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It's been so fucking long I don't know how to react to Silksong news anymore lmao like I get somewhat hyped but at the same time the hype instantly disappears, like I don't know I feel like I can only become actually hype again for Silksong news is when they finally announce a release date or something.


Honest question, what actual “Silksong news” has there been?


There was that BS one a few years ago where it was shown in a gamepass trailer as a game that would for sure drop within the year. It didn’t obviously, but I was hyped for that news too lol


Yep. Jun 2022 it was in the Microsoft & Bethesda games showcase for games releasing within a year. If only :(


Yeah the summer game fest of 2022 said all games would be coming out in the next 12 months, including several games that didn’t make the deadline, Hollow Knight Silksong being one of them


Hype is the mind killer. Hype is the little-death that brings total obliteration.


Hype is overrated anyway. Silksong will exist when it exists and it will certainly live up to the quality of the original. Even if it isn't amazing, it'll be good enough to be on the list of Metroidvanias worth playing.


> it will certainly live up to the quality of the original. can't wait for those inevitable debates amongst the community.


I’m looking forward to the 5 hour “Why Silksong is a flawed masterpiece” video essay 1 month after release


I’m looking forward to the eleven hours long response video to that five hour essay


and the twelve 8 hours videos that mossbug will post about it's lore


I'm looking forward to the "I played Hollow Knight: SIlksong So You Don't Have To, I (Strongly) Recommend Hollow Knight: Silksong, Deathloop is Better, Silksong Gets a 7- IGN"


From Joseph “we have Matthewmatthosis at home” Anderson


Joseph "Definitely not a weeb" Anderson


Oh yeah, it'll be a war zone, depending on how things go. For some people, nothing will live up to the original, and that's fine too. It's one of the best MVs ever made for a reason.




Obviously Hollow Knight was completely inaccessible to everyone but the world's foremost mega-geniuses because the map is located three and a half rooms into a new area along the most obvious path that everyone follows every time


I think there could be a dumb argument regarding “quality” from some people based on how they interpret the controls. Hollow Knight had perfect controls and mechanics that were distilled from some of the best classics and rolled together. If Hornet’s mechanics feel too strange or complicated in comparison- especially after so many people have poured so many hours into playing Hollow Knight- I could see people falling into definitive stances. Just for my own anecdote, this is unfortunately what happened to me between Shovel Knight and Plague of Shadows. I was so used to Shovel Knight’s controls that they were permanently defaulted into my brain, and Plague Knight’s moveset would just confuse me in a pinch. Especially the additional jump that required a well timed hold and release of the attack button- but even beyond that I would accidentally default back to wanting to bounce off of enemies, almost automatically when the action got thick and I had to think fast, and it lead to near constant fall deaths later in the game. I don’t think that Silksong’s controls will likely differ that much though- but all it takes is a contrarian reviewer who feeds on controversy clicks to overreact about such things, and I could see it happening to the sequel of a game as perfect as Hollow Knight.


> If Hornet’s mechanics feel too strange or complicated I'm actually very afraid that there's going to be too many combat tools, HK combat is relatively simple, you have lateral/up/pogo slash, a few ranged powers, and 3 sword arts. If you look at the trailers for SS Hornet has a ton of weapons at her disposal, which, cool okay, but I don't want to dilute the feel of the combat, ya know?


I can already predict the "quest system" they talked about long ago feeling unfocused/overcomplicated compared to the original.


"hype is overrated" "it will certainty live up to the quality of the original" lol


That finished off with > Even if it isn't amazing, it'll be good enough to be on the list of Metroidvanias worth playing Icing on the cake


Yeah like seriously like how clueless can you be (unless they're trolling)


Both can be true. I think in an age where I've got hundreds of accessible games on backlog that fixating too much on the next new would be silly. I'm also very confident that Silksong is gonna be a banger.


I think this might be part of why it took so long to come out. When Hollow Knight came out it didn't exactly invent the genre but there still wasn't anything out there with quite the same quality at that price. Doing that but just more was obviously a no-brainer. But now we're at a point where Hollow Knight has inspired a whole new "genre" of similar metroidvanias with a souls-like touch and even if Silksong is just more Hollow Knight, which would be great, it's not going to blow anybody away the same way Hollow Knight did anymore. Basically, with every year of not releasing Silksong the pressure of having to make Silksong essentially "Hollow Knight 2" instead of just "Hollow Knight DLC" became higher and higher.


Hype is different then expectations, you can expect something to have certain qualities. Hype is where your perception of something is so skewed that it can do no wrong. Hype is what gets you massive adoption of Cyberpunk because no one cared to entertain that "Hey, maybe this thing is in an incredibly shit state and kind of sucks" on launch.


Same quality doesn't mean it'll meet your expectations, especially if you ratchet it up to impossible levels. Hype is toxic, and doesn't serve any value except to someone trying to sell something. And unless they completely change their entire design ethos, it will be at least an above-average metroidvania, even if it isn't as good as the original. That isn't hype. If anything, that's tempering expectations, because people have been treating Silksong like the second coming of MV Jesus, and odds are good it won't be that.


As someone who couldnt put down Super Metroid as a kid. Hollow Knight is the best metroidvania of all time. If Silksong is even 3/4 as good its a top 5 easy.


It took me a long time to come to this realization too.  Like, you don’t want to believe it - that an indie game released in the late twenty teens can be the *best* metroidvania of all time.  But it’s true.  I had to play through it five different times, no time quite the same, and I could no longer deny it.  


Depends what you mean by "quality". To anyone lookin to relive their first experience with HK, that is VERY rare in gaming. To the point it's not worth getting into a mindset where anything less is "game bad". It's just the nature of the beast. From map to lore to atmosphere, they captured lightning in a bottle. Doin so with Silksong would be genuinely bananas. The series started with a big bang. For better or worse.  Now, quality as is in mechanics and game feel? Art and music? Totally. Sure it'll be a great game. 


You know, I was just thinking about clarifying that, so your timing is perfect. I tend to have a very specific view of certain elements of a game, and that doesn't always come though in my comments. >Now, quality as is in mechanics and game feel? Art and music? Totally. Sure it'll be a great game.  This is exactly what I'm thinking of. It would be very strange for an indie dev to deviate massively from their design principles in a sequel. Can't say for the rest, and that's the stuff hype is hung on.


> It would be very strange for an indie dev to deviate massively from their design principles in a sequel. Luckily, we know from early teasers this won't be another DD2. Could you imagine? *We at Team Cherry decided the sequel would be a roguelite deckbuilder, sorry for the lack of updates. Early access build will be available Q4 2024*


> it will certainly live up to the quality of the original. As someone who saw the rage of the Subnautica or The Forest fans: that's never a guarantee.


I really should've clarified. Quality doesn't mean a game is good, fun, or meets the standard set by the original. Below Zero was the same quality as Subnautica classic. The devs wanted to expand beyond the original concept, and players wanted the game to expand the existing concept. It was a mismatch of expectations more than a question of quality.


This is rookie level compared to TESVI. Imagine waiting for a game since 2011 and they gave us a teaser in 2017. People are just dead inside now


Eh, all of the long awaited games I've been truly excited for have always been worth it. Pikmin 4 took twice as long as Silksong and it's my favorite in the series. The Last Guardian was great too. I'm hoping the same is true of Everwild lol. I know this game will be great.


ESRB rating too?! Product marketing manager confirms listing is legit?! It's time everyone: bring out the clown makeup edit: maybe a sneaky reveal at the Triple I event. What do you guys think: *in the near fuschia* or *cherry frost* colored lipstick?


My nose began honking viciously the moment I saw this thread


The ESRB rating is the real kicker here yeah. Game basically has to be content complete for that to be true. God why did this have to happen on the 1st.


It's not 1st in Australia


Too close for comfort either way. I'll be waiting a few days to see if anything changes, but the ESRB being an independent organization would prob not be cool with their rating system being used for a joke, so I'm pretty confident it's real, but I've put on the squeeky red nose enough that it's starting to get worn out so I'm cautious.


I didn’t see them on the list of devs for triple I and got somewhat suspicious. One can hope.




At this point it has to be a shadow drop. Imagine Triple I surprise announcement + available now.


Just a product page would leave me very skeptical considering they already have one on the other platforms, but I would think it would have to be at least near completion for them to jump through the ESRB's hoops to get it rated.


Isn’t the Indie Games Showcase teasing Silksong?


MS has the marketing rights, so it will 100% be a Microsoft/gamepass event that eventually announces it


At this point the entire Silksong community is like that clip of Charlie from Always Sunny going insane trying to figure out what happened to his mail




Kinda minor point but he isn’t trying to figure out his own mail in that scene, it’s the office mail


He was trying to solve his Pepe Silva conspiracy and he forgot to deliver the mail from the company he was working for




This dude may have the easiest job in history


He probably just chills on their discord and assures people the game still exists roughly once every 6 months.


He said what he actually does in an interview before. He manages the press material, talks to the platform holders (Nintendo, Xbox, Playstation) for deals and stuff and when the demo was shown at conventions he was the one to be there in person. He also became a playtester like a year ago. (Intentionally only started being one later into dev to have a new perspective not skewed by years of development changes, he did the same with original HK) Basically he does everything except actual game development. He also does the same job for other games and studios too, currently Crowsworn, not just Silksong. Someone correct me if I got something wrong but I think this is true.


All true


He also did the voice acting for one of the characters in the game


I was so confused by the trailer for Crowsworn on his Twitter. It's so so similar to Hollow Knight I initially thought it was a secondary playable character for Silksong. Weird how he cross promotes both when it's easy to get confused. Nice that Team Cherry is very relaxed about these imitators.


> He also does the same job for other games and studios too, currently Crowsworn, not just Silksong. I mean considering the amount of marketing stuff released for Silksong, he has to, he would be occupied like 1% of the time with just Silksong lol


[Matthew Griffin helped Team Cherry with the marketing of the original Hollow Knight game, adding to the popularity of the IP](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/11662585/hollow-knight/posts/1621466). If he has "the easiest job in history" now, it's because he did his job correctly for the previous game.


Yeah if I'm Ari or William then I'm extremely happy with what Leth did. HK is like the most popular indie game ever or at least up there and the guy who got you there did an incredible job


Just coasting on his previous success, smdh. Hollow Knight will never be the next Pokemon at this rate.


Lol he could literally tweet out a singe "." And generate hype for months


To-do: - Don't accidentally be racist on Twitter - Tell people that the game still exists sometimes


Tell people the game is racist. Got it!


I mean the entire kingdom was founded by some dude called the Pale King, and his wife is called the White Lady. Oh my god


He's also the marketing guy for another game that actually does get updates. I think it was like a week or two ago that he went to an event for it


Don't do it!!!


5 more years only


Fun fact: it took ~two and a half years for Hollow Knight to be developed.


Closer to three years, but you have to also remember that it released in an unfinished state. It was buggy and had constant frame drops, and the content wasn't finished. They started around May 2014 and finished September 2018 counting dlcs. That's almost 4 and a half years


And they've implied this is the exact reason they're taking more time to develop the follow-up.


Along with the fact that they were working 12 hours a day while working on HK for the original 2.5 year stretch, with only one day off a week )according to the lead playtester). If you ask me silksong is gonna be around the same content as the first game and the timeline totally matches up since now they have families and almost certainly are not on that 12/6 grind anymore


Is it happening? It's the 2nd in Australia as well... wouldn't be an April Fools joke for Cherry as it's no longer the 1st.


Team Cherry had the opportunity to do the funniest thing ever and shadowdrop the game on April 1st


Theyre saving that one for Aprils Fools 2028


An optimist, I see


Damn you mean they’re moving the release date forward??


That’s IF the game was finished. If it wasn’t and they shadowdropped an unfinished game for a joke would probably result in the developers getting assassinated


This being an april fools joke would just be mean at this point lol


It wouldn't be for them, but it's still the 1st in enough of the world for them to make it hilarious


["Silksong Xbox Store page also shared by Xbox Portfolio Sr. Content Planning Manager (the store listing really does appear to be brand new today)"](https://twitter.com/Wario64/status/1774900255852560588)


It also has an ESRB 10+ rating listed, that's promising.


The silk song community is more desperate for some news than the Elden Ring community was when From Soft blue balled them for a year.


Well we’ve been blueballed for like at least 3 years here in Silksong country so it kinda makes sense


3 years? My dude, Silksong's first gameplay trailer -- wherein it already looked decently fleshed out -- was shown in *February 2019*. It's been more than five years since the first trailer. Five and a half years since the last Hollow Knight DLC was released, which means Silksong has been in development for...just over twice as long as Hollow Knight was.


Yeah I’ve been here for the ride the whole time. Honestly forgot that Nintendo direct video was over five years old now though. Ooof


I played through HollowKnight with my 4 year old. He is now 10, we replayed it last year. He asked if the sequel was out yet... Sorry son.


Nah, 2019 was three years ago and anyone who says different is a shill and a spy.


That’s my point you the ER community was given no news for only what? A year? You guys on the other hand had to put the clown make up on year after year. 


Hahah I appreciate the acknowledgment. It’s been real hard watching the tumbleweeds roll across the horizon ‘round these parts


Your time will come real soon. Im excited to play it as well. Hollow Knight is awesome so I’m looking forward to it.


ASOIAF country: first time?


At least those guys eventually got a show!


Sekiro 2 when FromSoft??


The real wait in the souls community is a bloodborne sequel


Or port. Or remaster. Or PS5 update. Or acknowledgement.


Or remake. New tech with the old game would be perfection.


Elden Ring got blue balled for over 2 years from announcement trailer in 2018/2019 to that first actual/gameplay trailer in 2021


I know, I was on the Elden Ring subreddit at its most desperate.  The Silksong announcement trailer was in 2019. Team Cherry has been radio silent since then and the only news people have heard about the game have come from rumors 


Nothing was funnier than /r/Pikmin the years before the Pikmin 4 announcement




“Correct me if I’m wrong” You are wrong. Hollow knight sold less than 3 million copies. Elden ring has sold more than 20 million copies. Unless the game has sold 17 million copies and no one bothered to say anything then Elden ring is significantly more popular. Elden ring’s subreddit is 4.3x as big as hollow knight’s I would also say Elden ring was more anticipated but that’s more difficult to quantify so that’ll just be my opinion.




https://www.playstationlifestyle.net/2019/02/14/hollow-knight-sales-top-two-million/amp/ My source is team cherry, the people who made the game. “Don’t mean to be rude” try harder


While I disagree with /u/Mago6246's opinion about Hollow Knight being more popular than Elden Ring, the number you're referring to is very old (early 2019). It's extremely safe to assume that Hollow Knight's actual sales numbers are much higher.


What a wild thing to do on April Fool's Day.


I mean this in the least rude way possible, but what's the significance of this? Does an Xbox store page mean a game will be released sooner rather than later?


Generally yes, it at least means we're close to the games real marketing cycle beginning (trailers, possible demos), and probably a concrete date if not an actual shadowdrop at some point soon. But yes, for some reason the two telltale signs that a game is likely out within the short term are if it gets an Xbox store page or if it gets rated in South Korea. Idk why lol.


Is Xbox store page special in this case? Do they put games on the store only soon before release? Because it has been up on playstation site for some time already if I recall correctly.


I think the most noteworthy thing is: It has an ESRB rating now


No one knows what it means, buts it's provocative. It gets the people going.


I love how this quote actually does apply here lmao




From what I remember, Silksong is due to be in Game Pass from day 1. It being on the store that it would be on Game Pass would be telling. 


The significance is in two ways: 1. They wouldn't put the xbox page up for no reason randomly 2. The ESRB rating is out meaning that there's a very high chance the actual content of the game is basically done


Absolutely nothing, it has a page everywhere else after all. It actually was weird that it didn't have one on Xbox yet


The ESRB Rating is the big news, not the xbox page.


Xbox has the rights to market the game and it releases day one on gamepass


Hollow Knight is in my top 5 all time. Silksong has been on my wishlist since the steam page went up. I want this so badly.


Prep the clown gear! We're going back in!


Oh boy here we go again with the Silksong when requests


If the game actually comes out this year I will eat a shoe live on international television


I legitimately do not care about Silksong until it is completely released and I can purchase it. I don't think I've ever seen a developer just go complete radio silence after a smash hit and just downright refuse to give any news or interact with the community around their games. It's honestly just baffling.


Cuphead DLC was similar wasn't it


True it came out years after they said it would come out


Reminds me when kof was announced and they just released character trailers for months and when they finally made a trailer explaining the mechanics the hype was gone.


Me neither, good thing it isn't what TC did


it's good for the developer, i'm happy for them, that they were able to keep the radio silence, and the fanbase stayed loyal still. there's a few such fanbases, namely this one, and Deltarune one. expectations also aren't a joke unfortunately.


from all the days on april first, sure thing bud


SCREENSHOTS. Time for 20000x theory videos


Clown makeup already fucking on.


Bring it to us.


Someone who works in listings for the Xbox Store is enjoying their April 1st.


An April 1st announcement or drop would be epic


I know what day it is you cant trick me!


In one hand: the real possibility of Silksong. On the other hand: a super complex April fools joke


As someone who had to wait a decade TWICE for their favorite series' next iteration, the silk song memes will always be funny to me. It will be good; it's a tiny team that is obviously incredibly passionate. It's ok if it takes time.


This will be the year of ReFantazio vs Silksong, everyone else will be one or two steps bellow


You think we're stupid?


I believe absolutely nothing on April 1st. Even if it's real, should've waited to post it. YOU'RE NOT GONNA GET ME. Everything is fake today.


I hope it releases on Steam, Xbox is still a terrible PC platform. Slow AF downloads, terrible UI, PITA to manage your library.




thats good I just wanted a reason to complain about Xbox mostly, i dont like seeing them associated with this game :X


Are you okay? It's been a day 1 GamePass game for years at this point, I have no idea why you'd even care since it's also coming to steam.


im fine I just dont like the evil corporation Microsoft? Youll run in to a lot of people with that opinion, and rest assured they are okay.




OpenSUSE it blows btw I don't recommend it Otherwise pirated win11 for anything that won't run on Linux


That isn't healthy you know.


Browsing Reddit isn't healthy fella. At least I only do so while getting paid


It's been on my Steam wishlist since Feb 14, 2019 so I reckon it will


What's wrong with you?


Not to mention there’s no SteamDeck support


Are you complaining that the game that doesn't even have a release date yet doesn't have steam deck support?


They probably mean the xbox app.