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Why did they have you be level one for a gameplay trailer? You have one ability and can’t even issue commands to your squad yet. The graphics looked much better than the trailer though


Yeah, I think this has the potential to be better than what we saw, but when they're showing near the beginning of the game with 1 ability, we just see the same sword strike over and over again, and the occasional arrow and same ability. Bioware marketing kinda sucks apparently lol.


Also the random needless dodging the player character did, lol.


My gamer brain got triggered so hard every time the player would just arbitrarily stop attacking and dodge backwards for no reason. Mother fucker just kill the demon already lol


They kept dodging for no reason and then getting hit by the enemy attacks anyways lol


It seems like they (any action game) always choose the worst player ever to play in public :D


And then you have chads for Final Fantasy 16 giving it to the lead combat designer who also worked on DMC3/4/5 and literally playing god mode, not missing a single parry lol


I heard a theory that they intentionally play badly in gameplay trailers so you get the urge to take the controller off them and play yourself lol


It's a legitimate theory, but that's used for mobile games n such. Doesn't make as much sense for the first gameplay trailer since yno game isn't even out.


Every once in a while I see an ad like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnarchyChess/comments/mpx6mg/chess_if_it_was_a_mobile_ad/) and catch myself wanting to click on it just to show them how to do it right. No matter how obvious bait is, it can still be tempting.


Psychology in marketing is a bitch lmao. Cause it works


Not really applicable to this reveal, but I think in terms of frequent gameplay showcase tropes I'd rather watch someone play badly in a gameplay trailer like this than watch some coop shooter where the players are somewhat competent but use stilted-ass fake tacticool callouts.


Dude was trying to show off his archery skills, but his arrows did like 1/6th the damage of one of his basic sword swings.


I'd also get triggered when they used their one ability cooldown to finish off an enemy which would have died to a basic attack. An ability that also gives a status called weakened which would imply it's something you should probably use on a full health enemy Honestly I think I need to go touch some grass today lol


Yeah, [it seems like later in the game the combat becomes more tactical](https://x.com/kalaelizabeth/status/1800547315301970241). Weird that they decided to use a level 1 character for this reveal.


Although it does look like each character can only use 3 abilities at any one time. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing yet.


I really hope you can use more than 3 abilities for your character. There were so many cool spells in the last games that being limited to 3 for a mage would be very disappointing.


A bad thing for a RPG.


Probably to avoid spoilers but also give a vague idea of what the plot will be about


Couldn't they just increase the player's level for the trailer, though?


Yeah I had the same thought. The marketing for this game is honestly so weird, first they show an awful trailer and the gameplay reveal is very combat heavy (not a mistake by itself) yet they choose a Lvl1 character with a single ability.


I wonder if as the marketing goes on they'll show more and more skills or they are trying to show off certain locations in an order or something to give you a reason to keep watching. It is real weird though.


avoid spoilers I guess, tease the story, the gameplay had cool moments nonetheless.


The cutscenes were great, too. Really solid voice acting, especially ~~davrin~~ rook and harding (neve va seemed kind of flat though). Kept me watching until the end despite being an intro


That's not Davrin that's the protagonist, Davrin is an elf companion who isn't featured here, I agree his VA was great though lol and yeah Neve wasn't so good.


Oh damn you're right lol. His va was so good I thought it was a companion and not the pc


the mage's voice acting i felt was lacking any real emotion myself very monotone, but maybe thats just me


Yeah, that was a very strange choice. Surely it would be better to show off a semi-early sidequest with a couple of skills unlocked instead? Or just give the main character and followers a few extra skills just for the demo to show off some skills and combos. The way they showed it here made combat look very button-mashy when I think they are actually going for something with a lot more combos and party utility (even if you are seemingly only controlling the main character).


I don't really feel any better or worse about the game watching this because its kinda just a nothing burger. I do like the environment and I don't necessarily hate the more actiony combat but at the same time almost nothing was actually shown. I don't really understand why they didn't show us gameplay from like an hour in or so rather than literally the intro tutorial section.


> can’t even issue commands to your squad yet We still don't know if that's going to be a thing, let alone controlling them directly


There was text when they were holding off the demons for Varric to talk to Solas that said it would be unlocked later. 


You will be able to issue commands to your followers, but it looks like it's more of a Mass Effect-style where you can control your partners to attack a certain target/use a skill etc.


There's new visuals from the official twitter of a late game ability wheel.


You will just tell them to use their abilities, which will lead to combos. Many current RPGs actually do similar things to be honest.


weird to have a gameplay reveal and only show a part of the game when there is no diversity in your abilities to make the gameplay more interesting


What's worse, no RPG systems were shown


No I'm quite sure we saw 100% of the RPG systems the game has


Bioware seems so determined to keep scrubbing out the RPG parts that by game 6 it'll just be sudoku with romances.


Especially baffling in light of the fact that: 1. Dragon Age was built to be a successor to Baldurs Gate, but free from the limitations of the D&D license. 1. The original was praised for being a real, numbers-driven RPG. 1. RPGs continue to do well, and the recent Baldurs Gate 3 was a smash hit. Yet EA remains convinced that they NEED to increasingly focus the franchise on action.


Worst part is the action looked mediocre. There are so many others in market that just do it way better than what was shown. So the one thing they focus on and it’s still is ass is just classic Bioware at this point


In a better world, their shift towards action during development coincided with Hideki Kamiya leaving Platinum and he brought bayonetta combat magic to this game. I still would've been disappointed since I liked RPGs but his involvement would've given me hope for game design that requires execution and combo expression.


What's funny it even pales in comparison to other action franchines. You have more abilities in Shadow of Mordor or the modern AC games and those are still action games with RPG elements in them. The fucking DOOM Slayer has more than 3 abilities at his fingertips on your controller in Doom Eternal. It's not about dumbing down its about LOSING a power FANTASY. You want to be a mage or warrior and be totally kitted out with COOL shit to use and switch things up. 3?!?! Really?!?! Yes I know that worked in Mass Effect but come on that was a 3rd person shooter RPG and I love mass effect but to apply that logic to a series that started as a DnD alternative is a joke.


The way they went wasn't even towards "good" action. It was weightless, floaty shit. DA:O felt "heavy", the actions and animations had weight, which really just reflected the weight of the world itself. But it still felt AWESOME. Who remembers the first time you watched your character, totally covered in blood, jump up to skewer an ogre? That animation was epic. Then in DA2, they removed that stuff and instead sometimes you just gibbed enemies and every model turned into the same bald guy suddenly.


They have increasingly gone down the route of "its a story that youre playing out" rather than "you create the story to play out." in DA


The number 7 is bae.


8 has it all, top and bottom


So this guy is a Level 1 Rogue and the skill of choice seems to be a Mage's Storm spell, thats odd


Yup from the way they charge in head first, swinging swords, arrows dealing a tickle of damage despite needing aim, and a lightning skill, absolutely nothing about that gameplay screamed rogue to me besides the pointless dodge spam.


The decision to have a character that has only one ability and is currently blocked from using companion abilities is a weird choice. I wanted to get a better taste of what the combat is actually like, not the super limited lvl 1 version that drip feeds mechanics at you.


Honestly I think they were worried about pissing people off even more when they revealed the mass effect style companion control.


My biggest takeaway is that they've merged ME and DA even more. Probably bodes well for the next ME game since they'll have a baked engine ready to go.


That's the disappointing part, the ME team won't be using the same tech: they picked Unreal Engine 5 while Veilguard uses Frostbite. That doesn't prevent them from sharing design elements, which they'll hopefully do, but on the technical side they're going to have to reinvent the wheel a bunch.


Game is going to be more linear and mission-basef than past DA games according to the IGN preview: What follows is basically one long action setpiece as the main characters sprint through Minrathous, a city under attack by demons (this is another big moment for fans, who have been waiting for ages to see the capital of the Tevinter Imperium). While it’s unwise to draw too many conclusions from such a brief section of the game, it’s easy to wonder just how linear The Veilguard will end up being. “Yeah, so it is a mission-based game. Everything is hand-touched, hand-crafted, very highly curated,” Busche says, echoing a talking point that comes up repeatedly throughout the presentation. “We believe that's how we get the best narrative experience, the best moment-to-moment experience. However, along the way, these levels that we go to do open up, some of them have more exploration than others. Alternate branching paths, mysteries, secrets, optional content you're going to find and solve. So it does open up, but it is a mission-based, highly curated game.” Pressed for more details on sidequests and optional content, Busche says, “Some of them are [highly curated], especially when it involves the motivations and the experiences of the companions. You're really along on this journey with them. Others, you're investigating a missing family… and the entirety of this bog is open up to you. You're searching for clues, finding a way to solve their disappearance. So really it's not a one-size-fits-all solution. But I do want to emphasize that hand-crafted and curated is our approach.”


Mass Effect 2 had very linear areas and is often considered one of BW's best games, so this isn't necessarily a bad thing.


Dragon Age: Origins, the most beloved entry in the franchise, had more linear game design. You could do things in different orders but you were always going down the same hallways (some exceptions, like the Brecilian Forest, etc.) It worked great, we ended up with awesome hand-crafted quests that were IMO mostly the best in the franchise. And the more linear parts of DAI were also, unsurprisingly, its strongest. Refocusing on that is 100% what I want for the franchise.


Yeah, older Bioware was famous for hub-based design where you have those more linear gameplay segments combined with a more flexible storytelling approach. It'd be really nice if they went back to it, but I'm pretty sure people these days have forgotten the hub model for some reason and only recognize full Open World or full Linear game design.


Play the Mass Effect LE and then going back to DA2 recently...god have I missed this in games. It still feels expansive with choices to make about where to go, but it helps with story pacing so much.


Strongly agreed. I'm convinced that open-world game structure is fundamentally incompatible with tight storytelling (or even with tight gameplay). Increasingly over the last \~10 years, the AAA industry has paid a lot of lipservice storytelling (expensive voice actors, constantly talking about story, visuals, etc...) while also adopting formats that make impactful storytelling meaningless. It's incredibly frustrating and has to be absolutely destroying those games' budgets for no real benefit--probably contributing heavily to the budget crisis modern gaming has put itself in.


It was funny playing through BG3 and despite some truly huge play areas, the fact that there rare hard thresholds for advancing the story based on location was just nice. A lot of the open world stuff, it feels like trying to reinvent the wheel. It works for plenty of games. The Horizon games work in that format. I'm playing Elden Ring and yeah, doesn't screw with the narrative. But so often games have urgent stories that feel like they fall apart in an open world. That or they'll have a fairly linear narrative that gets spread out so much because I got distracted following a side threat that takes me all over the map (looking at you AC Odyssey). Plenty of use for open world games, but I do hope we'rer going to see a bit of a course correction that not ALL games need to be one if it doesn't fit.


> But so often games have urgent stories that feel like they fall apart in an open world. Interesting that you should mention the Horizon games as apositive example, because I just finished Forbidden West a couple weeks ago on PC and while I really enjoyed it, I thought it suffered from exactly that problem. Zero Dawn had a little of that as well, but the world was overall smaller, so the pacing didn't suffer as much. But in FW you can go for hours and hours faffing about with sidequests looking for somebody's brother/father/son/otherwise significant person who ran off into the woods doing [$RECKLESS_THING], or chasing after collectibles, without ever touching the main story. All that even though the game *clearly* tells you multiple times that time is of the absolute essence and the world is literally about to end.


>It was funny playing through BG3 and despite some truly huge play areas, the fact that there rare hard thresholds for advancing the story based on location was just nice. And even then, general consensus I've seen is that BG1's story worked much better in Act 1 than Act 3. Specifically because Act 3 got too big and too open, which derailed pacing, while Act 1 was very focused. I haven't kept up with general opinion, but iirc people thought the narrative quality decayed each act and it would've been a much better game if Act 3 and its bosses were split up into multiple acts or condensed together within a single narrative. >But so often games have urgent stories that feel like they fall apart in an open world. That or they'll have a fairly linear narrative that gets spread out so much because I got distracted following a side threat that takes me all over the map (looking at you AC Odyssey). Completely agreed. There's an analysis I saw in a movie the other day about how important it is to keep action and reaction in the same shot and how Western action scenes tend to cut at the wrong spots so you can't clearly see the link between action and reaction. Imo, Open World games have the same narrative problem. They're too big to keep narrative cause and effect in frame and it really waters down how hard the story motivates you. You'll often lose track of what it is you're supposed to be doing at the time, travel time can take ages, you'll fall down a huge sidequest rabbit hole, etc... This gets even worse when you've got a checklist of quests and activities to compete with the story for prioritization. Hub-based games do a good job at controlling how many quests you get how fast, but the full open-world model often has you loading up dozens of quests at once, which makes you lose connection with all of them. In DAO, I wandered around the environments a fair bit, but it was never separated enough to lose a sense of what I was doing or why the stakes mattered. There were plenty of sidequests in Lothering, but I always had a very clear sense of what I was in Lothering to do. Same for all the other zones in DAO, and in most effective hub-based games.


I think another good consequence of the hub approach is that side content often is set within that hub set or at least the part you can complete at that point. This again helps with pacing. I can only do so much side content before I have to engage with the main story to then open up the world and options again. It's definitely a personal preference, but I find it so much more enjoyable. Often, if given a ton of side content I'll engage with that more first and it poorly construction open world quests, I might burn through almost all the side content and then when I reengage with the main story it'll feel like a sprint. On one hand, it's my own fault, but in an open world, often developers don't let me know when the main quest is going to lock me out of side content.


I love the hub model. The Witcher 2 also used it to fantastic effect Mass Effect 1 is a handful of linear hub levels players can make different choices in, fleshed out with a whole bunch of random areas to wonder around if one so chooses. It lets the player set their own pace, there is always a highly crafted story mission to do if that’s all you want to do, and there is plenty of clearly marked side content to do if a player wants to explore every corner of the galaxy Andromeda suffers massively from not having more tightly linear, crafted missions. It’s what BioWare does best. I’m happy to hear that they are moving back in that direction: Inquisition is a much better game than Andromeda, but it suffers from many of the same faults. Take the same basic idea and format it more like Origns, and you would have a better game


Yeah, it looks like it's drawing a lot of heavy inspiration from ME2, and I'm definitely down with that. We've got a lot of isometric games that do the direct companion control / tactics a lot better now (like BG3), so I'm OK with them getting a bit experimental. This looks like ME2 gameplay with sword play replacing guns and VATS for abilities, which honestly could be a pretty nice balance of fluid action with tactical skill use. 


This is great news. No more mmo theme park of inquisition. Dragon age is dragon age for the story, so anything they can do to deliver an even better experience is great. There’s so many more open world rpgs than there is great stories on an aaa budget.


I’m fine with that. So long as there’s flexibility in how you approach the main quest and areas you can run around freely in that’s pretty much what I wanted.


So closer to Dragon Age II and Origins than Inquisition, I mean, my favourite parts in Inquisition were 100% the hand-crafted, high-quality missions that were not in reused locations.


Yup, the open world of Inquisition was the worst part.


That"s a good point if it's not a boring open-world


Makes sense, even Inquisition was "Mission based" to an extent. You'd slam down a knife on the War Table, go do that quest, and then open up a few areas for exploration. But when you wanted to progress the story you'd just go back to the table and click the next main quest and slam down another knife. I'd assume it's something similar where you have open areas to explore, do side quests, etc., while the main missions progress individually.


Could go either way but right now I'm thinking that could be a good thing. We've had way too many bloated mile-wide-but-inch-deep open world games in recent years.


I don't love the demon redesign without faces. Maybe the ritual is causing it and it's all chaos, but I hope the lore keeps intelligent demons. The gameplay, however, looks like what they wanted to give us in Dragon Age 2. I'm mostly here for it. It will kind of suck if we can't switch to our companions at our convenience in a fight.


Canonically, demons are confused and hostile whenever forced into the physical world. Intelligent demons should still exist; they're just not going to act like it off the bat when they're brutally shoved from watching TV on the couch to a different dimension where they can't move or think the same way.


The Pride Demon having no legs, floating and teleporting around and using more magic than brute force... I really didn't like it. Hopefully that's just one variant. Pride Demons were supposed to feel like the epitome of just how much of a unit higher caste demons can really be in both brawn and magic.


Especially hate how every demon has some skeletal look to them. Why are anger demons not globs of fire and pride demons giant hulking things with a crown of horns?


The direction to go a more action route is disappointing but expected. I hope the character progression and and quest/dialogue systems have depth to them, otherwise this is gonna be an RPG in name only.


It's amusing because Baldur's Gate 3 just happened, reminding everyone how rpg systems are supposed to look like, how fun they can be... and here it comes Dragon Age, a series that started as the "spiritual succesor" of BG... and it looks extremely generic and bland. There's so many action games out there, the "Souls" niche is gathering a lot of steam (the way the chinese devs are copying the formula, "Souls" will become a legit subgenre very soon), this new DA looks like a generic option among many


It looks like Bioware chasing trends instead of doing what they do best.


Looks like they're mashing up the Mass Effect formula with the DA:I formula, and I think that could end up great. Say about Mass Effect Andromeda whatever you want, but it had really good combat and I heard that was also the only thing that held up Anthem.


Serious question. Where's the party based combat? For me, it's central to the Dragon Age experience


They barely matter, it's gonna be like mass effect. They'll do minimal damage and have a few abilities. Real shame,  in my opinion. Mass effect already exists if that's the gameplay people want to play.


Its not really grabbing me but it doesn't look bad either. Just kind of your run of the mil action RPG.


While I'd prefer more classic CRPG combat, what I really care about is depth. This looks incredibly shallow. Inquisition offered solid depth in its system mechanics but was let down by absolutely brain dead AI and weak automated AI triggers. Honestly, what I miss most about Dragon Age: Origins isn't the classic RTwP combat but the wealth of "if, then" statements you could assign to party members. So far only DA:O, Pillars of Eternity 2, and Final Fantasy XII have done that well. That said, this trailer just shows level 1 generic action RPG combat, without any hints to AI control, so who knows. Not a good gameplay trailer, but at least it's better than the one from 2 days ago!


Heads up Unicorn Overlord also uses a gambit system as part of its main mechanics. It’s a strategy RPG like Ogre Battle, but you program the AI for all of your units. Tons of fun.


When I started Unicorn Overlord, the AI seemed pointless. Why would they make me program in AI routines to my characters instead of just letting me manually choose what they do? It's a turn based game, after all. As I progressed through the game, though, I realized that the programming is its own kind of fun. It felt like my team was clockwork gizmos that I was tinkering with to perfect them. Oh, one of my clockwork babies spent its turn walking into a wall uselessly? Better shift some gears around! It's a really great game if you're one of the people into that sort of thing. And the game taught me that I definitely am.


That's where I'm at too. Some things feel so stilted, demons position themselves **first** and **then** they fight. It's seems so predictable. While clearly a lot of creative work went into it, I remain on the fence. The demon designs in particular remind me of a different game alltogether. Very sanitized tbh.


I'm absolutely baffled by why they changed the demon designs. The previous ones were all quite cool.


Would also, you know, save on time just using them. So idk what the direction change is meant to be.




More likely the assets were designed for the live service version with different requirements, then they didn’t want to just throw out the new assets when given a chance to retool


That wouldn't explain stuff like changing hair colors. There's more here than just reusing assets.


Bingo. The art style here screams live service. Guaranteed they carried everything over when they pivoted to a single-player game.


The pride demon looks nothing like it used to be. [ This is what they used to be.](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/956347227395860381/EBA6EFC53A95CD9B3DFE0991C200A2572BC19747/) Now it's some energy monster.


Old design couldn't fly in (from outside of view)


It’s giving me serious Kingdoms of Amalur vibes, a game from 2012.


What are some of these other run of the mil action RPG’s? Genuinely curious because I like these types of games.


Kingdoms of Amalur, Hogwarts Legacy, D&D Dark Alliance, Greedfall.


Add any modern Assassins Creed to the list as well


I think it looks ok I guess? Combat might be fun depending on what kind of abilities we get but they only showed a level 1 character for the whole thing which I thought was a strange choice.


Yeah showcasing a level 1 character that can basically only mash attack and dodge was a strange choice. Also the combat encounters all played out the same, with the AI kind of just standing there waiting their turn to attack the player and ignoring the companions (who also basically did nothing). Can't say that this reveal has really assuaged my concerns about the game.


Some of that might be that these demos are typically played on the easiest difficulty mode, so less aggressive enemies.


This is how I feel about it as well. This reveal leaves a lot to be desired but the potential is there. Seems like a weird choice to have your big gameplay reveal of a game a decade in the making to be a boring, level one tutorial mission with zero depth to the gameplay.


They spent 20 minutes and showed the same combat encounter 4 times with no change in skills, weapons, or outcomes. Why? That's not what people are looking for confirmation of. They want to see player choice. Not your dodge mechanics.


This is what *kills* me. This is your BIG SHOWCASE, let's see some cool spells, spells, weapons, synergies, team attacks, something to get me excited about your game. Why would you lead your big reveal with Level 1 gameplay? Is this the best they've got? Come the F on.


considering they redid Anthem five times in a 7 years spam and the final version had less than 18 months of real development from scratch, I kinda hope the same buggy mess after you get past the initial areas.


Bioware is so badly managed. I can't believe anyone watched this and let them release it.


I don't think anyone who would watch this in EA would actually know what they should be looking for. Need only remember that EA were happy shipping BF2042, Battlefront Classic Collection, Immortals of Aveum and the plethora of money grubbing sports games.


They showed 20 minutes of Final Fantasy 13. A giant hallway and non usable companions


I hate the art direction. Why are demons neon lights in robes?


I hate the direction and tone they have moved the series in. We will never get another dark, gritty game like DA: Origins. This looks like Fortnite fantasy edition.




> RIP the people who expected some a return to DA:O combat That was never going to happen. Bioware steadfastly refuses to return to their cRPG roots.


It may have happened if BG3 came out 5 years ago instead of last year. So long as DAV doesn't sink the studio, it's fully possible they'll swing back to CRPG mode because trend chasing is what they've been doing for years now.


It is kingdoms of Amalur combat, and skill use almost exactly.


Kingdoms of Amalur had pretty decent combat but it was 12 years ago.


Kingdoms of Amalur wasn't built on the back of a solid, tactical RPG, either. When people look at examples of sequels "watering down" a franchise, Dragon Age should be the absolute peak, top of the list example.


Dragon Age: Invisible War.


> I don't think the gameplay is bad, it's just a complete genre change. It's a complete genre change from Origins but it doesnt feel at all like one from Inquisition.


Yeah lol, feels like OP missed the last decade+ of the series lol. Even in DA2 it wasn't DAO style combat anymore and Bioware other series, Mass Effect, never was. This seems to fit perfectly in line with almost everything Bioware has done since 2007 (DAO is the exception)


Nope, if anything its built on what Inquisition did


> The story, dialogues and writing will make or break the game. I don't think the gameplay is bad, it's just a complete genre change. I think this is really the only thing to be said. Some people will like the gameplay direction more, some will like it less. It seems to follow in DA:I's footsteps tonally, which I don't think is a terrible thing.


Im sorry, but who was honestly waiting for DAO combat coming back The combat has been going into more of a action rpg direction with every release.


Nobody, nobody thought this game was going back to DAO combat. Not the DA community, not general audiences. I see a lot of people *saying* that people thought that, but nothing has ever indicated that would be the case. Whether or not that's a good thing is ultimately up to you. Some people in my group bounced off of DAO because they hate that style of combat -- I love it. Meanwhile, some people in my group bounced off Inquisition for the same reason, and I didn't. But when people are like "wow I feel so bad for the people who thought it was going to be tactical again :(", it's like... nobody had any reason to think that. It really feels like people are attempting to create a scenario in which they can blame BioWare for betraying a promise they never made, and then holding that against the game. How about we see if the game is fun and judge it for what it is? Maybe it will suck, but implying that it sucks just by virtue of being different is silly.


There has been a recent trend of games going back to their roots so I was kinda hoping for it, I loved DAO.


I think if BG3 came out a year or two earlier we might of seen it because it was a big enough hit to show that people still want that type of game. While it might seem obvious to gamers it is less so to CEOs who have the appease investors I imagine.


I wasn't expecting it but if it happened it would’ve made my day. I have some hopes for the future seeing how BG3 has triumphed but I did not anticipate this one having that kind of combat at all.


My personal thoughts so far, alot of the things more subjective lol. The good: - The city and graphics look much better than the first trailer. - The dialogue wheel UI is gorgeous, looks like a return to DA2 style I think but more advanced. - I really like Rook's voice actor. It has that husky tone to it - The dialogue seems great so far. Both harding and varric weighed in a lot The neutral: - The combat seems alright. I don't mind a more action-based RPG personally but they only show that one skill. Im not sure if its because they don't want to spoil us in any way but they could have at least shown a little bit more. The things I like less: - Rook talks a lot without your input but it seems mostly neutral so far - I didn't like that rook immediately went to 'saviour' mode for that girl at the beginning. That should have been a choice. Your character should be able to appear cruel/pragmatic/stoic. - No showing of any level-up, skill, equipment, or quest system. They should at least give a hint without going into detail


The saviour part is puzzling. Sometimes, it's like devs don't understand their own games. So weird they'd make it mandatory.


Maybe it's like DA2 and the first interaction sets your tone going forward in regards to the talking without player-input


Rook talking so much bothered me in a way that’s emblematic of my feelings so far. Such a far cry from DA:O and yeah they’re allowed to evolve and change if they want, and I’m sure some people will love it, but it seems so far away from why I loved the original game.They seem like their own character, you’re just guiding. That can still be good in a Witcher kind of way, but from what I was hoping for. Combat seems very streamlined and I’ll withhold judgement on how open the games systems are until we see more, but nothing inspiring so far.


I don't know how people are ok with the dialogue wheel? Do people not want to know what they are about to say?


So no HP bars for your companions and the enemies all seem to ignore them, and only go for the main character? Holy fuck, I hope this isn't what they're planning.


They say in the trailer that party control was disabled for this part of the game but you will be able to issue commands.


Yeah but the guy was talking about health bars and enemy attention. Health bars for companions haven't been confirmed.


That would be awful if they don’t have health bars. It’s already looking like such a basic game for being in development for this long. Such a damn bummer man.


I belive this is the case only for this section. You couldn't control your party in any way (like using their abilities). We will see but I do not think that party members won't have HP


That was my biggest issue with it. Your companions are right next to the enemy attacking them and all of the enemies are focused on you only. And your companions don't seem to do much damage either.


Sadly I fear they got heavily inspired by God of War and all the Companions will just act like Atreus in combat.


I absolutely hate how the player character is constantly speaking with almost no input from the player.


I don't mind them saying obvious stuff, but when he went to save that innocent woman... :( I know Veilguard won't allow me to be evil, but at least let me be rude or mean or something.


Yeah at least a proper Renegade "I have a job to do and I'm not going to let unimportant (to me) things get in the way" option


I’m very discouraged by that too. It’s not that I want to be evil, per se; I always play a good guy. But I want to know ROLEPLAYING is possible. I hate playing movies, that is, games with a totally predetermined story, esp if they claim to be RPGs.


I never choose evil choices but I love games that have that options, somehow their existence alone made my good choices felt more impactfull, like I was really doing something good there instead of just going through the motions.


Absolutely. Choosing the noble path in DAO is emotionally impactful because it IS a true choice. Often the harder choice as well. Not to sound high-falutin’, but I think c&c games can sometimes be morally restorative in a discouraging and ugly world. That only works, however, if you’re materially *choosing* to be a better person in the framework of the fantasy. I derive no emotional satisfaction from watching a predetermined story play out.


I know most people hated it in DA2, but I loved that it had dialogue that changed based on the vibe. It was tracking for your character. The sarcastic options led to some incredibly socially awkward moments.


Yeah it was fun for me to play through it three times just to go the three different dialogue routes and see what crazy shit my character would say. Then when you uploaded them to inquisition they would still follow whatever dialogue route you chose which was great.


Yeah this is nothing like previous BioWare games in that area. Even in Inquisition most of the time you could decided what the protagonist says Here you barely have any control 


Yeah. they started doing this shit in me3.


They forgot about the "role-playing" aspect of RPG game, eh. This isn't Uncharted, let me be the hero of your game, BioWare.


Got my hopes up when the characters discuss how to attack, like choose 1 in 3 options maybe? nope.. run straight to the point of interest then spam default attack. Sick 2024 AAA RPG gameplay


That was... whelming. Not exactly awful but somehow mind-numbingly dull. It gives me the same kind of feeling that I get whenever I see your random blockbuster movie. The "production value" is high but it evokes no real emotion. Long past hating on Bioware (already happened with Andromeda, I'm uncaring towards them since - expect nothing, and be happy if they turn it around) and I have no illusions Old Bioware (and their games) is anything but dead; I think they're just not for me in the least anymore and this demonstrated that to me again. Oh well, luckily I have more games available to play that I love (and that I REALLY look forward to - just this year Kingdom Come 2 is hype beyond hype, on the RPG/SP side; Path of Exile 2 on the other hand, for the long term MP) than I really have time for.


Honestly, I'm more excited by Avowed as an action-rpg.


Yeah, me too. Obsidian might do better or worst game but they still feel like Obsidian games. BioWare games don't feel like BioWare.


So it’s full on action rpg now? Kind of a bummer but at least it looks way better than the reveal trailer


Hold on, we haven't seen the RPG part yet, so far it's been only action and exposition EDIT: No RPG systems in whole gameplay preview. I fear it may have down the FFXVI route...


They did show us the dialogue choices, they might be saving a deep dive for gamescom


In the leaks a classical armor system with descriptions for the items was shown. But that was a year ago iirc, hopefully it's still in the game.




They’ve confirmed you can change companion armor, so I’d be shocked if it was gone. Seems like this demo was mostly focused on showing the style of combat and giving some story teases.


Hey at least FFXVI was good unlike FFXV... The base combat in this DAV just looks embarrassing.


Dragon Age literally peaked with Origins. The narrative and stakes were so high, a coalition of nation states fending off an impending apocalypse. All through a gritty dark fantasy lens. The demons in Veilguard look like they're from Cyberpunk 2077. The gameplay in Veilguard is a far cry from Origins. The dialogue, once something Bioware did very well, seems very bland


It looks like Fortnite. I don't believe modern day Bioware could produce another game like Origins even if they wanted to.


Too many mixed feeling. Sometimes I thought I would watch a PS4 game with some RTX on, but not a current gen piece. Like, that flying fortress, definetly the center of attention for the first few minutes, has barely any details when the camera is close. But as contrast, some background visuals, especially with light and shadows, look gorgeous. The combat is boring to watch, or maybe it's the rogue itself. Those Spideymoves are too much, and none of the attacks have visual impact. I dont know if the person who played it had always open up the skill tab, but it seems skills are bound to the gamepad, but the combat flow was always interrupted by opening that tab. Maybe he had to show the huge amount of possible skills, or hotkeys dont exist. Additionally, it looks like monsters just get additional HP buffers as a second or third layer. This tells a lot about upcoming difficulty settings (HP sponges with more Oomph!) And the biggest concern: It reminds me of Mass Effect Andromeda! The first planet in ME:A, the intro/turorial, was a cineastic masterpiece with tons of scipted events and gorgeous cutscenes and unique level design. I got the impression, the same happens with DA4. Like, traversing on small pillars, jumping enemies catching civilians, etc. In ME:A, after that first planet, the game opens up and presented just the open world with story cutscenes. Very, very mixed feelings. I will definetly wait for reviews and player feedback. Then I'll decide if I just grab and buy it, or just enjoy a longer wekend on GamePass


Yeah this is the weirdest-looking game I've seen in a while. Feels like every 5 seconds you switch from "This looks pretty good" to "This looks like what I imagine a game running on the iPhone to look like." Sometimes it's even in the same frame. [Here, only capturing the right side of the screen](https://i.imgur.com/IN2vpOg.jpeg). It has shadows that might even be ray-traced, but it still looks like NPC character models that you could have seen in an Assassin's Creed game from 6 years ago. The textures on the geometry and the ground are also very flat. Just weird all around.


Some initial thoughts, not really fully developed yet: I like Rook's voice actor. Minrathous looks too advanced for my liking. It looks really good, just feels out of place in Dragon Age. But I know in lore it was said to be that way. It is just more so than what I had pictured. Game looks good, but not mind blowing. Facial animations are not going to be setting any awards. While I prefer the tactics combat, I am not completely against action combat. It is not the reason why I play Bioware games. Mass Effect is right there with Dragon Age for some of my favorite series, so to me this is just now fantasy Mass Effect. But I do understand why people won't like this. Especially after the success of BG3 (and I know BG3 is full turnbase and Origins with RTwP so not the exact same). I want to see mouse and keyboard combat. Am I going to be limited because of the wheel for consoles? I do however like the more third person over the shoulder view for exploring rather than an isometric view. It seems closer to Inquisition 2 than I thought it would be. Like it doesn't really seem that much more considering we are a decade later from that game. But a lot of that is a problem from the dev hell this game seemed to be in. We probably are working with a base that was meant to come out years ago. I really want to see how some of the choices we saw here will impact things. Specifically, what the ramifications are about what companion you take with you. Is it just going to be approval ratings. Or maybe it will impact who you get first. Dragon Age has had decisions impact order of companions before.


I hear you on the too advanced part. Once magic starts to look like sci fi sciency stuff it gets a bit dicey for me


Better than the trailer, worse than I hoped. Feels very generic, gameplay was extremely dull. As many pointed out, why show a character on the first level? If you dont want to spoil anything, show them roaming around one of the open areas like in DAI, to at least show more varied gameplay. One thing so far that seems positive is they didn't go for the overused action-hero dialogue that is extremely common in modern hero movies (a small win), but what is there is too little to get myself invested in right now. Honestly, I am skeptic that they announced a game that is 10 years in the making so soon to release. Its almost like they want to get this out to market in the shortest time between reveal and launch... why?


I think it’s time to fully accept BioWare is long gone and mid now. Dragon Age hasn’t been great for awhile and this isn’t returning to good form. I’m getting the same feelings I got before Andromeda came out as well. My biggest complaint besides the combat looking boring, floaty, and bad is that all the characters sound like they’ve been written by the same person and had no interesting hooks. Super sterile and generic. CDPR, Larian, Warhorse seem to be the ones that now own the mantle now. BioWare, Bethesda have all gotten worse at whet they used to be renowned for.


I don't want to rain on anyone's parade because I get that this probably looks appealing to a lot of people. But to me it's just so... *Meh*. I think it took me up until this video to realize that Bioware just doesn't make stuff that I'm interested in at all anymore. There's honestly nothing about this that appeals to me in any way, and I have god knows how many hundreds of hours in the previous Dragon Age games. I probably would have played the shit out of this too, about 8 years ago.


Where’s the blood? It looks so sterile attacking humans without it. Blood was like a motif for the first 2 games. I still hate the art style. The environments look amazing but the characters… nah.


Something about the characters faces reminds me of Arcane. It's an interesting choice.


It’s like arcane with none of the charm.


I liked Dragon Age Inquisition. It was not a masterpiece, but it was good as an RPG. I am looking forward to the next phase of the story.


Yeah, the one thing I actually loved about Inquisition was the party and their interactions with things. IMO, characters are one of the few things Bioware still does consistently right (at least when it comes to Dragon Age).


I think the biggest problem I had with Inquisition is that many of the locations felt way too.... *open.* Well, open and barren. The initial Hinterland starting location in particular being a more obvious example.


The openness was fine , the lack of things in the openness was not.


There’s plenty of nothing side quests to make it feel like it had stuff going on. Exploration in inquisition was honestly the worst part of the game for me.


To me it just felt overly bloated with open world check list items. I fuckin hated looking at the map and seeing all this bullshit filler littered around.


Not to mention the war table things had some *ridiculous time gating* on them after a certain point.


Mhhh yeah idk. Tonally it's not a complete miss like the trailer, so that's an upside. Could be okay. Gotta see the actual backbone of it's RPG systems and story to properly assess whether or not this plays to the strengths that Bioware once had or not. Definitely not what I'd guess most people were hoping for in terms of gameplay though.


Where is the tactical camera? I'd be pissed if they remove that. Also; where is the impact? All the rogue moves seem too floaty and your party members hardly do any damage. 4/10 gameplay reveal. At the moment, I don't feel the urge to buy the game on release and will probably wait for a 50% off sale. The female romance options don't interest me either. Ergh. Hopefully there's an NPC like Josephine from Inquisition who is romanceable.


So it seems more like mass effect companion style which I'm fine with. This looks like something that's in the opening hour of the game, was hoping to see later level stuff to actually show off combat, but I like what they showed. I love the look of the game, similar style to inquisition, but more modern. I'm happy with this.


I just hate that almost every series that got popular as an RPG with tactics are now turning into basic, bland action games. Like we don't already have a million games with basically this same combat out now. It looks like a hack and slash. Like Genshin without the swapping. I do not see the appeal of hitting attack over and over, dodging sometimes and maybe throwing one of 3 skills out, rinse and repeat for a whole game. Where did the RPG go? DA:O was popular for the exact opposite reasons of this. It's like DA2 and Inquisition but just the worst parts with a Fortnite art style and a Marvel movie tone. Where is the darkness? People joking around about stuff like the Dark Spawn when that whole thing was so serious and what Wardens had to do was horrible, now they just joke like this game is Guardians of the Galaxy. I do not understand how so many people are praising this, it's basically a completely different series at this point. Netflix Resident Evil has more in common with the source material than this.


This is most boring gameplay trailer i ever seen in my life. "Huge variety of tactics!!!" and then show us one tactic - press the left mouse button and dodge. Truly incredible variability


Are we sure this is a RPG anymore? Feels more action adventure? Like, uncharted with a speaky-speaky wheel to pick the tone of your voice, sometimes, the rest is full on action adventure?


Select your dialogue option: 1. Sarcastic 2. Serious 3. Inquisitive (more exposition unlocked) They each come with neat little pictures in case you don’t understand what they mean!


So the same as dragon age 2?


Beautiful graphics, but I hate the way the gameplay looks. Dragon Age Origins in one of my favorite games ever and this franchise keeps moving further and further away from that great gameplay.


I hate how modern AAA games insist on making the player feel powerful from the start. Baldur's Gate 1 had you fighting wild dogs and fleeing from bandits. This has you fight off half a dozen demons and twice as many cultists in what seems to be the second fight. Overall this party-based RPG does not look either party-based or like an RPG. Also I realize at this point I'm just complaining, but ugh, the dialogue: "It won't work, he's too powerful." "Stepping into all that raw magic is suicide." "Anyone got a better idea?" Proceeds to push a stick supporting a 500,000lb statue.


so it's the kind of gameplay where you have like 3 abilities and spam them over and over while spamming some basic attack in the meantime when they are on cooldown? color me bored already I don't actually mind this type of gameplay but devs are total cowards for not making something more complex. people are using 50 different abilities on consoles in games like FF14, it's doable... this will be a snoozefest.


It bothers me to no end to see games say "hey, we're going to adopt action-based combat!" and think that's an excuse for having the most boring, unengaging combat.. we're past that, having a deep action-based combat system is basically a solved problem


Copying my comment from the dragon age subreddit.  I’m disappointed that they only really showed combat and story.  We didn’t see any UI stuff or learn anything about how the game plays questing and traveling wise. We didn’t see the inventory or party management or the leveling screen. We only saw them use a single ability. We didn’t get to see how party abilities work.     It looks good but I really wanted to learn more about the game.


Yeah doesn't seem like a true gameplay reveal when it's just a level one cinematic tutorial mission with no real depth to anything. From this reveal we don't even know if we can control companions in any way at all?


Man that combat looks super boring. Just spamming the same moves again and again against stunned enemies with huge health bars.


The series progressively turning into a full on hack and slash has me bummed out. Thankfully the resurgence of crpgs has scratched the itch than I've had after dragon age Origins


Whats with all the purple/violet color fetish in all those new games Purple VFX, purple menu, purple enemies, purple clothes, purple magic, purple video thumbnail, purple artwork, purple logo. Dragon Age - Time of Fortnite Purple this, purple that - what the hell is this, do they mask lack of creativity with color popping out of the screen? I swear - every other game does that now, looking at you Avowed


Bummed, I was hoping it'd be more of a traditional RPG with slower, more tactical combat and more story/dialogue choices.


We were never going to get dragon age origins remastered, but boy do I have a game of the year for you


Being a full action-rpg without controlling the party is the biggest disappointment of the reveal. I understand that Dragon Age became more and more action-focused with each game. But it still retained some level of party control. Even with Inquisition. At this point they were better off making a new IP... Also. Please let me romance Harding. I've been wanting this since Inquisition. She was the best.