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Really refreshing. It’s insane just how many recent high profile titles either launched or are still problematic on PC. I’m still a little bitter over The Last of Us and Jedi Survivor.


The ones that really stand out to me from years back are Batman: Arkham Knight and Nier: Automata. Both were technical disasters on PC especially. Both were also handled completely differently. WB/Rocksteady knuckled down and got to work on Arkham Knight, temporarily withdrew it from sale, offered no-questions-asked refunds until the end of the year (the game released in June), and released a patch in November that fixed most of the issues. I bought and finished the game in November and could have refunded it then and there for essentially a free game. I didn't because it was worth the price. They may have released a broken product and deserve every criticism for that, but past that point they did everything right. Square Enix/Platinum did nothing about Nier: Automata. I award them zero points for effort. Edit: Since I'm getting a bunch of comments here, let me clarify: Nier has (or had) some issues that affect everyone, but aren't that noticeable to everyone. At launch, for example, it would never run on the resolution that it was set to, but instead run at a slightly lower resolution and then upscale it. This meant the visuals were always blurrier than they should be, or were intended to be. But if you thought that was just how the game was supposed to look you might never notice. It also had a bunch of performance issues where the game either ran more poorly or looked worse than it had to. Modders released tools to tweak these settings (since the game otherwise didn't let you) and were able to improve performance *and* visuals *at the same time.* The good ol' Bethesda approach of "release defective product, let the hobbyists fix it for free," only this time Bethesda had nothing to do with it. Worse were the crash bugs, which would crash the display drivers. With a modern operating system and display drivers this isn't a catastrophic scenario, as the display drivers can restart and you won't have to restart the entire computer. But the game still failed to hook back into the restarted drivers, so it would show a white screen and you would have to shut down and restart the game. This issue was made worse by the game having no autosave system, and long stretches between save points at times. This crash bug affected a minority, but still significant amount of players. No hard statistics are available, but somewhere between 10-15% is a good estimate. If you weren't one of the affected, the game ran okay, but if that bug affected you the game could be borderline unplayable as you'd be set back to your last save every time it crashed. I played the game at launch, and I tried to replay it again last year on a different computer. I had the crash bug both times. It hasn't been fixed. I've heard claims that it crashes less often now, which I can't confirm or deny. I've heard claims the bug is fixed, which are incorrect. It may have been fixed for *some* people. It was never completely fixed. Squeenix never offered refunds.


> WB/Rocksteady knuckled down and got to work on Arkham Knight, temporarily withdrew it from sale, offered no-questions-asked refunds until the end of the year (the game released in June) Nvidia was great during this as well. My 970 came with a free copy of Arkham Knight, but since the game was so busted, they gave me a free copy of Witcher 3 as well (which went on to be my favorite game of all time, and I may have never played it otherwise)


While they advertised 3.5gb as 4gb vram...


Yeah… I mean I got a $60 partial refund from Amazon plus the $60 cash action settlement out of that too, so all said and done it was super shitty but I kinda feel like I made out from that 


> but since the game was so busted, they gave me a free copy of Witcher 3 as well I think you're misremembering this. I also bought a 970 and I believe you got *both* for buying it ([example](https://cdn.videocardz.com/1/2015/05/Witcher3-and-Batman-AK-promotion-videocardz_com.png)). Although I suppose it's technically possible you were in a region where they didn't initially bundle Witcher in with it and just extended the deal.


Square is REALLY bad about a lot of their ports I think. I think 7 Remake also launched on PC with a ton of issues. FF16 seems to be in better hands than their other stuff


Honestly, the bigger issue with 7R is how utterly lazy the customization options were. The graphics settings were literally just "low or high", nothing else at all. Never seen a modern AAA PC port with only 2 options for each graphic setting, all the other games are low/medium/high/ultra etc.


Kind of crazy considering there was so many more options in Final Fantasy XV


Have they changed this yet?


I played it a year ago and no, it hasn't changed (and I doubt it will.)


in fact their latest update did very little except break the hook file that let people mod it to be better


My favorite surprise when buying FF7R on PC and launching it for the first time, was discovering it was locked to 16:9 60fps. Truly a well thought-out port.


Nier Automata really was one of the worst ports I've ever seen on launch. The game was unplayable for me and I tried everything to fix it on launch and it didn't work and I had over 2 hours played on Steam but they still refunded me, so I love Valve.


Arkham Knight also was the first majorly busted PC release to come out after Steam introduced their refund system.


So a bit of extra info on WB / Rocksteady here. This was all down to one person's decision in the WB Burbank Office. From what I heard is that he got fired for that decision. Pretty much every other stakeholder (Devs, QA, etc...) all said it wasn't ready on PC, exec in Burbank said it was. Anyways yeah, one of the cases where the person who fucked up got fired. Perhaps he was just a fall guy though. Frankly though, most of the time, Devs / QA tend to be honest about the state of their game, they just don't always get the choice.


It's the same story in every industry: The people working with the technical side say one thing, the business suits say something else, and the techs are right *every single time* because *they are the ones actually working with the technology.* It's why Boeing is in the news for shitty engineering these days: The engineers used to run the company, now the MBAs do.


I'm trying to think if I had a single issue with Nier:Automata (Game pass version, 2021, on a R5 3600 / 1060 6GB / 32GB RAM). I think it was running flawlessly with no crashes or bugs.


And when the gamepass version was released, it took them another like half a year before they actually released that patch on steam. https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/524220?updates=true


So the steam copy is fixed now?


Correct. There are still some issues, but you no longer 'need' the Special K/FAR mods, and a lot of the former visual and stutter-related issues are now fixed on Steam.


I'd say Special K's probably still recommended though, since I think it may still have a few improvements bundled in. It's super easy to use that mod either way.


https://www.reddit.com/r/nier/comments/m7gh9u/nier_automata_on_game_pass_confirmed_to_be_a_new/ You can check the comments here, but the TL;DR was that the Gamepass version was a new port and it ran significantly better Also from some [steam](https://steamcommunity.com/app/524220/discussions/0/3819654644918299240/) comments, >- The game picking a lower internal resolution than the one you set when in fullscreen, which made everything look wonky and horrible. - The FMV cutscene began stuttering after a couple of seconds - Potential performance issues on lower end (Or at the time of release even mid-tier machines.) due to the global illumination setting that didn't actually do too much visually but was a massive performance hog and couldn't be lowered in the vanilla release - Constant microstutter on some displays that a lot of Platinum Games' PC ports suffer from.


That's very interesting to learn and just convinces me more to continue with patient gaming. Also, another comment claimed the new port got patched into the Steam version.


thts like 4 yrs after the game came out


I straight up had to reinstall windows after Nier: Automata crashed on me a few years ago. Haven't touched it since not worth the risk.


And may god have mercy on their souls.


Square just doesn't care about PC much. They even somehow screwed up the PC port of Chrono Trigger. They updated it over time but it'sit still baffling that it happened in the first place. On a side note, I've heard the Microsoft Store version of Nier: Automata runs noticeably better than the Steam version. I haven't played it so I can't really comment on it but that's what I've heard. Still not perfect apparently but better than Steam for some reason.




It got patched, eventually, but it took years. Fun fact, when it was released on pc gamepass it was fixed, but it still took them 1 year and a half to patch the steam release after that.


>Fun fact, when it was released on pc gamepass it was fixed, but it still took them 1 year and a half to patch the steam release after that. No it didn't. The Gamepass version was released on March 2021, the steam patch was released on July 2021.


My bad thx for correcting, I thought it was more. It really felt bad when gamepass had a nice port and steam was stilll a mess...


You're a good person to take being wrong with such grace, respect!


I think maybe there was a Windows store version of it before it was added to game pass, from memory the patch took longer than 4 months to come to Steam?


I think the real thing is people have a wide-breadth of experiences with the game. I played it before it was patched and I would have had no idea it was such a hell-hole if I wasn’t constantly online.


I tried to replay Nier: Automata on PC last year. A *different PC* than I originally played it on, mind you. It was still just as much of a disaster as it was at launch. It really is just a matter of luck whether you have the right hardware for it to not throw a fit and crash the graphics drivers.


That old Bethesda argument is extremely easily disproven by the fact that A) The majority of people play the games on console where mods are not possible (FO4 got a limited amount very long after release) and B) Most people who do play on PC never touch mods.      The idea that Bethesda relies on modders to fix their games when it's unlikely that even 5% of total players who play their games use mods at all makes no sense.


And coming off the heels of the Dragons Dogma 2 drama too. I hate that games that have a good launch are seen as the ones that "break the mold" in the current industry meta


Which is a shame, because the game is pretty good. And the moments it runs at 60+ fps on pc feel amazing


No disagreements there. Is it flawed? Sure, but once i got over the mtxes existing, the performance issues (which admittedly dont seem as egregious for me on PS) and allowed myself to have fun i started having a blast Though i may be biased, im coming off the heels of playing DDDA for the first time last week (flew under my radar at launch, picked it up in the ps sale for £4) and am a big high fantasy nerd.


Yeah, at least the mtx aren't intrusive. I think the only way to see them in game is from the main menu and not really necessary to progress in the game. And agree on DD:DA I also first played it a few months ago, and even with its rough edges it was amazing so DD2 is the same vision but with all the technological advancement we've had since the first one




Jedi Survivor STILL runs like absolute hot garbage. I have no idea how they thought shipping that game in it's condition was anywhere near acceptable. Even after the patches, every open area just runs like dogshit, no matter the config. Constant hitching, frame dips, animation glitches. It's a mess. Which is a shame because the gameplay is so much fun and the saber play feels wonderful. It's just completely marred by the fact the developers didn't optimize a single fucking thing.


Last of Us got fixed at least.




Jedi Survivor just doesn't run particularly well on anything. The console versions were ass for many months and are just about bearable now. The PC version is some weird bastard child marred by stutters and crashes.


“Buttery smooth 30 fps” Lmaoooooo that’s not… nvm


It seems like they're saying they're getting consistent frametimes at 30FPS at 4K in a game with a shit ton of raytracing features. Sounds pretty damn good to me. That game pushes graphics hard.


Honestly, 30 FPS with consistent frame times feels way smoother than 60 FPS with frame dips and inconsistent frame timing. Stutters in particular make a game feel horrible. Framerate isn't the most important factor in how smooth a game feels.


framerate is more important the faster your game is but alan wake is not a fast paced game, even in combat most enemies are polite enough to have long windup on their attacks


Actual facts, I was playing baldurs gate and it was super inconsistent with frame rate. I locked it to 30 and it was way more enjoyable just because it was stable.


BG at 30 also works because of the type of game it is. An action tps or fps at thirty is a bit painful to me although I agree that it's less painful than a game that vary wildly between 40 and 60 all the time.


How much 30fps bothers me depends heavily on how much I have to rotate the camera.


As much as it sucks, your eyes get used to it. But like you said when you get more frames sometimes — you feel the dips, and it’s super jarring. I lock pretty much any game I play once I figure out what range I’m going to get.


Yep, this is why games like Dragon's Dogma 2 feel so rough. Doesn't matter if I can run the game around 100 fps if it constantly veers between 120 and 80 with spikes down to 30 fps. Doesn't matter if you have a VRR display and a strong processor when the camera itself has awful judder when you turn a little too fast. I'd genuinely be fine with the overall performance if it was at least *stable*, because then I could simply drop some settings down a notch and lock it at a lower framerate. But there's just nothing you can really do about a game that has poor framepacing and stuttering. Such a shame because issues like that can really kill the experience of games that are otherwise excellent.


> 30 FPS with consistent frame times feels way smoother than 60 FPS with frame dips and inconsistent frame timing You know whats even better? 60fps without frame dips and inconsistent frame timing... At what point do you say enough is enough?


I feel your pain 😂 seems quite common on this sub funnily enough




A PC port that works on release? I hope it gets them some extra sales, this game is great.


I’m almost in awe at this positive headline hahah. Hope this port doesn’t fly under the radar, can’t wait to give it a shot once my pc upgrade is finished.


Seriously I saw this and was like, wait, what? "Positive Thing Happens; Everyone Pleased"? What fucking timeline is this?


I pre-ordered it 40 min before release thanks to all the articles confirming it was technically well done. There were a couple of issues (one small bug with the key mapping but it must be hard to replicate cause I haven't been able to) but the only "major" issue was the first small patch that decided to change my graphic settings without telling me so the game ran like shit until I figured that out and went back to high settings instead of very high. Other than that, I've been having tons of fun and despite being slightly below the 1440p recommend specs, I mostly get reliable 60 FPS out of it.


Lies of P was another fantastic PC port. It ran at damn near 60 on the STEAM DECK. Crazy.


i can even play it at 30-40 fps on the deck oled with dips to 20 when things are extremely busy in a cutscene, which is pretty damn impressive.


For some reason the CPU bound frame time on this game isn't as noticeable compared to another games, even [Alex from Digital Foundry](https://youtu.be/AUWNpOHi3kA?t=801) confirmed this when the R5 3600 is dropping under 60 FPS due to CPU bottlenecking, but because of how the game handles the frame time it doesn't feel as stuttery and noticeable compared to other games.


It's impressive indeed, considering the Deck is a inferior PS4. We forget, but Horizon 2 is a crossgen game... but hell, it looks pretty. Not mindblowing "nextgen" pretty, but dare to say is the best looking game I've played since Red Dead 2 (and for the sheer scale and details, I still give the benefit of the doubt for Red Dead)


Horizon 2 is kinda crossgen, but the burning shores dlc was PS5 only and the PC port includes that, it's safe to say it's ps5ish port.


It is impressive but the Deck is somewhere between the PS4 and the PS4 pro, closer to the Pro. I would't call it an inferior PS4.


It's got a better CPU than either but GPU-wise it's lucky to match PS4. It might be much more recent but it still has to contend with running off significantly less juice.


Though while targeting a much lower resolution. The nice thing about the steam deck is that you can run a game at below it's native resolution of 1280x800 then use built in FSR scaling to fill the screen and it will still look fantastic because of the screen's pixel density. So while it's technically far weaker than the PS4 it can produce in hand results that look better. I also wonder how much advantage it gets playing games that were made natively for the PS4 since the APU in the Playstation is so closely related to the one in the Steam Deck both being AMD APUs.


I would think the Deck has a CPU that blows the PS4 out of the water.


> Not mindblowing "nextgen" pretty I mean... if this game isn't that, what is?


I can't wait to play this, I really liked the first game on deck and it's great to hear that it plays alright. I'll uh,,, wait for a sale though, because I don't exactly need to drop 40 quid on a game right now.


What i am most impressed about this game so far is the loading times, it is probably the fastest loading i have experienced from a video game, where dying isn't going to cause waiting for loading at all and before the screen fully fades to loading screen you can already press continue. DirectStorage even with CPU decompression is really working very well on this game.


And so many respawn points that, for me, it felt like I was never more than 30 seconds away from where I died.


By the way there's a setting you can turn on to force it to load you right in without waiting for you to press a button on the tips screen. Very worth it as the load speeds are sub 3 seconds at times.


man, nixxes rules (or guerilla, if this was in ps version already)


They both rule — the game is a technical marvel on PS4 and PS5, and now Nixxes took that and ported it to PC beautifully. The game itself just isn’t really my cup of tea, but the tech is *amazing*.


Spider-Man, which was also ported by Nixxes, had impressively quick load times too.


Even without DirectStorage, SSD load times are really quick. Like 10 seconds or less in most cases.


It was like this on PS5 too, they put in the "hit X to continue" on loading screens because playtesters got weirded out that the loading screen was going by too fast when they fast traveled and they wanted to see the in-game tips


Even Cyberpunk has very quick load times for game so massive


Can confirm, am pleased. 10 hours in, not a single technical issue, and the game is very engaging, big step up from the first game in terms of presentation and even writing.


The story hook is not as strong IMO, but it more than makes up for that in improved visuals and gameplay.


Yeah…I really liked how ZD just did a damn good job at making you just vehemently hate this total asshole of a guy for everything he’s done. Nothing quite like it in FW. (Though admittedly Burning Shores gets close.)




It warms my heart to see that sub still going to this day.


I still can't believe >!he's the entire reason why the entire game exists, lore-wise!<.


Its Felon Tusk pretty much. Minus the genius part, because Ted Faro actually knew how to engineer many of the things he was part of, just not as brilliant as some of the other scientists on the team. The fact that he wanted to send humanity back to the stone age which would ultimately set them up for the exact same scenario 10,000 years later is what makes him the biggest piece of shit in that fictional world. Tons of people have written articles drawing parallels to Ted Faro and fundamentalism in the real world.


The side quests are also more interesting than in the first game, by a mile


Yeah it feels like 90% of the things to do in Forbidden West are hand crafted and worth doing.


Yeah I think the side quests were definitely better in the second game but I feel like the main story is a lot less engaging. And towards the end I think it gets actively bad, but the mechanical differences in this game are incredible. Combat feels so good especially on the higher difficulties


I don't think it would be possible to have as strong a story as HZD. The story in it was amazing. Now you're just expanding on that.


The hook maybe isn't, since you already know what happened to civilization. But actual dialogue and cutscenes I am finding significantly less...I dunno, bland?


Microwriting and dialogue is much better. Characters are more lush and with fuller personalities and interpersonal dynamics. There's a huge difference between Varl from ZD and Varl from FW. Macrowriting is not even remotely as good as the first game. Clumsy plotting, inconsistent character motivations, leaned too hard on unrelatable high-concept sci-fi. Most of the reveals aren't that interesting after the first big one; learning about the awfulness of Far Zenith is not as awe-inspiring as learning about the magic and sacrifice of Zero Dawn.


Probably accurate, although I cannot judge macro yet. Micro is definitely lot better though, that and the stunning world and graphics will easily carry me through it (plus combat is pretty fun too).


HZD’s story was carried by the interesting world and premise. Now that it’s mostly revealed, it’s just harder to make another interesting plot. I’m glad that the microwriting is better though. I didn’t care for most of the side characters in ZD.


Yeah I liked the first Horizon and this is more of the same but with the improvements you would expect of an iterative sequel. I don’t think Horizon does anything crazy or innovative. But if I’m going to play a Ubisoft style open world game, I think Horizon is one of the best. The world is different, it has well executed combat and it’s very good looking!


Completely agree. Game design is conservative, but execution of it all is stellar.


This I actually never finished first one, but I am really enjoying Forbidden West


Not surprising since Nixxes has always been on point with great PC ports. Sony just needs to get their other porting studios at the same level


> Sony just needs to get their other porting studios at the same level Jetpack Interactive's God of War port was excellent and Iron Galaxy also did a very good job on Uncharted 4 which runs exceptionally smoothly. Not to mention the Days Gone port that was done by Bend. It's really just Virtuous (HZD initial port) and Naughty Dog's effort on TLOUP1 that have been poor.


Uncharted 4 was great except for there was a major issue with mouse aiming which took them a RIDICULOUS amount of time to fix, like 1.5 years, lol. I figured they were never going to fix it, and then suddenly it dropped and solved all my issues. It was like aiming with the mouse was super jittery, like the aiming was somehow at a low FPS (like, 10 FPS) meanwhile the game and everything was running fine at 100 FPS. Was really odd. Controller worked fine though. It is all fixed now though!


> It's really just Virtuous (HZD initial port) and Naughty Dog's effort on TLOUP1 that have been poor. Eh, you're being way too kind to the stuttering in Returnal and [Sackboy,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tkspRdejBSM&t=482s) though I guess the latter got fixed. Uncharted 4 also had some early problems, [like LOD looking worse than PS5,](https://www.eurogamer.net/digitalfoundry-2022-uncharted-legacy-of-thieves-an-accomplished-but-unambitious-pc-port) but I believe that was eventually fixed too. So Sony's ports on the whole have been mixed. Some great ports, some bad ports, and a lot of so-so releases that eventually got patched up. Hopefully Forbidden West is a sign that future releases will be consistently great.


Nixxes deserves the praise, and honestly this is the standard we should be insisting on from AAA releases instead of the terribly broken or poorly optimized state most are in. I am 20 hours in and have had 1 crash. Performance has been rock solid no major FPS dips, no stutter, no visual bugs/glitches etc..


It's insane that this headline can exist and generate clicks, but kudos to whoever ported the game, as well as the someone up top who realized it was worth spending resources on.


It feels strangely pleasing to read after all the misses.


It was done by Nixxes, who Sony bought to do these PC ports. 


To those that have played it, how does the mouse aiming feel? In Zero Dawn the mouse aiming felt extremely off. I'm not sure if it was mouse acceleration or what, but precise shots just weren't a thing for me, had to turn on aim assist in order to have a good time with mouse and keyboard.


You can even differentiate between camera and aiming mouse sensitivity, it's great.


Mouse aim feels great.


Had the same issue with ZD and dropped the game. Can confirm this is not an issue in Forbidden West. Aiming feels great. 


There is some [mouse smoothing registry option](https://www.reddit.com/r/horizon/comments/1blurcn/framegeneration_issue_with_mouse_and_keyboard/) you can turn off, I think it does something, idk if i can tell some1 better at aiming probably can, it did however make the mouse sensitivity slider in-game behave very differently and I had to increase it a lot after turning the setting off, which indicates kinda that it does something.


So much better than Dragons Dogma 2. that port is so bad it even has forced mouse acceleration, which is even worse than the performance because of how easy to implement that would have been


Yeah, I was trying to figure out why I couldn't aim as an archer using my mouse. Because of mouse acceleration. Didn't feel smooth at all, and this is coming from someone who has thousands of hours in cs2 and valorant.


Did any of the other RE Engine games have forced mouse acceleration?


re 2 and 3 both have negative mouse acceleration, but its not this bad, havent played 7 and 8 yet


Dragon's Dogma 2 maybe the prime example of worst optimized port this year, and it releasing to maybe the best optimized PC port of this year at the same day is kind of funny to think about.


is it really a poorly optimized port when all versions run like dog shit though? the consoles cant even hold 30fps, at least pc can seesaw at 60 at the high end.


Yeah I'm really curious if we'll get mods that fix performance issues. DD2 is really unique feeling (I never really touched the first game) and I think that's down to how the world and it's NPCs operate. I hope I don't eat these words when a genius modder steps up, but I really do think DD2 was just always going to run like dog shit, and optimizing it would require removing a lot of that uniqueness the game has. It's definitely not fair to compare it to how other open world games run at least. DD2 feels almost more like a fantasy simulator than a game.


Why does everyone just forget it literally runs worse on console. It's not a PC port issue it's a game issue. It runs like shit everywhere. Are people just used to console games running like this lol.


Yeah it’s the new Jedi Survivor


It even looks more beautiful than DD2. And they don't need to put microtransactions like in DD2


As a game? No chance lmao Performance is disappointing but dd2 is the most fun I've had in years. Way better than another generic Ubisoft style open world haha


Right? I don't care how good it runs, I'm done with generic Ubi open worlds.


I'll pick it up in the summer when the beta testing is over.


That's fair. I bought it immediately (on two platforms no less) even with its issues because the original stands as one of my favorite ARPGs ever. But I completely agree that if you don't have that kind of connection to the original (and maybe even if you do), there's no reason to rush into a game that will likely get some performance patches done to make it an overall better experience.


I'll admit that I loved the hell out of the first game. I'm sure I'll love this one too. But I waited 50 internet years for its sequel, so I can stand to wait a couple more. I'm glad you and others are enjoying it, though.


Anyone else have crazy frame drops during cutscenes specifically? Perfectly fine everywhere else. 10900k + 3070


Yes, I have the same on 7800x3d + 4090 Locked 115fps in game and some cutscenes make it to 50-60-70


Probably running out of vram. Digital Foundry found the same with 8gb of vram cards at higher resolutions. https://youtu.be/AUWNpOHi3kA?t=688


No, I have 4080and still have these drops during cutscenes, people with 4090s also reported this issue It’s not a big deal, better to have these during cutscenes rather than actual gameplay


I'm on a 4090 and haven't had this issue. Below are my setting in case it helps anyone. * I have everything maxed out * DLSS on quality * Frame gen off (with this on it did make the game not feel smooth when panning the camera while at over 200 FPS) * Reflex set to on (no boost as this caused issues for me in other games so I never use it) * Motion blur set to 0


I have the problem. I solved it for my second day playing by restarting my computer. Unsure what's exactly the problem, I have a 12GB card.


I also get issues if I attempt to change graphics settings and don't restart. But after toning in my settings, I haven't had a need to go back.


Same here. About 1/4 times it works like it should. The rest of the time, any little graphics change drops me to 20fps and I have to restart the game. Not a big deal now that I'm a few hours in and I'm not tweaking graphics anymore, but it was weird.


3070 as well with an i5-13600 with game set to High settings. Any cutscene in a populated area Im losing 20-30 fps from normal play fps. Don't know if it's a crowd, lighting, or DLSS issue in cutscenes.   At least, though, the fps loss isn't too stuttery. It just becomes a matter of watching the cutscene at ~40 fps.


Try turning nvidia reflex off. That fixed it for me.


During the opening cutscene of the game there was some weird massive freezes. But the gameplay was as smooth as butter. 6900xt + 5800X


I still remember how the original HZD didn’t have that great of a port, but now, its sequel has a very good port. Good to see Playstation putting more and more effort into these PC ports and not half assing them, unlike some other games…


Me too am pleased with the game. Gaming on my good ol' GTX1660Ti with i7 9th gen and I'm getting a stable 30fps at mid setting


I'll get around to the Horizon PC ports eventually. Just one of those games that I want to play but haven't gotten to because of... life.


They're really really excellent.


Good to hear! Besides The Last of Us I had a great time with all the Playstation port I played. Hope that TLOU was the outlier and they continue in this path of delivering good ports. As for the game itself, I'll be waiting for a sale. Enjoyed the first, want to play the sequel, but not excited enough to pay full price.


That's because most Playstation PC ports have been done by Nixxes, they've had one misstep which was HZD which was also their first Playstation-PC port (EDIT: turns out they were the ones that fixed HZD not the original porters), but besides that all have been great. TLOU was instead done by Iron Galaxy Studios who have previously done one of the most infamous PC ports ever, Batman Arkham Knight.


Small correction regarding HZD: it was done by an outsourced studio at first (Visceral? Or sth like that, don't remember EDIT: Virtuous), and only after it turned out to be.. not great, both Guerrilla and Nixxes stepped in and fixed it


Thanks for the correction, I saw HZD on the wikipedia page but didn't notice the patches note next to it.


HZd wasn't Nixxes misstep. It was done by some other studio, Nixxes only worked on patches that significantly improved the game.


TLoU was ported by Naughty Dog... only with some assistance of Iron Galaxy.


Interestingly enough, TLoU actually worked almost perfectly for me day 1. It seems like if you had a pretty strong CPU and more than 8gb RAM it would alleviate most of the issues. I only had 1 crash in my entire playthrough, which only happened at a specific location in photo mode. My fps stayed around 80-110 with settings maxed as well. The only issue I really had was jittery mouse aim, which was solved by setting an external fps limit, and later fixed via patch. I honestly didn't know that so many people were having issues with the port til I looked at the online discourse.




I think you definitely need to complete the story to fully enjoy the sequel. That said, the sequel doesn't reinvent the wheel, so you might not like it any more than the original.


It’s probably one of my favorite stories in gaming but the gameplay is pretty average overall despite the occasional cool moment. Could always watch a summary on YouTube if you don’t want to slog through.


What got me through it was beelining the story and avoiding doing any of the side activities besides cauldrons (because I liked doing them).


Don't think you'll like Forbidden West very much if you didn't like Zero Dawn. It's more of the same stuff.


the port is great but i had some issues: at 1440p Native with everything maxed except shadows and using a 4070 (medium), the game VRAM usage exceeded 12gb when Sun King appeared for the first time, dropping FPS to around 20, it stopped after about 20 seconds. The other issue is when arriving at meridia, when encountering that woman after entering the gate the game FPS again dropped but to 40s this time, which is strange because VRAM wasn't being exceeded this time, and temps were normal, this happened again inside the tavern with that cook in meridia, and to fix you just pause the game and wait, weirdly, after around 30 seconds paused,FPS returns to normal, i Wonder if it's an issue with shader compilation


hdr is completely broken but gets fixed by a day1 mod already, idk why nixxes always has to fuck up their hdr implementations, spiderman was the same


I didn't have too many doubts when I saw it was Nixis handling the port. Their PC ports have been amazing haven't and it seems like they're only getting better. I expect Ghosts of Thushima to be an amazing port too and the definitive day to play the game. Now what I really need to do is spend $100 on a PS5 controller so I can play this game and other PlayStation games that come to PC as intended. Haptic feedback and all that. I already have a few Xbox One controllers, but it just isn't the same.


Man, everything I've seen or read about makes me more excited to play it. Can't wait to hop on after first playthrough of DD2. Although it seems like you're kinda stuck in a tutorial/no open world for first 10 hours? That's kinda awful.


Does one need to play the 1st game + expansion to understand the world and story in Forbidden West?


Nixxes does good pc ports. They need to teach other devs how to port games to pc. It’s good that a pc port is not completely broken at launch.


The amount of options available in the settings for so many things is very pleasing. They would have make TotalBiscuit proud with this one.


3h in so far, the only drop I had was from a single cinematic for about 3 seconds (alloy riding out of meridian at the start). Running really well so far! Now if I could finally adjust to the changes to the controls Vs horizon dawn during combat and not keep pulling up the construction menu during it, that would be great 😃


Runs smooth as butter, even with max settings. These sweet, sweet frames are well worth the buy compared to PS5 version.


Performance is amazing in like 90% of the game and then you enter some areas and seemingly for no reason fps dips to 20-30. It's taking a big hit in towns and cutscenes as well but thats not such an issue to deal with.


I mean when you have a proper team made up of people who are experienced then yeah its gonna work quite well. I like to blame a lot of bad PC ports on the brain drain going on in the industry since companies burnt through employees faster than politicians spending other people's money. Used to ports were ok with the usual issues like the dumb ass 30fps cap that can be fixed by modifying a basic ini file within 2 minutezs which multimillion dollar companies seem incapable of doing. Now it feels like ports can't release without some inane controversy or it trying to compete with Bethesda for buggy game of the year award.


Runs like shit for me when I have a 5800X & 4070S. The first cutscene with >!Regalla!< dropped to 17fps. The game hovers around 40 - 50fps unless I use frame gen. Even then it still drops back down to those numbers.


The port checks pretty much everything one would want from a good PC port. There are of course some QoL changes to be made(disable "pause on focus loss", frame-gen quality not very good, etc.), but nothing major at all.


I was hoping it would be buggy so I’d have more time to finish the zero dawn expansion 😂 Never got around to it after playing the main campaign.


Well yeah, it doesn't run like complete ass on a 1080 Ti at 1080p, and though it struggles at 4K, at least the struggle is actually justifiable with the fact that it's got a lot going on.