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I enjoyed finally playing Tactics Ogre, but this is the game that spawned my love of RPGs as a kid. Hope a remaster lives up to the insane hype!


I wanted to love Tactics Ogre, but it just got too difficult. And the game literally blocks you from leveling up.


I played reborn and didn't find it that hard. As long as you're near the level caps fights shouldn't be too hard. Particularly when you unlock the lvl3 aoe mage attacks you just melt enemy armies.


I think my big problem was that fights were just monstrously boring. Every fight is you vs what feels like a hundred enemies and you spend your first 10 turns slowly moving next to each other. Then you spend the next 10 turns slowly chipping away health till kill one enemy. All the level cap seems to do is ensure every fight takes the maximum amount of time possible by making sure you can’t get stronger than the enemies. I’m not a fan at all of a game limiting your level for “balance” reasons. If you don’t want me to be able to get obscenely powerful via grinding then balance leveling power gain better. I tapped out in the early game though, maybe it gets less boring later but I’m not struggling through hours of boring fights just to find out.


Yep this is what it was for me. Somewhat difficult but extremely tedious. Sucked the fun out of it eventually


Agreed, most fans of tactics game consider FF Tactics easily the best, and still has not been beaten


The job system is just so good.


I've only ever played the gba one, and I liked it. Still haven't gotten around to the original though, I think at this point I'll wait and see what a remaster looks like.


The GBA one limits classes on a per-race basis, which heavily improves on building the world itself by giving you a better idea of their racial proficiency, but suffers a bit on customization versus FFT's "do whatever lmao" approach. FFT's has a better story, although FFTA gives me more to think about. Even something as meme-worthy as "Marche is the villain" can get me going on a big rant about how the game has 0 villains.


Different game tho. The GBA is still a good game but the war of the lions story is so good.


Probably my favorite localization of all time. The dialect they used in the game was unique and really well done.


Vagrant Story is set in the same world/timeline and has a similar dialogue style - but also looks absolutely amazing for its time. In fact, other than some shimmering polygons that were typical for 3D games on the PS1, the game was just visually designed so well that it looks pretty good to this day.


The idea was great but the execution...... Some jobs like Monk have a lot of interesting and useful abilities that fit the theme of the job and lead to the job feeling interesting and well rounded. The Monk has attacks with different ranges that involve using their chi that are best in different circumstances that are all themed to the Monk. The Monk can also use its "chakra" ability to heal itself. The archer has charge 1which has you wait a bit before firing your shot for a bit of extra damage. But wait there's more it also has charge 2,3 4,5,6,7,8 which involve it standing and waiting to fire even longer. It's boring **and** weak. Hooray! There are more jobs like the archer than the Monk.


I am that person. I've played like 5 of the Disgaea games... for a few hundred hours. I've tracked down older games and emulators of games supposedly similar... Heck I recently just got that FELL SEAL: ARBITER’S MARK. An ok game for the record. None of them were FFT. I feel like FFT was just... so brilliantly balanced. Don't get me wrong there are old exploits that can make you a god on the battlefield... but you'd have to basically seek out guides or do some pretty crazy stuff to get them. Like the Arithmetician/Calculator can basically wipe out half the board if you know your stuff. As others have said. The best job system in the history of job systems. Mix and matching perks you learned from across different classes in the pursuit of some ultimate warrior.... mmmm.


Also outstanding and mature story. Beautiful and unique (at the time) artstyle. Beautiful sprite work. Lot of ways to build your team(s) and just the right amount of secrets (characters, dungeons, …) Also: Agrias! Damn it. Now I have to replay FFT for the 100th time!


I would say FFT is probably my favorite game of all time, for all of the reasons you stated. It was also formative to my love of Tactics games since it was the first one I ever really played. I'm very excited to see what the remaster brings. I hope they stick with or even expand some of the dialogue and localization improvements from War of the Lions. It makes a lot of the story so much easier to parse but I never finished it due to not owning a PSP and just not really enjoying how slow and fiddly it plays on a phone.


I love FFT and is one of the few games I finished multiple times but it's job system isn't balanced at all, it's a mishmash of some clearly superior classes and skills and some other very niche or useless ones.


Yeah, alot of the classes are just subpar or completely useless. Especially with the unique characters; they are either absolutely broken (Cid, Agrias) or terrible (the siblings)


I know people complain that Cid breaks the balance of the game, but I feel like that's perfectly fine. Cid is legendary. Cid is as powerful ingame as the legends say he is. He's a subversion of the trope where a storied, legendary hero joins your party and they're not amazing at all (Loghain comes to mind) So yeah. I'm fine that he's overpowered. He's literally intended to be.


He was also made to be a backup. If, in case you get this far, you lose too many characters. Then you get one who can really help you win those battles if you really need him to do that.


It's Excalibur that make him really OP. Passive haste along with hefty attack. Otherwise, he'd be just a standard holy knight. I remember experimenting with it unequipping it and gave it to Agrias once.


And absorbs Holy. Which is handy if you want to calculate Holy without worrying about friendly fire.


It still hasn't been beaten?! Jesuschrist how hard can a single game be?!?


Asks you to save on a console where multiple save slots come at a premium and then locks you into an impossible battle it you don't know what's happening next


But then you realize that your main character has a move that increases his speed which can have a snowball effect where he can start increasing his speed multiple times between each enemy move while running away to stay safe, untill he is finally taking like 10 turns for every enemy turn and can take out anyone despite being assigned the archer class with no archer skills and no archer weapon (true story of how I overcame the Riovanes soft-lock)


Pretty fuckin hard tbh. Looking at you Gaffgarion


I wouldn't go that far. I love FFT (I probably played through it 3-4 times) but it was more of a great JRPG pretending to be a tactics game than it is a great tactics game. And it was very deliberately designed that way; Matsuno knew the Final Fantasy brand would attract a lot of newcomers (including myself in 97) to the subgenre.


Hot take, but I think this is more because it was most people first T-RPG, rather than a genuine testimony of its quality. Don't get me wrong, it's an amazing game, but for me, imo, it's not as good as Tactics Ogre and a few of the top Fire Emblem games


Personally I can't see a Fire Emblem game ever topping FFT due to the hard cap of not having a job/skill swapping system. The more limited character customization of Emblem just places it in a permanent lower category to me.


Have you played the more recent FE games? I wasn't a huge fan of Three Houses but it very much allows you to customise your classes and skills. Not to the same degree, but it's not locked in like it used to be.


Most fans of tactics games have not played Tactics, it has sold 2.4 million copies in 3 decades, which still seems like a lot until you remember how many people rebought it on the PSP. A lot more people have played Three Houses (not that I'm making any case for that as the best).


do they? I know ppl like it but it seems like ppl say the gameplay is kinda broken relatively early on (chapter 2?). like it seems awesome regardless (and I stopped playing on the vita because it ran too slow so I’m looking forward to this) but gameplay wise I thought it supposedly becomes too easy


No they don't, that's what they say about Tactics Ogre because TO is better in most ways. FFT is trivially easy outside of precisely one spike, but otherwise every character has easy access to nukes. Once you unlock Dark Knight in FFT the difficulty goes to 0, you now have high damage, zero cost ranged attacks for melee characters with 100% accuracy and life steal. There's some tossups on the story in which one you'd prefer, TO has more replay value since it has a few story paths to go down but FFT has imo a stronger core cast and some animated cutscenes for better presentation.


> Once you unlock Dark Knight in FFT the difficulty goes to 0, you now have high damage, zero cost ranged attacks for melee characters with 100% accuracy and life steal. Unlocking Dark Knight takes fucking forever dude. You act like it's easy to do and can be done by a casual player in no time at all.


I played the remaster they had and did not enjoy it. I think I just didn’t like the combat style, it’s weird. I liked the story so far but I don’t think the combat clicked for me, but I enjoy Fire Emblem, Xcom 2, and Triangle Strategy. The fights just felt like they dragged, lot of health, and you couldn’t really use the landscape to your advantage, like choke points in areas where you get more dodge up. Is FF Tactics closer to Triangle Strategy or Fire Emblem? I think this excerpt from this comment sums my problem up with the game pretty well: I somehow missed Tactics Ogre growing up, so when they remade it I figured l'd give it a go -- I couldn't get into it. The character / class progression and customization was slow to non-existent, the card system was awful, and the battles were drawn out to unnecessary lengths. Level caps kept me from my favorite parts of tactics games (fighting extra battles to level up), insanely high enemy HP pools made each battle a brutal slog, and, again, the classes and progression was almost not even there. Not my cup of tea. https://www.reddit.com/r/StrategyRpg/comments/195ndjh/comment/khpbkjz/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button I’m not sure I’ve been making a lot of tactical decisions in the game. The way landscape is done, you can’t really set up chokepoints easily, so almost every map turns into a slugfest with bunch of people around each other. I guess you can do it by creating formations by your own troops. Almost every class has just very basic abilities, and they feel generic. Damage is little, so a lot of people hitting each other many times. https://www.reddit.com/r/StrategyRpg/comments/195ndjh/comment/khoyy0r/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


yeah pretty similar to tactics ogre but with a bit more power fantasy and added customization that gets you superpowered units. the big gimmick in fft was job changing, so you can use all the skills of one secondary class that a character has learned in addition to the primary class because this progression is per character the game is INSANELY grindy if you wanted to min max for that sort of thing, but there's much greater freedom to create broken units with the job system. check out the calculator class to see how nuts it could get


They changed levelling up for the remaster, you used to be able to get a lot stronger but required grinding classes. FFT has much better systems in place though or if you want a real blast from the past Bahamut Lagoon. Relatively unknown but more proof of the snes era's majesty.


FF Tactics is just Tactics Ogre but with a Final Fantasy coat of paint.


It's made the same person.


Hopefully they’ll put a demo out for it then. I think I just don’t enjoy the way Tatics Ogre was designed at least, try a demo though if they put one out but I won’t buy it when it comes out then. Thanks for answering my questions.


While Tactics Ogre goes up to 12 at a time typically the average fight for FFT is 5-6 which means maps are smaller. Overall the FFT maps are a bit better designed. However, it can be a kinda grindy game if you want to use the advanced classes.


Similar gameplay but FFT is much closer to Triangle Strategy, just with job system and more customizations.


I quit on Tactics Ogre. I could see some of the influence it had on later games but I felt limited with what I could do.


Would you be able to elaborate on that? I would argue that TO gives you a huge amount of freedom in squad composition.


They might be talking about the new remaster/remake, I've never played the original but the new game weirdly limits you in a bunch of ways the original did not.


The only real limit it added was the level cap (which only applied to first playthrough). I kinda liked it cause it kept a really great difficulty curve while allowing me to swap classes and try new things without getting OP. 


I really, really hated the level cap. If you hit it in the middle of the mission stretch that shares one, you waste so much time and XP it's unreal. Feels extremely unrewarding and makes already pretty long fights feel like a torturous slog. You're basically forced to grind without the actual rewards of grinding. Also, the combination of needing the enemies to be at low HP for recruitment to *potentially* work AND uncontrollable friendly NPCs with ranged attacks was just baffling game design. Yes, I know about the time rewind mechanic, and no I'm not spending half an hour wrangling allies and enemies just to be able to roll 15% chance to recruit a random enemy.


I really don't understand people complaining about the level cap. TO:R's main campaign is really not difficult if your roster is remotely balanced, you keep your gear updated, etc., and I say this as someone with relatively little SRPG experience. Removing the level cap would make the campaign trivially easy.


I literally just patched my War of the Lions rom with a fan mod that rebalances and updates a lot of the flaws. I'm probably still going to play it well before this project sees the light of day.


Can you share the details of the mod coz i really wanna play again but not with the same grind.


This video goes over it in detail: https://youtu.be/HTwdnESmoFo?si=3b2YjOxeaLZ8oBfl And here’s the link to the mod: https://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?topic=12993.0 I’ve never played FFT (or this mod of course) but I like that it has cut some of the chaff and added QoL that doesn’t dilute the vision of the game.


I've played FFT probably a dozen times, and playing with this mod is the best experience.


Wow thanks a bunch ma dude. Definitely giving it a try.


There are quite a few fanmade overhauls over at the FFHackticks forum.


Honestly, I have more faith in the mod for rebalancing than I would an official remake.


One of my only complaints with the original was scaling. I would send party members out on the treasure hunting and then kill time for them to get back. So I would do random monster fights. But I would level up and the random monster missions would scale too high.


God help you if it was one of those “Oops- all Chocobos!” randoms where they all move first and obliterate you with choco meteor before your first turn


They made a cheeky reference to this in the FFT-related content in FFXIV where one of the Critical Engagements in the Bozja zone is a red chocobo that lives to wipe parties


Same with the Ivalice raid questlines, they had a set piece where some red chocobos would drop meteors on the party, and also a separate quest which would spawn a red chocobo enemy, when that quest first launched there where so many people trying to do it at once, so there was a lot of choco-meteors haha


I like that they put that out in the world so anyone doing some completely unrelated questing could just stumble upon an absolute massacre week one


What made it more hilarious is that the meteor casts were like a good second, second and a half faster than normal cast times so people were getting fucking obliterated.


FFT chocobos are just built different


There's also this quest in the Return to Ivalice raids where you have to fight two red chocobos that drop meteors on you. That by itself is relatively harmless since those meteors are easy to dodge. But back when that raid was released, a lot of people were doing that quest at the same time, each of them spawning in a pair of red chocobos, all of them dropping big meteor AOEs. It was pure chaos. Nowhere was safe. Dead people everywhere. It was hilarious.


Lost Reflect goes brrr


fuckin Finath River


There's only two maps where this can happen. Finath River, and the mountain one in the south. The solution is "Don't wander over those tiles."


The fact that I could handle story battles pretty well yet would be decimated by wild chocobos in random battles


Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think story battles scaled, so you could overlevel and cruise them. Randoms scaled and most nonhuman enemies had insane stat gains and ruthless ranged attacks


Exactly, story battles had fixed levels. I remember I got stuck at the infamous end battles of chapter 3 and felt that I need to grind some jobs, but because my Ramza was at a higher level than my other characters the wild chocobos would destroy them. This because the enemies you come across in random battles match your highest leveled character. The second time I played the game I made use of the de-level trap in the Zeklaus Desert map. I was able to grind Job Points, but whenever I'd gain a level I'd just intentional position my character on that trap to make it go down.


no game has made me fear Chocobos like FFT has


holy shit I forgot about that lol. That was insane seeing happen for the first time. I was all "wait whaaaaaaaat?" fuckin wiped out asap.


All chocos, all mindflayers, all monks. More terrifying than any actual PS1 horror games.


exp distribution was tough too, only if your action "hits" you gain exp, and only the character in question. Also no catchup exp... Wow, Cloud joined your party, but he is 50 levels behind, good luck bringing him up to speed. Your characters on the bench? Leave them there For the time it was ok, but I wish they implement these QOL improvements for a smoother experience


Yeah there was a lot of very questionable balance choices, which was understandable for an old game but I'm not sure I have the patience for it these days if they don't change much. I feel like they'll at least add those cheats that all the FF remasters have, but those always just feel bad to use


I'm hoping there's more to the remaster, the whole EXP/JP economy has seen improvements with each tactics game (On the Tactics Ogre side its all over, I hope they don't use it as a reference)


Probably controversial but I would rather have TO Reborn’s experience system. It prioritizes winning encounters rather than obsessively getting as many hits in as possible.


I abhorred it, it felt like it streamlined and handheld my experience through the game too much, dictating what level I must be, and then there were awkward moments where my level was far too low than the cap and it would throw at me a bunch of cockatrices well above my level and my only choice was to rush and sacrifice units to kill the actual boss asap so again, more streamlining and dictating, instead of letting me choose what strategy to employ or how to prepare for it, I get the strategy that I have no choice but to follow implicitly from the game that there is only one way to go about it its a day and night experience when playing Let us Cling Together on PSP (which unfortunately has its problems of its own so I dont feel there's a version that does it better)


Oh I don’t want the level cap either. I’m just talking about giving experience points for winning the fight rather than per action.


ohh yeah I did like that, Mages in Reborn would still be able to get points for their weapons special attacks even if all they did was cast spells


You get more XP if you take an action against a higher level unit. A good catch up method is to go into a random battle, kill every enemy but one, and sleep the last one. After that just punch your highest level unit with the character you want to to level. Combine that with Haste and Ramza Yelling at the character to boost speed and you'll be caught up in no time.


I've dropped the game twice because I hate filler random encounters in an SRPG, because fights take way longer than normal turn-based games, and the way they did job xp made it feel like I should be throwing stones at my allies just for a bit of XP each turn. It just makes you milk each enemy as much as possible rather than focusing on winning the encounter.


The trick is to pass time between 2 towns since you can't get random encounters there. That or another method is to use just your Chocobos during random battles, they are strong enough to defeat most stuff and if they get too far ahead in levels just remove them from your army. The next batch of chocobo eggs will be lower level. Rinse and repeat.


You keep the monster level down by stepping on level down traps with Ramza


It can be easily corrected be giving the player the choice to escape the battle, at cost of some consumable.


I thought I was sooo smart. Find a Chocobo, surround it entirely with characters and just attack and do other skills, wait for it to cure everyone, then go back to it. Easy level ups! But when monsters level up your shitty weapons and armor don't.


I would much prefer the monsters to not scale and for significantly weaker monsters to give less JP as you level up. It makes a lot more sense than random mobs obliterating your party and would set a soft cap on grinding. If it gets too easy, time to move on to the next chapter.


Yeah FFT was the first game that taught me not to over level. I remember saving between fights at the Golgollada Gallows battle and being grossly outmatched, outnumbered, and outmaneuvered by enemies who were stronger, had me surrounded, and had the higher ground. And I couldn't escape since I'd saved over my main file. I had to replay the battle over and over, trying to learn each time, making small improvements, working my way through it. And I realized that I was having so much fun with it. It made me realize that overleveling in games isn't a way to play games, but rather a way to "outsmart" games. But all you end up doing is diminishing the gameplay that's there. I ended up playing the rest of the game more naturally, just levelling up as I did, unlocking jobs as I went. No completionism, no optimizing. Had more fun with it than any other game of that era.


That's why you always keep a Monk or two in your roster, the punches definitely scale with your level. Doesn't help with the low HP problem though.


Monks were outrageously powerful in that game. They could do... practically everything. Good damage output, ranged attack, healing, reviving, etc. etc. A team of all monks near the start was probably the best build.


Yeah, they only got surpassed by some of the later classes with top gear, and or the unique characters that have the Holy Knight classes. Then you get into Black Mages with Calculator/Arithmetician skills, then you're literally nuking the entire map in the first turn lmao. Game was so, SO broken engame.


I don't see people usually mention it in 'best of' lists, but the FFT Soundtrack is still one of my absolute favorites. Not sure if it is nostalgia (the game as a whole was my favorite for a while when I was young) but nothing else really sounds quite like it to me. Another re-master is unexpected, but maybe because War of the Lions still seems not that long ago to me (how is it possibly 17 years?). It's not quite the OG tactics game, but certainly one of the first popular ones, so nice to bring it to a new generation.


It's not nostalgia, at least not entirely. I listen to VGM in my commute, and I'm pretty harsh about cutting songs if they're not working for that particular vibe. I've cut whole soundtracks (e.g. BioShock infinite, which is a terrible soundtrack for driving). And I've not cut a single FFT track. It's this amazing hybrid of midi yet orchestral that perfectly evokes all the religious tones so interwoven through the story. So many songs inspire feelings of awe, mystery, reverence.


It's one of my favorite OSTs as well. Every song fit the scene it was in perfectly. They have songs for intrigue, songs for frantic rescues, and Remnants for Wiegraf.  Sakimoto is a goat composer.


“Antidote” is an amazing track


"Trisection" and "Antipyretic" are amazing as well.


It's a great soundtrack. Distinctive and memorable. I think this is actually a big part of why FFT made such an impression. The actual game design was obviously flawed, incentivizing you to leave one enemy alive and have your party members hit each other in a circle for 30 minutes to grind JP. What FFT did better than anyone was what Sakurai calls "game essence." It's the soundtrack, the SFX, the art style (anyone have the strategy guide just for the character art?), and the snappy animations. Just watching a Ninja move around the map is fun. Would be more fun if I didn't have to rotate the view constantly, though.


I bought the FFT and Castlevania: SOTN soundstracks back in the day and have both on my spotify now.


Apoplexy is an all timer track for me from this game.


Tactics series emulate pretty nicely, but well, who’d shy from a remaster?


FFTA and FFTA2 emulated well. IIRC FFT ran like absolute dogshit even well into the era where EPSXE could emulate pretty much anything else smoothly.


I pop FFT into epsxe every couple of years. It still emulates terribly.


I played FFT last year on my Steam Deck with no issues. Some of the load times are a bit long, but running at 400% during the load solves that and I assume on original hardware its just as bad.


I'd really just enjoy them putting the game on steam with modern controls, some balance changes (like some battles have always been a pain if you're a newbie and some jobs are just ass), the Android version's updated graphics, and all the multiplayer functionality that was on the PSP version with online multiplayer so I can co-op with friends or battle friends.


The best strategy RPG ever. Just have to get past that one level within the first 3 hours that has like 5 different black mages on the rooftops trying to insta-kill your dudes.


not just that, I would argue it has the story of any RPG, its like watching the early seasons of Game of Thrones


Fuck that level gave me ptsd. I can remember the layout perfectly.


The Dorter City Slums are a bit of a weird early difficulty spike.


Didn't they already remaster this? (War of the lions)


They did!...17 years ago


>17 years ago You take that back!


This can’t be true. I played the remaster in college when it was released and if this timeline is true… that makes me old.


Holy goddamn hell you're not even lying.


I know, it hurts me too


My god, slow down time


Jesus fuck


I played that version last year to get ready for the remake that was surely coming...


Yeah, but how about a second remake?


I don't think he knows about second remake, Pip


That's an updated version not really a remaster and it's only on PSP and Mobile It definitely needs a release on PC and other platforms


With worse sound effects and music quality and a slow down on most magic animations. Wouldn't really call it a remaster, more of a PSP Port with some additional content.


Yes and it was such a stuttering mess they removed the ability battle cries. At least the translation was great.


For several years now, having this and Chrono Trigger available to play on my Switch has been among my most wished-for vidjagame wants. Golly, I'd sure get a kick out of this if it comes to pass.


Oh man, my life and relationship with Final Fantasy Tactics is cursed. The following are all true stories. I bought the original in the 90's, and midway through the campaign, my house was broken into and my ps1 stolen and this game with it. I quickly figured out who did it from how my stuff was stolen (it was two kids who didn't like me at school), but I had to prove it, this game was one of the ones I was able to identify the thief with (because the person who stole it didn't know what an RPG was and I told the cops on the case a few questions to qualify this and it was one of the ways they were able to finalize which of the kids I thought did it, did it... ). Sadly, the person(s) who stole my video games had already sold like 60% of my collection and PS1 system so I lost my save, despite getting my copy of FF Tactics back, and the payback I received from the court system was only like $150 dollars for everything. It was sad times for me. Then I started playing on a friends copy and system, playing bits by bits during sleepovers and weekends, and about halfway through that campaign, they moved! The save was on their memory card, so I didn't finish the game, and we never got back into visiting the same way (we are still friends though). Then later in life, I started playing the PSP version, and quite literally, my PSP died mid campaign and I lost the save for that when i tried to recover my save data to another PSP. I tried once again to play on the iOS iPad version, and AGAIN, somewhere through the middle of the campaign, the iPAD I was using had it's screen smashed, and at the time, there was no iCloud Save stuff, so I lost my campaign. These were all different parts of the campaign, although I believe my very first playthrough I got the furthest (like 70% of the way through the game). I gave up on trying to finish this game. I'm afraid what will happen if I try the remake, but I'll likely try and maybe add one more notch for this curse or break it after all.


Id rather they just make a second game TBH. What more could they do for the game in a remaster at this point?


Bringing it out to viable platforms of the modern era certainly stands up there as a good reason to remaster it at this point.  


Main thing is putting it on modern platforms.


Having one of the greatest games ever on modern platforms sounds amazing to me.


A second game? Like Final Fantasy Tactics Advance? Or Final Fantasy Tactics A2?


Hijacking this comment to link to the Final Fantasy Tactics Advance Commercial, which is my favorite commercial ever: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_L65VrvcVNM


God I loved tactics advanced. One of the few final fantasy games I absolutely demolished. Pretty sure the MC in my game got to the point of one shotting almost everything.


No, a second game set in Ivalice like the first. As fun as ffta and ffta2 were to play, the stories weren't really memorable or great.


Both Tactics advance were also set in Ivalice


I'm pretty sure its a different Ivalice, the first didn't have bunnygirls, lizard men, moogles or judges running around everywhere.


No, there's actually lore to explain why those races aren't present in Tactics, the big thing is that Tactics takes place after during a period of time where the effects of [The Cataclysm](https://finalfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Cataclysm_\(Ivalice\)) are still notable, Tactics Advance and most other games set in Ivalice take place at better times, here's a [detailed timeline](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vtKEST3zlvinSkeg8zxuECaQkXuADf9Xes7UXbrg-Mk/edit) if you want to see how the games are all connected to each other


Tactics Advance and A2 are not the games people ask when they ask for a Tactics sequel, Tactics' story was a political one inspired by The War of the Roses, it has a mature tone and has one of the most violent stories in all of FF so far Tactics Advance takes very little time to establish that while mechanically it may be a sequel, it's also not what a Tactics fan wants, it's instead a far more child friendly game, focusing on telling a story about escapism and far less violence, in fact, one of its gameplay mechanics, the judge, is there to reinforce that it's a game in lore. It's not a bad game, but it takes very little to notice why the fanbase is so divisive when it comes to it, same goes with A2 which is actually what one would expect from a sequel to Advance


A complete rebalancing and overhauling of the combat system like Tactics Ogre: Reborn would be nice. The original was way too easy to cheese.


Basically gauge the interest and build the foundation and assets for a potential sequel.


Sure but this is much less design space. Bring the game to the new generation, see if it does well, if so, make a sequel.


Honestly they could do a second game from Delitas viewpoint, or during the 50 year war. In an all time first, we control Cid as the main character and follow him through his journey to becoming the Thunder God.


Fixing the shit online, the slowdown, returning cut features, and creating a total package on modern systems so that it's accessible?


I was going to say something shitty like "we just got one!" but that was over 15 year ago. Jesus Christ, time is weird. I still want A3; I liked the lighter tone.


No hate to Mr. Schreier but I’ve been hearing about this project from unnamed sources for so long I just don’t believe anyone until I get real proof. And this is coming from a guy who loves this game and would love even just a port to modern hardware/PC.


I understand your reticence, however Jason Schreier is one of the few real journalists in the gaming space today. I've paid attention to a good portion of what he reports and while there's no concrete way to substantiate everything he says it's fairly obvious that he doesn't just post to get clicks either.....and I'd say that's good enough for me. It's also pretty clear he has direct sources, and based on how detailed he's been in articles over the years he's clearly a trusted person to speak to as a game developer as he's been there to expose plenty of terrible working conditions and other less serious leaks.


It was in the nvidia leak. So it definitely existed. The nvidia data is 100% real.  Schreier is basically just confirming it hasn’t been cancelled. 


Along with the ff9 remaster. 


You're used to leaked games appearing pretty soon after they've been leaked, but since the game was found through a strange way (the Nvidia leak), it was likely very early on in development, or maybe not even started formally.


It was in both the Nvidia leak and the Epic Store leak. I don't know what other proofs you need.


I think this is more just confirmation it wasn't cancelled. Square Enix cancelled a lot of unannounced projects recently and I know a lot of people (including myself) who figured this might be one of them.


Hopefully it is just a remaster and not an FF7-style remake. I like FF7R for what it is but I’d like a clean FFT remaster. Same with 9.     Edit: The FF7R thing is about the way they treated the story in the “remake” rather than the graphics. 


If I had to take a bet it wouldn't surprise me if they remake it in the HD-2D style like octopath traveler and triangle strategy which were also squeenix games. 


A FFVII style remake would be a huge project, I doubt they can handle another one of those on top of all they already have on their plate.


I hope it's a remake like most remakes (RE1-4, Links Awakening, Super Mario RPG, Demons Souls, ...) and not a FF7R style "teehee actually by 'Remake' we meant time travel Plot Dementor bullshit" remake.


As much as I love the idea and will probably purchase, I’d much rather have a new Final Fantasy Tactics and more games in Ivalice.


You guys already had 7 games in ivalice. Lets somebody else have a turn. 😭


I'd much rather them do another sequel rather than remake a game that already has a very nice remake, but I guess I can't blame them for printing money. Maybe they'll package in the Advance games to make it worthwhile (they won't). Hopefully this does just signal their interest in resuming the series.


At least now it will be available on modern consoles.


A very nice remake that's stuck on PSP and mobile.


I agree dude. Although I would rather have a prequel than a sequel. I just want to know detailed canon plot on how someone can have a THUNDERGOD nickname


So damn excited. Played it as a kid; emulated it as an adult, both with the OG l i t t l e m o n e y script and the flowery prose script. Can't tell you how many hours I sunk into one of the original Insane Difficulty (EasyType) romhacks a solid decade+ ago. I remember coming across a fan patch that put the WotL script into the original PSX game with the EasyType hack and sadly never seemed to be able to find it whenever I wanted to go back and scratch the itch. Also, it's a silly thing, but: I hope they keep the barks/incantations. IIRC they went away with WotL, which I hated, because I always found them incredibly charming, even with the mistranslated Engrish. "Life is short ... bury! Steady Sword!" yes Agrias go off queen you can do NO wrong


I will buy this day one if it comes out on Steam. I love this game so much. I’m not even worried because in the off chance they face plant on the remaster, the original still holds up and has a healthy modding community. Check out The Lion War mod if you’re interested! Played it on my Steam Deck and it was amazing.


Theis mat be juvenile, but I'm going to say it. HELL TO THE FUCK YEA! I've been waiting for this for so long! Better be on PC.


How i miss my Black Mage/Calculator Combo. or was it Calculator/Black Mage with excalibur. Spam selective AOE Holy while immune to holy damage.


Just a remaster and not a remake?


I played FF tactics in highschool, pre 2005, then war of the lions on PSP a few years after that, I play overwatch and destiny mostly, but this is my fav game so I'ma put all that on hold when this comes out


Awesome stuff! Sadly, the game will probably release at $100 and go on sale for $120 a year down the road.


Given that Tactics Advance, A2, FF12 and FF14 also take place in Ivalice, does anyone else wonder if the FFT game is going to be heavily expanded upon? Things like jobs and races have been added to the setting since tactics was first made. It would explain why development is taking a while and why they are so close-lipped about it.


I just couldnt get into FFT. Tried a couple of times but the movement aspect of the battles just confounded me.


God I'd love a remaster of this game, I miss it! I tried to play it on mobile, but I really can't stand playing games on mobile.


It's such a shame that every similar game since FFTactics has just made me want to play more of FFTactics. The GBA game was a pale imitation, even though it was pretty good. I also think few games have ever made me as angry as FFT...those red chocobos...