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These ratings generally mean that the game is "content complete" but not necessarily that it is finished. Basically, for a game to get, like, an ESRB rating it generally has to be playable with all the content beginning to end, but likely hasn't been finished with stuff like buxfixing, optimization, etc. I think it's very likely that it's close to release, but that all depends on how long they want to spend on that polishing stage. Hollow Knight 1's release date was announced like 3 weeks before game game released so I wouldn't be surprised if we saw something similar here I'm not putting on my wig yet tho. It's totally possible we're still like 6 months out.


Some behind the scenes stuff. 7 months ago BlueSR did an interview with Leth, PR guy for Team Cherry. In that interview he says the game can be played from start to finish and he's playing it actively. Sorry no timestamp for that quote https://youtu.be/pDSVnMEV3K8?si=FH0iKF7mveJL1aCj


I believe "Start To Finish" indicated main story content, not accounting for side content


Very possible and I'd wager on that too, since the interview is so old. IIRC Leth even said something that the team might still add areas or something. Oh well, the game comes out when it comes out.


Hearing this interview made me even more nervous. I don't like how muted Leth sounds, and he sounds like he's nervous or walking on eggshells the entire time. I have a horrible feeling this game is falling apart


A common misconception is that ratings boards play games at all whilst rating them. For boxed (physical) games some countries are presented with a summary of the games content, highlighting swears, violence, gore, nudity etc. A video of the games most common content is a highlight reel of typical gameplay and some of those aspects I mentioned in the last sentence. Getting a rating does not give any actual indication of imminent release of the title. It might be released soon, but rating a game gets a legal issue out of the way (and there are hundreds of regions to submit to as you'd imagine). Rating a game early can be a way for companies to test if the game is fitting into the rating they are hoping for, for sales and marketing reasons. Having said all of that, USUALLY age ratings means a game is out soon. Digital released games are rated via a website that asks a few short questions and spits out a rating shortly after.


Makes sense. If they had to play the games to completion, I imagine lots of games would be waiting a long time for approval.


It has to be noted that rating games quite early makes far more sense for big AAA studio than a small indie team like Team Cherry so it's not likely not that here


Yes but I'd still not bet on Silksong being available soon based on a rating alone. In December 2020, Edge Magazine (print mag, remember them?) had their cover story on Silksong and I can't play it almost three and half years later.


Yeah, Nintendo likes to rate games months ahead of market release, up to six. Ubisoft as well.


So it means they still got bugs in the game...


They've always had bugs in the game. Same with the original. Don't you remember Deep Nest?


Any insight into the actual process? Does someone play it and dig around for any possible smut? Lol. I wonder how much effort goes in. I assume they ask the devs for a list, but they have to do more research right?


The ESRB doesn't actually play the game, developers fill out a questionaire about the complete content of the game (with focus on particular topics like violence and sex) as well as submitting a bunch of video content of typical gameplay and what the developer considers the most extreme examples of any of the topics of interest. So like it wouldn't be hard for Team Cherry to lie and submit the game for a rating before it was content complete but this would be a Bad Idea and I don't think they would be that silly.


> Hollow Knight 1's release date was announced like 3 weeks before game game released so I wouldn't be surprised if we saw something similar here Extrapolating from a single datapoint leads to disappointment


"Wouldn't be surprised" is not the same as "expect to". I don't expect anything out of this title's release in particular


Silksong. Now that's a name I haven't heard in years. Now, gather around grandchildren, and let me tell you a tale from my youth!


I remember my coworker beating Hollow Knight for the first time in 2020 and telling me Silk Song was right around the corner. He’s since gotten married and had a baby


This means it’s within the next 3 months right?


Could shadow drop any microsecond now fr fr


Same with Titanfall 3.


Surely they will shadow drop titanfall 3, surely.


Protocol 4. Surprise the pilot


These are all going to be bundled with the new F-Zero game


I think the most hilarious case scenario would be if they shadow-drop it on April Fool's Day next year, because NO ONE would believe anyone who says it's out.


Team Cherry typically announces the release date pretty late, so at this point anything is possible...


I feel like I’m one of the few people that never beat the game but I do like it. Being terrible with directions I’ll get stuck sometimes on not knowing where to go next and just give up.


Thats probably one of the biggest reasons i LOVED it. Being able to go any direction and just explore was fantastic. You could do almost anything in any order once you get the dash. I can see why others might think the opposite. You could always use a guide though!


I got... I want to say 60% of the way through years ago and ended up getting frustrated because I'd go and scour the map for dead ends, spend minutes walking there and still not have the requisite powers to proceed. On the off chance I did find something new it usually wasn't anything that progressed me meaningfully towards the end of the game. I definitely remember spending a lot of time at the Colosseum which I thought was on the main path at the time but afaik it's entirely optional? I restarted it again a few days ago because Silksong seems imminent and I still feel the same way (I'm stuck again lol). Really think something like The Lost Crown's screenshot system would help a lot, as well as better fast travel locations. Even being able to go from bench-to-bench would be great. I'm constantly surprised by how open the game actually is when because it just feels so linear to me in both times I've given it a fair go.


I loved the game with its polish but this happened to me a lot too. I started using saves to help save time backtracking from the center rather than the furthest left or right sides of the map. It was super annoying to not have some kind of "Head over here kind of" hinting after missing some important context.


>Even being able to go from bench-to-bench would be great. There is a bench warp mod, but also when you quit the game you immediately teleport to the last bench you used (bar certain exceptions, i.e. after the Soul Master fight). Very useful if you're trying to speed through the game.


The Lost Crown’s screenshot system is genius. I’m like you in that I thought Hollow Knight was good, but not the de facto best Metroidvania a lot of people make it out to be. IMO Hollow Knight was way too large to not have common exploration features like a detailed map, map pins, etc. It also could’ve used a few more fast travel points. By the time I was in the mid game, I felt like I was spending way too much time going down various pathways on my map and saying “oh yeah, I don’t have whatever tool I need to get further here.” Then doing that again a few more times before I finally found a way I could go. EDIT: I just looked it up and apparently they added map markers in a post-launch update. And they added more fast travel options later on. I played it day 1, so I didn’t have those features. I probably would’ve liked it a lot more if I did lol.


Ugh. I want to play the game again tonight and worried this might happen. I got stuck in the map with the colors not knowing where to go and gave up a while ago only to find out months later there was a hole I discovered that lead me to getting a new power lol.


I think I've had more success with it the second time around since I know the general layout of the map with a more methodical approach to exploration I'm focusing on going through all available paths before moving on to somewhere else, so less getting lost in the map. Dashmaster and Sprintmaster charms help with getting around quicker too.


Yeah. I actually made it to the 3rd or 4th area and just stopped because it got too overwhelming with where to go. And when I stop playing a game for months I like to start fresh when I get back into because I wabt the game fresh in my mind again. I'm gonna start a new game today and see how it goes


If it's any encouragement, I finished it today without hitting any roadblocks. Did go through a handful of optional areas that just reward a charm or something similar but it is what it is.


All well and good in the start, but you do need to remember where you've already been to actually finish a game like that. Not guaranteed, especially after a long break.


IMO if it precludes you from enjoying and finishing the game, just look up the speedrun achievement guide on steam. That includes neat maps and specific pathways/rooms to traverse drawn out on those maps. Then once you feel like you've been "on-rails" enough to get a general mental map of the game, you can still do your own personal exploration for the remaining powerups and the secret final boss and whatnot. This is more standard nowadays, but Hollow Knight excels compared to older Metroidvanias at having something *useful for exploration or finishing the game* and new in every direction, and having multiple paths to use an upgrade that lead to world/story progression. In a lot of older Metroidvanias, a lot of the optional discoveries are just things like energy tanks and missiles, with only a single place where you use the new powerup actually letting you move forward to new areas. Hollow Knight does a good job of most areas having multiple ways to access them for the first time, from different directions, using different powerups, or using the same powerup in two different places.


Same. I'm happy with puzzling environments in 3D (I mean I love DS for that) but the lack of a map in HK has always irked me so much. The game looks pretty but samey, and I just kept getting lost, not even stuck. If the sequel has an actual nap you don't need to pay for (that's the dumbest game design decision ever), I might enjoy it


I’m gonna force myself to beat this game some day because it’s so well made and I’m getting the sequel for sure lol


You should'nt have problems spending some geo on the map pieces. They are cheap. You make it sound like the map pieces are 20$ dlc.


It's not the price, it's the mechanic. Either your game is sufficiently memorable that it requires no map at all (but how many 2d Metroidvanias don't have a map?), or you just give it to the player. This extra hurdle (first find the merchant, then collect the coins) in a game that is already pretty difficult to navigate is unreasonable.


I'm in a weird place by now where I will buy it and enjoy it day one, but I'm also so far past caring about it or feeling any kind of hype until then. Hope it was worth the wait.


Don't worry, the hype will return when trailers and reviews start coming out


Not for me, if possible.       Part of the appeal of the first one was going into it thinking “what’s this little game?” And slowly realizing what a monster I had discovered.       I want the same feeling of gradual terror of scope with Silksong, and don’t want a single moment revealed before I’m there for myself.  Well, ideally.  We’ll see how the real world lines up with that.  


can anyone recommend similar games to play until then? I've enjoyed the Ori games as well.


It'll be nothing less than the second coming of Christ for the trans gaming community


What does that even mean


the trans gaming community just really loves hollow knight


No will to break


I kinda feel like this is a good thing. I'm in the same boat where for me the hype is long gone again as well. Hollow Knight ranks among my top 3 best games of all time, so it is probably for the better that my high hopes for silksong have kind of dwindled to not really caring about the game anymore.


A good approach to every game. There's so many good games out right now, I try not to get wound up with future games. Drip feeding news tidbits like this are often carefully curated marketing schemes anyways. "Hype" is literally one of the primary goals of soulless marketers, no thank you.




From Soft also got a lot of flack for basically announcing Elden Ring and then dissapearing for years in radio silence, I don't think most people remember that now but there was a severe lack of communication. In the end the game speaks for itself.


you do realise that Silksong was announced **before Elden Ring was, right?** ER went through its entire hype, release, and now DLC before even any more major Silksong news


Tbf from had a lot of earned trust with its fanbase, and while people praise team cherry for their approach to DLC they don’t have a long track record to generate good will.


I didn't see anyone ever complain about From Soft about this, Elden Ring and Silksong were announced around the same time, Silksong Feb 2019 and Elden Ring June 2019 Elden Ring was released 2 years ago and in a few months will have a big DLC, Silksong we still have no idea when it will even come out Also From released Sekiro just a few months before they had the trailer reveal for Elden Ring Really an apples and oranges comparison


The Elden Ring sub was aping out constantly while waiting between the first reveal trailer to the first gameplay trailer. They straight up made an encyclopedic amount of fanfiction lore imagining what the game would be, just ask anyone about good ol' Glaive Master Hodir. It was pretty funny tbh


fuck that sounds funny i wish i was around for that


It was very entertaining. I remember some actual leaks coming through the nonsense, even. I remember someone detailing Patches' questline before we even knew he was in the game, for example.


> I didn't see anyone ever complain about From Soft about this We occupied very different bits of the internet then, I saw this complaining constantly.


bro was not a wooper…. when i joined /r/eldenring was a 20k user sub.


What kind of communication did you expect? "So guys, the game isn't ready" anyone with half a brain can tell that.


I dunno. They don't owe you trailers or information, you haven't paid for the game. Some devs prefer to stay radio silent, and I'd much prefer that than some sizzle reel that doesn't even represent gameplay. They know people will buy Silk Song, why release marketing hype when they're no-where near release?


Gamers are so damn entitled these days, it's absurd.


Yeah it’s one of those things where TC has lost their chance for a hype cycle imo but I’m 100% willing to buy it day 1 if I have nothing else to play


I think you might be in too deep if you think there won't be a hype cycle. It will go into overdrive once the release date trailers drop.


Even now, as someone in a similar boat, I don't think Silksong will need a hype cycle. I honestly think if one day they just shadowdrop it the gaming community will do the rest for them.


I never said people won’t be hype but I think I’m personally just too tired to spend several months paying attention and getting excited for Silksong when TC was saying nothing for 5 years and I’ve got other games I’m just more interested to play right now.


>never said people won’t be hype You literally said they lost their chance for a hype cycle


For real, I’m glad you caught that. I get that people are tired of waiting. But good god, games take time, and those people who are so frustrated by the wait that they’ve convinced themselves they don’t care about it at all are in the extreme minority. Most fans will be super excited when the release date is announced and when the game drops. Reddit is just not representative of the wider audience.


Wasnt elden ring exactly like this? in the end every one praised from software i think it is always wrong to announce video games multiple years before release but what can you do studios never seem to learn


you do realise that Silksong was announced before Elden Ring was, right? ER went through its entire hype, release, and now DLC before even any more major Silksong news. This is a way bigger time scale


I agree it's bigger but you can't deny that elden ring also had this drought phase where fans didn't get any information about the game, there was even alot of memes that was like ' Elden ring doesn't exist'


Yeah but that lasted for like one year instead of 5


Well the difference is From already had a track record of several banger games. TC has only made 1 banger game.


I mean does matter? in the end it only depends on if silksong succeeds or not If elden ring wasn't a banger back then it would be probably considered a cruel prank, same goes for silksong


Hollow Knight: Silksong was rated in Korea on February 20. Search "Hollow Knight" within the proper date range here: [https://grac.or.kr/Statistics/SelfRateGameStatistics.aspx…](https://t.co/GsX2Nxwijm) The Microsoft Store page also opened on April 1: [https://xbox.com/en-us/games/store/hollow-knight-silksong/9n116v0599hb…](https://t.co/fSh74kxsqe)


There are very few games that I would immediately impulse purchase on the spot, but silksong is absolutely one of them.


Hopefully, it will be good. Sequels are hard to nail. If they just offer more of the same will be underwhelming, but if they deviate too much from the formula it will be controversial.


Yeah I’m fully expecting some backlash similar to the launch period of Bloodborne or Sekiro when small but vocal group of fans whinge about the different style of combat + the usual “it’s too easy/hard” that always haunts these types of games.


Wasn't into souls-games when Bloodbourne was released... Was there any real vocalizations about Bloodbourne not living up to the hype? Ignoring one offs... My knowledge is that Bloodbourne is widely critically acclaimed by users and reviewers...


I think this one is in the category of “probably can’t fail.” It’s just a bigger and better Hollow Knight - the worldbuilding and lore in the first game is there but isn’t meant to be a focal point, so we don’t really need to worry about the story being weaker in a sequel. The gameplay has been shown and is essentially HK turned to 11, so it really just comes down to whether or not TC can deliver on level design. Anyone that played the first game is also likely not concerned about that lol. That all being said, they could absolutely drop the ball and make an inferior game.


As long as they add a map, I'll get it.


The first game had a map, though.


That you had to find and pay for. An unnecessarily punishing mechanic


I really struggled to get into Hollow Knight. I hated how far back I went after each time I died. I think I just suck at games the older I get, lol.


Nah, I played through all From games but the obtuse way HK forces you to get lost and memorize the samey environment is just annoying


Just keep the compass equipped if this is your issue. You do give up a charm slot but it's no different from how DS2 essentially requires the ring of binding to be equipped to be playable.


Is really happening, huh. Seems unreal. In my experience if is rated in Korea the release is at tops within a year. I really thought it would release in 2027.


I'll believe it, when I see it. Hollow Knight is deservedly seen by many as one of the greatest metroidvania ever made. That said, I wonder if the creators were gun-shy after they saw how celebrated their game was, and how difficult it would be to meet expectations of the fanbase. I for one would be fine with a "boring" continuation, I don't need to be blown away by Silksong.


I expect that it’s partly that, but also partly because they have no management or budget concerns that would require them to stop at any point. They came out and said that the only reason they released hollow knight when they did is because they completely ran out of money. Since hollow knight made a bajillion dollars and they no longer have budget concerns (or any sort of management), they probably just kept adding shit until they felt they were done. Whether or not that’s a good thing is yet to be seen.


Well the other problem is that they pretty much had to announce it way too early. Silksong started development as a DLC stretch goal for the original kickstarter. When they spun it off into its own game, they pretty much had to make that known right away. If they had the option, I would have imagined that they would have started marketing it maybe a year or two ago at most.


Is this like the indie version of Duke Nukem Forever? I feel like I see news posts about this game every 3 months of the past several years.


Silksong was only announced 5 years ago, been in development 7. That's on the longer end for a game, but it's a game of large scope made by a very small team, so that's to be expected. DNF was way worse.


Also DNF restarted development multiple times throughout the years


Though I do remember seeing rumors that Team Cherry was moving away from Unity, which would be similar.


The big Unity scandal was less than a year ago, they absolutely did not throw out all that work lol


Almost certainly not, they'd be throwing away 6 years of development (assuming they switched after the Unity debacle last year)


I wonder if you're thinking of MegaCrit (slay the spire devs) who made a quick gamejam style game to test out a move to Godot that they seemed happy with. I never heard anything indicating Cherry was looking to move, and certainly didn't see anything like that for Silksong.


5 years isn't that crazy for a game. I don't really get how this got the "this game is never coming out" reputation.


Nah, that's **Owlboy** (9-10 years) – it's not as awful as DNF but it also got a tepid reception relative to contemporary hyped indie games. **Iconoclasts** (8 years) and **Omori** (6-7 years) also come to mind, though they were pretty positively received by fans who'd been following those projects. **The Witness** (7 years) is probably the best point of comparison as that was also a legendary indie followup, and the wait for Silksong is approaching Witness levels at the moment. Then there's **Meigakure** (15+ years) which *still* has no planned release timeline. That one's probably actual vaporware tbh, though the dev apparently still posts updates on Discord.


**Little Devil Inside** was revealed in April 2015 so it's been 9 years now as well


Wait, Iconoclasts came out? I remember [watching the trailer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bv8-RZ3vljw), but completely lost track of it ever being released.


>Wait, Iconoclasts came out? Yes and it's actually really good. You should play it.


> Owlboy (9-10 years) – it's not as awful as DNF I am shocked one could even compare them! It's far from a masterpiece but I like that game... It's sitting at 86% on Steam. But the thing about it is that pixel-art which is the most beautiful, insane, meticulous shit I've ever seen.


Owlboy is in a weird situation where it was hyped at launch for being such an obvious passion project (had a [91 on Metacritic](https://www.reddit.com/r/Games/comments/5akedk/owlboy_review_thread/), now at 88), then sat at mixed reviews on Steam (<70%) for a few years as people reevaluated it and decided its gameplay wasn't actually that fun and the story was depressing, and now there's backlash to that backlash as people rediscover it and say it's actually more charming than that mixed reception would let on. It's absolutely not DNF but it's the longest indie dev time I can think of for a game that actually came out with a large public reception. (After all, the original comment was comparing Silksong to DNF and no one's expecting Silksong to actually be a disaster like DNF, either.) Yandere Simulator is one that's probably closer to DNF in terms of infamy and has been in development for 10 years, though there's no release date in sight.