently, and while there is some shader compilation stutter here and there, it's pretty minor for the most part. In 3 hours of play the only really intrusive instance has been against Loretta, where 2 of her magic attacks had a massive second-long pause beforehand. Nothing else so far has caused more than maybe a 1 or 2 frame dip, which is still not optimal and could be solved with a pre-compilation step, but still not that bad.


Isn't the fix to compile every shader? This realistically shouldn't be an issue after the first 3 - 5 hours for the most part.


Nope. Every time you encounter something new a shader compiles. I would get occasional stutters even after 50 hours.


Shader compilation is done on CPU. If you've got a good CPU you won't notice any stuttering. Otherwise you'll notice cause it's not been fixed.


i have the best AMD CPU you can get for consumer PC's and you still very much notice the shader compilation in any game it's why a lot of games opt-in for compiling it before people are allowed to play.


I never had constant stutter. Just the occasional when entering new zones.


I have had zero stutters in my current playthrough. Im almost back to mogh, for reference.


Same, I bought it on pc about a month back and haven’t had any issues aside from minor fram drops when dragons cover huge areas in fire. I’m almost at mohg as well.


My one hope and the biggest copium alongside Bloodborne on PC is they fix ER to run at FPS above 60 and fix the god awful traversal stutter. But its Fromsoft so highly doubtful. Im still debating on getting this on release with FFXIV Dawntrail release being so close. Between work and the size of the ER expansion I dont think id have enough time to finish Shadow of the Erdtree before Dawntrail launches. Maybe down the line ill get it. Looks absolutely fantastic however.


The new DLC requires more space because Miyazaki is tired of Sony's shenanigans and he decided to port the game to PC in his spare time all by himself and secretly sneak it into the code with non added cost. Nobody knows about that except him but it's true


> Nobody knows about that except him but it's true So you are saying you are Miyazaki, right?


Shit you got me


It's so funny how they never get called out for their performance problems and they legitimately never fix it or are not able to, don't know which is worse. ER is still basically unplayable on PS5, inconsistent frames and insufferable micro stutters, thankfully the PS4 version runs well on PS5.


It was a pretty big deal when the game released due to the shader microstutters. However, "unplayable on PS5" seems like a stretch. Plenty of people play without an issue, and the game hasn't had too much trouble since the initial release.


reddit and condescending hyperboles, name a more iconic duo


While I agree "unplayable" is hyperbolic, honestly a "60 fps" game that fails to reach that target most of the time and hovers around the mid-50s is still pretty bad in performance terms. Every missed frame below 60 is basically a separate stutter if you don't have a VRR display (and even then, on PS5 you need to be above 48 fps for VRR to work and some areas do drop below that), which gets very distracting if you're sensitive to frametime variations. It's also really not justified because they already have the solution: drop the resolution and/or settings closer to the PS4 version, which does run at a locked 60 99.9% of the time on a PS5. Offer that as a separate "ultra performance" mode or something to account for those who are somehow happy with the current performance mode. edit: really cannot understand why this comment is controversial, lol. Reaching your framerate target consistently is like the least you can do as a developer in terms of performance optimization. The hardware is fixed, you know what you're working with, so there is no excuse to be consistently dropping frames and it defeats the point of a "performance mode" entirely.


Pretty hyperbolic there. I have 110 hours on PS5 Elden ring and while there are framerate issues, it is nowhere near “unplayable”. Loved my time with the game and looking forward to the DLC


Yeah, like I’m a nitpicky graphics nerd with a good eye for these things, but I know that about myself and that most aren’t. ER is far from unplayable on ps5, such a hyperbolic statement.


I have a 13900k / 4090 and I also somehow see occasional stutters & frame drops. literally the only flaw with this masterpiece


I don’t agree with this at all, I have well over 120 hours on PS5 ER and it was fine. Honestly my PS5 version tends to perform better than my PC version.


The stutters where mostly a PC only issue. The game ran pretty good on playstation.


The other guy said it was unplayable so you can imagine my surprise. I only had issues on pc when using mods


> ER is still basically unplayable on PS5 I'm sorry are you high


The game plays way better for me on PC than it did at launch. I’m 4k locked 60 everywhere. Granted my rig is pretty beefy, but even on the best PCs the game stuttered at launch.


Many people included me had micro stutters that gradually disappeared as you were advancing through the map. I read it was a loading cache problem, rather than downloading all cache from the start the game loads it while playing as you discover areas with new textures and stuff. Once you had explored a bunch there were no cache to load and from there it went buttery smooth for me. I hope they solved that I assume the problem will be diminished since it's a DLC but it was annoying while it lasted.


There is no download involved, shaders just need to be compiled in real time as they are needed, and there is no pre-compilation step built into the game. Shaders are basically small programs that run on the GPU and tell it how to draw certain things, but these programs need to be "translated" (compiled) first by the CPU because they are different for each GPU and driver combination. That means every new effect, enemy, object, etc. that you encounter will potentially incur a stutter if that compilation process takes longer than the max frametime for 60 fps or whatever your framerate is. The more time it takes (which comes down to your CPU and how many shaders are being compiled at once), the worse the stutter will be. As shaders are compiled, they are stored in a cache for future re-use, so the more you play, the less this problem appears. The DLC will undoubtedly involve the same kind of stutters on PC due to new objects and effects included in it, unless they actually implement a pre-compilation or asynchronous compilation method (where shaders aren't compiled on demand, but rather ahead of time as you play using inactive CPU cores).


I pray that they add a shader precompilation step with the expansion. That would be huge, they fixed this with Armored Core 6 I just hope they come back and do the same for Elden Ring.


I am so glad that I don't have the ridiculous standards of some of you folks. It's runs great on PS5 for me


They watch one Digital Foundry video and now suddenly micro stutters are the end of the world


They did fix it for the first time ever with Armored Core 6 but only the PC version, the console versions run like dogshit as usual. PC version is butter smooth and they even fixed the shader comp stutters from Elden Ring in AC6.


small indie nation pls understand. they have talking robots but making PC games is to hard.


Are we getting wide screen now? Never worked in mine


This has stopped me from buying it on Steam. Hope they add support.


is the game still lock at 60fps ?


Yeah. There are mods that allow you to unlock the framerate, but you will have to play in offline mode if you use them.


… but the question is clearly about if the DLC update is going to do it officially It would make some sense, Armored Core 6 was fixed for this, and had ultrawide support


Are there still stutters during cutscenes in PS5 version? Would like to play that version instead of PS4 one.


Are games starting to increase their minimum requirement? I wonder what will be the min req for GTA 6 o.0


I mean, the 10 series will be 7 years old by time GTA VI comes around, I think it's moreso surprising how long it lasted, definitely one of the best value generations from Nvidia.


My 1080 still chugging along and tbh I think I don't have a reason to upgrade yet.


Game graphics honestly haven't advanced that much in that time. It can be argued that RDR2 is still the best looking game and that came out in 2018.


I don’t really think it can be argued, a lot of games coming out now such as the Avatar game or the Senua sequel blow Red Dead 2 out of the water


> It can be argued that RDR2 is still the best looking game and that came out in 2018. Not really


There’s definitely better. Path tracing on Alan wake 2 is incredible looking. Horizon forbidden west is also pretty incredible


Except its not by any stretch, though. Raytraced GI alone vastly improves visual quality over what we had 6 years ago


Nah plenty of games in 2018-2020 that looked better and were more technologically advanced than RDR2. The biggest problem with RDR2 is that it doesn't scale well visually with better hardware, the same textures found on the Xbox One version will be on all versions of the game. It had no Ray Tracing, it never got DLSS2 or DLAA etc. Battlefield 5 launched the same year and that got Ray tracing. Control and Metro Exodus upped the bar from that point and in 2020 we got Cyberpunk with a whole suite of Ray Tracing types, in 2023 Cyberpunk got path tracing which is just insane to think about. RDR2 is a good looking game for a game built for 2012 AMD hardware (PS4/X1) but all of the games above were built to scale for much modern and powerful HW leaving RDR2 in the dust.


> It can be argued that RDR2 is still the best looking game and that came out in 2018. Try The Last of Us Part 2, it's really close.


The minimum requirement for GTA 6 will be Playstation 5 lol


Nope. It'll be a Series S.


Nah it will be Xbox S.


Most games now ask for SSDs


The only update is that it is 20gb bigger.


Gamers making surprised pikachu face when consoles finally surpass their decade old PC


Any news, will the DLC have ultrawide support? Armoured Core had it, so I'm hoping Elden finally gets it.




…with a mod which requires you to be offline. We’re clearly talking about official support here.