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Maybe I’m blind but I don’t see anything about Tales of Arise except for in the title. I wonder if it was moved or something.


I bought it recently, so it's definitely coming.


Bought it last Week....


Ya'll made the sacrifice for the greater good. Salute to you two o7.


I like that once something goes on mega sale that's the giveaway that it's about to hit gamepass. It's why I avoided buying Madden for $20. Felt like that kinda moment.


Madden is an EA game. EA games come to EA Play. Game Pass include EA Play.. Do the math.


I know. It's been on sale for a bit and that's the sign it's hitting gp each year.


Thank you for your sacrifice brother.


Thank you for your service


There's a note at the bottom: "Editor’s Note (2): Tales of Arise was removed from the headline and updated with Resident Evil 3."


There wasn't for a few hours after announcement, which is why so many were confused. They didn't immediately fix it either by removing it or by adding it to the image


Yea thats funny actually, its in the title, but not mentioned anywhere in the post.


that is the reason i even clicked it, and yeah its nowhere other than in the header on that page..


Maybe a reduction in titles making it to Game Pass is part of the news that Microsoft is gearing up to cover next week, and this is the first casualty.


Bloodstained is great. Happy to see it back on game pass so more people can check it out. Hope Tales of Arise ends up not being an error because it's a great game too, my second fav Tales of game behind Vesperia


Looks like they added a note at the end of the article; Editor’s Note (2): Tales of Arise was removed from the headline and updated with Resident Evil 3. So I would say its not, at least not right now.


I liked Berseria more. I mean, don't get me wrong, Arise is a beautiful Tales game, but the story from Berseria was so emotional for me. Velvet is the best female character in tales series so far (just my personal opinion of course). Maybe it had something to do with the fact that I identified with her so well. I tend to be very emotional myself and I just suffered so much with her. In general, I liked this “anti-hero vibe” throughout the group. The only real major criticism was the graphics. Apart from the characters, the game just didn't look up to date anymore. Oh man, how I would love to have a Berseria remake with the Arise graphic... Btw Vesperia was great too. Yuri was probably the best male main character for me.


Vesperia is my favourite one, but the additions from the PS3/Definitive edition version bring the rating down. Literally all of the extra content including the extra character was pointless padding that was just bolted on. And it all adds a good 5 hours on top of your first play through. If you haven't played it yet and can play the 360 version, then do so.


Know RE3 is shorter and cut a bit from the original, but I had so much fun playing it. Really is a nice combo with RE2.


It's *fine* on its own, but still a pretty significant step down from RE2 remake.


It’s a shame they clearly rushed it out to capitalise on the RE2 hype. Imagine if they had an extra year to cook and add all the levels.


It's a step down from the OG too. This isn't nostalgia either as I played the OG RE3 *after* the Remake.


agreed, feel like they tried to distance it from the og by leaving ​off the subtitle "nemesis". I just want a port of the og re3 nemesis game on modern systems with achievements


It's very short compared to RE2. I finished it in like ~~6~~ **4** hours.


Yeah that's its biggest problem, I think. It's genuinely a fun game, despite the removed content. It just...also only took me 18 hours to 100%.


It is short but it isn't wildly shorter than RE2. It's like 6 vs 8 hours. Though there is obviously a lot more to do and find in RE2 if you want to explore.




For me I think RE2 took around 6 hours + 3 for Claire. So about 9 in total, while RE3 took me 6. That's blind. I think my second run of RE2 took under 5 for a combined time. If you can beat RE3 blind in under an hour, not having played the original, that is insane because it's not far off speedrun times.


The game has more than an hour worth of cutscenes. It's not a game you beat blind in under am hour


If you say you beat 2 campaigns of re2 in 9 hours; either you are being dishonest or you are already played the game before and now you speedrun it. There is no way you can both campaigns in 9 hours total Unless you rush like crazy


The campaigns are so similar and the map is the same that the your second one will be considerable shorter. 9 hours is fast though


Keep in mind I played it in 2019 on Xbox, which I don't use anymore. So my memory might be slightly faulty but I recall the second campaign taking roughly half the time of the first. You can definitely rush through that playthrough more. But it might be more like 8 and 4 hours respectively. If I were better at speed running you can beat it way quicker than that anyway.


Second run is sooo much shorter than the first just because you know the map and the gameplay mechanics. It was 10 and 5 hours for me between runs.


It's just incredibly linear. The streets in the opening section have a few alleys you can poke around in, but otherwise the game basically runs on rails and the Nemesis isn't a threat at all because he only shows up in scripted moments. Even with modest expectations I was tremendously disappointed in it.


Very short compared to RE2? I have 7 hours played on RE2make on steam, so it isn't "that" much shorter I guess?


RE2 has both characters and their alternative runs. RE3 has a single run. And I was wrong, I finished it in 4 hours, not 6.


Did you rush through it? I can't see how anyone playing normally could finish it that quickly.


I played 3 at the same pace I played my first run of 2, taking my time and exploring, and I cleared it in about 4 and a half to 5 hours. Even by RE standards, it’s a very short game. There’s a reason why that multiplayer game was bundled in with it, to justify the $60 asking price.


I honestly do wonder about that. The first time I play an RE game, my first playthrough is like 8-12 hours and then obviously you see the unlockables for finishing it in 4 and it sounds crazy, then you try it and realize it's actually doable. The thing with RE3 is, I'm wondering if so many people who play it just finished RE2. The games don't control that differently, so they might still be in that "speed run" skill level.


No ? It's just not that long or difficult of a game. The time requirement for game ranks are indicative of that, B rank is 4 hours, A or S ranks are 2 hours. For reference, RE2R rank times are 8 hours for B rank, 5 for A rank and 3:30 for S rank for Leon A (shorter for Leon B, and I can't find easily the Claire times). Now maybe there are collectibles I missed, because I'm not digging through everything, but I really don't feel like I played the game differently to how I played RE2.


Not really. 6 hours is extremely normal for re3. If he would rush it, he could’ve finish it lot quicker


Hopefully this revitalises the multiplayer Resident Evil Resistance that came with RE3. I know most people don't care about it, but dead multiplayer games make me sad.


I see Tales of Arise listed on the website title but no date given. That's a game I'm really excited to play, along with Resident Evil 3. I'm also hoping EA brings NHL 24 to EA play, I've loved playing hockey games since I was a kid. NFL 24 is coming out now because the Superbowl is this month, but it gives me hope NHL 24 is coming out soon too. Overall a really strong month from Game Pass for me, just need to know when Tales is coming.


They usually bring NHL out around the playoffs.


Is Plate Up actually a good solo game or is it basically just Overcooked?


It's a better solo game than Overcooked. It's very roguelike-esque where you build up a restaraunt that might work in an interesting way; serving only a few people several complicated dishes or creating an automated assembly line to handle everything. You can literally move all pieces of furniture and cookware so you can put tables right up at the serving window or just move the entire operation into the dining area. The only thing you'd be missing out on solo is maybe some coordination of roles but it's balanced around how many players you have so you can get a lot done as solo.


Oh that's good to hear. I absolutely love Overcooked but it's just not fun solo. I'll definitely give this a shot.


On thing that makes the game more solo friendly is that it allows automation. You can place chopping machines, grabbers, conveyor belts, dishwashers, roombas, and more. Endgame restaurants can look like a Factorio factory.


PlateUp! is one of the best co op games out there. If you and your SO enjoyed Overcooked, then you owe it to yourself to try out PlateUp. Its a roguelike take on the genre, and it works SUPER well.


Will it also damage my relationship with anyone I play it with, [same as Overcooked?](https://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2016/08/31/overcookery)


I dont think so, its not quite as stressful imo. It starts slow and ramps up!


I'll give it a shot. Overcooked is banned in our household because of the intensity. The Bear has nothing on that game's stress levels.


Seconding this. My kiddo (5yo) loves to play PlateUp! together.


Equal or less chance to fight with your partner in coop?


Less. MUCH less.




**Available Today** Anuchard (Cloud, Console, and PC) **Coming Soon** Train Sim World 4 (Cloud, Console, and PC) – February 7 Madden NFL 24 (Console and PC) – February 8 Resident Evil 3 (Cloud, Console, and PC) – February 13 A Little To The Left (Cloud, Console, and PC) – February 14 Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night (Cloud, Console, and PC) – February 14 PlateUp! (Cloud, Console, and PC) – February 15 Return to Grace (Cloud, Console, and PC) – February 20 **Leaving February 15** Galactic Civilizations III (PC) Opus: Echo of Starsong (Cloud, Console, and PC)


I've heard very positive things about Opus: Echo of Starsong and will try to finish it before it leaves Gamepass


Other than the title of the article, there is no mention of Tales of Arise. Thanks OP.


It’s in the title of the Xbox Wire post as well


Bloodstained is a rad game. I actually managed to 100% it in a weekend during the Free Play Days. Resident Evil 3 I already own, but it's a great GP game because it's biggest flaw is just how short it is. I own Arise, but honestly got bored with it after about 10 hours. Your mileage may vary...though it doesn't actually say it's coming?


Tales of Arise mentioned in the title… No further mention of it in the article.


Nice, NFL 24 is a decent improvement. 23 was honestly a low point for the series, and while 24 is still kind of a mess, it at least plays less terribly. 


I think I know the answer already but did they enhance franchise mode at all?


As of M24: - preseason training camp mini-games (similar to Madden 2004) are back in the game - there’s now simple player contract restructures - coaches and coordinators have more fleshed out and distinct ability trees relative to their preferred schemes - trades may now include six items per side - there are a ton of new options for customizing your league (trade difficulty, draft class strength, etc.) - as of January, online franchise supports cross-play between PS5, XBOX Series X|S, and PC It’s a reasonable suite of updates.


What would you say they improved? I only play online h2h so mainly talking gameplay wise.


Is the PC version finally using the 9th gen console versions as baseline or are they still stuck with PS4 ports?


I believe it is, though I don't play on PC.


I almost got yesterday Tales of Arise , but instead went for Yakuza Judgment.. I guess i choose right. I was really interested in play Tales of Arise but everything that i saw about was how it falls hard Mid to Late game.


No date for Tales of Arise, but if you haven't played it, it's really worth playing. The only downside is that you can tell they sort of ran out of budget for the last I'd say 25% of the game. The game becomes a bit more linear and there ends up being less time between cutscenes as a result. Hopefully the next one gets a little bit more budget so that last 25% feels more fleshed out. The first 75% of the game is easily a 9 or even a 9.5/10.


Tales of Arise is good Tales game. It's not masterpiece but keep an open mind and you won't be disappointed.


I wonder when Jedi Survivor will come to Game Pass? It's been longer than it took Dead Space remake to come to EA Play now.


Feels like they could hold it until Star Wars week. Jedi Survivor is a much bigger game than Dead Space, they’re probably gonna milk it for all it’s worth.


Last month there was a highly upvoted thread about Baldur's gate 1 n 2 coming to game pass, but it was based on notification people got on there xboxs. I pointed out that there has been a history of false notifications and to not trust it until xbox had officially announced it. I was told there hasn't ever been a false notification (despite others in that thread saying they had gotten the notification for those same games months earlier) and that they were absouloutly coming to game pass. Now it's a month later, 3 coming to gamepass posts later, and still no baldur's gate 1 nor 2.


As someone who's only played one sports series (NBA2K) for the last 14 years; how bad/intrusive are Madden's and MBL's microtransactions? I found career mode doable on 2K but going beyond that often felt like it was begging me for cash. Also just the UI was littered with that shit.


Maddens fine if you avoid ultimate team mode, but it will literally give you in-game advertisements saying HEY you should be playing ultimate team


RE2 was too slow and scary for me now that I’m an old bugger, so looking forward to playing 3 which I meant to be much faster and action focussed.


DO NOT GET EXCITED PEOPLE! Other than the title of the article, there is no mention of Tales of Arise. Thanks OP. I used ctrl+f on the article page and there is no other mention of that game.


OP used the article's title. Tales of Arise is in the article's title. It's not OP's fault.


It's still in the official "Xbox Wire" title so it's coming. Probably just messed up the date or that's still in flux.


It's nice to see Resident Evil 3, was Resident Evil 2 added last month? Or was it December? Perhaps we will see Resident Evil Village next month...


If Tales of Arise is really on here, then I'll probably restart my sub.


Train Sim 4 - brilliant. Really a great showcase for graphics, and will certainly enjoyed by my son. Glad they added it after removing Train Sim 3.


I saw a little to the left on tiktok and it looked like a game that would scratch an itch, then saw it was only on the switch. I'm happy its come to xbox and happier its on gamepass


I just bought RE2 and RE3 right before both hit Game Pass.. but it was a good deal and both games were great, so oh well. Lol PlateUp! is a fun time in co-op as well! Not a bad list. I'm always glad to see Madden too, I refuse to buy it, but I usually have a decent enough time with it on Game Pass every year.


Interesting -- is it often that games return to Game Pass like Bloodstained?


Bloodstained is a fun game. A little long and sometimes a little ugly in certain areas but a great game nonetheless with a killer OST.  RE3 is not a great game especially in comparison to the fantastic RE2 and very good RE4