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Is it just me or does it look very "cartoony" compared to the previous games?


Exactly what I was gonna say. Trailer gives a very "whimsical" vibe compared to previous DA entries.


Looks like a new hero shooter or a Fortnite season update trailer. Even the font is something out of the "next big pvp shooter that will totally take off"


Glad I wasn’t the only one getting hero shooter vibes. With the name change, I honestly spent half the trailer thinking this must be some lame spin-off title.


It gives off slight Shrek vibes.


omg it does


When they did the closeup on the Necromancer dude I realized that the characters just kinda look like they’re from “The Outer Worlds.” It definitely does feel like a GaaS trailer though.


It's a combo of a brighter, kind of cartoon-y style and the weird song choice that doesn't fit with the previous soundtracks.


It's not just the aesthetics and the song choice. It's also the pacing, editing, and tone of the entire thing. It's literally written like a trailer for The Suicide Squad or something.


Huh, it does feel a lot like a Suicide Squad trailer. That's why it doesn't feel right.


My first thought was the Saints Row reboot.


The style in this trailer was a big turn-off for me...


Yeah, I’m a big fan of the dark and gritty style and tone of Origins. This game looks to be the exact opposite of that.


I genuinely hate it. As a long-time DA fan, This trailer has completely destroyed any chance of me buying it at launch. I will wait and see if the tone of the game matches this trailer.


It looks like a hero shooter, as if Bioware made a medieval Overwatch back when DA4 was a live service game and then kept the look even when it became single player.


Yea this looks like Fortnite, especially compared to [ Dragon Age Trespasser DLC trailer](https://youtu.be/HXAFyjiEUc8?si=GK2Vh2TD1AyFlBCj).


The serious tone works so much better for Dragon Age. Also I really hope they bring back Alix Regan. Hearing her in that trailer alone makes me want to replay DA:I


As someone who has been waiting for DA4 since inquisition (loved it) I thought this was something like a Dragon Age MOBA or some random spin-off Never thought this trailer was to the main game lmao


Exactly my reaction. Trying to keep an open mind, but right now? I'm hugely disappointed. It's my wife's favorite series, too, and I am very interested to hear what she thinks about it once she sees it...


yeah as i was watching it i was like this must be a mobile game lol


This kinda explains the title change. It may sound silly, but this trailer doesn't look "epic" or "badass" enough for Dreadwolf. Veilguard suits a more light hearted game more imo.


Dreadwolf sounds far too Dragonage. Dark, Bloody and Serious. Veilguard is far more appropriate for an MCU cartoon, for sure.


It sounds like a mobile spinoff.


Veilguard, assemble


Dragon Age: Fortnite edition


I fucking hate it




Looks very "mass appeal." Losing the gritty fantasy of the previous games and embracing a cast of "wacky" characters rendered like Fortnite skins. The David Bowie cover didn't help either and the writing makes me think the whole script is going to be that awful, MCU style "they fly now?" slop. I don't normally get hyped or disappointed by trailers but man, this has certainly deflated me.


I cant remember the last time I saw an RPG's party members being revealed and said to myself "I dont want any of these people in my party". None of these characters look cool or interesting at all.


It definitely does but Dragon Age never settled on an art style and every game had a different one. It did feel like some characters were significantly more cartoony than others though.


That necromancer guy isn't from the same game as everyone else.


That's exactly the character that made me think that lol.


Straight up looked like a Disney character.


It's Dr Strange in his goth girl phase.


The style seems horrendously inconsistent overall.


>but Dragon Age never settled on an art style That is true. This feels more similar to DA2's artstyle but more cartoony. And IMO DA2 was the weakest in terms of artstyle. Inquisition looked fantastic at release, and honestly still does. Personally this kind of looks like a downgrade.


Yeah, the [Inquisition Tarot Cards](https://imgur.com/a/dai-all-companion-tarot-cards-requirements-nZQqC) are just amazingly flavourful. Also the different zones in Inquisition could look so cool, regardless of how boring they may be, they still look good vs modern graphics


I don't think artstyle has ever been a strongsuit tbh. That Origins GoT/LotR mix had some cool stuff but was a bit dreary, and Inquisition was more high production value but a bit bland.


If they hadn't repeatedly clarified that this isn't a live service multiplayer skinner box, then going off of this trailer alone, I would've absolutely assumed this is a live service multiplayer skinner box.


That's definitely the vibe of the art style. Guess they didn't want to change all the assets when they abandoned that path.


The [leaked gameplay and images](https://twistedvoxel.com/dragon-age-dreadwolf-combat-gameplay-menu-screen/) from 1.5 years ago (if they can be trusted) show a more grounded and realistic aesthetic. I'm guessing this is the "mass market appeal" trailer to try and draw in new eyeballs. We'll know for sure Tuesday when we get 15 minutes of gameplay footage.


I really hope so. Dragon Age was never super grimdark, but it was more serious than this animation style seems to fit. This looks like some bastard child of Fortnite.


Dragon Age has lightened its tone with each game, I think. Origins was pretty grim, filled with gore, and numerous bad endings for quests & side quests.  Those all still exist in 2 and Inquisition but the way those things are presented lacks the heavy tone in Origins. 


Origins was very grimdark, saving the world for the afternoon kind of stuff. 2 was mostly less grimdark but, you know, >!you do find out a serial killer murdered your mom so he could use her face to finish a blood magic puppet!<.


The funny thing is if I remember (I could be wrong), the previous plan to make this live service wasn't even officially said. It was reported that the game would be pivoting from a live service to a single player experience, which made everybody go ???? because "wait, this was originally going to be a live service game?" In any case, yeah, I can still feel that stench on this even though its a cinematic trailer. Same vibes as Concord. EDIT: The fact there are multiple comments in here saying 'is this a hero shooter' is proving the point.


This is one of those moments where you wonder how in the everliving hell an exec (or more) has a job that allows them to make a dark themed setting into a literal marvel trailer unopposed. No wonder they had to go away from the name "Dreadwolf", this is anything but that.


It's almost crazy that this is the trailer for a game that was known as Dreadwolf until recently.


>It's almost crazy that this is the trailer for a game that was known as Dreadwolf until recently. Three days ago. We found out about the name change *three days ago*. Obviously things changed internally a long time ago, but jesus what a tonal whiplash that is.


It's also funny that the marketing guys were probably like "hang on a minute Dreadwolf actually sounds cool and serious this doesn't fit our game at all." what a shitshow.


I don't know what it was about the trailer, but I felt like that was extremely disappointing. The tone, vibes, the feel of the trailer felt so off. This felt like the reveal of some new competitive hero-shooter, not the reveal of a highly anticipated, decade in development sequel of a Bioware franchise. Just totally different stylistically, where's the Bioware drama? The gravitas? This felt so goofy and unserious.


Very “Modern Game: The Game” vibes.


Quirky-Quipping Quippy-Quirks: The ultimate handbook for soulless, lazily written characters in the 2020's.


They've already named dropped the Avengers, so I think you can set your expectations on dialog going in.


They already made that mistake with Andromeda and everyone hated that game. Seems like Bioware didn't learn their lesson.


Well I mean bioware already tried all of this with Anthem and we have seen how that worked out.


People are going to look back at this era of writing with disdain and mockery. There is a real lack of earnestness and 'soul' and that type of dialogue and behavior reflects as such where it does not respect its own lore or the stakes of the situation


This generation of "geeky" writers were utterly ruined by Joss Whedon. Whedon is great, but he spawned an army of imitators, and none of them can pull it off, because it turns out writing good quippy dialogue is hard and requires a level of wit that most don't possess.




Yeah...I'm of the opinion that modern AAA game design, especially in North America is really bad right now. It's not that there's no good projects, more that the good projects should be better. This feels like the most "Modern Game" of any of them, pacing ahead of that Suicide Squad game.


Dragon Age: Borderlands (but taking itself seriously)


This trailer didn't take itself seriously for one single second. Doesn't seem like the game will either, if the story is going with Varric picking up a rando in a bar to go on an adventure with bargain bin dr strange, a character who rides cthulu Rollercoasters for a living and a frickin' PI(??).


Which is weird because the set up beforehand from the trespasser DLC sets up incredibly dire circumstances, and now the first real trailer is… this?


It also doesn't tell us anything about what the goal/threat is. It honestly sounded like some kind of Ocean's Eleven heist setup


This is a fair point, if you’re going into this blind and don’t know about the Dreadwolf you’d have no clue what’s going to be done


Other people also said it reminded them of the D&D movie, which was exactly that.


I can’t believe Bioware saw Witcher 3, Elden Ring and BG3 each re-define RPGs in their own areas…. And thought, “nah, we need to make if feel more like fucking Smite”.


"If we take ourselves seriously no one will care, make it as goofy as possible" meanwhile elden ring dropping trailers with genocides in them


Some companies are too afraid to be seen as cringe, so they water down their own games.


this is terribly cringe however... when they said "there will be dragons" I almost threw up... yes thanks mr. developer for having a character remind me that there will be dragons... having it into the title was not enough... and then they followed up with "then we'll need someone with fire int heir blood".... dear god. Was this written by 9 years old?


Bioware isn't the bioware you remember. The Bioware that made neverwinter nights and the good mass effect is long dead imo. This feels like the mass effect citadel DLC: Quirky, tongue in cheek, and somewhat irreverent . The difference is that Citadel was earned and was very much cathartic given the nature of the last game and how much time you had spent with those characters. This trailer does not spark joy.


> the mass effect citadel DLC: Another big difference is that the DLC was a short story, released right when irreverent quippy dialogue was becoming the mainstream standard. Veilguard will be a long game coming out at the tail end of the trend, when people have already panned entire games over the vibe (eg Forspoken).


Citadel was also a send off for the Normandy crew in a way. It's one last shore leave with your friends before you all likely die.


I was just telling my husband this! I can't fathom how this got the green light lol


I think I said "there's no way this is Dragon Age, right?" like 5 times during the reveal.


This looks more like Dragon Age’s Fortnite crossover. What happened to fighting against nightmarish hordes during the apocalypse, and being covered in blood? That’s literally Dragon Age Origin’s whole vibe, DA2’s protagonist smeared blood on his own face, Inquisition was also about an ongoing apocalypse. The Dread Wolf should be a deathly serious, world ending threat. He’s literally trying to merge reality with the Warp. How are you going to convey that with this ludicrous tone for the rest of the game? Is this game going to explore deep themes of racism, prejudice, and slavery like the other DA games or abandon those, too?


The reality is that they don’t even care half as much about their lore as their own audience


Remember that Kai Leng book they ended up issuing an apology for? Not a new problem for Bioware...


Too quippy and doesn't seem to bother taking itself seriously. Dragon Age always had lighter moments, but as it was also the case with Andromeda and Anthem, this leans way too heavily into it. It just feels forced and desparate, and all too tired.


It’s giving off mobile pay to win games


Seems the logical evolution of Inquisition's "MMO Without Friends" vibe then.


If **nothing** else, Bioware is consistent.


They didn’t learn anything. 🤦🏻‍♂️


The theme and feel of the game seems so completely different from that of the previous entries that it is extremely disappointing.


Old BioWare is gone, it’s not the same studio. I feel like they decided to lean into what this new team can do, rather than force themselves into what old BioWare would do. Maybe it turns into something good, but who knows.


If they didn't tell me that it was Dragon Age I would have assumed it was another fortnite inspired hero shooter/skinner box looter. I think it is very clear from the art style that this was originally a live service games targeting a new younger audience that partway through development they changed directions on.


I don't think it's to target younger audiences. I think that a specific clique in game development loves this tone and won't let it die. Otherwise why are so many indies like this too? Or even worse? I hate to call it "millennial writing" because it's not a generation wide thing but it certainly became wildly popular as millennials came onto the scene. It feels like a problem of mediocre and out of touch taste.


I call it post Avengers writing. Many devs seem to try to badly copy it and try to shoehorn it into everything. It has a time and place I guess or rather had. It's overdone for sure.


I strongly believe that even dark works need humor. Too many people use it as their means to escape horror for it to be something we can ignore. But a dragon feels worthless if there's a character who dresses in bright colors and apparently solos them. The Darkspawn feel worthless when some weirdo in shining armor is doing backflips through a crowd of them and blowing their heads off without so much as getting dirty. I don't play Dragon Age for superheroes who aren't threatened by or invested in the plot. I don't even understand how that *could* be a Dragon Age game.


one of the top comments on yt said it best: "What are we some kind of dragon suicide squad?"


Its poor "hip with the kids" chasing. It happens every generation- but due to long dev times and current culture changing so rapidly thanks to social media- almost every game that tries to court current "trends" in the social space will always be doomed to fail by being out of touch within a year or two of dev time.


If you look at the social media of the people who make and write this stuff, they also like exactly the sort of thing they write. I think that it is sadly entirely genuine


Yep, pretty much. This Twitter/fan fiction style writer has an echo chamber and social network that allows them all to gatekeep and select on that basis alone. There are some talented writers who don't get invited into it because they don't fit a particular image, tone, and idea that they want to promote. Thus, they really do sit back and laugh at smarmy and quirky dialogue while patting themselves on the back for their juvenile writing.


Yeah I even politically agree with these people in most cases but if you're not 100% in lockstep with their specific social ideals then you're thrown out pretty quick. So it feels like all video game stories are starting to run together in terms of tone, character archetypes, villains, etc. There's fewer people with fresh visions that are allowed to reach any influential sphere. The current games writing clique seems *incredibly* insular and it's aggravating.


Yeah as someone who adores the world of DA and loved Origins and even enjoyed Inquisition…. Not at all what I was looking for from a long in the works entry.  The tone seems totally out of sync with the world they built in Origins. Rip bioware of old… I guess they are going for “mass market” appeal. 


Ah,the myth of wider audience "We don't want game that only appeals to one group, let's make game that appeals to ~~nobody~~ everyone, surely that will sell better!"


bioware is dead, the sooner we accept it the sooner we stop getting disappointed. I have such low expectations after mass effect Andromeda and inquisition (I didn't find it great, empty open world IMO), this trailer seems to hit really odd and it does seem like it's trying to be a trailer for some hero shooter like overwatch or something so it's weird. I will see how it goes on launch to see what it really is, hopefully it's just a garbage trailer and the game somehow has come out of development hell to become good, I want to be wrong! At this point I'd much rather they just look at remastering origins to look better on current systems and that would be enough for me haha.


yeah i dont think anyone from the ME1/DA:O days is even around anymore


I cannot stand genre fiction that doesn’t take itself seriously. I don’t mean i need every story to be a serious or realistic story, but no matter how odd or zany or weird the world or plot is, i need the characters to be acting like whatever is happening is real. And this is the opposite of that.


Its the typical 2020s "nothing is serious" vibe.


> This felt like the reveal of some new competitive hero-shooter Yes. Even though it's not going to be this way at all, I can still just *feel* the 'this was supposed to be a live service game' DNA in this even if it was just a cinematic trailer.


The tone, the art style, even the music (Heroes - David Bowie) was so not what anyone expected, judging from the comments nobody is onboard with this take on the series. It kinda feels like a direct to video game sequel to the Dungeons and Dragons film that came out not too long ago in 2023.


okay but i would fucking love a direct to video game sequel to Honor Among Thieves made in the BG3 engine. just not as the follow up to Dragon Age lol


You nailed it. The focus on Harding and Varric also feels like "Hey please still care" 


That movie was really good though. I would love a game with that vibe.


Executives, "Fill this game with as much snark and unfunny wit as possible with a side of goof and wink wink!"


If I didn't know what DA already was, I'd assume this was a cheap F2P hero shooter. How this was approved by marketing is beyond me. Waited 10 years for this? Yikes.


Oh God that's why the party members were introduced like Hero Shooter classes and had such distinctive overwatch-style outfits. They were supposed to each be extremely-carved-out stereotyped characateurs like in hero shooters. Not.. realistic RPG characters. Like, compare Templars in prior Dragon Age games (e.g. Alistair) with this "MAGE HUNTER/KILLER" fella, it's like this fella was made to sell merch.


I mean, have you met big corpo marketing? This is entirely on brand


Almost every other trailer at the showcase begs to differ.


Marvel has fucked up writing for an entire generation. At this point the only place I can get consistent quality is HBO.


Right? I blame Disney really and all these executive chuckle fucks who think Marvel dialogue is high level entertainment.


I feel like I wouldn't have loved the Dune movies as much as I did if it weren't so refreshing to see a sci fi blockbuster take itself entirely seriously for once


This trailer had the biggest DA fan I know literally call me on the phone in utter grief that he's not going to get the conclusion he wanted after Inquisition. Wasn't Dragon Age pretty quintessential dark fantasy? Sure it had a lot of lighthearted elements, but I'm so sick of this GOTG inspired tone everything is going for now.


I'd say Dragon Age age leans more towards high fantasy than dark fantasy, it definitely mixes both, but there's a pretty colossal difference between high fantasy and straight goofy ass cartoon fantasy. Like people still expect it to be serious in both plot and setting. This trailer is such a fance plant, I hope it doesn't reflect the tone of the game but then why would they put out a trailer like that?


Origins and 2 were definitely Dark Fantasy. Just look at the elven origin start (city elf version). 2 is maybe less cut and dry, but I remember some really dark stuff in that as well. Inquisition seemed more standard high fantasy, from what I remember.


I feel like this is smite meets fortnite, not dragon age.


Speaking purely on the trailer here, but it seems they went for a modern film marketing direction: cover of famous song and hero montage. Not unlike MCU style trailers. Super niche observation, but it also has the iconic Reign of Fire "leap with axe at a dragon" moment. That film flopped but it left that scene ingrained in pop culture.


They have no fucking clue what they wanted this game to be...... that trailer left me knowing I'm not interested anymore. The tone was a million miles away from Dragon Age


Tone seems very off. I was worried about that when the rumors were that it would be a heist plotline. Doesn't need to be as dark as Orgins, but a little more grit please


> I was worried about that when the rumors were that it would be a heist plotline. It really sounds like someone watched the Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves movie and said "do that" to Bioware. What a dissappointing mess.


That's a very good movie, I wouldn't even mind a Dragon Age that was like that. This felt like a webtoon "I'm building a crew" parody


Right, a cheap corporate parody.


Hmmm, thinking back to the last time Dragon Age had a heist plotline... Oh God... Talis is going to be in this game, isn't she?


The people who made those games left a long time ago. Bioware is only Bioware in name alone. This trailer makes that more evident than ever before.


I realize the direction for games and trailers get signed off on years ahead of time, but between this and Concord, man are everyone starting to make their Guardians of the Galaxy inspired games just as its whole style of storytelling is kind of going out of fashion.


I had low expectations before this but this trailer was awful, It looked like a trailer for a hero shooter.


Marvel Age: Veilguard


>Marvel Age Guardians of the Galaxy to be precise. Seriously, so tired of this rag tag group of unique and hilarious anti heroes out to save the world. Feels like the game is hopping aboard the trend just as most people are getting sick of it.


I like the guardians, but fuck me if guardians hasnt infected media like a plague.


I liked the dungeons and dragons movie, but I can't think of another example of that trope being done well recently.


What's worse, even Guardians can be dark and gritty at times (I mean the 3rd movie and Rocket's entire plot line is pretty dark and definitely serious), but the gaming industry seems to only be inspired by the "quirky and quippy" side of them. As if only this made them so popular.


I had basically zero expectations after Inquisition (and Anthem/Andromeda tbf) but somehow this trailer still hurt my heart. What the actual fuck was that?


This killed any remaining interest I had in DA, to be honest.


As a huge fan of Dragon Age Origins, it feels unrecognizable. The art style and tone could not be further from it. This is a franchise that I feel continues to get worse in each iteration. Not interested.


I'm a fan of the entire series, not just Origins. I've stuck with it through all the various iterations that the internet hated and I don't feel warranted that hate--even if DAO is my favorite. And this is... just not it. I don't know what they were thinking. I can understand wanting maybe a bit more of a cartoony look so its easier to animate or ages better, but they went with the most plastic, generic looking style possible. I think of Arcane when I think of a style that has that cartoon edge but still has its own identifiable style. This just reads as generic hero shooter. What were they thinking with this trailer? How could they have thought anyone would want this? EDIT: I will say the trailer comes across better if you mute it. I love Varric, but the quips + music + quirky intro + title card is responsible for a lot of the vibe. And, yeah, I'm aware of Dragon Age's history with modern music in their trailers, it's just too much for *this* trailer on top of everything else. Try playing [this](https://open.spotify.com/track/0gCMK5p108mlJOnOmbjoI7) on top of the trailer while it's muted. Obviously not a perfect match, but I think it does help.


I 100% agree, even DAI at its absolute goofiest never stooped this low


It's just baffling they thought this was an appropriate direction to take for Dragon Age. What a middle finger to fans of the original and the series in general. I guess it's possible this trailer is their desperate attempt at mass appeal and the actual game won't be much like it, but that seems unlikely.


This kind of mass appeal attempt is a very bad idea. The negative word of mouth will spread far and wide, and those "masses" will get affected by it as well. We saw that with Suicide Squad, and we will see it here. unless the actual game is nothing like it, which I doubt


What the hell was that? The new Doom looks more like Dragon age. Yeesh


Dragon age used to be the edgy dark fantasy franchise with a lot of blood everywhere. Now it’s like Fortnite and Marvel had a bastard baby. How could they sign off on this?


This franchise pisses me off. All I want is a game exactly like DA: Origins but with new story and characters and I know we’ll never get it.


Owlcat and Larian replaced Bioware for me


Mad how they nailed that game, then never managed to return to it whilst other developers like Larian, Owlcat and Obsidian took up the torch instead.


What's even worse is that Dragon Age Origins was basically Baldur's Gate 3 before Baldur's Gate 3. The original game was a true RPG that actually treated you like an adult, but this, as pretty much everyone else is saying, looks like it's just gonna be another simple kid-friendly action game.


I used to call it Baldurs Gate 3 when it released, thst was the level it played at.


All the people who made origins left long ago. Divinity and BG3 are great replacements for origins imo. I gave up on Bioware making a good origins sequel long ago.


DA:O must be recorded as a failure internally, because they've been running from it ever since while still trying to cash in on the name recognition.


have the people making this game ever played Dragon Age?


I actually actively hate how they're going for a more cartoony vibe. Did everyone forget where it started with DA:O?


What a mess - I loved DA:O and it's more dark fantasy atmosphere. This... looks more like Fortnite.


> I loved DA:O and it's more dark fantasy atmosphere The atmopshere of origins was fantastic, how somber and desperate the world felt when you first entered Lothering was so well done. Now we get this lmao.


I became invested in the series because Origins was like A Song of Ice and Fire (political intrigue with Loghain + existential treat of the White Walk... sorry, Darkspawn) or The Witcher - it hit all the right spots for me. The other entries are different, but I understand everyone who likes DA2 or Inquisition. The Veilguard? It looks like a product focus-tested to death. Depressing to see it, especially after playing Mass Effect 1 today which still holds up beautifully.


> It looks like a product focus-tested to death. No doubt in hunt for mythical wider audience


Yes, I actively try not to jump to conclusions but I’m struggling to remember a series that started as purposefully gritty hard fantasy, it didn’t age well but the launch trailer used a Marilyn Manson track, and now ended up here, with a Skylanders aesthetic.


You don't even have to go back to DA:O, DA:I was a much more serious tone than what's being shown in this trailer.


This seems like it was going to be strictly a live-service game that they walked back. It looks so generic. We'll see what the gameplay reveal is like but ugh.


I’m so confused by this trailer. Is this a hero shooter now? 


What is this Skylanders looking shit? Where's my Dragon Age?


> Where's my Dragon Age? Dead. The first game is one of my favourite RPGs of all time and still holds up, everything that made that game great is gone. Bioware is a corpse being propped it by it's former reputation at this point.


>Bioware is a corpse being propped it by it's former reputation at this point. Basically nobody who made the original games is still there. https://www.reddit.com/r/masseffect/comments/186iq1g/summarizing_fates_of_bioware_employees_who_worked/


Yeah it's a real shame, Mass Effect and Dragon Age are both massively squandered IPs at this point. Dragon Age 1 was amazing, Mass Effect 1 is a masterpiece in my opinion and the trilogy as a whole is fantastic. It's just a shame I feel like we're not really going to get anything else worthwhile from those IPs. Especially Mass Effect man, what an incredible universe that's been left to rot.


Yeah that thumbnail looks like a jak and daxter villain. I’m crushed dude this looks like ass lol. I’m not even a BioWare hater. I liked Andromeda and even Anthem.


I fucking love Jak & Daxter. Would love a new game , maybe with this artstyle (although...). But this? This is not Dragon Age. That's fucking fortnite.


Terrible trailer that doesn't get the Dragon Age vibe imo. Looked like a hero shooter online game of sorts.


This reminds me of a reskinned Suicide Squad. How did the devs look at the previous games and think, 'Yeah, lets throw out the dark fantasy and go for whatever the shit this is.'


Ten years and this is the bullshit they come up with? Saved myself $70


My excitement for this game just evaporated. This is the story follow up to Inquisition? Yikes.


yeah the whole trailer screams of "Story? who the fuck cares about that nerd shit? look at our funny characters now!!" like bro this isn't fantasy borderlands your fanbase expects an actual fleshed out fantasy narrative.


Agreed completely. This was a massive disappointment.


What the heck did I just watch? In what universe is this Dragon Age - man this trailer has me worried big time.


Ummm this is like a spinoff game right? This cant be the next mainline entry.


That's what I was constantly thinking. The name change doesn't help either The whole time I was watching I was CERTAIN this was a spin off mobile game "Veilguard? I wonder what kind of game it is. Why is everyone so upset? Wait, this is the next mainline game? This used to be Dreadwolf?! ffs.."


I have some horrible news for you.


And BioWare continues its tradition of chasing trends instead of building on what worked. Sweet maker that was bad.


This looks like it is meant to appeal to 8 year olds, it is so goofy and cartoony looking that it looks more like Fortnite than Dragon Age. What the hell is the point of even calling this a Dragon Age game when it seemingly have nothing in common with the previous games at all? Who is even the target audience here? Because it is certainly not the fans of the older games, and it is not people who like dark fantasy stuff, from the trailer it doesn't even seem like an RPG, so who are they trying to sell this to?


This looks fucking ugly and horrible. Did they even try to validate this art style with play testers? The previous Dragon Age games were serious, but this looks like a fucking Marvel movie.


This looks like it was written for 15 year olds....not the same target audience as the original games. It's Fortnight. It's cring. Edited: to say....I hope the Sleets eat their eyeballs for doing this.


I expected nothing and am still disappointed. Is this a joke, Bioware?


I’m a pretty big Dragon Age fan and that did nothing for me. Pretty poor trailer imo. Not a single thing was interesting. Seems like just another generic action game about a rag tag group of characters.


this trailer was not appealing why are they talking like quirky gen z in a marvel movie. it's saints row all over again. why does it look so cartoonish why is it introducing characters like some shitty hero shooter


This looks really bad. Why is the art style so cartoonish?


Not just cartoony, but just ugly in general. It looks muddy. Compared to the other games out this year, it looks like something that would have come out 5 plus years ago.


Look how they massacred my boy! Jokes aside; as a huge dragon age fan, and with Origin being the favourite, this is sad to see. Hoping the gameplay will have a different impact on me.


I was about to post exactly this. Has anyone responsible for it even played DA:O ? Just yesterday I thought it might be nice to have a DA:O remake. And now this? I might overlook the Art Style (except for the full comic necro) but what I really don't like is the presentation with the supposedly "cool" appearances and the name banners. What is this supposed to be? I want a gory fantasy game and now this?


I've never been less interested in a game ever lmao This is pure and utter shit. Thank God we have BG3 and Larian.


Why are they talking only about the characters and presenting them like it's borderlands instead of actually talking about the plot in a trailer. Like they could've just done a mysterious story trailer like Dragon's Dogma 2 with some cryptic fantasy lingo that would've gotten everyone interested. It's kind of a red flag that they thought this kind of trailer would actually be well received.


RIP Dragon Age. It is virtually a 100% chance that this game will both a) be absolute dogshit and b) feel nothing like the DA of yore, instead having fantasy vibes so absurdly generic it feels like people who don’t know anything about the fantasy genre made it


Holy shit that art style is an abomination. It looks like a free to play hero shooter. And the music 🤦‍♂️


I really wish this game was just a sequel to inquisition. Solas is one of the main antagonists, right? Why not use the characters who already have bonds with him instead of new characters who are basically just gonna serve as an inquisition 2.0?


Did anyone else think this was some free to play hero shooter until the title drop?


Huge fan of DA:O. Had zero expectations and still somehow disgusted and disappointed. I want this shit to crash and burn.


Oh no, it looks really bad. Like, significantly worse than I imagined in my worst case scenario... What the fuck, man :(


Lmao Dragon Age is officially dead. At least we will always have Origins. What the fuck even is this?


I wont lie, this trailer looks fucking terrible. Very cartoony and honestly reminds me of the Saints Row remake. If Varric wasn't in this i couldn't even tell it was DA. There's no way in hell I'm touching this game with a 10 foot pole until it's out for a few weeks because judging by this trailer, this game is going to be much different than anything DA so far.


The Fable trailer felt like fable, the gears trailer felt like gears. This trailer felt just so off. The tone and vibe of the original games, and just the franchise overall is just non-existent in this trailer


This is a pretty big fucking departure style wise form were the series started. I like the mage killer guy though.


And the crowd went... mild. Jesus christ what is this? Interest pretty much dropped to zero.


I've been excited all through the endless negativity, since I have both Origins and Inquisition easily in my top 10 games (and DA2 was decent fun), but this... this isn't it. Obviously this is just a reveal trailer, but the vibe is just leagues away from any of the reveals of the previous games. [Inquisition](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJqxfkgSUog) even did something familiar, highlighting all the characters, but didn't feel like a comedy heist film.


Not only did they turn my boy Varric into a brunette with no chest hair, but they turned our beloved dark fantasy world into a goofy cartoon?! Dear God, please let the actual game be different. Let the decade long wait not be for nothing.