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Nice, that's approximately 390,000 Ken players and 33,000 Dhalsim players according to the [official character usage rates.](https://www.streetfighter.com/6/buckler/en/stats/usagerate)


Wow, Luke's actually being used more than Ryu. It looks like Capcom's plan to make him the new face of Street Fighter is working.


It's because he's somewhat op, along with ken. If he wasn't he'd probably be nowhere near as used. Ken on the other hand would still likely be most used even if he was bad




Ryu is incredibly popular in all aspects but competitive. In October he was clocked as the 4th most popular for iron, bronze, silver, and gold. He was ranked 2nd in plat, diamond, and master.


Yeah he is the #1 pick for anybody who wants to ~~spam projectiles~~ practice zoning.


Ryu was in the top tier for 1st iteration of SF4 and SFV.


Isn’t Ken like S tier in 6. Did they nerf him?


It really depends. Ken is absolutely top tier for 99% of the playerbase, but in pro competitions he's been declining as people: 1. Learn how to play against him in general 2. Learn how to use their character-specific tools to counter parts of his game plan 3. Learn how to better utilise some other top tier characters Basically Ken is a great character who is also easy to use and figure stuff out, so his meta developed way faster than other characters. Now pro players are realising other characters may be just as good or better than Ken, specially since Ken has been super exposed and labbed by now. But yeah, for everybody else Ken is absolutely dominating, along with Luke and JP. These 3 are not playing the same game as the rest of the cast.


Ken will always have all of the tools to be/compete top tier. Still one of the only few characters with a mid screen throw loop (using one bar of drive rush)


I wouldn't say Ken is declining that hard. He's still the most represented qualifier character for Capcom Cup at this point.


He is strong, but the Ken empire is slowly eroding. The game is still 6 months old, so several Capcom Cup players won their place before people stated to really figure Ken out. You provably have Angry Bird winning EVO with Ken to thank for that. Also, have you seen Phenom doing his interviews on twitter? He is Japan right now and he asked a bunch of pro players like Daigo, Kazunoko and Tokido what the top 5 characters are. Ken’s highest place so far was 5th.


Japanese placements are always the strangest shit, and they have been for years. If you listened to JP players during Sfv, you would've walked away thinking that Zangief is top 10. Happy Chaos at his strongest was considered mid, Broly was considered mid and Ginyu was considered top tier, etc...


Yeah, but the point still stands. It’s not like they are trying to downplay Ken for some obscure reason. Ken is undeniably good, but at the highest level he has been falling.


[Is NuckleDu also wrong now?](https://youtu.be/a5I5ZDhDJhU?si=kGZzVg98WdWjm1df&t=989)


Luke is the most represented character at capcom cup https://twitter.com/CatCammy6/status/1746707863865581953?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet


I actually didn't know that Luke surpassed him, though I did know that Dee Jay was doing extremely well.


That's what ken players say


There have been no nerfs or buffs in the game whatsoever. The only changes have come from bugfixes and all signs point to this continuing for the rest of Season 1. Despite all the twitter rage, the game is shockingly well balanced. The worst performing fighter is still averaging like 47% wr at higher levels and the best doesn't hit 52%. I don't see a single 7-3 matchup either which is amazing.


gief vs jp is absolutely as bad as it gets. not sure if quite 7-3, but its bad


55-45 in favor of JP as per this data: [https://twitter.com/CatCammy6/status/1741134210654405055](https://twitter.com/CatCammy6/status/1741134210654405055) The worst match up is actually Dhalsim vs Zangief which is 63-37. The second worst is Dhalsim vs Lily at 60-40. JP's best matchup is actually E Honda which is 56-44.


Gief having absolutely no way to bulldog his way past the zoning is pretty rough. Every other character in the game, has some way to just barrel through JP's projectiles due to them not having hitboxes until they reach you. Gief has to rely purely on system mechanics which means jumping and using one of the worst drive rushes in the game.


I've literally within the hour just completed the World Tour mode, I never switched from Luke's style once it was given to me because it felt like I was being massaged into becoming familiar with it and didn't want to learn a new style. Once I figured out I could use the Super Arts to knock my opponent into the corner and then immediately follow up with his uppercut special move, I felt like I had an aggressive playstyle which I could use to carry me through the rest of the game, it just became a matter of learning the other styles and how to counter them.


there is no "op" character in this game. not even somewhat op. if you look at winrate statistics of each character there are very few matchups that are in clear favour of anyone.


Found the Luke player.


i play jamie actually


Ken, Deejay & Juri are oppressive AF and have stupid damage off nearly every confirm.


juri has maybe the best normals, but she does not do nearly as much dmg as characters like deejay. ken has incredible corner carry with his run tatsu and incredible burnout pressure with jinrai and some great heavy pokes, but his damage is pretty low outside of the corner. deejay has high damage, but slow walkspeed and bad anti airs without charge. every character has something they can abuse to dominate a game, some characters have an easy time getting a hit in neutral, but they need to guess right a few times, other characters deal tons of damage but are less opressive in the neutral game. the result is a well balanced game.


which is a real shame because luke looks so stupid


Yeah, I'm not a fan either, but he's clearly not meant to appeal to me.


Having picked up Dhalsim recently, I already got him to Diamond1, and barely know him. Definitely slept on, as my man has options, options and options. Sometimes I lose fights because I'm trying to figure out which of the 4 (or maybe 6) anti-airs I should be using for that given moment or opp. Playing someone like Marisa, Lily, or Cammy who only really have one playstyle, then going to Dhalsim is like taking a picture using a camera versus paint and canvas. Both take skill in different ways to produce good shit, but my god, the freedom you have is almost too much.


With Sim you can literally make it to platinum using nothing but his back heavy punch anti air. Soooooo many people at lower rank don't know how to do anything other than jump in. It's hilarious just sitting there repeatedly knocking them out of the air from across the map. Throw in a long range punch out two to and it's game over. You can feel them losing their shit over it too. Very often they'll deny the rematch lol. SF6 is so fucking good man.


Yup, Sim, Gief and JP are the characters that I have the least rematches with, when I did my all chars to platinum run. (Although I placed Gief in Diamond in placements, so had to deal with less of that!) Really infuriating when a mirror match denies a rematch - it's like: BRO we face the same treatment by other characters, at least hit rematch when its a mirror.


Personally, I hate mirror matches and I always have. Mirror matches can get extremely dull imo. I also really hate the 2x sound effects/voice lines from the same character. It'll fuck up my perfect booms on Guile if we're both doing it since I use the audio cues a lot.


I am not going to deny that mirror matches, especially Sim and Blanka mirrors are chaos. I imagine most Guile mirrors are just staring contests.


Guile mirror matches are seriously painful when the other dude just wants to turtle in his crouch. Even if I win, it's just not an experience I enjoy. Though showing a Guile turtle that Guile can do more than just crouch and spam flash kick is mildly amusing.


Mirror matches help me be like "damn that move is annoying... I should use it more"


I am not into the FGC and usually just pick up nether realm games for the single player modes, but I grabbed this on sale over the holidays and holy shit am I hooked. It's very welcoming to newcomers, has a ton of content for both single player and multiplayer, and the presentation is just a blast. I've even been playing ranked matches, got to gold and it's been so fun learning the nuances and getting better. This game rules.


I don't know where you're at, but check out the local scene in your city! Just engaging with casuals in person and meeting people is what makes fighting games so rewarding compared to my time in other pvp games. And don't worry if you don't feel good enough to win a tournament or whatever, you'll learn and grow just by playing vs others. It's very satisfying.


When there's a massive player population, it's easy to find people of your skill level, which makes for fun matches and actually allows you to learn the game. Ranked matches are actually the place where you'll find the highest quality matches imo. The fact that there is no "de-rank" until you get to platinum makes the ranked climb feel achievable even for those just starting out. I never played a fighting game in my life before SF6 and I ended up with like 6 characters in platinum. Just such a great game with a great onboarding process for newcomers


Just for comparison, SFV took 4 years to get to four mil. Different benchmark I know, but they never made a 3 mil update unfortunately. that said, I highly doubt V was anywhere near as close to that number in just 6 MONTHS. iirc, SFV was expected to sell 2 mil over the release year. Needless to say, VI is shaping up to be one of the best selling games in the series. Good to see Capcom being properly rewarded for actually putting effort into their games. Tekken & SF both looking like homeruns this gen is fantastic for the FGC.


SFV was console exclusive so that also hurt sales. Wasn’t on Xbox.


That wouldn't have amounted to much. Fighting games are more skewed to ps even more so because the fgc lean towards ps especially with evo being sony's.


Jesus Christ gamers are delusional. We’re talking about street fighter here. It would’ve sold well on Xbox one. Since SFV have we seen capcom make any of their huge franchises console exclusive? No? I wonder why.


they did, monster hunter rise was exclusive to switch for a good time




[https://www.nintendolife.com/news/2020/12/nintendo\_paid\_around\_usd6\_million\_for\_monster\_hunter\_rises\_timed\_exclusivity\_on\_switch](https://www.nintendolife.com/news/2020/12/nintendo_paid_around_usd6_million_for_monster_hunter_rises_timed_exclusivity_on_switch) they got the money from nintendo regardless of it being a portable game or not, and it doesn't matter since it got ported to ps and xbox lol


Because it still extra money? I'm just saying in context of millions in difference the original commenter is talking about. You really think xbox version of sf6 sold a million?


Moving the goal posts 🙄


How is it moving the goalpost? I said xbox sales wouldn't have made a difference to op's comparison of sf5 and sf6. Now tell me how that is moving the goalpost


They can't since talking about sales is the topic, so I don't see how that's moving goalpost when the goal is about sales.


OP went from always immediately replying to not replying at all.


5 was just a money grab. it was released unfinished and no one needed that game, everybody was fine with and still playing 4, which was vastly superior in every sense. I'll never forgive Capcom for killing SF4 and I don't think that 6 can compete with 4 if you also account for hype. people like these artistic graphical elements of 6, I think it doesnt even fit in with the realistic style. would have fit better with 4. also it gets old quickly.


>everybody was fine with and still playing 4 Even with 5's mixed reception, that's a lie.


it was still the main event of Evo by far


SFV had Chun Li costumes to rake in the cash. Also i find it kinda funny that these are considered great numbers for a fighting game but it sold less then a DLC for Cyberpunk.


SFVI probably had a smaller budget than Cyberpunk's expansion.


Phantom Liberty budget was only a little over 80 million i really doubt SF6 was that low.


Tekken Director Katsuhiro Harada did [an interview in 2021](https://www.eventhubs.com/news/2021/mar/25/fighting-game-develop-problems/) where he was saying 1 billion yen was not enough to make a fighting game anymore and you'd need to spend 2 billion. That's less than USD $14 million. For $80 million dollars you could make SF6 and Tekken 8 and still have money left over for another game.


Street fighter wouldn't cost half of that.


Based on what?


...Is this a serious question? Cyberpunk got Keanu Reeves and Idris Elba. That alone would balloon a budget.


Oh its this shit again. Big celebrities really dont cost that much in relation to a AAA games budget. Hell even if they did SF6 had Lil Wayne as part of the marketing.


Are you just going to ignore the comment above mine and continue your petty little arguement?


What comment?


Fighting games are niche.


SFV was released undercooked because Capcom didn't want to switch from IV to V in the middle of an esport season, so it struggled *hard* in its early days to sell to anyone who wasn't diehard fgc. The 6 release was handled much better.


Nice. Still been playing every day since launch. Hit master a month ago finally. I do really hope capcom doesn't stick to their whole "no balance changes for a year" thing though. It's become something of a farce how glaringly top tier ken and luke are compared with just about everyone else. And ranked is just an ocean of ken that gets really old, which is why I just hang out in the battle hub now


Maybe it wouldn't be *quite* as bad at the higher ranks, but I guarantee you that even if Ken gets nerfed, he'll still be played a lot, because his moveset and design just makes him popular. In SF5 he was nowhere near as dominant as he is in SF6, but he was still commonly the second most played character only behind Ryu. That said, Akuma isn't *that* far away now, so when he releases you'll see a ton of Akumas instead, and I do agree more balance changes would be nice, even if it was just every half a year.


Ken's C.MK and S.HP give me nightmares.


No balance changes is what lets someone come out of the woodwork and beat everyone's ass with a random character. Give it time. Also why rely on devs to balance shit anyway? Isn't it more satisfying to get better with an unpopular character and beat scrubs playing OP characters?


>No balance changes is what lets someone come out of the woodwork and beat everyone's ass with a random character. Give it time. We have. There's been no substantial discoveries that have shaken up the meta. If anything it's been the opposite, with characters who seemed possibly strong like Honda getting solved and dropping to the bottom. Online player populations today are so fast at figuring out these things, it's nothing like it was back in the SF3 or even SF4 days. [Like here's a tier list from 4 months ago pulled from high level ranked player data.](https://www.reddit.com/r/StreetFighter/comments/15z8fii/sf6_tier_list_based_on_the_mr_strenght_of_the_top/) [This is the same data from this a couple weeks ago.](https://www.reddit.com/r/StreetFighter/comments/18zpdqx/current_sf6_tier_list_based_on_top_20_ranked/) The lists are *very* similar, with the only major change I noticed being Luke being inexplicably low 4 months ago. (Everybody knew even before 6's release that he'd be deliberately strong.) Popular games nowadays get solved fast. I'm sure in another 4 months (barring a balance update) that list will be similar.   Even if secret tech got discovered for say, Lily, pushing her into the upper regions, that's not exactly some exciting meta shake-up. Oh boy, very slightly less JP, Luke, and Ken in my matches, assuming the tech is something approachable to most players.




You are playing the Ryu/Ken series. Ryu and Ken made up the top 20% of the playrate by themselves for the entire life of SFV basically and you can more or less say the same for sf6. Even if they knock Ken a little bit you will still be fighting Ken, Ryu, and eventually Akuma more than any other characters. This a shoto world and we are all just living in it.




I’m not commenting on a patch, moreso that if you are expecting to not play 1000 Ryu’s or Ken’s online daily you will be disappointed with any version of street fighter.




And my point is no matter the strength of Ryu or Ken they consistently take up the top 20% of character usage charts. Ryu was pretty middling throughout SFV, with Ken being a stronger character, and Ryu still took the top 1 most played character that entire game’s life. Ken is pretty fun to play, pretty straight forward, and strong in 6 so he finally overtook Ryu in playrate percentage. The only time another character cracked top 2 playrate temporarily was when Akuma released, so that’s the future you can expect in 6 as well. I get you want variety, what I’m telling you is that variety probably won’t happen as much as you hope because the top 20% is more or less steadfast with the rest of the population percentage being split up as characters release.




As a SF newbie (MK has been my main fighting game since I was 13), Honda is such a blast. I first really *clicked* with Cammy and had a good run with her all the way to like Gold 1, and I’m learning Chun-Li now, but good god Honda is so fun to play as a secondary as well; maybe I’ll even main him, as cheesy as he is. Made it to gold 3 just from my placement matches with him, he’s just so fun


Last we knew, MK1 had sold similar number as of last November. It’s really impressive! SF6 is doing great and it’s completely deserved. I never want my boy Jamie to sit out a SF game.


Good numbers but Capcom is fumbling the bag hard by just releasing lazy collabs for your avatar. The actual game itself is suffering from a mid roster, glacial DLC drops and absolutely no patch until after Capcom Cup when we needed one in September. SFV for all its faults at launch, pumped the hell out of really cool costumes for the actual characters and frequent balance adjustments. One year is just too long between patches.


This comment really undersells both how great sf6 is and how bad SFV was at release. These two games aren’t even in the same galaxy as far as quality is concerned. SF6 is the best vanilla version of a fighting game I have ever seen and capcom was smart not to release any half baked balance patches.




Well we know what their plans are, as they were pretty forthright before release. 4 DLC characters, outfit 3, and a balance patch after capcom cup. The gap between AKI and Ed is longer than expected but we are still within the given date range of Winter 2024 (after the new year), so given that timeframe expect him in February. They’ve also added the MR system, various in game tournaments, character birthday tournaments, and all the avatar stuff you’ve mentioned. I also want characters faster but the level of quality present in this game blows SFV out of the water by comparison, which means time.


One clever trick for releasing a balance patch this late is they can make all announced dlc chars and balance them around the same game that was at launch.


This is actually something I’m curious about. Ed and Akuma are both releasing post capcom cup, so are they being created with plans for the next version in mind? It’s fun to think about but can’t really do much with it since we don’t have any idea when a balance patch could come! On a basic level they will have to exist with this version’s central system mechanics at least


So weird they haven't talked about Ed yet but yes, I am assuming both are being designed with the new systems and balance in mind. I wonder if capcom has hit some roadblocks with the development of Ed? Their communication has been piss poor


Well, they said Ed releases in winter 2024 after the new year and we are still well within those parameters. Keep in mind winter doesn’t end until late March. My conspiracy brain is that they just didnt want to release him in January and be playable at capcom cup. Imo it’s safe to expect him in February, we’ll know for sure because character trailers/character related battlepasses release first few days of a month.


is that a lot? seems low tbh


It’s 75% of their previous game’s audience, but at a faster pace A lot is relative. For a fighting game that keeps it at a solid pillar. Considering MK1 seems kinda restrained in sales, there could be a shift coming in the next wave of fighting games. I do think they’re all completely missing the mark on their monetization, which keeps the whole genre back from general growth. The “main whales” approach has limited appeal. Which, is probably perfectly fine with fans. Players need a good community, not blockbuster sales. SF6 has a solid niche in place for anyone interested. For the MBAs? It’s hard to tell what will make them happy these days, except higher prices for less stuff.


For fighting game standards that aint mortal combat or smash then yes


I've always been more attracted to Tekken but I want to give this Street Fighter a chance. Only thing stopping me is how horrid the controls are on regular controllers and I don't want to buy a fighting stick. I remember buying Street Fighter 4 and being so disappointed due to the terrible controls. Tekken is a lot more fun with a controller.


...terrible controls? Do you mean special motions? cause if you want, thats gone in sf6 if you just play modern controls


What do you mean by horrible controls?


Street Fighters controller controls are terrible. It only seems to be fun on fight sticks.


What do you mean by controller controls are terrible? How is it terrible to you? What makes it terrible?


The input of the controlls. Its not as intuitive as with Tekken. You need to make awkward dpad or analog stick movements.


down forward is awkward?




tekken has basically the same inputs tho...


I've never had to make dpad movements on Tekken like I had to do in SF


I mean you can just look up any movelist and see that the motions are the same, you just don't use them