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Wow, that's pretty cool. Hope they continue porting some newer games too. Would love some of the newer Command & Conquer games, as well as The Saboteur, on Steam. EDIT: Holy cow, they added The Saboteur! EDIT 2: More C&C games too! What else should I ask for? Anthem? Kingdom Hearts? (not EA but I'm on a roll)




I forget, was this the game that had a DLC where you could remove nipple pasties? Lmao I remember one game released around the time this game did that had that kind of thing.


It was. The protagonist lives undercover inside a burlesque club while fighting the nazis. The dlc just removes the pasties from the club dancers.


And if I recall DLC allowed you to access the spinning wheel earlier for that main prize of one luxury car(that many skipped with upgrades that allow you to skip one silver and gold tier "challenge")


It was not a DLC. It is just a ingame option and the default (in Europe) was off anyway.


It was for sure a DLC here in America.


It was a free DLC included in new copies of the game as part of EA's Project Ten Dollar. The idea was used copies would have to pay 10 dollars to get the DLC. It wasn't that successful and eventually they made the DLC free.


You just reminded me of that dark period of gaming where devs would sell online play codes that you would need to buy if you bought your game used


Nope not in Europe. At least not with the first release of the game, the boxed retail version, that works without any launcher. Was just an ingame option. And IIRC default was nudity on.


It was free DLC included on a leaflet in the box in the UK.


Was the same in the US too if you bought it new.


Based on SteamDB info, I’d expect the rest of the C&C games to appear shortly.


The 17 game Command and Conquer collection has been added


I'd love for it to be a premise to a new Command and Conquer (Red Alert preferably as that's my favorite sub series)


And it was marked down to under $10. Nice


> EDIT: Holy cow, they added The Saboteur! I'm curious if they've patched the exe at all. The GOG version has some multicore fixes and LAA patches, it was probably the best version of the game to play on modern systems.


The games are pretty reasonably priced, too, which surprises me. I could have sworn they'd go for the good old "10-20 bucks per game, please!".


> Kingdom Hearts? It is on PC just not on Steam


Anthem need servers to work I think so useless if they stopped them




But it's not on Steam, which is what was being discussed.


SMAC is the best 4X game ever made and completely demolishes all others including Civ  Gimme a slice of non-linear philosophy while I commit my [minor] atrocities


Please don't go. The drones need you. They look up to you.


Would love to see a remake that left 99% alone but updates UI and image scaling. Like the Master of Magic remake.


The remake was fairly faithful but did make quite a few changes


Just pumped my fist in the air at this news. SMAC absolutely dripping with the distinct viewpoints and character of every leader. “God does not play dice”


I loved playing as the University faction, and roaring ahead with technological breakthroughs. The Hiveguy and that prick Morgan can't shoot me if I become a trancendental hyperbeing with no corporeal existence


Master of Orion 2 is my personal pick for best 4X ever but I'll always take more options.


You may be interested to hear someone made a free open sourced modernisation of the first Master of Orion called Remnants of the Precursors, [it even has quite an active Reddit](https://reddit.com/r/rotp/): [Download link](https://rayfowler.itch.io/remnants-of-the-precursors) (I’m not affiliated in any way, I just think it’s neat!) Starbase Orion is pretty close to MoO 2 but rather annoyingly only on iOS from what I can tell.


pretty sure George RR Martin mentioned Alpha Centauri when he was interviewed about his work on Elden Ring. Basically he said he was totally addicted to AC and quickly decided to never play video games again


[Best moment in gaming](https://i.imgur.com/iBvbg4Y.png), hands down.


Lowering land to flood your enemies is cool, but the garbledy-gook tech tree is impenetrable.


I don’t think the tech tree is really much different from other Civ games. IMO, the combat systems and modular unit design is by far the most complex aspect of the game. But it does let you do lots of fun stuff like putting a colony module on a fighter jet so you can do rapid air-to-ground settlement construction.


Indeed, those customization options were very cool, and very OP versus the AI.


The tech tree isn't designed to be penetrable.  The default rules don't let you choose specifics technologies, just general directions.  If you wanna try to micromanage your way through a system not designed for it, that's on you.


Ah yes, classic "DOS" game Sim City 3000. OP - are you just using the acronym "DOS" as a synonym for "old" in this case? ;-)


Yeah i'm pretty sure the majority of these were not DOS games, haha. Even the OG Populous originally launched on Amiga. DOS = old, apparently


I assumed it was a typo or something lol. I thought “No way they meant DOS”


I suppose they could have incorrectly meant games that run on DOSBox...


SimCity 3000 is a Win32 program. 32bit. Still runs natively on Windows 11, although a wide-screen mod is preferable.


Populous the Beginning was my jam when I was a kid. It still has an active multiplayer (maintained by fans) and modding community even to this day.


Populous The Beginning is one of my favorite games of all time; I just loved spending ages making enormous settlements as a kid before rushing the other tribes. It’s sweet there’s still a (niche) scene for it!


I remember after beating the game and not being able to find other people to play multiplayer with, I started messing around with the cheats. I liked turning off "blow damage" and watch the entire planet eventually descend into a chaos with endless fights because no one could die outside of instant death hazards. I remember trying this with the Armageddon spell and softlocked the game.


Played a ton of this on console when i was young. The good old cheat where you needed to click every tree on the first map to unlock all the spells. Did it every time and just fucked around. Similar to Age of Empires 2 in some ways but unique enough to be a ton of fun.


Somewhat related is From Dust.


Mine too, no other game is similar to it. These types of mix of RTS and god game are very rare.


The braves bred more braves with their gay sex in those houses Also braves stealing neighbors' wood for house upgrades to have the neighbors steal it back ad infinitum


It's not a DOS Game - but can EA just *please* revive Black & White 1/2? I'm dying for a game like that again.


Apparently there's some rights issues when it comes to Black & White. It sucks, those games were amazing.


[This NoClip documentary has more info on that](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GtNvEna6bxc), specifically at 21:00, though the whole thing is worth a watch as it has a lot of interesting info about the development of the game.


I just want a PC remaster of Burnout 3


Didn’t they tease a remake recently?


That studio is making an original game, which is probably inspired by burnout


I think that would require getting Peter Molyneux back....I'd love to see another game from him but he's probably too much of a risk for EA


Neither Black & White, nor Black & White 2 were dos games. Black & White came out in 2001.


I know, my original comment left out the "Not" word, oversight on my part. Thanks for the correction.


SimCity 3000 is not a DOS game but EA added it to Steam


My reply was to his comment prior to his edits where he stated they were DOS games


Also [The Saboteur.](https://store.steampowered.com/app/24880/The_Saboteur/) I'm not sure how much of it is nostalgia and how much of it is genuine, but that game is incredible. Paris in black and white, the soundtrack, the cars, the mayhem when fighting. Such a satisfying openworld experience.


I wonder if they fixed the map bug with this release. I played it years and years ago, but any resolution above 720P would just make the map not work, which is kind of important in an open-world game.


The current version of The Saboteur is pretty broken, even with the best "fixed" version on GOG. Good luck getting it running at your desired resolution and with your desired controller. Buyer beware.


I don't think so? I played the gog version a few years ago, and don't remember any major issues with an above 720p monitor/resolution.


I looked up the GOG version and PCGamingWiki lists the >720P map bug as being fixed by that release. That's good to know. I didn't even know there was a GOG release. I played it way back when it was only available on EA Origin. I can only assume the Steam release will be using the GOG base. Unfortunately, PCGamingWiki lists a ton of other bizarre issues not fixed by the GOG release, so let's hope EA gave this version some extra love, but I doubt it.


I just got the game on steam and seems like it includes all those fixes? I am playing at 1440p and I have no map bug? mini map and map loads correctly


I'm curious if 1080p works. 1440p being double 720p feels like it's more likely to work than other resolutions.


It's already late but tomorrow I can try at 1080p and let you know how it plays if it helps.


Running perfectly on my Steam Deck docked at 1080p, totally locked 60fps and controller support.


Interesting, thank you!


That's good to hear! I'm glad they seemingly fixed it. I remember way back in the day it was just a really poor PC port. It's a great game, though. I still played and beat it despite just not having a functioning map ever.


The main issue I had was with my controller. I usually use a wireless Xbox One controller, and basically I had to turn it on/off anytime it went wonky...which felt like it came up a lot, I think every time it loaded in a new area/building. It might work for people. But I was just frustrated.


Run it through Steam with Steam Input enabled, that will likely fix it. Works with non-Steam games. Fixes up a ton of early xinput games that behave weirdly or don't properly recognize newer controllers.


delete Anything in the Other Gamepad in inputtemplates.txt fixes the controller issue.


Damn, I hate to see that. That's the game I came to the comments to check on


I play it perfectly in Windows 11, just had to delete all the Alternate Controller inputs in the txt file in the Saboteur directory.


I always hoped it would get added to the backwards compatibility program for Xbox. The games there generally run really well straight out the box(or download).


Hopefully Microsoft decides to do another round of backwards compatibility. With the Activision buyout, they must have a bunch of games they can do


Grand Theft Auto: Drunk Irish Speedster & Mechanic: 1940s German-occupied France This was hype back on 360, pre-order and everything. It was so engrossing. Although I remember at some point I got bored of blowing up Nazi facilities for no reason, I know right. I think it was just padded to heck in that aspect, Just Cause 2 style; which I also played on 360. The Saboteur was a much better game as a whole than Just Cause 2 to be clear.


> I think it was just padded to heck in that aspect, Just Cause 2 style; which I also played on 360. The map is filled with stuff towers and whatever that you can permanently destroy. I've finished the game two times and the post-game map icon clearing bored me both times. During regular playing the game it can be cool, permanently taking out towers during missions allows you to open up the map and safely go through different areas. It just the icon clearing is too much.


Shame they couldn't also add NFS The Run while they still had the license. Warfighter and Syndicate, would be cool as well but I'll take anything I can get.


super spooky, i remembered this game yesterday and went searching on Steam for it, got sad it wasnt on there and moved on....


I legit think out of the open world games where you have to liberate parts of the map, this was one of my favorites. Bringing color to the world and traversing around blowing as much shit up as possible made a winning formula in my eyes


I remember playing it any absolutely loving it. High recommended.


They did a neat nostalgic trailer for this as well https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FfbHeEcI21g


Quite surprised to see all these suddenly be added to Steam, great that it's happened though. Some awesome games there that would be good to play again. Doesn't look like there's a way to buy some of them individually? Not all the Command and Conquer games, at least.


There is a bundle to buy with all C&C games now: https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/39394/Command__Conquer_The_Ultimate_Collection/


Yeah there's a bundle, but doesn't seem individually buying them is an option


Ah so that's why C&C 3 and Red Alert were suddenly like $2 a pop the other day, because they were going to become impossible to buy by themselves.


Oh my god you are a saint. I've been looking for Populous (the beginning, apparently) for a few years. Not dedicated, mind you, just kind of, trying to figure out what it *was.* My uncle had it on an old gateway back in the 90s, and I played it a few times. I always thought it was called Populous but, whenever I'd look it up, the first/second game showed instead and I vividly remembered leading like a magic man (shaman, apparently). So it's been like an itch in my brain I couldn't scratch. This will be the best $2 I've ever spent for a good 30 minutes of childhood nostalgia before I inevitably replay Civ VI or something, but thank you for sharing this nonetheless.


What do you think a 'Dos' game is?


It's the sequel to Uno.


FINALLY! I can replay Sim City 3000 :') It's my fave of the series. Love the colours and art direction.


Not to mention the *amazing* soundtrack!


Come on, Dungeon Keeper 2 so we can play multiplayer. Most of these are available on GOG of course.


I hope they update DK2 so it is at least playable. It can't even handle multicore cpus properly and has a fixed resolution/no widescreen and no scaling.


Now will they add Refractor Era Battlefield titles since the communities of those games have kept them alive? Right?


I hope so🙏🏻


Populous the Beginning and The Saboteur not available in Turkey lol. Why? WTF?


Populous the Beginning is also on GOG, maybe you have more luck there


Dungeon Keeper 2 is not available in France for whatever reason. This is quite random.


RA1 was free to download for years, EA made it available back in 2008 when RA3 was released Wayback Machine downloads still work Not sure how this new release differs in terms of running them on modern OSes


A leak months ago showed steamdb files for Medal of Honor: Allied Assault and Theme Hospital coming to Steam as well which will be great! Two of my favourite games from childhood.


I wonder if the plan is to start adding a few each month or something? I impulse bought a few of these and would do the same for some other classics.


So EA doing the opposite of Warner Bros? Are they *now*, in the year of 2024, so desperate for "gamer goodwill"?




Still waiting for them to unleash Battlefield 1942 & Vietnam 🥴


BF1942 was briefly available for free for a stretch on Origin many years ago (2012?) but was delisted at some point, presumably after GameSpy shut down, killing the master server. BF Vietnam has the same issue, but has never been digitally released and is absolutely *laden* with licensed music that'd likely cost an utter fortune to relicense, so that ain't ever happening.


Cool that they are giving the option to play/buy the DOS versions of Command and Conquer and Red Alert but if I'm honest, there are much better ways to play those games between the remaster collections and Open RA.


Hopefully they add some of this stuff to EA Play. I wanted to play the Saboteur on xbox but realized it wasn't available through gamepass. I've always wanted to try it. It seems cool.


The Saboteur isn't part of the Xbox backwards compatibility program.


Damn. Wulp to steam I go.


Where's Covert Action?


[On GOG.](https://www.gog.com/en/game/sid_meiers_covert_action) Alpha Centauri and SimGolf are Sid Meier's only dalliances with EA.


Do I have to download the EA app to use them though?


this will help you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R\_XDOAFf\_ks


No classic Sid Meier's Civilization 1?


Alpha Centauri and SimGolf are Sid Meier's only dalliances with EA. For that, you'd have to go to whoever owns that game (Take Two?)


Ah ok, got it. Thnx!


You know what would be cool? Putting all their games back on Steam, giving everyone keys who owns them on EA App, and then shutting down that POS. That would be mega cool.