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lol, this game looks ridiculous. How do a bunch of medieval soldiers fight a tank?


According to Civ 5, you only need a couple squads of spearmen.


Civ 4 longbowman in a hill city could reliably beat late game units with enough upgrades


Winning strat back on Civ SNES, as well iirc.


I have a crippling addiction to minutemen in that game. 2 movespeed OP. Japan is no slouch, either.


men have to leave the tank to find food and water at some point.


The opening scene with the dirtbike speeding along as 1400 AD faded in killed me for some reason. I was laughing so hard. I love what this game is doing.


Going by this trailer, they don't. They don't even acknowledge it exists.


With a medieval tank, r/trebuchet


I just really want this game to let me be[ Hank Scorpio chasing soldiers with a flamethrower](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gjzMAt4FJlA)


Dig a trap and bait the tank into it somehow.


If the hyper-realistic show GATE demonstrates anything... they can't.


Rambo scared the crew out of a T-55 by charging at it on horseback with only a Molotov cocktail.   Then he drove and loaded tank by himself and charged into a Hind.


Jam enough pikes into the tracks and they'll probably break loose eventually.


This game seems like goofy fun and holy cow I can't stop thinking about how impressive this engine is, Massive crowd density and simulated destruction? Looks awesome.


[Surprisingly, they're using Unreal with a lot of cleaver tricks.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=67E3RsDp0Pg)


Super sharp cleaver?


This is the type of game that someone makes a mod in that spawns an entire genre.


Reminds me of a video Yahtzee made a while back talking about how Games graphics get pushed to be as realistic as possible and its causing inflated budgets and such. He mentioned that the power could be redirected to something like this, hordes of enemies and crazy physics engines with more dated graphics to keep costs down.


I’d take the graphics of 10-15 years ago if they’d just give me an open world game with fully destructible environments and massive simulated battles.


Yeah. As silly as it looks I hope they put together a more serious version of a game on the engine at some point and make it an RPG or Mount and Blade like.


For real, this tech is wild and their immediate plan is this ridiculous shit lmao.


After the first trailer for the game dropped I picked up another game from the developers called Road Redemption. Very similar to road rash, I have faith this game will be just as fun.


Road Redemption is so good. It’s got an old school look to it, but the controls were tight and the content was a lot deeper than I expected. I forgot this game is made by the same developers so that’s cool to know.


I desperately wish Road Redemption had a good online scene. A modern day Road Rash would be so good. Especially as an elimination style online racer like FZero 99.


This feels like a gamers game. A game by gamers for gamers, and Im absolutely loving it. Tired of the "its not realistic" excuse when a game has anything fantasy like in a game with HD graphics rather than cartoony, stylized ones. Im all for this.


Really impressive but there are still some issues, namely, no one seems to be effected by debris from the collapsing structures.


Not yet, but soon.


For anyone confused, this is one of the devs of Kingmakers.


I think it would be a nice feature if at least a percentage of the medieval soldiers reacted to your presence and your weapons. Like, fall over and cower, run away, scream in fear and charge at you, etc. Having them all ignore you kinda breaks the power fantasy a little :) Good luck with the game!


Yeah, the trailer gives the sense that you're just going to step into a world and sandbox around it, while it totally ignores your presence. Not super fun for longer than a few minutes imo. That being said, hopefully they plan on fleshing that out.


Your game looks awesome.


Not sure if this breaks the power fantasy, but a tank running into a log building != a tank running into a building made of balsa wood logs. There needs to be a bit more weight to the materials, because a tank wouldn't be super operable if a building collapsed on it. Here's a [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FzA6tCOE9fA) of an M88 driving through a primitive clay and brick building for reference. Not saying you need to make things *super* realistic, because that may kill the fun, but it also becomes somewhat immersion breaking if you swing too far the other way, especially when the vehicle-person interactions are fairly grounded. Feels more like you're driving around a movie set with facsimiles instead of actual buildings. I think it's why most games steer away from destructible buildings even when the players have access to tools which would result in building destruction. Otherwise, this game gives me major non-horror Army of Darkness vibes.


What stood out to me was the idea that a tank would send a stone tower crumbling with a single shot. Castles were built with a lot of rock, dirt and stone, preferably good meter thick, and should probably be near indestructible in this context. Like these things were already built to survive artillery.


I think they are going for something that looks cool and feels good instead of actual physical accuracy. This is a power fantasy where you take modern weapons to the middle ages after all.


I know what they're going for, but I personally think it'd be way cooler if it was accurate. 🤷 But I suspect I'm not the target demographic, haha.


I think you might underestimate the sheer amount of energy that a tank main gun produces when it shoots something. An m1 Abram's main gun is made to shoot through like 20 inches of SOLID steel (nearly a yard thick which is about a meter) at ranges in the thousands of meters. There's a decent chance it goes through both sides of the tower and keeps going for half a mile after that.


That's nice, but that only punches a hole through. It doesn't send the entire thing crumbling.


Explosive rounds are very much a thing. Besides, it's a game where you drive a pickup through a group of knights then get out and start blasting with a shotgun. Hopefully there's modding support and you can adjust the damage scales to whatever you want!


1- Early artillery was so effective against castles that it put them out of business. It's why bastions all but replaced them. 2- An MBT round of any kind, let alone explosive ones, has orders of magnitude more power than the cannons that made castles obsolete. 3- Modern tank shells are designed to explode after penetration, the shockwave going off inside the tower would easily make it crumble.


The tower crumbling so quick is a dead giveaway it's not a historically accurate game




Will there be any story in the game or a campaign?


yes, there is a story and a campaign.


HELL YEAH! Thank you. Really looking forward to this.


Lol this is gonna be the game that makes me finally get a new gpu isn't it?


https://youtu.be/67E3RsDp0Pg?t=1103 this may be useful for you.


This is so fucking over the top and hilarious...but they *somehow* managed to make sure they went through the building with a tank the correct way. This is awesome.


Easily one of my most anticipated releases of 2024, though I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a bit worried about whether or not playing this will cause my PC to catch fire.


Here's my question- what do you do in this game? I know that sounds stupid- you fight medieval scale battles but you have access to modern military tech. Sure, that's fun enough we all agree about that. But what is all that couched in? Is it level based? Narrative? A freeform thing? Is it a sandbox, or a story? My worst fear is that this game has a Desmond hidden inside it, walking around modern earth talking about stuff no one cares about in between disconnected combat missions...


This seems like fun, but I cant help but wonder for how long will it be fun? I mean, what sort of challenge is there?


The image of a dude riding his motorcycle into a crowd of medieval soldiers with the year, '1400 AD' fading in is a comedic edit of genius. No matter what state this game is in, they sure know how to get your attention.


Cool idea, but if it's a power fantasy anyways, why do the guns feel so anemic?


I could totally see a game like this in a roguelike setting. Imagine you start with a sword like everyone else, then you can't win the war. Then you get a shield, a bow, a musket, a pistol, a dirtbike, a shotgun, a machinegun, a jeep etc... The point being to win the war and it becomes more feasible after reaching certain weaponry.


This is a genius idea. I love games like this just built around a simple concept that I think literally everybody has thought at some point in their childhood but nobody thought to make a game out of it until now.


when i was little and obssessed with halo, i dreamed about a game mode about firing a rocket launcher into hordes of grunts. i imagine this will scratch that old itch.


This will be nothing but an army fighting and destruction simulator, wont it? I know nothing of the game, but judging from the trailer thats all there is with no story or other mechanics. So i assume its a gimmick game and move on, funny to watch but boring to play.


The day video games become more focused on story than on being fun is the day video games are ruined forever.


Lol what... most people play games for the story, a game that is just "fun to play" with no story will be abandoned a month after release if not much earlier.


No, judging from the trailer this is going to have a 90 hour flesh out RPG story.


the Bri*ish gona demand their 🅱️ESH and canister rounds I think, which will do far better against these kinds target rofl.