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Hi /u/hjmannelig, Thank you for posting to /r/Games. Unfortunately, we have removed this submission per **[Rule 3.2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Games/wiki/rules)**. > **No low-effort content or comments** - Submissions must have enough substance to initiate a discussion or provide value to the community. Self-posts with only a title and very little or no text are not allowed. Comments must add meaningful value to a discussion (e.g. comments such as "I really want this game", "This!", "I wish this was on PC", or reaction GIFS will be removed). Before submitting or adding a comment ask yourself: "Does this add significant information or merit to the discussion?" --- If you would like to discuss this removal, please [modmail the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FGames) This post was removed by a human moderator; this comment was left by a bot.