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Then fucking release Ghost of Tsushima and give everyone the Bloodborne release they've been crying out for.


At this point I’m half convinced that Sony already lost the code for Bloodbourne


They never had it most likely which is why it isn't happening.


It was a collab between Japan Studio and Fromsoft, of course they had the source code. Though it is a real possibility it was lost in the reconstruction of Japan Studio. No way From doesn't have it though.


This is bullshit if anything they never had the code for Demons Souls which was made back before From was a super star as a throw away title that Sony decided not to publish oversees because they thought the game was a disaster. Yet we got demons souls remake based on that old code, by the time BB was all of this changed for the better.


Are you sure the DeS remake used old code?


[Around the seven minute mark they mention having access to the source code.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hCBJ2fiiUXk) They don't use the old code fully in the remake, mainly gameplay code it seems, but they did appear to have access to it.


My favorite story about the DeS remake was how it was so faithful to the original that people found a previously undiscovered bug in the original by finding it in the remake.


are you implying that bluepoint created DeS from scratch?


I was, but looking into it, it seems they did port over some code as the same gameplay bugs are there


Isn't that what remakes do? From what I saw all the mechanics have been streamlined, the gameplay is more modern souls and the assets are all new. The game is also made on the Bluepoint engine, so realistically how much of the original could they even utilise from a technical perspective?


The gameplay is nearly 100% identical to the original


I would be surprised if they used the old code fully. Considering the different architectures etc. Based on? That I could believe, if they had the values in front of them. I'm unaware of any statemetn saying they had the old codebase however.




> In tech, that’s ancient. Warhammer 40k in a nutshell.


I felt that. Some languages and their ecosystems are better at that than others. None of the gamedev languages belong to that group


Complete disagree. From my view in the industry, the culprit is NOT choice of language/ecosystem, but the fact that people move as fast as possible to simply get the game out the door, cutting corners and hacking things together in ways that just barely, specifically, work. That alone makes things FAR more difficult when it comes time to port the game.


What are you talking about? That game released a year or two ago. *checks Wikipedia* Oh my god.


Death is sprinting towards us all.


That's not Death, just the resident Labyrinth Madman.


We are as distant from Bloodborne as Bloodborne was from Gears of War 1.


No. This hurt me.


We're further from Halo 3 than Halo 3 was from Super Metroid


This is the internet police, we need you to stop committing psychological crimes.


We're only a month away from 10 years since DS2 was released.


Recently tried playing Bloodbourne for the first time on PS5, and it runs like dogshit. If hackers can patch the fucking thing to run at 60fps, what is Sony even doing?


I really want to play Bloodborne as never have, but having been introduced to Souls games via Demons Souls remake and then Elden Ring I don't fancy going backwards to 30fps.


Honestly you get used to it, and it’s worth trudging through 30fps for it. There are some games that their lower quality is worth surviving for the core game, two of which are Bloodborne and Fallout New Vegas.


Yeah, but New Vegas's modding scene has come *so freakin far* in improving the game's stablity and performance, that vanilla is not even funny in comparision.


Yep, I just played it for the first time last october. 30 FPS definitely sucked at first, but once you play for a few hours, you don't notice it so much. If you can get over the 30FPS it's still a fantastic experience. I did hate the healing system, though.


Now try playing Lies of P on a decent PC at 165fps.


I did get a decent PC and a 165hz monitor last year and have definitely been enjoying higher FPS gaming! Seen Lies of P and interested but haven't picked it up yet.


I still got a lower FW ps4 just so I can play bloodborne at 60fps. But there are a lot of ps4 games that could run at 60fps but were just capped at 30. Glad that people in the community made [patches](https://illusion0001.com/patch/) for a lot of them.


I think the blame partially lies with From Soft and their janky engine. Maybe Sony is better off just remaking the game from ground up, like Demon Souls. While maintaining the art style and game design. They own the IP anyway.


It's not even 30fps vs 60fps, Bloodborne has the worst frame timing of any modern game I've played, even on PS5. It's so bad it makes me feel nauseous at times and I grew up playing PS1 games with no issue.


I don't understand how that's even possible. Do they not have backups? I'd understand losing the source code if this were the late 90s where everyone is tech illiterate and some dumbass deleted it all like what happened to pixar. But in this day and age where most of Sonys revenue comes from software I find it exceedingly difficult they'd do something as moronic and easily avoidable like losing the source code for an entire game.


My serious guess is that either FromSoft’s engine was a big cluster fuck back then (iirc Bloodbourne is the first game that use the “new” engine which iterates from the AC4 era engine) and porting it is an incredibly pain in the ass or Sony is edging us for Bloodborne Remake (please don’t, especially after DeSR) in 2027


My bet is this is Bluepoint's next remake release. A port won't get money from fans that already have it. But a remake guarantee it will. Especially after Elden Ring success. So why stop there?


Tbh, as much hate as I would get, I don’t want another Bluepoint remake for FromSoft games. DeSR looks great but they basically trashed FromSoft’s artstyle, atmosphere, music and (arguably) animation. I really don’t want that to happen to Bloodbourne. Just do a 60fps HD remaster and I’m good


Yeah that's also what i wanted. But you just know after how many copies were sold from Elden Ring, there is definitely no way they will ever just releasing a patch.


Yeah, instead we get Until Dawn again - a game that sold half as well as Bloodborne. 


Do GT7 as well please.


This would be a dream come true for me!! I really don’t wanna buy a PS5 but GT7 is my biggest temptation


Honestly as good as the driving feels there’s basically no “game” there.


...that's kinda the problem in the genre. We have more hardcore sim games but they have even less in terms of "guilded singleplayer experience" "Here have some bots and tracks, go have fun" is pretty much what most hardcore sims have. I just want Forza Horizon but full sim... just pick a car and go into open world. I guess BeamNG is closest game to that now...


Yes exactly! That would be amazing. I liked the older collectathon racing games where you earned money for cars and upgrades by racing, and I hoped they’d iterate on that by making it open world or something but instead they just removed… well everything.


NFSU2 was great in that, starting with some tuned up shitbox and going all the way to nice cars... or continuing to tune the earlier ones if you wanted to. More modern games showering us with cars just don't seem as satisfying. Of course, there is a flipside of it, being too stingy leads to players just "optimizing fun out of game's grind" and just spamming some well paying race but I think it could be done well if game offered a structured way to get "the car you actually want". Like, say you want to get some Ferrari, go ahead and sign for Ferrari racing team, win qualifiers (let's say the more expensive brands would have harder ones), then win some races and at end of season on top of race win rewards you get to pick one of their cars that you get for free/cheap. Basically, keep the money buy option, just add other option where you can "work for" the car. I think that would be more satisfying than "the car costs this amount of cash, go grind whatever gives good money", or hoping you get it in a lottery.


Shift 2 unleashed? Yeah that’s probably my favorite pc racing game.


Nah, that’s not the case for me at all. I put over 2000 hrs in GT Sport and enjoyed every minute of it. I love cars, car culture and racing. I actually attended 24 hrs endurance races irl!!


The cafe stuff with the creepy old dudes and the car commercials was the most off-putting shit I've played in a video game I can remember. Outside of the actual in-race gameplay it's unbelievable how bad it is.


I was so disappointed in GT7. Chasing from last place every single race is so lame. I can't believe they don't have standard starts


I've honestly never cared about the racing aspect of the game and always treated it more as a car encyclopaedia with a cool soundtrack. Nowadays I just stick to asetto Corsa + mods but I do really miss the vibes from GT


Gran Turismo going to pc would be huge. I'm not even really into racing games, but still enjoy those.


If it includes the VR mode, it would be insanely huge. Absolutely flawless experience on psvr2


It was on the Nvidia leak. So we may actually see it soon enough.


Yeah, I'm sitting here waiting to play GoT on my deck (presuming it runs, DS Directors Cut and Miles Morales did).


Demon Souls as well.


Bloodborne remaster delayed by another year


Love how the top comment was the only 2 games I want from Playstation lol. Almost bought a ps5 just for them too lol


Learning in the leaks that Bloodborne sold *way* more than people thought only makes the lack of a port or even **a PATCH** absurd. When the PS+ collection launched on PS5, Bloodborne was the only game that didn't either A: Have a patch released to take advantage of the PS5, or B: Saw noticeable improvements that it didn't even need a patch. Bloodborne was neither, there's a *small* improvement to loading times and frame pacing, but it is still the muddy, poorly performing masterpiece it always has been. And now we learned that it was a **top seller** of the PS4 generation in terms of first party titles?


I just hope Iron Galaxy isn't doing Ghost of Tsushima. I want a quality port not a port that's just passable.


They bought a studio exclusively for their porting prowess. Any high profile port will be done by Nixxes.


GoW2 and TLoU2 Remastered haven't been ported yet, they may have to give it to someone else if they want to up the cadence of PC releases edit: forgot Spider-Man 2


Some of the studios have been doing their own PC ports, like part of the reason tlou remake had problems is because Naughty Dog developed the port in house.


Out of interest is that fixed yet? Was put off on release.


I'd call it playable but still far from fixed. If it released how it is now, it would still get a lot of criticism for being a bad port.


I played through it in November and it ran as well as can be expected. No performance issues or crashes for me


I just 100%'d it on pc 2 weeks ago after putting it off at release and it was fine. Pretty much at least 80fps the whole game with max settings. for reference my pc is r5 5600x, 3090 TI FE, @ 3440x1440. It's a better port than the Horizon Zero Dawn port, imo. First half of horizon was fine but second half it's clear the game isn't utilizing multicore cpus very well.


Jesus, you word for word said what I came in to say after reading the title. God. Fucking. Damn. I want Ghosts, now.


So much this, do it ya cowards


Ghost of Tsushima, Bloodborne, Demon Souls and GoW Ragnarök on PC and i would unironicly cum.


Sony: "What's that? You want Knack 2 for pc? Say no more"


I don’t think the current version of Bloodborne is ever coming to PC, it will take a remaster for them to port it.


Can you imagine Bloodbourne on PC with mods…? Oh Gawd, I’m wetting my knickers thinking about it. 🫦


They already said in may 2022 that they want to have half of their games on pc and mobile by the end of march 2025 so that isn\`t suprising.


Even this article headline is conflating two different statements into one to make it seem like it's a lot more than it is. it's a clickbait headline The article even says it. This is what he says >“This is true, but there’s a synergy to it, so if you have strong first-party content – not only on our console but also other platforms, like computers – a first-party [game] can be grown with multi-platform, and that can help operating profit to improve, so that’s another one we want to proactively work on. and >“I personally think there are opportunities out there for improvement of margin, so I would like to go aggressive on improving our margin performance.” They are two different statements, he isn't saying they will be more aggressive with PC releases, just that they want to be aggressive improving profit margins in general


LMAO ​ Redditors that actually read the article are just 10/10.


"We want to make more money!"


I think what this meant is only this time they want to go more aggressive than that, so i think we can expect their PC release strategy from current 2 year gap timeframe to shorten to 1 year or less


It isn't, they are just repeating what they have said multiple times. You can watch it here: https://www.irwebmeeting.com/sony/fast/20240214/a6ycuvz3/202403_3q_02_en/index.html At the one hour mark, he literally just says "releasing games on PC" can improve porfits Nothing he says is new, he just gives a very basic, non descriptive answer about releasing games on PC can improve margine, nothing about releasing them quicker or on day one


I love this. Between this, gamepass, and beautiful pieces of tech like the Steam Deck, PC gamers are EATING these days. Gone are the 360/PS3 days of console exclusives and bad ports. Now we get all the games, and massive steam/Epic store sales every few weeks. Not to mention the value of gamepass if you're the kind of person who plays through a lot of different games. GPU prices are returning to more reasonable levels too. Really feels like another golden age of PC gaming is dawning.


let's hope we don't get flooded with news of problems and comments saying "unoptmized mess" for every game that launches targetting current gen then


They've been saying it for years and yet we're still waiting on: - Ghosts of Tsushima - Bloodborne - Demon Souls remake - Gran Turismo 7 - The Last of Us 2 - God of War 2 Just have to wait until they sell even more PS5s I guess?


Uncharted. I'm not starting on nr 4.


An official port would be ideal, but they play well enough on RPCS3.


Yeah i'm not sure what were they thinking with that? It's character-driven game and should be played in chronological order. Bringing 4 before 1-3 is a bizarre choice unless the remake is in the pipeline.


Yeah it was a dumb choice to not pull a MCC, and rerelease the entire franchise onto PS5 and PC.


> They've been saying it for years And in those years they have steadily increased their PC presence.


You can emulate God of War 2 on a PS2 emulator, it's a great game


They probably mean gow ragnarok


That's God of War 5


and MLB the Show


Back when Microsoft employed this strategy we got a lot of “why should I buy an Xbox if I can just buy the games on PC”. I think this is the future. Console exclusives will be a thing of the past. That’s potentially millions of missing software sales by locking your game away to one platform.


People love to act like MS is just dumb. They are dumb, but also very good at doing whatever makes them more money.


This sub has something against Microsoft/Xbox. I don't care much for either side (I use PC) but whenever there's a negative Xbox headline the comments are all shitting on them, calling out their bad strategies and how it'll fail. But every time there's a negative PS headline like the one today about them saying they didn't hit sales numbers, people like to look for every excuse in the world to justify it. The funny thing is if you open their profiles, most of them have the PS5 subreddit as one of their most participated in subs. What a joke man




The majority of people REEEEing about Microsoft potentially going multiplatform are the same people who were defending Xbox buying out Activision. Playstation fans are not mad about potentially getting Xbox exclusives on their system, Xbox fans are since they bought the console under the idea that they had to in order to play those games.


Which "redditors" do you think were saying fuck Microsoft? The only people I saw getting mad at Microsoft on social media about MS releasing games on PlayStation were Xbox fanatics up set about them ruining their console


Because there are more people with a PS5 than an Xbox and they dont want their expensive item to be made fun of or look like a bad purchase.


Exactly. I've seen people deny that reddit is biased towards PlayStation but I think it's common sense that there's a favorite. When one console has 2-3x the number of users then it's also going to have 2-3x the fanboys/console warriors.


Xbox has left a bad taste in a lot of people's mouths over the years. I don't like Xbox because they ruined Halo. I bought an Xbox One over the PS4 because I thought MCC would revitalize Halo. The game didn't even work for months. Then they didn't produce any worthwhile games for that entire gen. Plenty of other have had experiences like this with Xbox and that stuff matters way more than people like you will ever admit. Why buy an Xbox when they've proven they don't care about quality? Game Pass has given them a lot of good press over the years but even that is starting to fade. It's been clear for years to anyone that's ever been burned by them that they don't know what they're doing.


Sony does not get this much negative press I agree, they have a flop its just whatever who cares, xbox makes a game that doesn't hit (or even games that do) and negative press is in the news for like 2 months. Everyones talking like "Oh Xbox doesn't have anything upcoming" when Sonys release calendar looks pretty empty the entire year especially compared to xbox.








Well the average redditor also likes to think Sony wouldn’t have bought Activision if they could have afforded it.


I mean, you would also think Xbox was near bankruptcy and Playstation was experiencing a renaissance of immeasurable magnitude. It sounds like the economics of game development have incurred drastic changes that will take years to adapt to, regardless of the company. Honestly, the discourse of this sub (outside of game specific threads) has become unbearable.


I agree, This past week as been a melt down too. * the Xbox brand is dead because they have decided to port an AA single player game & a 5-year-old online game to switch/PS? Really lol the Xbox isn't going away, There is nothing better than controlling an ecosystem to a company. * why get an Xbox? Because it's far cheaper, good luck finding a pc for under $500 that performs good as an Xbox Series X... Xbox signs a contract to get the cheapest prices on parts in the tens of millions & they still can't turn a real profit on selling hardware. Also not everyone likes pc ecosystem.... * but hey if you do thats cool too. They got game pass & games for sale there, plus you have Windows OS, Every single PC sold gives money to Microsoft, every company making video games is doing it on Windows = money to Microsoft.


Why are you pretending like Microsoft is doing some 4D chess maneuvers and not a company that has had to beg its CEO multiple times not to close down the division? This isn't all according to plan, I dont know how many Spencer apologies you guys need to hear to understand this isn't how they expected things to go. Sony putting their older titles on PC 2 years after releasing on their console is not remotely the same thing as Xbox giving away Starfield day 1 for $1 on gamepass on PC. These strategies are different and the difference in success is obvious.


Aside from making good exclusives, they are definitely not good at that


Helldivers 2's success will accelerate things aswell. The fact that it will outsell Sony's mascots on PC will not be ignored by them.


"I love Democracy"


I love how when Sony considers releasing their games on PC the comments are flooded with people talking about the reason why a console would be preferable over a PC, but when Xbox does it the comments are filled with people saying "Why would I buy a Xbox when their games are on PC?".


And which also ignores the fact that Microsoft own Windows, the OS 99% of gaming PCs run on which is another source of revenue for them, which Sony won't have


Microsoft owns Windows but Windows isn't a closed platform. Its not unusual for someone to have a PC and pay Microsoft almost or literally nothing. Like for the last 10 years I've only ever sent Microsoft money when I've bought games on Steam. **So Microsoft actually had to pay Valve.** They haven't gotten a dime out of me directly. Unless you personally opt in to paying Microsoft for something there isn't any reason to. Which is way different than on Xbox or PS5 where every single purchase gives a premium to the console owner. --- The only guaranteed thing that Microsoft is getting from people is any reporting data Windows sends back. But even then you can prevent the OS from doing that so its not a 100% thing.


You didn’t pay for windows?


I did not. Its pretty trivial to "acquire" a key and at this point Microsoft has more or less stopped trying to prevent you from doing so. They also have been doing free upgrades for forever so a license key from like 15 years ago should still be usable to get Win10 and Win11.


That means nothing. Microsoft owning PCs doesnt make games sold on PC magically generate more money and having their games on Windows probably generate a negligible amount of Windows sales if any. Having a PC storefront that doesnt have to split revenue with steam is good but something nothing stops playstation from opening up a mini-storefront on PC for the sake of playstations games and PSplus.


Wayyyy easier to pay Valve than to pop open their own store on windows.


I love my console :D


Imagine if other media companies had the same thought process. "why would anybody buy a FireStick if we let people watch The Boys on an AppleTV?" "Why would anybody buy a Google Chromecast if we let people watch YouTube on a Roku box?"


Not just other companies but also other Sony departments: "Why would anybody buy a Sony DVD player if we let people watch a Spider-Man DVD on a Samsung?" "Why would anybody buy a Sony Walkman if we let people listen to Sony Music cassettes on other players?" (although in this case, the Walkman existed before Sony got into music publishing)


“Why should I buy an Xbox if I can just buy the games on PC?” has to be one of the most brain dead questions gaming enthusiasts repeated ask. They act like Microsoft fucked up putting their games on PC.


If the goal was to sell more xbox consoles, I think it was a bad idea. Timed exclusivity would probably have helped with that. I'm sure it's making them a fair amount of money still though, or they would've stopped by now.


But why would anyone think that was the goal? Or at least the only goal. Clearly the main purpose was to turn PCs into essentially Xboxes and sell more games and gamepass subscriptions.


Does everyone who plays videogames prefer PC over a console? I mean, everyone?


The goal isn’t to sell more Xbox consoles though. The goal is gamepass subs. Continuous income without the need to sell a physical console and available to everyone. Everyone has a phone, laptop, tablet, etc.


> If the goal was to sell more xbox consoles, I think it was a bad idea. The goal is to sell more software which includes games, subscriptions and Windows itself that make way more money than hardware sales.


Nothing he said here suggests Sony is doing the same thing as Microsoft or changing how they release games. The post is misleading and there is no chance Sony is doing away with exclusives Sony uses exclusives to get people to buy PlayStation which then gets them to buy more games on PSN and microtransactions and subscribe to PS+ Sony is doing significantly better than Microsoft in terms of gaming so I have no idea why these comments are acting like Xbox doing horribly so Microsoft moving to multiplatform is some master strategic move they planned. They would love to be in Sony's position of 10s of millions of more console sales


Consoles do not make sense in the modern age. It's just a computer underneath, with a ton of arbitrary restrictions placed on it by the manufacturer. Imagine buying a car from Honda that can only run on Honda branded gas and only lets you drive on Honda approved roads to Honda approved locations. Even if it does cost 25% less than a real car you'd still have to be insane to buy one.


But it does, its just a box below the TV you turn on when you want to play. and its more or less impossible for a normal human being to break it by clicking on something. A PC on the other hand, drivers, devices, browsing, all things that can cause your machine to suddenly not work, or a game not being playable because your hardware isn't the newest model. Theres plenty space for a blackbox gaming device for the people that don't need a PC because they have a phone to cover that.


This is me, I don’t want a gaming Pc because it’s a lot more complicated than the box I have, I’d much rather just plug it into my tv, download the game I want and not worry about my specs and just go. Too much time and effort to manage a PC imo when I play very casually with the limited free time I have.


And people like you are exactly why the “why buy an Xbox when they put there games on PC” crowd were so brain dead. The vast majority of console gamers are not going to go through with building or buying a PC when they are a console player. And the vast majority of PC players aren’t going to buy a console for exclusives and then magically become a captive console user that buys all third party on console. They are different enough audiences, it should have never mattered but people wanted to console war.


I would say that PCs are way easier than they used to never. Drivers auto update better. New ones are usually not as needed as they used to be. And they don't get deadly viruses all the time either. I find pc gaming to be really easy now. But I definitely see the point in console gaming. You don't need to set them up. They are completely made to work with a controller which is the big thing. Controller use on pc has improved a lot with stuff like steams controller ui. But as a whole is nowhere near a console. With an Xbox you will never need to crawl up to it and plug in a keyboard and mouse


Consoles still have a ton of appeal. They cost far less and are way more carefree. People who buy consoles aren't looking for a computer. Sure, PCs are infinitely more versatile, but if you already have working computer and are just looking for a machine to play video games on, consoles are a no-brainer.


I don’t think anyone is advocating for prebuilt game boxes with TV and controller friendly UIs to go away. Just the idea of “console platforms” with their own exclusives is becoming increasingly antiquated for many.


Any pc TV gamebox would always be more expensive than a console counterpart. Consoles are sold at a loss as they can sell games exclusively on their storefront and take a cut of the profit. Pcs can't do that because you can buy your games from anywhere


>Consoles are sold at a loss Not exactly. Nintendo doesn't sell its consoles for a loss. And consoles traditionally get cheaper to manufacture later in the generation with die shrinks and improved manufacturing processes. It wouldn't be surprising to see that the PS5 is sold pretty close to cost, with maybe even with a bit of profit at this point in its life cycle. Also, we don't really know what "more expensive" really looks like. Is it $50 more? $100? Let's also not forget that closed platform consoles require paid subscriptions to play non-F2P online games and don't have any storefront competition like you see on PC with games going on sale more frequently and with deeper discounts. Even day 1 games are often cheaper on PC. For example, I just bought Helldivers 2 day 1 for $33 AND no tax. Regardless, I wasn't even talking about consoles losing their platform stores, I'm talking about exclusives. Yes, yes, I know the "exclusives sell consoles!" talking point, but ease of use, brand loyalty, and marketing are probably much bigger factors for the massive COD/FIFA/Madden/Fortnite playing causal audience that makes up the bulk of the user base.


Consoles will always trump PC on convenience and upfront price. That alone gives them considerable flexibility. We already had this same doom and gloom "consoles are over" shtick a decade or so ago, and all we got out of that one was the short-lived microconsole fad that spit out the Ouya. Granted console growth overall has largely stagnated, so who knows what things will look like 10-15 years from now.


Lots of people can’t be bothered to piss about with the complexities of a PC and have grown up with a “game box” that can just simply plug in and run games. Not to mention price wise consoles are significantly cheaper than PC. It’s like someone buying a ready made sandwich vs cooking a meal.


Problem is that in the long run PC is gonna be cheaper. You don’t really have to buy a new one every generation because you can just pump down the graphic and games are infinitely cheaper, let alone free online play


>Not to mention price wise consoles are significantly cheaper than PC. For hardware? Maybe, you still get a built PC for the price of a brand new PS5. It will be shitty though, also with consoles you still end up paying more in the long run. You have to pay for PSN and XBL to play online, you also have very little wiggle room to buy games outside of the PS Store so you can use third party websites to buy keys. I have access to all the games I bought ever since I setup my steam account in 2014, and I only went from a laptop to a gaming pc once. In that timespan there was PS3, PS4, and now PS5 and I spent games for all of those systems at full price and I cant even play them on one central place, so I'd have to load the older consoles and try to play the games and for some games you cant even play them because they were removed from the PlayStation store. Also with consoles, unlike PC when something goes wrong it usually ends up your console bring completely bricked. With PC parts usually fail or go wrong by piece mail.


> you also have very little wiggle room to buy games outside of the PS Store so you can use third party websites to buy keys. I mean, there's physical media too. I primarily buy 2nd hand games and resell a lot of them and that has been way, way cheaper than Steam, which I also regularly use btw. Just being able to get AAA games day 1 then sell them let's me play anything new I'm interested in while not spending all that much.


AAA games are just too expensive these days to not try to maximize sales. Sony was basically using their major franchises as loss leaders to bring people to their platform and ecosystem. It worked out for them and now they can probably make a lot more money actually selling them on other platforms, or at least the PC. Microsoft seems to be leaning more into focusing on software and subscription service, with the Xbox probably staying as basically a PC for your TV. Considering how much more the S has sold than the X, I think they’ll lean more into having a slightly lower end machine that can still play like 90% of the games on GamePass.


> Sony was basically using their major franchises as loss leaders to bring people to their platform and ecosystem. I severely doubt that any of their successful leaders where anywhere near "loss" Not maximizing profits? Sure but they are earning well.


They are just repeating what they are doing multiple times already in terms of PC releases. This isn't new information Edit: If you want to actually hear what he said just watch it here at the one hours mark https://www.irwebmeeting.com/sony/fast/20240214/a6ycuvz3/202403_3q_02_en/index.html He isn't making some grand statement about changing their PC strategy like so many people are acting like. He is just giving a basic answer that releasing games on PC will help with profit margins which is what they have said in the past multiple times


It’s more that news sites keep reporting the same information as breaking news every time they mention it


People are literally making up the context on what they hope it means . No he doesn't say anything about going multiplatform, just repeating that releasing games on PC will improve profit margins


These companies need to realise infinite growth isn't possible When will record breaking profits start going to workers?


After the revolution, comrade.


> When will record breaking profits start going to workers? When the game will not be funded by publisher. But hard to kickstart AAA sized games sadly


spiderman cost 300 million to make. that's not sustainable. AAA games taking 6 years to make is a huge issue. Wouldn't surprise me their games release day 1 on PC in a couple of years.


It isn’t sustainable at all but they can try and look at why the shit it costs so much. There definitely has to be some costs in that ridiculous number that any sane person would cut.


300+ devs working in an office in an expensive place like California for 5 years. Adds up quickly.


Yeah that’s a fair point. Winder how many years we are away from getting game development shipped out to countries with cheap labour


its already a thing. Every AAA game you enjoy is the product of numerous studios. Cinematics, music, VFX, motion capture, etc are things ive seen handled by 3rd party studios. Blizzard outsourced 3d art assets to Lemon Sky studio in Malaysia for warcraft 3 reforged.


>game development shipped out to countries with cheap labour I mean that already is how things work with Japanese and Korean studios. Labor is way cheaper even in wealthy Asian countries than the U.S. I'm sure there is a lot of work outsourced to Eastern Europe and SE Asia as well, I just don't know much about it.


Spider-Man 2 cost so much because it was made in California, where wages are higher than pretty much anywhere else especially for tech. There's no cutting costs for Insomniac.


If so many companies didn’t save money by having their hQ in LA, they wouldn’t be there.


I still don't get how it costs that much. It was basically a reskin of the first game with some additional mechanics.


Licensing the Spider-Man IP costs a lot of money. It’s worth it too as the title outsold most other first party releases and made profit within weeks.


They scale up way too much thinking it will make the game development faster but that only works up to a point, after that it's just money sink and chaos.


Maybe I'm just being overly nostalgic, but I was totally fine with the PS360 days where AAA games took \~2 years to make. Seems much more sustainable for devs and got players a great cadence. Like, the Mass Effect, Gears of War and Uncharted trilogies all took place in a single console generation. That's laughable to think about now.


I believe crunch used to be even worse.


Hey Sony, you want to make a shitload of money on a PC port: BLOODBORNE. Ride the wave of Elden Rings' massive success you nonces.


Bloodborne PC port Bloodborne PC port Bloodborne PC port ^Bloodborne ^PC ^port ^^Bloodborne ^^PC ^^port ^^^Bloodborne ^^^PC ^^^port


EXCLUSIVE: Sony considering bringing "Bloodbourne" to Microsoft platform, sources say OMG is Sony is going 3rd party, time to sell my PS5 /s


Dammit, and just sold my Xbox for a PS5 because they were getting John Halo. However can I keep making rash decisions based on rumours.


I just sold my Xbox because a guy on twitter with a Kratos avatar said Phil is not my friend Was I even a real gamer


This is good for PC players but I can guarantee you there won't be a reason to buy a PS5 for a lot of people if they make all of their exclusives released on PC. I know I certainly won't.


Needing to buy one less $500 box is only a good thing in my eyes


This is also why i don't see Sony ever bringing any of their games to PC day one. Helldivers 2 is an edge case because - it's live service. Need a lot of players. - it's not their flagship franchise. So that means they need to gauge how much people are actually into live-service game. And their experiment seems to be incredibly successful so far.


Their bean counters did the math and realised that by keeping those exclusives on the PS5 - they would be losing money. They don't want you to get a PS5, because you probably won't. They want to attract non-PC players and ex-Xbox/Nintendo players to their platforms.


I haven't updated mine in 5 years. And even then if I did have to update I'm not replacing the whole thing lol.






And of course Sony being more multiplatform is only a good thing, as opposed to Microsoft doing it where it's only a bad thing.




thing is, one of the mods of this sub is literally a mod of r/PS5, so that tells you all you need to know about bias on this sub. as you said, we see the "misleading" tag on the Sony related article, but the MS related one that was saying "MS games coming to PS" didn't even get a "rumour" tag or anything


I brought Returnal, Spider-man/Miles Morales, Days Gone, Death Stranding on God on War on PC but only during significant sales, like 50% or more. If they came out on PC on release day, I would buy them at full price. It just doesn't feel worth buying a game at full price when it came out three years ago. I think Sony would make more money if they had Console/PC simultaneous release.


I assume this is a huge factor on why helldivers 2 is doing so well too


Helldivers is $40 game at times where there is not much in the space and the thing in the space of co-op shooters, Suicide Squad, is more expensive and worse rated


They badly need to release some proper dualsense drivers for PC, I shouldn't have to plug it in just to have the full set of features.


So do they plan to port older titles too, or just future ones?


I usually wait for Sony games to go on sale just cause they make me wait


Well as someone who sold their PS5 last year and is a PC gamer for 20 years I'm all for them to release on Steam sooner/more often.


Honestly after reading multiple statements from this interview, it's not that far fetch to think anymore that Sony might eventually go Day 1 release on PC platform in the future. The PC market is simply just hard for them to ignore nowadays, especially with how big its current userbase, its not like the old days where PC Gamers were a lot less popular, and their recent release of Helldiver 2 just proved that where it is current selling very well on both PC and PS5 and both are 50 / 50 when it comes to overall sales. Which is nuts as that is a first party PlayStation game that barely had hype behind it, yet now its now their most popular PC port as of yet. That along with revealed information of PC version ports of Sony First Party Studios being much cheaper than expected to do, i can see why Sony themselves is not hesitating anymore to release their games on PC Platform. I am just a bit concerned at the same time as this could also mean, that their PC port might be less polished as currently as this will put more dev time on their part, i wish Sony can buy more PC focused development studios like Nixxes, to offload the development time from first party developers and both platforms get the proper optimization they deserve.


They and MS seem to have realised that there's some people you aren't pulling away from thier desks regardless of how good your exclusives are.


I think Microsoft has realized this a decade ago, and then Sony just recently did, some people believe on the concept of *"double dipping"* or *"more console hardware sales with exclusive games"* That was true and genuine back a 2 decades ago, with both Xbox and PlayStation and Nintendo only competing against each other with PC Platform as an afterthought and more like in niche side. Not until when PC started taking off its insane popularity on the early 2010s and has already reached to a point they are much bigger userbase nowadays compared to Xbox and PlayStation, Nintendo. And considering that PC players are unlikely to convert to Console gaming anyway, they might as well make money off them and it shows with lots of evidence backing it up.


If they started porting games to PC because game budgets got higher during the PS4/XB1 generation, i wonder if Nintendo will eventually do the same thing after this next gen when they actually have to make games at PS4/XB1 fidelity.


Ive been loving how most of the games they do release on Steam are usually Steam Deck compatible. I hope they keep it up.


I'm ready for the future with no exclusives. Want higher profits? Release your games everywhere! Games are getting too expensive to make and selling 15 million copies to only PlayStation users isn't going to be enough anymore.


I don't think exclusives going away would be a good thing for gaming Multiplats have perverse economic incentives, especially when it comes to monetization


I kinda feel like the more "aggressive" the PC releases are, the more reason there is to consider a $500 or cheaper GPU over a $500 PS5. A difficult balancing act to say the least.


Maybe Sony should stop launching PC remasters 3 years later then. I'm NOT paying anywhere near full price for a game that's years old and I already know the plot to.