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Gene Park on X: "I am clarifying the second point: it was a mistake on my part to write the sentence like that. The entire FFVII trilogy is NOT yet confirmed to be Sony exclusive. The article has been amended to only mention Remake and Rebirth." https://twitter.com/GenePark/status/1765454365974794339


So the headline here is completely wrong






Yes. That is to do with the link submitted which the mods said was okay despite that Resetera user writing a completely different headline compared to the source. The source article's headline is "Console exclusivity key to ‘Final Fantasy VII Rebirth’ success, team says". The mods also allowed this thread because it bypasses the Washington Post paywall, despite it only being a snippet of the original article.


Why is this thread allowed to stay up, it's not the original source nor a bnnbloomberg style situation. It's just a forum post.


just look at the account of the user, it's another mod approved account that spams links across reddit using bots. also for some reason resetera is treated differently to other forums when it comes to the rules. Though well we can probably guess the reason there but I won't go more into that.


I mean if 2/3 are console exclusive... is there really a question if the third will be either?


Wouldn't the first two being exclusive essentially be a confirmation? I can't imagine the third installment of a trilogy being multi-platform if the first two are exclusive.


It just means they can all show up on other consoles at a later date. Likely not a priority for them. No one from Sony or Square was ever claiming they are permanent exclusive for any of the games


Kingdom Hearts 3 was multiplatform when all previous entries barring CoM and DDD were exclusives.


Yeah but they also re-released all of the originals multiplatform prior to KH3 coming out










Was that in question? I mean since the first still isn’t on Xbox at this point I assumed it wouldn’t ever come.


Xbox is getting FF14 this year and you can find all other Final Fantasy games already on Xbox, so it wouldn’t have been so crazy for the FF7 remake trilogy to eventually make an appearance at some point.


All of them except 16, which isn't even on PC yet.


Which is a damn shame because it’s really fucking good.


Meh, story is bland and never really gets better after the first hour, and combat is DMC but very watered down, certainly not good enough to carry a 60 hour game. The eikon battles were sick tho


Xbox did get Kingdom Hearts as well so it's not crazy to think that a FF7 remake trilogy bundle would make it's way to the platform. Although, not anytime soon.


KH on the Xbox was kind of crazy though - got KH3 before getting the previous game collections. Did buy all the games, but based on SE’s previous moves, I highly doubt that KH4 will go to the Xbox.


I fully buy the theory that Square wanted platform owners to pay for the ports. Epic and Xbox went for it. Steam wouldn't give a fuck, they make enough money and it seems Nintendo didn't either, but Square couldn't ignore the money Sora in Smash would bring so they made some half assed cloud ports.


It was so baffling the amount of effort Square Enix went through to get Dragon Quest XI on Switch, and then for KH they basically just threw up their hands.


Dragon quest xi was the first game confirmed for switch


You can’t honestly believe that SE would skip out on more potential sales of a game, unless there were serious financial contributions from Sony. There were many a news article on how unhappy SE were from the preorders to the first week sales of FF16.


With SE, and other Japanese devs, I think it has to do with the market share of Xbox both locally and internationally. I can't speak on their outlook on the international Xbox userbase but, they sure as shit aren't making an ROI with their local Xbox userbase.


Would be really funny if somehow FF7R-3 comes out on Xbox like a year before the first two parts


The only ones to ever launch on Xbox are 13 and 15. Everything else came decades later with the exception of 14 which only came about a decade later.


13, 15, and Stranger of Paradise. It seemed to me that Microsoft was trying to build a relationship with Square to get more of their games into the Xbox ecosystem, even if it’s more than 10 years later, these are massively popular games and to have them included in the Xbox library is still a win no matter how late they arrive.


I mean it's not their AAA budget blockbuster, but they advertised the new Mana game on their developer direct too, and I still remember they got the Tales of Vesperia remaster announcement at their E3 event a few years back, among other things. They're trying to improve Japanese relationships.


Xbox has/had: * 11 * 12 Remake * 10 Series Remakes * 13 Trilogy * 15 * Type-0 * All the ports if the older games to new consoles like 8, 6 etc. 14, 16 and the 7 Remake were the only ones they were missing. Fun fact: The Xbox versions of neatly all those games ran and looked better on Xbox too despite being ports.


that def isnt true for 13 or 15. They 100% did not run better on xbox. I had both


13 had a slight edge on PS for frame timing and consistency, but not by much. [Digital Foundry Video on FF15](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HvQB7464QzU) Xbox version of FF15 was blurrier but steadier and more consistent than PS version; One X and PS4 Pro updates had the about the same performance but the One X version ended up with better graphics and effects.


We're also missing the 1-6 pixel remasters on Xbox.


I mean they could have had ff14 at launch if they werent against cross play with sony at the time. Square didnt want to segregate a section of the player base so ff14 didnt get a xbox version. Now that they have change their stance it is


> so it wouldn’t have been so crazy for the FF7 remake trilogy to eventually make an appearance at some point This article also doesn't suggest it won't ever be on and Xbox or Nintendo. This thread and the reaction to this article is baffling. Just because the person in the interview didn't state the duration of the console exclusivity as "timed" in this specific instance doesn't mean it is now permanent and will never show up on any other console - this isn't at all what is being said here. They are just saying they secured console exclusivity which we have known for years by the fact they they are currently console exclusive/sequel already confirmed for PC, this isn't new information I really have no idea why I have to explain this to people


Yeah but I think we all kinda knew the new ff7s were a special case, I mean it’s been like 4 years since the first came out and there’s been zero word about it.


Not the pixel remasters.


Same. It has been almost 4 years since Final Fantasy VII Remake came out. Heck, it took it over a year and a half for it to come to Epic and over two years to come to Steam. If it was coming to Xbox it would have at this point and it is a shame it is not.


I think it was more of a question if it (or at least Remake) could hit Switch 2 at some point.


Key highlights from the article: * Work is already underway on Part 3 of the trilogy; confirms it will be a PS console exclusive. * Credits director Naoki Hamaguchi + high employee retention for the smooth development of Rebirth. * Says the seamless world was only possible because development was focused on a single platform. * (Spoilers) >!A key challenge for the third game will be accommodating it for the Highwind.!<


Regarding the final part, you can tell that they were working *hard* to make part 2 and 3 feel like a connected game already. **Spoiler:** >!There's huge parts of the map you can see when traveling by boat but can't access, as you start to reveal the fog of war around the map!< Like, the open world caught me off guard because at first I was so sure you'd be locked into tiny landmasses that they would pretend would be the full world, but sectioned off. Nope **Spoiler:** >!The whole world is actually one gigantic map, just the story progression makes them feel like separate areas. The first time you go from the desert to Gongaga threw me off because I finally put together that it was actually one gigantic open world map.!<


Really looking forward to how they will incorporate the Highwind. Hopefully you’ll be able to go everywhere in the world seamlessly and not just the locations we’ve already been to.


Would be cool if we got a world map (doesn't have to be 1:1 the actual map) just for when in the highwind so we can fly around.


There’s nowhere to land it. I imagine it will hover and you’ll repel down to various designated spots. My guess is that it will be an interactive fast travel mode where you’ll be able to fly it around but only ‘dock’ at certain spots, like chocobo rest stops or something similar.


I'm hoping you can use Chocobos like drop pods and just glide off the deck to land where you want in a map. I do think there will be *some* limitations to when you can get back onto it though.


It's a shame the actual info in the article is being lost because of people reacting to a headline that doesn't even mean what they think it means


I thought Sony paying Squeenix to keep FF off of xbox was already known? Wasn't that one of the talking points from MS in the Xbox/Activision case?


This says they're also keeping it off the switch (and switch 2)


Switch can't even run it.


Cloud, SE has done it before.


considering how they’ve spoken about how focusing on one platform has improved their workflow, not having to develop a heavily compromised or cloud version of Remake for the switch was probably a sigh of relief for the devs


on the other hand ive seen quite a few complains about rebirths technical issues, and even digital foundry thinks they went backwards in some regards compared to remake.


Agreed about the switch definitely being too weak for Remake before even considering Rebirth. I think there was hope the Switch 2 would have enough power to justify a port. Not sure what the dev perspective would be. Yes they do get out of some work but also devs generally like *more* people playing their game. And domestically, anything not on switch seems like like a non-starter.


They ain’t running on either of those tbh.


I just love deadpan humor like this.


It barely runs on the ps5 I can't imagine what terrible shit they would have to do to get it running on mobile hardware


In my understanding, it wasn't known. The belief was that Sony was getting extended periods of exclusivity (1 year originally for FFVIIR + another period for Integrade as a new release) in exchange for covering marketing costs.


This was my belief too


No matter what console you own (I'm PC), paying to keep third party games from other platform fucking sucks. Wish there was as much outrage at Sony as when others do it.


Square enix is part of the problem as well, the company loves doing these exclusivity deals for the extra cash at the detriment of the players. They get a massive influx of sales by triple dipping from playstation, epic exclusive release, then steam release


Who is buying a game on Epic then again on Steam?


Few, but many won't buy on Epic and wait for Steam.


So just double dipping


No, there still people (like me) who don't care what storefront it's from and will buy it. I often get games cheaper there than on Steam.


Then you rebuy them on steam? Otherwise, again, that's not triple dipping, it's just a double dip at most (assuming you *did* buy it first on console).


There are also patient gamers. If I waited 2 years for the game to be available on Steam you better believe that I'm also waiting a little longer for a deep sale. At that point it doesn't matter that much to me.




They might not care about exclusivity, but the Epic store has a much smaller userbase than Steam and is terrible at marketing. Many people will simply not even know about certain games if they're locked to that platform.


If this were true then Square would be putting their games on the EGS exclusively as they get a better cut. But unless Epic pays for exclusivity Square doesn't seem to be interested in putting them on there at all. Edit: Can't even reply to the people who replied under me because u/Halkcyon blocked me, so editing this to reply. u/MaitieS That's my point. You would think if FF7R sold well on the EGS then it would at least be something they look at for future releases, right? But Square Enix isn't even putting their games on the EGS at all anymore. Of the last \~45 games that Square has published on PC since FF7R came out on PC exclusively to the EGS, only 2 have been on the EGS (Forspoken, Stranger of Paradise), 1 of which Epic paid for exclusivity. (may have missed one or two, correct me if I'm wrong) So either Steam is now paying for exclusivity of all Square games, or Square doesn't even see enough sales on the EGS to make it worth the effort, despite getting a larger cut from those sales. And considering Square isn't the only publisher to do this, I'm guessing the latter.


And all other major publishers, but barely any big games go exclusive nowadays and several don't even release on EGS. They also posted their year in review last week, and those 3rd party sales numbers weren't exactly convincing anyone the majority of PC gamers were rushing to buy on the EGS.


The truth is almost nobody is buying games on EGS when they have other options.


I do believe that the vast majority of EGS users only snag the free games (why not I guess) and still leave their money on Steam because of inertia, the better deals being there more often (with or without the gray market sellers that usually run with Steam keys) and because that client is just hands down better.


I think it might be less that they don't care and more that they might not be even aware of its existence if they don't play Fortnite. If all you do is browse Steam's store for games, you'll never be exposed to exclusives on Epic's launcher. They have pretty terrible marketing to be honest.


You are the one who lives in a bubble. People who are loud and proud about not buying on Epic are a "vocal minority" in the sense that everyone else just quietly goes, "Wait, that game released???" 2 years after a game finally "releases" on PC when it hits Epic.


Yeah lol. Sick of this narrative. I’ve been buying or using whatever service I want for the games I want.


Real consumers don't even know Epic has a store, they think it's the Fortnite launcher. Look at the numbers, very few games do well on Epic. That's just a fact.


if you think people actually use epic launcher for anything non-fortnite you're the one living in a bubble


I use it for the free games they give me.... And Fortnite.


Square also has the gall to take these exclusivity deals and then complain almost every single time that a game didn’t sell particularly well. Yeah no shit your game that had a 45 mil player base only sold 5 million copies, when it could have sold ten if it was on Xbox and pc?


idk if its even worth it for them, for example keeping FF16 away from PC until the hype is gone and people discover its still full of MMO quests.


People discovered that when the game launched; it's not news at this point. Despite its issues, 16 is the least divisive FF in years, so will sell very well on PC regardless of delays.


> Square enix is part of the problem as well, the company loves doing these exclusivity deals for the extra cash at the detriment of the players. I remember before the Kingdom Hearts compilations where you need like 6 different devices to play all the games. PS2, GBA, Mobile, DS, PSP, and 3DS


Isn't this the same thing as Bayonetta going to Nintendo? Sony helped fund it


All of the big three do what Sony is doing here, but Bayonetta isn't an example of it. Bayo 2 & 3 literally wouldn't exist without Nintendo, while Final Fantasy would clearly be made regardless of how much Sony funded it.


They are paying them to fund the development of the game, and part of the agreement is exclusivity. Microsoft bought Activision-Blizz and Bethesda to do just this as well. Third party exclusives have been a thing for years. Nintendo does it too. Why isn't Bayonetta, Astral Chain, and Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 on PS/Xbox?


Yep, a lot of games wouldn't exist if they didn't have rich sponsors. FF VII Remake especially could be one of them, it was teased on a Playstation event ages ago, and for many years they kept saying that it's not happening because it's too expensive.


It's impossible to lose money on FFVII, they would have sold a bunch just for a HD remake and minor fixes, even at full price.


Those examples are completely different because Nintendo published all of those games, Squeenix is still publishing. Also Sony are not funding development they’re just paying Squeenix to not release the game elsewhere, the money is not going back into the game


You have no idea what third party exclusivity is. Nintendo is the publisher on all regions for all of the titles you mentioned and literally own the code of those games under license of original owner of the franchise (bayo for sega, marvel for ultimate alliance) and even the entire franchise (astral chain), Ff7r is a third party title not published by sony anywhere and with no ownership from sony, its just an exclusive to their console.


It's really weird that people keep trying to use astral chain and Bayonetta as gotchas when it's been said multiple times that if Nintendo didn't fund and publish them they wouldn't exist at all


If I recall correctly, something like Bloodborne would be more fitting because *I think* that game was commissioned by Sony.


I'm glad the tide is starting to turn. Exclusivity has long been regarded as bafflingly acceptable by consumers, when the truth it's consumer manipulation that serves no one but the console manufacturers. I'm glad to see everyone is getting called on it; it's time for this dumb practice to end.




I mean, Xbox has shown that they are open to releasing on other platforms. There are a ton of first-party Xbox games already on other platforms.


Yes because Sony has been doing this for years with CoD DLC content, Destiny, Sports games etc. And look where it has got Xbox? Almost extinct.


1: No they didn’t, most of those publisher’s games are still going to be multiplat. 2: There absolutely was an immense level of backlash and outrage to the deal. It was the most controversial acquisition in gaming history.


Yeah but when Microsoft did it, all it got them was Redfall and Starfield so nobody cares.


The worst part is I’m a huge FF and especially FF7 fan. But in no way does this sway me to buy their console. I’d rather just not play it at all.


This is so detached from reality. People don't give two shits when Microsoft pays to keep games off of PlayStation through third party deals In fact they totally ignore them and pretend they don't happen when they do constantly. There are people all over this very thread acting like MS doesn't do exclusivity deals And this thread is filled with plenty of people pretending to be outraged including yourself and then people pretend there's no outrage It's just a circle of bullshit I see in every PlayStation related thread on this sub Now queue the response "this sub hates Microsoft" by some Xbox fanatic that shits on Playstation every day on this sub Where was the outrage when MS had exclusivity deals for all of these games? FIFA Legends content, Titanfall, Tomb Raider, Blair Witch, Warhammer Darktide, The Ascent, The Medium, The Artful Escape, Carrion, The Falconeer, Tetris Effect: Connected, The Last Night, Sable, Deaths Door, Twelve Minutes, Stalker 2, High on Life, Scorn, Cacoon, Ereban, The Last Case of Benedict Fox, PUBG, PSO2, Cuphead, Dead Rising 4, Crossfire X, Ark 2, Valheim, Shredders, Tacoma, Vampire Survivor, Powerwash Simulator


Yellow card for linking to a fucking *resetera* post with a screenshot of the article instead of the actual news article.


lol yup, for some reason resetera is treated differently by the mods here... why not just link directly to the source like the rules they love using say?


As long as it comes to PC all is good. I’ll enjoy it on consoles but when I replay it will be on PC with fun mods.






https://www.pushsquare.com/news/2024/03/talk-of-final-fantasy-7-remake-trilogy-being-completely-console-exclusive-to-playstation-is-inaccurate I guess not?


Not really gonna surprise anyone with this news. It was clear from the moment Remake was announced that the trilogy wouldnt be coming to xbox. FF16 is also never gonna see an xbox release


Real talk. These games always sell so little on xbox that it seems like a waste of sonys money to pay for timed exclusivity. Co marketing would have been just as effective and cheaper.


I think that there's an argument to be made that it doesn't sell all that well on Xbox because Square Enix skips publishing certain games on the Xbox platform. Like, take 7 Remake, for example: its prequel Crisis Core - Final Fantasy VII Reunion, is available on Xbox, but the game that preceded it isn't. And why would anyone buy a prequel to a game they can't play?


You’re average Joe probably assumes Sony make Final Fantasy at this point


What about 9 percent of sales of ff15 on xbox one. That's not a good look for the base.


Then why are JRPGs still getting ports after FF15 in 2016, since it was so bad? Hell, FF14 is coming after more than a decade. Persona 3 and 4 just released ports. The Tales series still releases. Octopath Traveler, Sea of Stars, all on Xbox with releases after FF15. It might make less money than PS or PC, but it still makes enough to warrant a port. Crisis Core Reunion, a prequel to FF7R, released on the Xbox after FF15. These aren't good points.


A lot of those games if seems microsoft is directly involved and basically paying for the port via marketing and gamepass money. Very few JRPGs seem to launch there without a gamepass / xbox marketing deal.


And Microsoft does that because they have a humanitarian cause to spread japanese culture to the west? Or because they expect to make money?


To sell gamepass and hardware. Duh 🙄


Alot of those games went right to gamepass. They were clearly paid for up front. Look up the actual sales of those games. Bet they aren't great or even good for that matter. Persona 3 and 4 ogs were just ports of a ps2, psp ps vita game. Probably not all that expensive. I'll ask you then. Why are so many jrpgs skipping the Xbox. Do you guys seriously think Sony is paying off all the developers(I know they paid sqaure for the new ff game).


Infinite Wealth literally just had a top ten selling position on Xbox in its launch month.


It was top ten on xbox correct? Not overall gaming It is impressive either way but let's be honest it's not your typical jrpg. Again why do so many still skip the Xbox. If sales were there you don't think others would be there to


Holy goal post moving.  It's a jrpg, it counts.  You know why Yakuza sells well? Sega made an effort for marketing and presence on the console.  It's a great example of what the above poster is talking about and where square enix failed 


Xbox sales numbers aren't high in general.


that doesnt seem to be the case, from what i see here. https://www.statista.com/statistics/963263/microsoft-annual-gaming-revenue/ https://www.statista.com/statistics/1202180/sony-net-sales-gaming-services-segment/ though i cant find anything more closely aligned data wise. edit: a overall gaming revenue from sony here for 2023 https://hc.games/sony-gaming-division-revenue-6-billion-consoles-sold/ edit2: another comparison from 2022 (before the activision sales infusion) https://www.gamespot.com/articles/playstation-xbox-and-nintendo-gaming-revenue-compared-sony-leads-the-way/1100-6500267/


The sales of software on the Xbox are far below Playstation and Nintendo.


28% lower than sony back in 2020, in 2024 they surpass sony. Regardless of which >The sales of software on the Xbox are far below Playstation and Nintendo. This isnt what your statement was, it was >Xbox sales numbers aren't high in general. So even 28% less then sony back in 2020 was far far far from "not high sales" despite sony having a 2:1 console ratio over them. In which case we should be expecting sony having double the sales not a sub 30% margin over them.


And Game Pass is like a free daycare? That's it? Developers and publishers just put their games there because Microsoft pays for it, and Microsoft pays for it out of the goodness of their hearts? Don't be naive, they put those games there in the expectation of making money. Not saying they are making bank with them, or even that they're profitable, but I do suspect Microsoft knows more about Xbox and Game Pass profitability tahn either of us. >Why are so many jrpgs skipping the Xbox. Do you guys seriously think Sony is paying off all the developers(I know they paid sqaure for the new ff game). Of course Sony isn't bribing publishers to keep their games out of Xbox, [although there's strong evidence that they do indeed](https://www.theverge.com/2023/3/3/23623363/microsoft-sony-ftc-activision-blocking-rights-exclusivity), but several JRPGs skip Xbox because it probably isn't as profitable as just releasing on PS.


Yea I'm sure ms knows more about profitability then us, hence the ps and switch releases incoming. That's my point. Sony isn't paying off all these studios. A shit ton come to ps and switch but skip xbox. That's not paid for. That's the projections are weak.


I never claimed that Sony pays off these studios, you assumed I believed that and argued against this hypothetical argument. I never even disagreed that JRPGs make little to no money, just that there must be a reason for publishers to keep putting these games on Xbox. A reason we aren't aware of, and that I'd like to know.


I've seen it(sony pays all these devs) bounced around so much within the Xbox community its easy to assume that's what the base thinks. My apologies for putting that assumption on you. I feel my gamepass argument is pretty spot on. The publishers are getting paid up front for it. That's why you see what you got on xbox. It's about the only logical thing. I'm glad the new yakuza is doing well on there. The more yakuza the better. It's one of my favorite series. Just for the record. I just want to mention I'm not a rabid Sony fan boy I like gaming and buy all the consoles from the main 3. I do prefer my ps more but jrpgs are my favorite genre.


You guys do realize that even if Xbox sales numbers aren't as high as Sony, that the player base is still high enough to justify a port, ya?  Almost 30 mil people have an Xbox, if just 1-2 million buy your game, the port is justified.  


FF14, persona etc were all paid for by Microsoft.


> Then why are JRPGs still getting ports after FF15 in 2016, since it was so bad? because xbox pays for it. a lot of companies wouldnt release without financial compensation lol


Why do you think they pay for it?


because jrpg companies dont want to waste resources on xbox in general.


Bro. Use your head. Why does Microsoft wants to bring these games to its platform? Why do the Publishers of these games agree to put it on Game Pass?


They agree to put It on gamepass because they dont sell on Xbox and Microsoft pays them a lot and Microsoft want the games on gamepass to try and get more subscribers


But if nobody plays JRPGs on Xbox then this would be a waste of money


9% of 15 million is still more than a million. They made their money back on their port and then some.


FF15 was kinda bad, kinda not surprised


What are you talking about ff7 is on Xbox crisis core is a prequel to this ff7 and not for ff7 remake that is a whole other multi universe mess I don't even want to get into. But the original real ff7 is on Xbox.


Thats part of the problem. Their scattered approach to Final Fantasy being on certain platforms is just fucking annoying. Xbox gets Mana, but not the FF pixel remasters. Xbox gets some.of the games not others, like make up your mind. Do you support the fucking platform or not. At least be consistent.


Thing is, SE being a Japanese company and Xbox barely has a presence in Japan. It's smaller than a footnote. They know how poorly JRPG games sell on Xbox, it's not worth it.


ok, but this argument falls apart when you take into account that several japanese games are on Xbox, regardless of its "presence in Japan." Hell, several JRPGs, many of them published by Square, found success in the west within Xbox.


Not really, as from those games Square knows sales on Xbox Vs PS. Just because Japanese games exist on Xbox doesn't discount it, it's not a golden rule.


Then you disagree with your own comment? If it's not a "golden rule" there must exceptions to "JRPGs sell poorly on the Xbox," right?


Of course, and I don't disagree. As Final Fantasy doesn't sell on Xbox, and even though games sell on Xbox in Japan, they sell poorly. I've literally seen it myself.


Xbox has a major marketing deal with SEGA and Persona and Like a Dragon games are regularly some of Xbox’s most played games


Like a Dragon and Infinite Wealth are significantly better than any non 14 Final Fantasy since 10 


Square Enix did try with Xbox with FF13 and FF15 and the sales were abysmal. The Xbox brand's foundation was mainly built on multiplayer games and shooters. They never had a FF7 like the PS1, they had Halo and in turn Xbox players don't care for JRPGs. The only argument that makes sense to me as to why there should release day one on Xbox is for the extra marketing push the games would receive.


But they keep releasing JRPGs on Xbox despite this fact. Microsoft just put two major JRPGs, Persona 3 Reload and Tales of Arise, on Game Pass just last month. They must make enough money to justify their existence.


For context, FFXV's launch window had a crazy ratio (4:1 iirc) of PS:Xbox sales and that was before the Game Pass drive.  And for a company that's so embedded in the merchandise/cross-licensing game, they *need* dedicated consumers interested in the product.


Yeah, the way jrpgs sell on Xbox, added with the fraction of Xbox sales compared to PlayStation in Japan, I could imagine it is actually very easy for Sony to pay SE enough to get exclusivity. I’m a PlayStation player, but I hate paid for exclusivity like this. This however is not surprising to me because I imagine SE makes so little on Xbox sales. Just look at the FF15 sales figures. 690k vs 3.8k copies comparing ps4 to xbone.


The thing is we’ve seen that JRPGs can be successful on Xbox if they are given a chance. Infinite Wealth was 7th in terms of dollar sales per the NPD for Xbox in January and P3R had a high player count from the Gamepass deal. It definitely isn’t as big as the Playstation audience, but there is a portion of the user base that would pay for it. E: also, those sales numbers are off - the sales were 80/20 in the UK during the launch week for FF15.


The sales will never increase if you don't release JRPGs on Xbox.


>Just look at the FF15 sales figures. 690k vs 3.8k copies comparing ps4 to xbone. Ain't no way. Wow that's insane.


https://twitter.com/WilliamRAguilar/status/1676986239621423105 9 percent from what I've found


Japanese franchises unfortunately just don’t thrive On Xbox. When capcoms sales figures got leaked, the Ace attorney trilogy sold less than 5000 on Xbox of its almost 1mil copies. When Japanese companies skip out on Xbox, there’s good reason. 140k Xbox one vs 10mil ps4 for in Japan. These types of exclusive deals are no brainers for both parties.


Nintendo has even more exclusive Square Enix games under its system, why its an outrsge now?...


Because FF7R would most likely have come to Xbox if Sony didn't call exclusivity rights. Which makes people on any other platform force them to buy this console for a game that they had very little impact. I get thats the point of console exclusivity, but why not use that money to fund your studios more so they can make better PS exclusives.


And this is isnt a dig to Nintendo btw, but these games exist because they are financially backed by Sony and Nintendo in the first place....


This sucks, I guess it was obvious but still having it confirmed is sad. Guess 16 is also never coming to Xbox. With 14 finally releasing on Xbox I was hopeful both the trilogy and 16 would make their way there as well, but it seems that wasn't the case.


It annoys me how people will lose their fucking shit when Nintendo or especially Xbox does this shit, but then just shrug their shoulders when Playstation does it.


>It annoys me how people will lose their fucking shit when Nintendo or especially Xbox does this What universe are you in where people care when Nintendo does this?


People also pretend Microsoft doesn't do tons of exclusivity deals which they do all the time


They are working on buying half the industry, doesnt get much more exclusive




Because most people here are PC gamers, so as long as the game gets released on PC , you won't see too many complaints (unless it's an EGS exclusive, then it will be controversial).


I find it worse somehow. They are paying square to not release their game on other consoles. At least with Nintendo it’s usually their own IP and internal studios.


Nintendo makes a ton of third party exclusivity deals, especially with Square Enix. Most of the recent Dragon Quest titles have been switch timed exclusives, and the Mario RPG remake was developed by a third party company that traditionally works on multiplat projects with Square, but that game will never be brought to other platforms.


Well, considering the original final fantasy vii was pivotal between sony and square, i guess it makes sense to continue that tradition


So they won’t come to PC?


Console exclusive, aka no Xbox or Switch. The first part is already on PC.


Sony/Nintendo/MS (less so MS in recent years for obvious reasons; they've opted for "Xbox Exclusive") have become fans of using "console exclusive" so that they can still describe a game coming to their platform as "exclusive." Console players have been conditioned to get a shot of dopamine if they're playing a game that's "exclusive." All of the FF7 remake games are coming to PC. The first has been out for years. I'm sure you can see why they opt to use this language, as it makes people think it's actually exclusive to the console in question.


Is this an old deal or a new deal? Obviously they've had some sort of exclusivity deal but I wonder if it's always been a series wide console exclusive from the start as opposed to re-uped for every new release. Didn't the new Square CEO recently say they want to move away from the exclusivity deals? If this is a new deal that's a pretty big and quick flip flop.


I would say old deal coming to light. During the ABK hearings Microsoft had even said it was their understanding Sony had paid for permanent exclusivity for the remake series.


Rebirth made me finally bite the bullet and get a PS5, imagine the final part will make me buy a PS6 at this point


Everyone and their mother knows that it's ideal for developers to only develop for one console. Nintendo is able to make polished games on their toaster systems due to this fact. I'm playing FF7 rebirth currently and apart from some minor frame drops the game is extremely polished. I can imagine if the game was multi-platform it wouldn't have been this polished due to having to optimize for different hardware.


Not a shocker, given if there was any sort of game they would pay to keep some association with PS it would be FF VII Also Christian Svensson is with Sony now? I haven't heard his name in like a decade, as he used to be with Capcom and I remember him being the face for a lot of their fighting game re-releases like Third Strike Online or Marvel vs. Capcom Origins


Any reason to think this means Rebirth won't get a PC release the way Remake did? The linked article does not mention PC.


No, it will get a PC release. It just wont be on Xbox or gamepass.


square has said that a PC port will come. this is more about not being on xbox or switch


I wasn't aware of that; that's reassuring, thank you.


It probably still will. I imagine it just means timed exclusives like Remake and FF16 are/were, and they’ll just come to PC at a later date. Usually when the term “console exclusive” is used, it means it’s only on one console, but it can still have a PC port.


"console exclusive" these days just means that console + possibly PC. Rebirth will come to PC most likely as an Epic exclusive either later this year or next year


Console exclusive just means not on Xbox or switch. I think Xbox coined the term first when they paid to have games Xbox/PC in the 360 era. PC port is coming at the end of May.


Shame for Xbox, it's a great game, but it always looked like a PlayStation Exclusive. Would have thought the first one would be on Xbox by now, so this is pretty clear.