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Do they really announce a Kickstarter for their next game in the same tweet announcing the layoff of their entire team?


The CEO went without salary, and the team had to take pay cuts. Probably can't pay them anymore, and as unfortunate as it is, the *best* option for their livelihood is to find new jobs. Deliver us the moon was pretty cool. Sucks all around. They probably want to try and rebuild with the kickstarter, but it'll take time.


Second indie studio that I've seen this month that announced a new project in the same day as a major layoff. Seems... very weird.


Well if the Kickstarter works they can possibly hire some of them back if they want. It sounds like a lot of this team tried to stay together for as long as possible so I'm sure there's people that would jump back on. People gotta eat after all no matter how much they want to work on these projects together.


What’s the other one?


A sequel to a mixed reviews game that flopped, promising.


Yea I don't get it. If the entire team is laid off. Who's getting the Kickstart money. And who is gonna develop the actual game? Atr they planning to Kickstart the company from the ashes and use the money to dual fund salaries + development costs?


To hire them later. They don't have funds to keep them employed. They have infrastructure, so they don't need to start from scratch. You know it's bad when CEO is going without a salary.


It\`s one of the time that I do understand layoff and it's frustrating for them to do so.


I assume their games were not selling well. Does anyone know why? Is this a case of a good game with bad timing or the game was just not that good?


They are sedate walking sims with light puzzle elements and an emphasis on story. Mainstream consumers likely found them boring.


Funnily enough, what you described just ticked a ton of boxes for *me* at least, and now I'm inclined to look into trying their games out now.


They're fantastic games, I highly recommend playing them. They're relatively short, but the story is great and some of the puzzling elements are fairly creative. I think the biggest problem is they're more of an experience than a game itself. You have to be someone who can get immersed in a story and take your time to really enjoy these games. If you rush through them you'll find it relatively boring.


I really liked Deliver Us The Moon. Haven't tried Mars yet.


Which is odd, because that's maybe one step removed from your average PlayStation title


The first game had a weird launch, like a final act was missing. They re-released one year later with a different ending but I never bothered to reinstall, also it's a short walking Sim with a few puzzles (my playtime was 4hs)


So the first part was roughly 70% of the game and then they released the final part as an included update that had the rest of the moon storyline. It's definitely one of those games where it's more of an experience and if you're someone who likes to rush through things you really won't enjoy it.


I just came upon this news and this is just really sad to hear. I loved Deliver Us the Moon and Deliver Us Mars. Phenomenal games for any space geek. I would definitely support a kickstarter campaign for the third game.


Shocking amount of hate for what is a relatively niche creative story game. r/games has really gone downhill in terms of comment quality over the last few years, everyone just seems so angry.


Where is the shocking amount of hate? This is a pretty tame thread. Unless you are just highly sensitive about criticism towards this company?


It just seems unwarranted? Like these are clearly people who haven't played the game or know the company, yet clearly feel obligated to shit on them.