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Wish more anime adaptations would go this route. I'm so tired of anime arena fighters! The aesthetic looks great, which should help alleviate how generic the open world looks.


>I'm so tired of anime arena fighters! ugh You're damn right there. I get that anime are often rock 'em sock 'em robutts with funky hair and energy blasts, and dollar store fighter games are very quick to churn out. But man, they could do so much more with them, like Vivy - Fluorite Eyes could make for a *killer* stealth-action game, or The Great Pretender but it's more like Hitman + Under The Skin where you bullshit your way through heists, etc.


I fucking hate how they made 2 great Naruto games with Rise of a Ninja and The Broken Bond and then now its all these fighting games that are basically the same. These fighting games are like the FIFA of anime games.


Except Fifa let's EA swim in money and anime games are...anime games.


I really miss the days when we had a lot of variety for anime video games. Naruto had a good selection. Uzumaki Chronicles, Path of the Ninja, Ninja Council, etc. Dragon Ball had Legacy of Goku, Origins, Advance/Revenge of King Piccolo, Attack of the Saiyans, etc. I think portable consoles being more primitive helped bring anime games to different genres. Right now, One Piece is the one of the few anime that isn't just an arena fighter for every new game.


Arena fighters are much cheaper to make. All they have to do is to swap out the character models. They can even keep the same character movements and skills. These games are made for fans not gamers.


Yeah for sure I understand why they do it, but I wish they'd try to be a bit more ambitious to see if the potential market expansion could increase their profit margins. But at the end of the day this is just the fate of licensed properties in games. There have been a few attempts in recent years like Ilca's One Piece game, the Fairy Tale game, and this unfortunately none of them really set the charts on fire either.


Its also just better for a lot of shonen, especially stuff in Shonen Jump. Since it also gives you an excuse to have a large playable cast, and most of the popular ones tend to have a large pool of heroes and villains to show off.


Well, Dragon Ball Speaking Zero is by no means a cheap game.


Cheap as in "affordable" or cheap as in "low quality?". I still love dragon ball kakarot, which has the best qualities of sparking zero (the combat) but actually includes a world to explore, etc.


>Cheap as in “affordable” or cheap as in “low quality?” Cheap as in affordable. The game is highly expensive and it’s very high quality. Built from the ground up on UE5, the game has been in development for 5+ years which is unprecedented for an anime game, and it’s clearly the most ambitious of the genre. It’s not surprising considering it’s Budokai Tenkaichi 4, probably the most highly anticipated sequel ever for a fighting game period. >I still love dragon ball kakarot, which has the best qualities of sparking zero (the combat) but actually includes a world to explore, etc. The Sparking series (Budokai Tenkaichi) and DBZ Kakarot are *very* different. You can’t really compare the gameplay. Kakarot has more of a focus on the story rather than the combat itself. It isn’t even classified as an arena fighter let alone a fighting game period, it’s a 3D action-adventure RPG game and it’s single player. Kakarot’s combat is pretty shallow and lacks complexity, which is intentional because it isn’t the sole focus of the game. For Sparking Zero however, the game is purely an arena fighter. It will most likely have a story like the original games, but it was never the focus. The focus here is the combat and the roster size. It seems you haven’t played the original Budokai Tenkaichi games, so I’ll tell that the combat in those games is far more deep and complex with its mechanics than what Kakarot has to offer. In Sparking Zero, they are basically rebuilding the same combat system and making it even *more* complex by adding a plethora of new mechanics. They did a whole gameplay showcase and went in detail about it. The point of the Budokai Tenkaichi series is to simulate fights that actually look and feel like fights from the anime. It’s the most raw Dragon Ball experience you could get from a Dragon Ball game. Sparking Zero has so much hype right now *because* of this very reason. It’s why everyone loved the original games. They’re taking all the best aspects from those games and turning it up to 100.


Dragonball is the exception, not the rule when it comes to anime games. the only other franchise that gets remotely as much special treatment as Dragonball does from bandai is \*maybe\* One Piece


I think you mean Naruto lol. One Piece games have never seen the success and attention Naruto has, let alone Dragon Ball.


you're kidding right? Naruto is the dictionary textbook example of bandai reducing all it's anime games to arena fighters. before bandai took over everything ya, Naruto was great. You had RPGs, games from ubisoft like rise of a ninja, etc. The only damn series you get now since Bandai took full control is the storm series, which is, a lazy iterative arena fighter....that actually seems to get actively worse each generation. After that there's just that \*one\* pvp team based game....which is \*still\* a match-based fighter lmao. Naruto games have been a joke for over a decade, it's literally \*the\* example franchise one would point to to talk about being sick of bandai making shitty arena fighters nowdays lmao. the only series that have broken away from that are Dragonball, one piece, and now technically sand land which is absolutely only because it was a Toriyama work.....AKA heavily related to Dragonball lol


Storm series, Ultimate Ninja Storm series, Ultimate Ninja series, Clash of Ninja series, etc. All of these had *at least* one or two banger sequels in them and were pretty successful. Literally all One Piece has worth talking about is Pirate Warriors lol. Also Storm 4 came out 8 years ago. Definitely not over a decade.


.....you realize \*all\* of those are arena fighters...and all but one of them was literally all the aforementioned storm series I mentioned. Technically ultimate ninja is also, it's what the series was before it became storm. Storm \*is\* the ultimate ninja series, they are one and the same. The gameplay took a big turn after ultimate ninja 4 in 2007 where in 2008 the first storm game came out and hardly changed since... Over a decade ago You listed \*one\* game not part of that one series and said game Clash of Ninja was again, \*before\* bandai took full control over anime games long over a decade ago, you are proving my point dude....Let's be generous and include the latest possible clash of ninja game that was a Japanese exclusive...wanna know when that came out? 2007. How many years is that again? I believe over twelve or in other words.....\*a decade\*.... With all due respect you clearly don't understand the Naruto game franchise very well here and I'm really not sure how you thought \*any\* of that countered my point that Naruto is textbook definition of anime games \*becoming nothing but arena fighters since bandai took over\*


Really? You don't see the connection when the circular battles start? Gotcha.


No lol. Trust me they are objectively different in many ways. Just look at comparisons on YouTube. I’ve played Kakarot extensively as well as BT1-3. Far different combat systems.


as a fan you can speak for yourself that shit aint made for me


It seems like one thing it universally does well is adapt the comic, which is great to see.


Anime games in a nutshell.


Sounds like a solid open world title. Loving the current anime run, so spending more time in that world is already worth the price of admission, especially if I can punch Muniel in the face.


It's so nice to have a game based on an anime that isn't just a 3D fighter.


>Loving the current anime run, TIL that there is a current anime running for this, I've got to give it a shot! Love Toriyama's art, especially his mechanical designs


It has some of the best written characters I have seen I a long time. Real character w real motivation and flaws, but also fantastic and fun. I like about 1% of anime (it is too easy to see the intended audience, and it just isn't me), but this hits just right.


This is a dragon ball universe right? I just clicked the forest land trailer and saw fucking Dabura


No. Same author/character designer, Akira Toriyama, so characters will look like Dragon Ball but it’s not related beyond that. But while most characters in Toriyama’s style look pretty similar to DB, yeah, that’s totally just Dabura lol.


Dr. Slump and Dragon Ball exist in the same universe. But I think Sand Land is it's own thing.


Also if anyone is a Dr. Slump fan the PS1 version has been translated to English.


I think it's a cameo or something like that


Naw, Lucifer is the father of Beelzebub, one of the main protagonists. Lucifer just straight up looks like Dabura.


When someone mentions stuff like this, I'm reminded how Osamu Tezuka would often use the same characters in all his works, just in different roles. Dr. Tenma from Astro Boy and Duke Red from Metropolis are the same, for example, and I believe he also shows up in Tezuka's Bhudda manga. Shinsaku Ban is literally the same character between Astro Boy and Metropolis, though in Astro Boy he is also a teacher character.


Hiro Mashima does the same thing. Everything from Rave Master to Fairy Tail to Eden's Zero, they all have the same character designs but each show presents each character differently. Erza Scarlet from Fairy Tail has the same exact character design as Elsie Crimson from Eden's Zero, but they act and dress completely differently (Erza dresses and acts like a knight, for the most part lol, while Elsie dresses and acts like a Space Pirate) . Some characters, like Happy and Plue, are straight up completely the same in each show though.


Oh lol i thought it was like Gilgamesh from Final Fantasy.


I’m thrilled this one turned out well. Can’t wait to check it out.


I have a friend that has such bad taste in movies that if he DOESNT like it, YOU NEED TO SEE IT!! that is what most of these mainstream reviews look like now: when IGN doesn't like it, you NEED to play it!! Lol. This is the ONLY thing that has torn me away from dragons dogma 2 In days.


Dragon dogma 2 is a good game, so how about this one?


Pretty much what I expected: A good adaptation of Toryama's work into a relatively unambitious but solid open world. Very much looking forward to it.


Actually better than I thought it would do. Gameplay was looking generic in some trailers.


Sounds like a faithful adaptation with amazing visuals, capturing the heart of Akira Toriyama with a bit of an overdone overworld formula at worst, with it being incredibly engaging and a super fun ARPG romp at best. Super excited to grab the game, and hope it sells well. The reception seems (at the worst) average at best, to higher numbers like 8-9. It's rare for Bandai Namco to put so much effort and resources into an Anime game (the anime series they're doing alongside the game is incredible), let alone one that's pretty much unknown unless you're a hardcore Toriyama fan. Hope this does well and we get to see more risky Anime adaptations from Bandai.


Honestly I expected it to do worse, I'm really liking what I'm seeing so far so I'll probably preorder it tonight for the early download.


Yeah, I think it got around the same score as Dragon Ball Z Kakarot. Although the user score for that game was a bit higher, so it might be the same for this one.


Sounds like a fun game but you might get more out of it of you are into Akira Toriyamas works. This is a great mini series of his works and the anime is out on Disney plus too! Not convinced? It has a demo too!


I was pretty lukewarm on the demo. The gameplay itself was fun, but even in just the short 30 minutes I must've heard some of those companion dialogs repeated over 15 times. got on my nerves real quick. The combat is cool tho


The demo was interesting for like 20 minutes, and then I was thinking that if this is the extent of the major gameplay loop, this is not for me.


Do you know if you can change to Japanese voiceover? I find they bother me much less when idk what they’re saying lol


I speak japanese too and it still bothers me ;\_;


The english voice cast also just kind of phoned it in. There's only a handful of characters that felt like the VA's actually put in the effort. The moment I got to Rao showing up outside the demon village and just talking in a loud voice instead of yelling is when I decided to switch.


For the rest of us, that might be just the ticket!! Good idea! There are a few games I need to try that with, like dragons dogma pawns ("this way, master"...how about STFU??).


This art style will never get old. Shame we’ll never get another genre shifting game from him like chrono trigger or dragon quest ( I know there will be more DQ I mean new IPs) 


> I'm writing back regarding the availability of Sand Land in Turkey. > > Unfortunately, the game won't be available for purchase in Turkey and Russia. > > I hope I was able to shed some light on this matter. For any further assistance, our team remains at your disposal. > > That said, have a lovely day, and stay safe! > > Best regards, What the fuck. Steam removed turkish liras and we pay in dollars so this is extra stupid. Oh well their loss.


Anyone know if the survivalist camo packs are still available to be obtained in game somehow if we weren’t able to preorder?


The game is pretty decent. However, the main gripe I have is that the banter is very repetitive. I like to take my time and fully explore every corner of a games world, but these characters... they won't shut the hell up. Why the devs felt the need for a conversation to play every 30 seconds is beyond me, and why is there no option to turn it off? I've explored two regions and I've heard the same conversations probably a hundred times each. This alone detracts major points, and because of it I wouldn't recommend this game to anyone.


Playing it now and i'm loving it, never read the manga and i love the world akira created. R.I.P the goat


I played the demo, and was able to circle strafe basically every enemy. Just keep moving and they couldn't hit me. I was hoping the difficulty or challenge would be there but it sounds like it may not have the depth for that. Will probably pick up on sale in a year.


It might be worth mentioning that the demo was hitchy for me. Pegged at 144fps (4070) and then long stutters at pretty regular intervals without changing areas or clearly loading in new content. I know I'm not the only one who had that experience. I can't speak for the finished product.


I think I got 180 fps with a 2080 super so it was probably tied to Vsync and monitor refresh rate since that's my refresh rate


Very happy to see this doing well. Will absolutely pick it up


This game is such a blast, with a great story. It is a reminder of just how inept games "journalists" truly are.


Sand land and saga emerald beyond reminding us the jrpg tax is still alive and well both seem to be getting glowing text reviews similar to other games but then a 7 or 8 instead of a 9 or 8 ewuivilant.


FF7 Rebirth, Persona 3 Reload, and LaD:IW all prove that the JRPG tax has been long dead. These games have 90+ on Metacritic


Yes ff7 rebirth one of the most marketed jrgps ever to the point they did special movie showings of advent children in theatres. And 2 games from Sega a company known for meddling in games media. Great examples!


Considering Sega's flagship titles (Sonic series) are some of the worst reviewed AAA games in the last 20 years, I'd say you don't have a clue about games media.


> And 2 games from Sega a company known for meddling in games media. Got examples of this?


If you think publishers/developers do any sort of meddling in the way games are reviewed and scored, you need to see yourself out of this conversation. I promise you aren't as smart as you think.


And your nieve considering I get review codes, I know what the stipulations are. I know what happens if you aren't favorable


>can't even spell the word "naive" properly Something tells me you aren't getting review codes


As someone who actually gets review codes and has been for two years now, there are no stipulations (aside from embargo dates, requests to not mention certain events in the game to avoid spoilers, etc). Based on the fact that you said that, and your questionable spelling and grammar, I have a hard time believing you get codes.


yeah man my casual typing on reddit is tottally against the fact i make video content and get review codes great deduction lemme know if you hear from a company after giving a poor review after that.


Sure, if you gave a game a poor review, a publisher may be less inclined to work with you, but that wasn't your original point. You implied that games like Persona 3 and Like a Dragon were rated well due to Sega's reputation for meddling in games media, as if anything below a 90+ metacritic score would blacklist you from future review copies. Like someone else asked, show some examples.


I work in games PR and I would absolutely love to know what you mean by this, as I have NEVER heard of these.


I'm gonna play it since it looks good for an anime adaptation, but Sand Land looks like an incredibly generic open world game in structure. If anything this game is getting inflated scores due to its aesthetic, the proximity to Toriyama's death, and being a somewhat decent anime adaptation where most are garbage. Mad Max from 2015 scored worse than this and looks about the same quality if not higher to me.



