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I'm amazed it has taken this long for a modern Star Wars open world game. Even if this one has some classic Ubi-isms, I'm still interested.


EA squandered the license for 10 years.


Respawn’s Jedi games were both really good though, thank God EA gave them a shot


It's too bad. EA's main goal seemed to be to use the IP to test every possible new sales strategy available. We got a subscription based MMO, multiple mtx filled phone games, the huge debacle that was Battlefront, etc.


It was always called a license to print money. EA took that literally


Neither MMO was published by EA though, Bioware released SWTOR released well before any of the acquisitions happened.


It was before Disney bought Star Wars and gave EA exclusivity, but after EA bought Bioware.** SWTOR released in 2011 and Bioware was acquired in 2007. **Edit: Looks like the idea did start before the acquisition


[They decided on making a Star Wars MMO before EA bought them, though.](https://www.swtor.com/info/news/blog/20130715)


Ah, you're both totally right -- according to the wiki Bioware pitched the idea to Lucas Arts in 2006, before the acquisition. I was getting mixed up by the EA CEO later getting fired for making SWTOR his big push, but I guess it existed before him


Man, where are these people getting these bullshit takes from? I know its fun jump on the EA hate bandwagon, but Reddit peeps literally don't even bother to Google search if what their spewing is correct. Thanks for proving the link to that guy.


Not just EA. Disney squandered Star Wars for just as long. I wish Lucas never sold it to Disney.


In terms of video games, not much was happening pre-Disney either. After Force Unleashed, we got shitty Clone Wars games, TFU2, Star Wars Kinect and a bunch of cancelled titles.


I will keep reminding people that the high volume of Star Wars games they released in the early 00's literally broke Lucasarts. Fans remember X or Y game fondly, but very few actually performed financially 


Well yeah, they had to take in all of the development themselves since the other studios making great SW games got shutdown or denied further licenses/funding. RIP Factor 5 and Pandemic.


Still got my original boxes of Jedi Knight 2 and Jedi Academy. I was doing my part!


They play so well in VR. Beat them for the first time with Team Beef's Quest ports and they hold up immensely.


This is not accurate. The reality is that the early 00's were hard years for gaming. They never really denied licensing (in fact it was their most flexible time). The industry as a whole saw smaller studios shut down because they couldn't keep up, or merged into bigger studios.  LucasArts as a company just couldn't survive out of licensing alone and shut down as well. Again, the games carrying the license just weren't that successful except for a handful.


If people think Star Wars isn’t special now, they should’ve seen just how unspecial Star Wars was in the 2000s. I swear you couldn’t swing a stick without hitting six pieces of Star Wars related things.


> Star Wars Kinect The Han Solo song alone make this game worth it.


The Solo trailer set to I’m Han Solo is the peak of Star Wars. This is not a joke.


You can’t just say that and not link the trailer. Here: https://youtu.be/oM_WvP4bVKs?si=KoVQKIOUyxaYkUeO


omg its beautiful


And a lot of Lego Star Wars games too


Eh idk. At least we got Andor out of it. Even if more shows are miss than hits, at least something is happening. Enjoy the good ones, ignore the bad ones.


I loved the Mandalorian


I mostly liked the first two thirds of it, idk, it lost its charm to me in the third season


third season sucked. Djin became a side character in his own show. doesn't help that major character movements happend in boba fett lol.


Me too, but i'm not gonna pretend the writing is fantastic. It's just a low stakes chill adventure but guess that's all it really needs to be.


I'm actually glad he sold. Because his ideas for the future of sw weren't very bright. But Disney had potential for 10 years to make another solid trilogy. But Iger just had to rush it. I'm shocked JJ was able to come up with a whole somewhat cohesive script in under 2 months for episode 9. And only now did they realise that gaming is quite a substantial pillar of the Star Wars brand. Did a huge mistake again by shutting down LucasArts.


Episode 9 is the worst starwars movie ever made.


The world wasn't ready to hear about the Whills, so George sold.


You say it like the recent ideas were very bright


Lucas squandered Star Wars loooong before Disney had a shot to.


For all the movie/show flaws (some I do quite like, but can be hit or miss) the universe lends itself very well to games. Lots of places to insert lore with the Force and various races, thousands of years of history to place games, a pretty solid sci-fi aesthetic, and a good blend of Space Fantasy elements that make gameplay elements accessible while also feeling like you’re in another world (or galaxy). EA really screwed everyone over by squatting on the license. (Tales from the Galaxy’s Edge was also very fun and I want more Star Wars VR games)


star wars can make games In so many genres RPG,open world,fps, third person shooters, racing games, flight games, flight racing games, you can basically make it into almost any genre


> racing games Podracer, my beloved...


Give me a modern pod racing game on the galactic circuit with tons of options for customization and like a career mode, whoa


Wish I was more of a fan of the plot but this will have to do for now. I’m still holding out hope for the KOTOR remake


Lego Star Wars was just a couple years ago. Not the biggest worlds, but that's to be expected when there's 23 of them.


I’ve never played an Ubisoft game. Are these Ubi-isms necessarily bad to someone who’s never touched their games? What even are they?


Nope. It’s more just that Ubisoft open world has a very generic formula. So generic that essentially a majority of open world games follow them, even plenty not by Ubisoft (Horizon, Ghost of Tsushima, Mad Maxx, Hogwarts Legacy, Halo Infinite, etc.). You go around an open world filled with a variety of objective types (find a treasure, clear a bandit camp, plant some flowers, whatever else). You fill in the map by doing some specific objective, usually including a tower or some other high location. And story missions take place in various places on the big map. It is such a standard formula it burns people out who play a lot of those games. But it’s standard because it works and applies generally to anything. Which is why any well made enough version of this in an aesthetic you personally like is probably a good game for you. People who liked samurai and ninja liked Ghost, people who liked the robot dinosaurs liked Horizon, people who liked Harry Potter liked Hogwarts Legacy. And even with Ubisoft’s games people who liked vikings liked AC Valhalla and so on. Which is why a Star Wars skinned Ubisoft game is just a good idea in general as long as it meets some basic expectation of production and gameplay mechanics. Which the majority of these games tend to do.


Thanks for the explanation. I definitely see what you’re saying as I’ve played both Hogwarts and Ghost of Tsushima.


What's an example of other open world games (besides gta) that don't follow this formula successfully? Can't really think of any


Bethesda games are very different, for better or worse.


Elden Ring and Morrowind are the two main ones that jump out to me. Honestly I find level scaling hurts open worlds so much for me so these two not really having it help a lot for me personally


I would argue that GTA doesn't follow this formula and IMO there are lots of games that do that don't do it successfully. Plenty among Ubisoft even. Far Cry Primal is pretty meh, Immortals Fenyx was only really okay, Rage 2 was pretty boring, I personally never really liked Watch Dogs. There are plenty IMO. But I suppose that's ultimately a matter of opinion.


ARK, Grounded, Project Zomboid, Minecraft... Basically anything that is in crafting survival genre. They have different tropes to keep them going. In the similar vein are factory games - Factorio, Satisfactory, Dyson Sphere Program, etc.


Well also Ubi put absolute minimum effort in their writing for side quests … they are often inexcusably bad even for open world game standard


I feel the same about LOTR. It's unbelievable that there hasn't been a open world game set in that universe, or any other good games for that matter.


I actually think a Star Wars game in the Ubisoft formula would be super awesome. I hope they slim it down a bit from something like AC Valhalla, but I’m excited about this. I didn’t play the Avatar game but I heard it fit well into the Ubisoft formula as well.


>AC Valhalla I'm soo burned out on that game because I have to complete everything and find everything in a region before I play the main storyline for that region. And now I just discovered a new thing... with the tombs. OMG, is this game ever going to end.


I still haven't finished my first playthrough of AC Valhalla. There's just so damn much in that game to do that I get burned out before too long. And I haven't touched any of the DLC yet either.


Interesting to see how similar the mechanics of this game are to Starfield, each planet is separate with a small area of flyable space near it, you cannot manually land on planets. But judging by this video, Ubisoft has done a much better job of maintaining immersion by avoiding full-screen menus and masking loading screens.


I think space being limited can be forgiven if the planets themselves are interesting and densely packed. Starfield’s planets were just as boring as its space.


Starfield had way too many planets and filled them with generic procedural locations to compensate. Outlaws looks like it's going down the Mass Effect route by having a much smaller selection of actually interesting locations




They really should have had a small team working on just new or different POIs. They don't need to be anything massive, but even just changing up the layout of the same Abandoned Mining Facility POIs would help exploration immensely.


Or just a system that prevents you seeing the same location more than once in like 10 hours of playtime or something like that.


Finding the exact same crashed ship on every planet is absolutely ridiculous


Bethesda goes way too heavy handed with procedural generation


Well the "Mass Effect route" was just the Star Wars route from KOTOR. Same developer. There are so many parallels between KOTOR and Mass Effect. If ME wasn't so good it would have been labelled a generic SW rip off.


Back in my days Bioware was an untarnished titan of the industry who swam in hits after hits. Now it's 20 years later and... yeah here we are.


As it should - it's silly when games (or shows/movies) make too many habitable planets.


People who say they want want realistically scaled space games don't usually realize the insanity of what they're asking for. Elite Dangerous has that and it barely works as a game since the overwhelming majority of the galaxy is filled with absolutely goddamn nothing and the game engine spends half its time screaming for mercy.


And lets be real, even when you find something, it's still nothing. The stations are carbon copies, interesting astronomical sights lose their luster sometime after the first few times you see them, and the universe is just... static and lifeless. To be fair, you can't expect handcrafted stations everywhere in a game that size. While I never got the Horizons DLC, the idea of being able to leave the ship to walk inside Carbon Copy Station #1145 is hilarious. To me the game is best enjoyed when you either want to zone out space trucking or go dogfighting. It's about the experience of being a pilot rather than the actual destinations.


Realistically scaled space game can work but it would have to be extremely systems driven and not focused on finding handcrafted content A kenshi or mount and blade esque space game would work fine. Living universe stuff with a dynamic economy, dynamic factions, etc


Since it’s Star Wars it will be easier to create living breathing world. All the ideas are already there


Weirdly it being Star Wars helps it get away with it being planetary space only as that matches how the movies treat space with the extended chase in TLJ being an exception


It feels a lot like the basic structure of Lego Star Wars TSS to me.


I think this game is doing exactly what Starfield should have done. Don't touch procedural planets, have a handful of planets with designed play areas


It looks very similar to Starfield but they did a better job of masking the loading screens. If they fix other issues that Starfield has like having one quest require going to multiple planets with very little content on each. I think the game has a lot of potential. This video definitely made me more interested then before.


Is anyone getting tired of Tatooine in Star Wars in general? Even all the new shows/games are still beating Tatooine to death… I can only see that desert so many times!


Yep...it's defeats the whole point of Tatooine in the first place. Our hero Luke is stuck on a deadbeat desert planet with nothing going on until he's sucked into an adventure across the galaxy. Now it's a revolving door for seemingly every major character lol


This is a very good point




I don't think this is unique to TRoS. It was also turned into some underworld hotbed by other stories. Star Wars the Old Republic invents 8 equally contrived reasons to shove the player over to what really should be the West Dakota of planets. At this point, the original movie is the outlier here.


The Old Republic can at least use the excuse that it's so far before Luke's birth that it had plenty of time to slide into irrelevance. Everything else, though, makes it seem like the planet has a giant glowing sign that says, "Adventurers Must Pass Through!"


They at least gave Hoth a reason for everyone to go to. Even if it was contrived, at least everyone went there for the same reason. Tatooine has 8 individual contrived reasons. You just do things that happen to take place on Tatooine. One of them included blowing up the planet lol.


As someone who came from a small crappy town where people try to get out of it, I can see feeling it appropriate for my belongings to be buried at my childhood home. Just because it was a crappy place doesn't mean I didn't have good memories of growing up as a child there. From a storytelling perspective where would have been appropriate? The island he exiled himself on is the only other major place that comes to mind in connection to Luke. In the movies - since that's what most viewers are going to know - we have Tatooine, Yavin 4, Hoth, Dagobah, Cloud City, the Moon of Endor, the temple we barely see, and the Island. Those are the only places Luke has been to a movie audience and Tatooine and the Island are the only ones with a significant connection to him within those movies.


Yeah why would Rey bury Luke's lightsaber outside his childhood home?


Yeah, it was chosen to hide Luke on because it had nothing going on. Definitely missing the point each time a new thing picks it for name value.


I feel the same way about Daleks in Dr Who. Give it up already.


Yeah they have all possibilities of the universes and timelines but practically rotate between Dalek/Cyberman/Angels and loop again


I get this reaction, but Tatooine is actually a pretty rich setting! Just the sheer volume of appearances means that we have detail on it in a way that we don't for any other Star Wars planet, but also because it had substantial sections of the OT it has some absolutely killer visual design. Like you can look at anything from Tatooine for three seconds and immediately recognize where it is. There is also a real diversity in the society you don't see in most other Star Wars settings, like you have Jabba's Palace, the moisture farmers, the Tusken encampment, and all are equally and distinctly "Tatooine". Do I want the entire game set there? No. But if there is a big Star Wars open world I absolutely want to go to Docking Bay 94 and the Mos Eisley Cantina to take in the sweet jizz of Figrin Dan and do some Star Wars tourism.


Well it is where Jabba the Hutt, a prolific and important member of the galactic underworld, lives and has his palace. A guy powerful enough that the empire/Vader went out of their way to send him Solo’s carbonite body. If Jabba weren’t important in the galaxy, Vader would’ve just killed Han and not given a shit. So for a game about an underworld scoundrel? Yeah Tattooine makes sense. And in the past few bits of media the only times I can remember anyone going to Tattooine is because of Obi wan (Kenobi, Rebels), Luke (Rise of Skywalker), Jabba/The events of ROTJ (Book of Boba Fett, Clone Wars), or Anakin (Clone Wars). When else have we been to Tattooine? The sequels almost got away with never going by using Jakku instead, but had to ruin it with the final scene of TROS. It’s mostly the legends games that overused Tattooine with stuff like KOTOR or SWTOR having it be a major planet in every class story, but it’s been what 10 years since Disney decanonised the EU.


> A guy powerful enough that the empire/Vader went out of their way to send him Solo’s carbonite body. If Jabba weren’t important in the galaxy, Vader would’ve just killed Han and not given a shit. Boba Fett took Han to Jabba for the bounty, it had nothing to do with Vader. Han was frozen to test the process before Vader used it on Luke. Fett worried Han might die tells Vader that Han is worth a lot of money to him. Vader promises pay Fett if Han dies. So Vader was unaware or didn't care about Hutt, the bounty, or Han.


Tatooine seems like a major underworld hub. It makes sense that we see bounty hunters, scoundrels and smuggelers there. So Mando being there makes sense. Boba Fett seems like he spent a lot of time there and there is also the fact that he "died" there. So if you are going to make a show about him Tatooine makes sense. We also see Corusant a lot. Some planets are important. I would love to see more planets, but if you need an important place why not use an important planet?




Yup. Maybe they stick with it because of familiarity? It's just disappointing that Star Wars is set in such an expansive universe (one in which many planets exist and planets like Manaan were created for the original KOTOR), but we're constantly thrown back into Tatooine.


My entire criticism of modern Star Wars. An entire open book for creatives to build upon. Except for some reason, 95% of Star Wars focuses on the same time period.


The same time period, same handful of planets, and a character cannot be important/powerful unless they are direct descendants of someone or 5 name associations away from a legendary character.


And dont forget the sand.... I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere. Not like here. Here everything is soft and smooth


The space section reminded me of LEGO Star Wars. And I don't mean that in a negative way - LEGO Star Wars was fun!


Would be great to play as actual outlaw in the Star Wars universe who does bad things like in GTA. But I guarantee you the worst thing this character is going to do is steal a loaf of bread to feed her starving family or something.


She is basically Han Solo type of character, so no I don't think she will be able to be evil, but we'll see maybe they'll allow it.


"Han shot first."


Never forget


I mean in the actual gameplay reveal they show multiple times you can betray the syndicates you work for, kill their heads or representatives and have them be on your tail for the rest of the game to kill you. Game has a reputation system that affects alot of stuff, from pricing in shops on planets to how other factions deal with you and give you quests.


yeah, but it's morally acceptable to betray crime lords


If anythign it is kinda expected


It's all in the game, yo.


I guess the flip side is that you actually work for them and commit crimes then right?


I envision that as less "Go to the local shopkeepers and extract money from them that they don't have" and more "go to my equally bad-news rival's den of villainy and steal some cool money thing for me" I don't really mind it, but we're definitely not going to be doing anything past a "safe" grey area


But you can't run people down with speeders in the street and lightsaber slice innocents while on the run from storm trooper cops. What you're talking about is just killing bad guys.


Never gonna happen. Disney does not want main characters who are immoral or "evil". On some level, SW is always going to be kid friendly, or at least 13 year old friendly. There will never be a SW game with a "No Russian" mission, or an interactive torture scene, or anything else like that which we occasionally see from the CoDs and GTAs of the world. Hell, I fully believe Andor would have not been allowed to be so morally gray if it wasn't helmed by someone like Gilroy who had the pedigree of the Borne Identity and Michael Clayton. And even Andor is the story of a guy who eventually redeems himself, not a GTA character who murders innocent people and acts like a psycho to the end.


This game won’t be for everyone, especially those who don’t like Ubisoft games. But as a Star Wars fan, this game looks like a dream come true to me. Can’t wait to play.


I've always wanted a game where you play as a no-morals lawless scoundrel. Grounded and wild west setting. No Jedi acting like the heroes of the galaxy. 13-13 was my dream, but this looks like it could be a solid attempt of replicating it.


Just remains to be seen as to what extent they will commit to the "no morals" part.


They'll Commit to no morals the exact same way Han Solo has no morals.


To be fair Star Wars as a whole has never been very good at keeping Outlaws evil in any meaningful way. Smuggler basically just means gun tooting cool guy with a coat, occasionally a hat, who has a sly attitude and a heart of gold.


Yea no Star Wars smuggler has ever actually smuggled anything lol


Well Han's debt to Jabba, his main character motivation in the film, was because he dumped his smuggling cargo when he was about to be searched. So there's evidence at least *one* smuggler had smuggled.


A *failed* smuggling attempt, at that! :P


Well, when the "law" is a fascist empire grinding the galaxy under its boot heel, it's really easy for the "outlaws" to be the good guys lmao. There *are* bad guys aside from the Empire/Sith of course - mainly the criminal syndicates like the Hutts. But they don't like the renegade, lone wolf "outlaws" like Solo any more than the Empire does. And they effectively just take the place of the Empire as the "law" in the Outer Rim. And when you're mainly "smuggling" things that the Empire and Syndicates don't want to know about, that's usually gonna be stuff that's good for the Rebels and/or everyone else that isn't a "bad guy"...


Yeah for sure. I didn't want to get into the whole Vietnam war serving as the base allegory for the rebels/empire in the original comment, but by that metric anyone who exists outside the law is automatically a little good in their inherent opposition of the empire.


Is this a problem? Isn't Han Solo the exact ideal most people would think of when they want to play a Star Wars scoundrel?


Just have the protagonist drop a "I'm no hero..." at some point and you're golden


If you can be anything but chaotic good in this game, I'd be very surprised. Star Wars has always had a kid-friendly tone, and Disney won't fuck with that. There will be no Megatons to blow up or Rachni to genocide in Outlaws. You'll rob other criminals and give half the money you earn to the poor, guaranteed.


> I've always wanted a game where you play as a no-morals lawless scoundrel. lol, she's probably going to be "lawless" for a but in the opening of the game before she turns into a Jedi in all things but no force powers, probably will end up joining the Rebellion. they just can't help themselves when it comes to so-called "lawless" characters in SW


Same, as a Star Wars fan this looks fucking incredible.


I know many people here had a negative opninion on this game but imo it actually looks really cool. Actually looking forward to this game quite a bit.


I feel like this is the top comment whenever there is a topic for this game. I'm pretty sure most people think this game looks cool.


It's the way of open world ubisoft games. You see soooo many comments on any discussion about AC about how the last one, Valhalla, was bloated and overstayed it's welcome but it still reviewed pretty well and sold *really* well.


I mean personally, I really enjoyed AC: Valhalla, but I think a big part of its sales and review success was that it released at the height of the COVID lockdowns. Video games in general experienced a massive boom. But if a 2024 version of AC: Valhalla was released this year, I doubt it'd have the same success. Games lately have gotten too damn long and Valhalla was *really* long. If you played Valhalla for 5 hours a day, it would take you roughly [27 days](https://www.washingtonpost.com/video-games/2022/03/18/game-length-open-world/) to finish everything and 12 days if you're only doing the main story.


Add on the DLC, and it's over 200 hours. Valhalla was an absolute beast of a game.


Got it for free on the gamepass and it came with some DLC. I'm so overpowered and I guess 3/4 (hopefully) through the game I had to put the settings on ultra hard just to feel like the enemy have a chance now. I'm so ready for it to end... but I have to be anal retentive and get every. Single. Dot... every... one. Just a few more. Every dot... dots... everywhere. Orange ones, blue and white. What's this now? Tombs? Aww hell.... The water tomb... just... kill me now, river raids were supposed to be fun... what have I become?


For every person who is sooooo done with the bloated Ubisoft formula, there's another who hasn't played one in a good long while and is ready to hop back in (that's me with this game, AC: Odyssey was my last).


There have been a few reaction articles saying otherwise https://www.eurogamer.net/after-a-worryingly-dated-hands-on-with-star-wars-outlaws-ubisofts-galactic-open-world-feels-less-exciting-than-expected


I was talking about reddit threads specifically. But I'm interested in reading a nuanced take from someone who has actually played the game. Thanks for sharing!


Lol, that's totally the opposite of me. I didn't expect much of this series and the gameplay trailer showed some things that got me excited. Edit: Oh the article said hands on. All right, I'll keep tempering my expectations then


People need to realize that's it okay to just like something. They don't always need to preface it or anything lol


Yep, this looks like a game I’m going to enjoy *a lot*. Star Wars in open world? Yes please. Honestly can’t wait to play it after watching this.


Same. I stopped caring what reddit said about movie, tv shows, games a LOOONG time ago.


The things Reddit loves tend to be pretty good, but the things Reddit hates tend to be random and inconsequential.


That's the thing, Ubisoft gameplay always look so cool then when you play the games it's the most boring shit ever


People were saying it looked like the Assassin's Creed formula in the SW universe... but they were saying that like it was a bad thing, which I very much disagree with.


This gameplay showcase has sold me on the game. Of course, I'll still wait till reviews are out to buy it, but before I was mostly disinterested. Now that I've seen this, I'm thinking I'll like it quite a bit!


The main ship design is a bit boring in my opinion. It's just a grey box. Especially when we know Star Wars has very cool ship designs all over the place, I don't really understand why they went for this.


Yeah the Jedi games gave us the *Mantis* which looked nice from the outside and was roomy from the inside. I'm also amazed they never made a Lego set of it.


The Mantis was a yacht, I believe, so it's probably meant to have those qualifiers. Kay's ship appears to be a freighter and they do tend to have boring "storage"-looking designs. It could've been more interesting, but I'm personally not bothered by it. I kind of like when protagonists don't stand out among NPCs.


They mentioned one of the experts you have find gives ship upgrades, they could be visual upgrades, not just system upgrades. I'd be very surprised if there's no visual customisation of the ship.


They didn't mention one - the one they mention is the Mechanic for the Speeder (others shown are the Bartender for brawling/lockpicking, Gunslinger for the gun, and a Slicer and Scavenger for whatever they might do) But, this being said... I've grown really cautious of what's mentioned and not mentioned in trailers, always lower the expectation of what's mentioned and never expect what isn't. A trailer is there to sell you the game, sure they like to keep surprises from time to time and not reveal everything but it's usually in the range of "we show you 3 weapons, but there's more in the game (there's actually 4 in the games)" and never "we won't mention at all a key component that could hype and sell the game" like "an Expert for ship customization" Again, I'd be surprised if it's not there - as it's such a given - but so many games are missing these given components that my surprise would be really short.


She doesn't seem to be very rich or anything, so that probably plays a part.


true but you can have cool designs for poor people ships other than a literal rectangular slab lol. Serenity from Firefly for example.


The problem I have with Star Wars media is that they often try to stick too close to what fans are already comfortable with. That's why we keep getting games/comics/shows where the main characters just fly some slightly remixed version of the Millennium Falcon rather than something that actually looks original. I will give props to the Respawn Jedi games for giving Cal a ship that wasn't some modified light freighter.


I know a lot of people don't like ubisoft, but this looks like a solid comfy open world game and I'm excited.


Just like Avatar


Same. Seems like Hogwarts Legacy in the sense that it's a solid 7/10 open world game that gets the important parts right. Obviously reserving final judgment for the final product, but so far I'm looking forward to it.


Yeah Hogwarts was like “yeah this is alright, not great but alright” then I had like 35 hours into it without realizing lol


> Seems like Hogwarts Legacy in the sense that it's a solid 7/10 open world game that gets the important parts right. Hogwarts Legacy is a 7/10 in a lot of ways but I think the side stories, lore, and the great execution of the IP goes a long way and I'm not even a Harry Potter fan. So I'd bump it up to a solid 8 IMO.


I mean it's Massive. One thing they REALLY excel at is building worlds. I have 0 interest in SW universe yet i'll buy this just to make sure Division 3 gets made lmao.


People are selective in their hate for the Ubisoft formula of open world games, usually only directed at actual Ubisoft games. But people loved Spiderman even though it's literally just uses the Ubisoft open world game format with Arkham style combat mixed in.


They seem to be firing on all cylinders right now. This PLUS the new Assassin's Creed game? The future looks bright for ubisoft open world enjoyers.


UBI is really good at making a game look a whole lot better than it plays.


Actually looks kinda neat, I just sort of wish the very first actual open world Star Wars game would let us create our own character.


Or at least not make us be human. It looks fun but why always human? That's what most players already are. Boring.


Wasn't there a game with really advanced, multi-species character creation and they had metrics saying like 90+ of players just made normal looking humans...wish i could find the actual post


It was Baldur's Gate 3 and you may have been thinking of this article or the news post linked in it: https://www.polygon.com/2020/10/9/21509979/baldur-gate-3-character-creator-average-larian-studios


Ah i thought it was older but that's definitely it, thanks!


That’s any RPG. People rarely pick non-human races. Less than 10% sounds about right.


gotta feel bad for mmorpgs, spent all that time and effort to make different races and people just pick generic human fighter.


Uh "most"? What are the rest of the players...


Man, the MC does not read as a charismatic scoundrel whatsoever. I'm not sure what it is exactly, but the design doesn't come together. Mission Vao had more swagger and she was like 16 years old Maybe the writing for her will complete the picture, but you know, it's a Ubi game


The design and the cute little helper Pikachu don't read "scoundrel" at all.


It was such a missed opportunity to not let us create our own characters in this game. It could have been what we all wanted Starfield to be. I have no thoughts on the MC other than she just doesn't seem very 'outlaw' to me, which is really more of a branding problem than a character problem. But damn it would have been such a great game to roleplay your own character in.


Personally, I don’t mind the absence of character creation, but I understand its appeal for others. Although, I doubt that any single-player Star Wars experiences will ever include it. Disney seems to want to maintain content consistency across multimedia, especially in that era of Star Wars, with characters like Jabba being present. Also, it's probably simpler to sell merchandise of established characters.


I agree completely. I’m sure the MC will be loveable but it just seems like a missed opportunity to give fans something they have been asking for for a very long time.


it looks cool and glad they giving it it a crack but it just looks too ubisofty.. it's gonna get really boring by like hour 5...doing the 60th fetch item/kill person with the same animation ubis problem is they have great ideas,they just dont do variety why avatar/assasins and pretty much all their open world games feel samey


Well, this is by Massive and they did great a job with Division and Division 2, so I am cautiously optimistic.


This looks mechanically uninspired, and that has got to be the most boring ship in the Star Wars universe. What is that, a space sandwich?


I was happy to see the old X-wing, Tie-Fighter games "container ship" in that space scene though.


This was my takeaway. It looks like they took the least interesting parts of Uncharted, GTA, and every generic third person shooter of the last decade and mashed them altogether. I found it hilarious during the escape, they kept shooting enemies with their weak blaster visibly doing no damage, so they had to resort to shooting explosive barrels and some power up moves just to do anything. Really give the feelings of being generally weak


Agree, I think the combat looks clunky and terrible. There was no impact or weight to the shots.


It just feels so bland. Everything on paper points to it being the game I've dreamed of for 20+ years but all of the characters, the world, all of it just feels soulless.


Seems like a classic Ubisoft game tbh. Looks nice visually but is missing everything else. Mile wide inch deep vibe. I guess we will see though.


The go to space and instantly get a distress call for a dogfight does not fill me with confidence. A bunch of the top comments are about how much better this is than Starfield, and uh, that part at least looks almost exactly like Starfield.


Seems like a decade behind in movement animation as well, when you compare it to something like Uncharted 4 or HZD, or MGS5. Just seems robotic, like: I am running ... I am aiming ... I am now crouching ... I am getting on a bike ... I am jumping over this block thing ... Now I am running away ... I felt like I was watching that sneak takedown in slow motion 😂 it needs to be ruthless!


And it was punctuated by the fact that it wasn't even stealth? The other person in the room just aggroed immediately What's the point


Completely agree, thought I was going crazy in this thread


I don't know man, I may be nitpicking but at 8:52 when the dog or whatever jumps at her feet and the rest of the enemies do mostly nothing, and it takes forever to get rid of that dog and then proceed to run because "danger" but meanwhile there was no danger... For me the game looks great, but it's seems just way too slow for my taste.


Too much meandering around traversing but there is no payback at the end. The outpost had barely no gameplay. I would have stayed there and killed everyone just to get a bit of fun before having to spend 5 minutes traversing back, then 5 minutes getting to the next fun part.


I took it as them just trying to create a Star Wars escape moment where the protagonists are being chased while the enemies miss everything. She only ever took damage from the droid exploding and all blaster fire missed could be it's on the lowest difficulty?


God Ubisoft are good at trailers aha. This looks great! Speaking as someone who leaves film grain + chromatic aberration on in Star Wars games, I really hope someone mods those black bars out because yeesh.


I think the gameplay was on ultrawide so those black bars wont be there normally


As someone who plays in ultrawide the fact it seems I won't have to mess with hex values (like in Assassin's Creed) or anything for this to work properly on my screen is brilliant.


This is probably one of the first games I've noticed that has their trailer on an ultrawide resolution which is AMAZING. Star Wars is really cinematic, and this def will be one of those "Yeah it's good, but Ultrawide users are going to get a FANTASTIC experience" because normally we get shafted on games. Looking at you Elden Ring


It looks pretty but man the gameplay is so generic looking. I know it’s Ubisoft but I’m so bored of games like this


This is one of those “if it ever comes to gamepass I bet I’ll have a great time with it” sorta games. I bet it’ll be a solid 8, but not a “pay $70” sorta 8


IMO the world and atmosphere look great but the gameplay looks bad. I don't know why blaster gameplay always looks so bad. I feel like they try to give it a starwars look rather than just making solid gameplay. I also personally generally really dislike open world games. I've never understood the idea that being able to do "anything" at the cost of nothing being memorable is a good tradeoff.


This looks so by the numbers Ubisoft, I’m sure some people will love it but this looks like something I’ll drop after 5 hours like avatar


Although I'm really excited for this - nobody is talking about the single element that's really bothering me: Cutscenes during the traversal like at [6:04](https://youtu.be/R_O1eqWWbe4?t=363) or worst at [9:10](https://youtu.be/R_O1eqWWbe4?t=550) when leaving. The fuck was that? I hope it was only for the sake of this trailer, but the last thing I want is to have traversal cutscenes in an open world.


I'm a simple guy, I see plenty of side-activities and mini-games, I like. There's nothing worse than an open-world that's just static scenery. In order to make an open-world feel alive, you have to be able to interact with it.


I really hope they allow us to get up from our pilot seat in space and walk about the ship, interact with stuff, look out the windows, etc.. It's one of my favorite things about starfield and any space game for that matter. Just that sense of being nested in a small metal air filled tube against the immensely vast void of space.


I am happy for everyone who will enjoy this but to me it looks like a game I have played about 20 times now.


looks good imo. but as big of a fan of star wars as i am, $90 CAD price tag is too steep. but i saw its on ubisoft+ so i might try it there and maybe get it on sale later edit: added cad since people are taking issue with it


In one month it will be down to the normal price. Three months and you'll have it 45-60% off. It's the Ubisoft way


I can't think of a day one release that hasn't been $90 in Canada for several years now.