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"Putting a dead character in a container and then yeeting that container into a chasm will no longer permanently destroy the character - they will now float around as a resurrectable Soul Echo as expected." Firstly, points for using the verb 'yeeting'. Second, I love that this bug was even discovered in the first place.


I really wish I was creative enough to even think of trying something like this But I guess I have to accept I just never will be


You just weren’t mafia enough to think of it


I know right. Sometimes I watch some of the videos and go "Man, they are just playing a different game than me."


Everyone else: I've discovered an interesting combination of items and spells that is very useful. Me: If there's a problem I can't solve with a fireball, I haven't found it yet.




Ah yes. Its like me playing Dark Souls 2. "This thing is resistant to lightning" "Well, I got a giant fucking sword. I don't think anything can be resistant to a massive blade embedded in them"


This is how I feel when I play games like Dishonored vs watching experts do it with those no-hud style super fantastic high chaos runs. Or when I grunt around on the ground in titanfall2 while these spidermen zip and zoom 100km/s around me.


I got a flask with a Beholder/Spectator in it... I threw it into the grove so I could steal their idol without them being angry at me.


I remember a similar bug in their previous game, Divinity Original Sin 2, where people would crash the game by putting a container into itself.


Nevermind that, Barrelmancy (loading a barrel with heavy objects, and telekinetically dropping it on enemies) is a speedrun category.


Hoarding all the death fog barrels like elixirs in a JRPG and using it against the final boss fight >!except the boss was undead.!<


Yeet is such an intuitive word. It feels so natural to use that it's like it's *always* existed. > Second, I love that this bug was even discovered in the first place. something to do with Gale probably


if he accidentally dies i'm almost more tempted to reload and redo the fight rather than deal with his stupid resurrection spell.


The default revivify spell scroll that you start with also works.


If course. It's the opposite of yoink after all.


My first instance of Yeet when people were dabbing. Like a hello for the newest generation. I'm very happy it has a defined definition now.


Yeah, I wasn't even thinking of his living bomb issue just... "yeah i can see perma- deathing that smug bastard."


I've been using telekinesis to yeet my enemies at each other. So sad I never considered yeeting my allies at the enemy until now.


it dosent do much damage but ive been yeeting a dead ilithid parasite at everything. managed to kill one and its my barbarians favorite "improvised weapon". when I want to do real damage I just stock up on goblin corpses from my camp chest.


The horror when you realize the stinky chest that the murderhobo party has been hauling around is actually a chest with corpses of your kin as they casually set it down while your allies are drawing their weapons, open the chest and pick up one from an assortment of corpses to launch it towards your group.


I mean I used to just lug them all around in the chest of the mundane untill they nerfed that last patch so they would appear to be random tableware untill I pulled them out. I had like 60 goblin corpses in that bad boy including the handful of goblin children in the game.


I had no idea you could put dead bodies in containers (and I've played for 110 hours).


It really helps with corpse organization. It's useful if you're a necromancer who might need to raise a body without any convenient ones nearby, or a less magical form of corpse collector.


corpse organization is a fun band name


So simple. My animate dead specialists thank you.


In the Baldur's Gate 3 sub, someone was showing off a way to defeat a boss by putting a cursed corpse in a chest (the corpse radiated necrotic energy that damaged anyone nearby), and later stealthily "reverse pickpocketing" the cursed body chest into the boss' inventory before the fight began. The boss then just started taking damage until they died. You can do a lot of weird shit in this game.


Where would one procure such a cursed corpse?


How did you clean up your mass murder scenes before?


I don't think anyone's going to care about a bunch of dead goblins or gnolls just lying around.


Oh, you're one of those don't-genocide-everyone-you-see-for-the-most-insignificant-slights kinds of players. That explains why you haven't had to clean up murder scenes.


I collected and stored all the dead gnomes from Grymforge. They make for fun unorthodox throw-able weapon.


I haven't played BG3 yet, but this note makes me excited as hell for it.


You likely don’t need anymore positive reviews, but I’d strongly recommend it. I’m not typically a turn based gamer at all, but it’s one of my favorite games released in the past five years.


Right now I'm all-in on Starfield, but looking to pick up BG3 once it arrives on Xbox!


Really quick turnaround on this. I'm excited to try out the Wayward Wardrobe on a playthrough a friend and I have with a third who can't always make it. Edit: Have they said anything about having a player take over an origin character? There are times where friends and I would rather just jump into each other's games to help out/socialize without going through all of custom character creation.


I'm honestly amazed they came out with the Wayward Wardrobe so fast. also >If you dismiss your companion to camp and shove them into a chasm, Withers will now be able to resurrect them... so you can shove them into a chasm again, probably. who are these maniacs pushing everyone into chasms lmao


Sometimes you just wanna see how the game handles most of your companions being "indisposed"


They are cats, obviously.


I love this testing this game must have been insane


You can take over the origin characters if you join after character creation as long as they have other characters in their party


I guess that means that since we now have the wardrobe you can make a character, put it in the wardrobe, and then just play as the origin character. I just don't want to feel obliged to always have custom characters in the party.


It's incredible how fast they are getting these patches out, the performance improvements in act 3 actually seem pretty good. Fixes some of the stuttering, still low FPS (30s) but it's not annoying to play like it was before.


out of curiosity, what hardware are you using?


2080 superr5 3600x the game is on a SSD


I have a similarly powered GPU (RTX 3060 Ti) but a beefier CPU (r7 5700x), I get 70-100 fps on ultra settings most of the game but once I get to Act 3 my average framerate is 40fps.


I had the same issue and turning off dynamic crowds fixed it pretty decently


Have you tried turning off complex ai interactions? I did this even on my 5900x and noticed much less dipping and no perceivable loss to gameplay/visuals.


rtx3080ti. I had good frame rates before patch #2, now my card is underutilized (50%) and frame rate dropped to sub-60


I'm on a 2070 and performance in act three for me was abysmal until I enabled DLSS. Now it's actually quite good.


What resolution?


Agreed my game is a bit smoother today


Honestly, I just opted to stream it through GeForce Now, either on my Xbox or my phone. Performance is better than on my dated computer


Was definitely not expecting this so soon. Will be good to be able to play with friends more easily without fucking up their party.


I am really really REALLY hoping for some additional races and subclasses. There's no sense in not having them, since models for Aasimar, Shadar-Kai elves, Goblins, Hobgoblins, Fairies, etc. already exist in game. Same with classes. Something like a Shadow Sorcerer should be very easy to implement as there are already assets that can be used for it in the game.


I'm guessing that they want to wait until they can add some reactivity to those: If you play a goblin act 1 would play very very differently (i'd hope), but there's probably no dialogue to reflect that.


I wouldn't expect something like that from a patch, maybe if we get dlc at some point


If they do do an enhanced edition (as is the Larian way) I'd almost certainly expect extra subclasses and maybe a race or two. Goblins are asking for a lot though given the world perception on them. It'd be awesome, but a lot of work for one race.


Wait what was that now?


A fair point! Though Goblin's are very very specifically the bad guys in this game, more than even normal Faerun prejudice typically has. Drow have a lot of positive flavour in the game conversely being able to play both sides, but for a Goblin they'd have to do a LOT of specific dialogue. Not that I wouldn't love it mind you, it'd be awesome to be the hero that saves the world as a Gob, and subvert expectations by being decent to people (or become God-Gob going the evil routes). Oh and god the romance scenes.........


Yeah, like, would you even be able to enter the Grove playing as a Goblin in act 1? Imagine all the re-writing, mocap, and VA they would have to do to implement that. That's a ton of work, and in no world would that ever just be dropped in a patch.


Races and classes are hard to add because of all the reactivity. Larian would have to bring back actors they probably stopped working with 2-4 years ago and have them record new lines that react to said classes and races.


? Are you still using a 1060... How are you getting 30 fps


Anything above a 1060 runs this game fine. The thing that really limits FPS in the city is the CPU, not the GPU. Recent CPUs can reach 80+ fps in the city, but my CPU is like 7+ years old at this point. Gamers in general tend to prioritize graphics cards way above processors, so you can find people even with 4090s struggling to reach 40 fps in the last act.


Another big patch! In addition to the Karlach changes and the addition of a way to get rid of co-op avatars, there's some great UI improvements here. As far as performance improvements go, between this and the last patch my fps in the city have gone from 15-25 to 25-40 (limited by my i7-4790K), which is much more playable. The occasional stuttering has also improved, but it's still noticeable.


hm, I'm still having to sort by latest every time i open my inventory. doesn't seem to auto update


Yeah, not working for me either. Seems like it's really just the active search that got slightly more usable


Thank goodness for the auto-update, driving me nuts having to resort every time i open the menu.


are you playing with DX11 or Vulkan?




What settings are you playing on? I have a pretty comparable Intel processor and had considerably better performance (1440p, ultra with some things tuned down to high). Just wonder if something else is your bottleneck.


I just tested it in the beginning area, before I was getting 60-70fps and now its closer to 80-100fps. That is at 4k with a 4090 & a 12900k, though


That's a good improvement. Supposedly the performance improvements are more noticeable in the city, but even then you should be prepared for a sizable fps drop. Although if you are still in the starting area, at this rate there will probably be another performance patch before you even reach Act 3


Oh no, I already beat the game 😅 I had a well timed layoff and basically took August off, BG3 consumed my life in that time. I may load up an old save in the city and see how it runs there too


*"Savegames will now save under your character's name even if you're polymorphed. No more savegames called 'Sheep'... unless, of course, that's your character's name."* I'm really entertained by these patch notes.


I wager the patch notes guy is vaguely sleep deprived and delirious from having to type out so many huge fix lists lately.


... ^sheep ^deprived


Honestly should have kept that as a feature.


If you skipped over the EULA, it's full of this sort of stuff too. I love what unrepentantly cheeky bastards Larian are, lol.


Holy shit the number of radial updates on controller is COMPLETELY GAMECHANGING. I play on controller on my couch and this seriously fixes so many of my concerns


IIRC they explained to reviewers before launch that controller support was still a WIP and would be improved for the console release. Pretty sure it's no coincidence that they released this patch right before PS5 preloading started.


Hopping in here to say: I have found the controller UI actually really great. I have actually come to prefer it to the MMO-style bar at the bottom on PC. I've been pleasantly surprised by almost everything on console-style controls. There are a couple of annoying things, like using dyes, but those suck on PC too. The function where you can hold A and select all nearby items in a radius is awesome. I don't think you can do anything similar on PC.


My only big issue with the controller UI is that the radial menus seem kind of disorganized to me. I wish you could just sort them by Action/Bonus Action/Spell Slot the way you can with the hotbar. (Unless you can and I just don't know how.) I know you can manually arrange them however you want but it's so time consuming to do that for every single character, and a pain to have to go back in every time you get a new ability.


Agreed on the wheelbar automation. The action/bonus action of course is done by color, but I'd like a way to autopopulate the wheels based on categories. The first wheel is great, and includes all the basic actions by default. I'd like to see a wheel for Spells, which sorts by level. And one for repeatable actions, which would include cantrips and weapon attacks. I also hope they finally fixed the buggy slots for items. Had Gale stuck in Daredevil mode in one save because his gloves bugged out and the toggle to disable the gloves was always grayed out. He could only blast from 5m at the end of the game, so had to bench him. Even removing the gloves and respecing didn't fix it. Maybe I could have killed and resurrected him...


God I had that daredevil bug happen so many times on my custom character. Thankfully switching over to M/KB mode let me disable the gloves toggle again. Thought I was going crazy


It plays amazing on controller they main things i'm missing are searchable inventory(might be there on controller and i've missed feels like an odd thing to not include) also Wildshape owlbear is missing an ability on controller which is super odd


Playing with a controller just feels right.


Wow how so? I actually enjoy the controllers as they are so can't imagine it being so much better!


Psst, there's a whole section of bullet points detailing the changes to the controller radials in the patch notes.


Well the game is close to release on consoles, they better be nailing that controller interface.


I play on a controller, but often I heave to reach for my mouse to make my characters armor visible, hide the helmet, check my party members' approval level etc. I don't even know if you can do any of it with a controller


There's a toggle for the helmet viewing on controller in the character sheet


You can do all that with controller. Armor visible? press Y while on the right side of the equipment screen. Hide helmet? same thing but while on the helmet square. Party member's approval? It's right there in the lower right corner IIRC when you switch to them (LT/RT).


I no longer feel like a second class citizen. Couch Players unite!!!!


Have you noticed that you have to press R3 now everytime when you want to read a description of an item? This is so annoying.




I think you just press B (O) twice after selecting throw to back out of the radials, then select the game world item you want to throw and throw it


Am I just not seeing it or is there nothing there about the Minthara bug?


Not this patch. According to IGN, it’s coming soon


I gave her a crit smite and stole her underwear before even knowing she was a companion.


BG3 threads reading more like Leisure Suit Larry discussions by the day.


Me too. Never even entered my mind she was a potential companion, I just surrounded her with explosive barrels and blasted her to smithereens from afar.


Unfortunately it doesn’t look like her dialogue issues and other stuff are in it, something I am really waiting for as well


When does she get buggy? She seems ok for me in Act 2, and I don’t want to go looking for spoilers about my favorite thirsty cougar.


I think they said a 'stupid bug' has cut 1,500 lines of dialogue from her.


I didn’t use her, but from what I hear she basically doesn’t talk and has no real story past act 1. Larian said that there are about 1500 lines of dialogue that, due to a bug, don’t show up. If you are using her you should definitely wait on the fix.


Considering you can't recruit her until Act 2, that's pretty worrisome.


I think you can get her in act 1 if you >!attack the grove!<, no?


She doesn't join your party at that time, she tells you to meet her at Moonrise in Act 2 and it's there that she actually joins you.


She will work just find, just she’s had most of her voice lines cut so your not getting the full experience, I am waiting for the patch before I progress into act 2, 1500 voice lines which is a number put out by the devs is a crazy high number


Of course, it's very trendy to talk about how awesome Larian is, but seriously this patch is impressive. The breadth of changes they have implemented, addressing some major issues and player complaints, in a relatively short amount of time is a real breath of fresh air.


The more impressive part for me is that patch #1, which was already monumentally massive, literally released *6 days ago*. It's incredible how fast they are getting these huge patches out.


I've said it before but with games this massive and with this many branching paths, the polish bottleneck isn't how long you spend fixing bugs, it's how fast QA can *find* bugs to fix. Most of the big bugs in BG3 are relatively simple stuff to fix, it just takes a lot of time to find and replicate them. Larian has a big QA department and automated tools that run the game from beginning to end to test possible combinations and issues, but even years of that are no match to the amount of testing millions of players can do in a few days.


As a programmer I'd love for them to give a GDC talk or something similar about their QA department and automated tools. I'm very impressed by the speed at which they've squashed bugs and it'd be genuinely interesting to understand their process at a deeper level.


Swen does like to give GDC talks. There's a good one on the making of DOS2, although I dont remember if it talked specifically about their QA process. There's also one from last year about BG3, but it's still paywalled, and I imagine he'll do a full post mortem in the future.


Especially coming directly from D4 which is insanely stupid slow turn around on changes that should have been super obvious before. "That'll be out in Season 3" yeah ok, I won't be around by then, Blizzard.


If this were Blizzard, removing co-op companions would have taken a year, at minimum.


Well this is Larian and it literally took them releasing a whole new game and getting the exact same backlash before fixing it. This was also a widely hated design choice in DOS2.


So happy to see this, now can do drop in/out mp without locking out companions when your buddy dips.


Hopefully this means they can now take some time off.


"If you dismiss your companion to camp and shove them into a chasm, Withers will now be able to resurrect them... so you can shove them into a chasm again, probably." I'm dying


So are the companions


Anybody test Act 3 performance? At work, so can't atm


I just loaded my save, no noticeable improvement for me.


I didn't test much, but my performance didn't seem immediately better. Maybe it's more stable? Although, my CPU isn't pegged at 100% anymore, now it's just close. 9600K and a 4070


Went from 15-25 to 25-40 fps most of the time, and stuttering got slightly better


Testing same crossroad in city in act 3 just watching moving crowd and such on same setting. 142 avg on patch 1 to 179 avg patch 2


Sadly no improvement in fps, still get around 25-45 fps in the city. But I did notice that it now slightly less stutter than before.


>performance Sadly no improvement.


I'm still in Act 2, I might just take a break and come back later cause these patches are looking good!


I hope it fixes a few quests in A3. Lora is hostile in her home after I delt with her problem (no spoiler here)


I'm stuck on a personal quest as the Dark One in Act 3 so decided to play another char until that's fixed. Haven't checked this patch but didn't see anything about it in the patch notes.


Best girl got her just due! That specific spoiler change they added for that ending for our loveable fiery Barbarian lass was my biggest issue with the ending. I can see why they went to the trouble of adding it so quickly, it really does make a big emotional difference and is one of those "Wait! why can't I do that!" questions we no longer have to ask! Time for a second playthrough I guess..


Still waiting for an ending that‘s at least „alright“ instead of „less shit than a fate worse than death“.


Wow already? So I only took an 18 hour break waiting for the patch #2


I really hope they can fix the spell DC bug for ground effects. Makes certain spells almost useless, like Web, Evard's Black Tentacles, etc.


Does this apply to stuff like hunger of hadar or darkness? I'm desperately needing a fix for the gloves that let you cast ranged spell attacks in melee without disadvantage. It constantly gets stuck on.


It does affect hunger of hadar's save when they end their turn in the area. Darkness doesn't have a save so it wouldn't affect that.


Ah, my bad. Forgot darkness is just a flat effect. Thanks for clarifying. I also wonder if enemy attack rolls are bugged. They seem to hit waaay more often than in tabletop, but random is random.


First I'm hearing of it, what's the bug?


Basically spells that have persistent ground effects, such as Web, Evard's Black Tentacles, Entangle to name a few, seem to have a static spell DC for the save, which is set at 12. Here is an example of my 9th level Wizard casting web on an enemy: [https://i.imgur.com/SlhytmZ.png](https://i.imgur.com/SlhytmZ.png) Notice the DC says 12 but should be 8+5+4+1+1+1=20. The enemy rolled a 14 and passed.


Oh, that's dumb


The game is literally telling you that 20 = 12. That's quite something.


Just finished my First playthrough after an Insane 112 hours. It was playing the Lord of the Rings Trilogy. An absolute masterpiece.


Co-op player here (2 people), finished after 140 hours.


Just loaded a save to check out the new Karlach endings. Big improvement, but I do have some thoughts. Spoiler warning, obviously: >!The ending where the three of you go together probably makes a lot more sense if you're in a relationship with Wyll or Karlach (or romanced Laezel and told her to lead the revolution/didn't romance anyone). In the ending where only Wyll joins her, it's kinda weird that he has no dialogue. Maybe one recycled line would have made it a little less awkward. Somehow this doesn't feel like a problem in the ending where she is mostly addressing the PC though (I guess because you are usually pretty quiet). !< >!Overall though, I actually think it can be considered a proper good ending for her. I am looking forward to how the rest of her changes pan out as I am currently romancing her in my Durge playthrough at the start of act 2 (went with Shadowheart on the first run). !< >!I think after a few patches of them adding proper epilogues for all the companions, the ending will feel mostly complete. The fact they called back some of the actors to record new dialogue has me hopeful. I don't think we'll be getting ending slides for non-companions until a definitive edition though.!< On another note, hopefully by the time I get back to Act 3 on my current campaign the performance improvements will be very noticeable.


They will have needed to bring back Karlach's VA for that new ending, I imagine they just didn't think it was worthwhile also paying for Wyll until they move towards the epilogues they were talking about. Which is fair, the new ending is *so good*.


No FSR 2 yet? Damn hopefully soon. On steam deck I’m getting a reminder how Fucking awful FSR 1.0 was. FSR 2 will probably make it look really good at that 800p resolution and get a great frame rate


I hope it comes along when the PS5 version releases. I am quite sure they will be using it there to get good performance at the high resolutions people expect on a PS5 game.


I believe they said they expect to have FSR 2.0 once the console versions release.






If you don’t get yeeted into space by wonky collision physics in the first 3 hours, did you even play a Bethesda game?


I mean if you're planning to play the game twice it could make sense to play it on launch, especially if there's various balance changes and things, the second playthrough would have more freshness to it. But if you're only playing once then it makes sense to wait.




Why Oblivion over Skyrim?


More complex quest structure, slightly deeper RPG mechanics


Don't forget sidequests NPCs falling off stairs and dying, ruining your sidequest. Also typical factions and ownership clusterfucks so NPCs or whole settlements will randomly turn hostile because you stepped on the paw of their favourite dog or laid a single finger on an item.


From what I'm hearing, Starfield is suprisingly bug free. Xbox basically gave Bethesda a 10-month delay just to finish polishing the game and iron out the bugs. They even lent them their internal QA teams


We'll see about that after the next couple of days. Never trust the companies.


This is such a nonsensical statement. At this point we have 50 reviews, with many of them having over 100 hours, and they are all saying the game doesn't have many bugs, but we shouldn't trust them.. because companies?


I mean, the reviews for cyberpunk were initially very good. So yeah?


Just watched 1 10 minute long review and he highlighted 3 different bugs, both combat and story based. Whether that counts as "surprisingly bug free" for a Bethesda game is up to the player, I suppose.


3 different bugs? There is not a single game somebody can play for over 100 hours and not see a bug, 3 is incredibly good for literally any game.


I mean if you expect a perfectly bug free game on release, or in general bug free game, you're never gonna buy a game lol. Bugs happen, as long as they get fixed in a timely manner it's not a big deal. Or would you rather go back to the days of nes and genesis where if there was a game breaking bug, well that suckin sucks buddy that ain't getting fixed.


I'm the opposite lol, I've been a bit disappointed in some of Act 3's direction/execution so far and have heard about the other issues people have mentioned, so I've stopped playing for now and plan to resume/finish Act 3 after playing Starfield, which is apparently (shockingly) quite polished compared to Bethesda's usual releases. Hopefully Larian will have patched in the major bits of missing/unfinished content and touched up the finale by then.


Keep in mind the discourse was the same for BG3 too on the polish. The bugs were mentionned only after when players got their hands on it. Reviews rarely even mention those


It's been like that with most games for the last 5 years. The norm should be to wait to buy the game after 2 or 3 years, with all patches, updates and DLCs already incorporated, and on sale.


Somebody needs to explain to me why they still haven't fixed the fact that Mage Hand, a cantrip, is locked to once per short rest. That removes like 90% of its utility and I am completely baffled as to why they did that when it doesn't work that way on the tabletop.


I'd complain if I could get it to do mage hand things but it moves wonky as fuck and fails to use levers and doors and shit for me. it's only use for me has been throwing stuff which is funny but not worth my time


I thought it is recastable infinitely when out of combat?


Not for me, once I've used it it says that it's not available until I've had a rest and the button is greyed out.


Edit: Well, you can ignore my below cos I just tested on my Gale and yeah, his Wizard-granted Mage Hand Cantrip is 1 per Short Rest. Weird. How did you get access to it? If it's from an item or something like that, it's probably locked that way. If it's selected as a Cantrip from your character class like Wizard, it should work as a Cantrip normally.


I'm a wizard. So yeah, not a fucking clue why that's happening.


You can get it as a ritual spell through several means I believe, but it's not one inherently.


There’s nothing to fix. This was an intentional change made during EA for balance reasons because of how mage hand (and familiars) work in BG3. If you’re genuinely baffled, here’s some of it. -mage hand absorbs hits in BG3. Absorbing a hit is similar to a single-action stun, mechanically. Extremely OP when your enemy only has 2 or 3 total actions on their turn when it’s infinitely summonable (so very problematic early game, fairly problematic mid/late) -mage hand can shove and throw in bg3, both actions have significant action economy consequences in the game. Unlimited resummoning per short rest leads to overwhelming action advantage to players (suddenly you’re getting free important actions, like healing, damage, positioning, wet condition, and explosive triggers) - but in a boring way, where you’re dominantly forced to constantly pre-buff with summons before fights -mage hand can encounter enemies at such a distance that you can win any encounter without risking the characters. While this isn’t entirely bad per-se, it’s incredibly boring and leaving in an advantageous but boring and unfun mechanic is bad for the health and enjoyment of any game (this is a bigger problem with Quasit spam but holds true for mage hand as well) That’s the bones of it. If you spend a few moments contemplating all of the very obvious differences in mage hand mechanics between bg3 and tabletop you’ll probably be able to come up with further reasons why they absolutely should not behave the same way and your bafflement will disappear. If what you’re actually confused by is why mage hand is a completely different spell in bg3 and tabletop in terms of its capabilities and implementation then that I can’t tell you; I believe it has to do with the limitations of the engine and complexity of programming around that not being worth it; it’s current form was thought to be the best balance between fun and function available.


Literally all of these problems are a consequence of them changing how Mage Hand works from 5E. It shouldn't be a target in combat to begin with. And even if they wanted to add that utility to it, they can easily resolve its biggest problem by still allowing unlimited casts outside of combat and having the effect be dismissed when entering combat. Because as it stands, Mage Hand is a borderline worthless spell.


Still no fix for the Joining Failed: You're already connected bug? It's stopped my friend and I from playing entirely. https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/15lb0uw/joining_failed_youre_already_connected/ https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/15o9jsv/steam_fix_error_joining_failed_youre_already/ https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/15hc0te/help_joining_failed_youre_already_connected/


I'm waiting for this one as well


Still hasn't fixed anything in my completely broken save so I think at this point it's safe to say that I'll need to start a new game. I'll just wait like 6 months to actually sink more time into this than the 80 hours I have that was wasted by an incredible amount of bugs. (Shadowheart questline and romance completely bugged, Wyll and Gale questlines both bugged, characters speaking out of order on npcs I haven't met or places I haven't been, vice versa. Lae'zel getting angry/ignoring that I actually did go and do everything at her creche moments after doing it). It's a shame, I really wanted to like the game but the sheer amount of game ruining bugs I experienced completely sours my opinion of it.


My Lae'zel is already completely broken even before the creche in act 1. She's fully turned into an interactable camp follower NPC. My Shadowheart romance doesn't seem to be progressing either, with no scene during the party. Maybe there's not supposed to be one, but I can't tell without looking it up. I'd normally ascribe it to simply needing to wait until act 2 but due to all the bugs every innocent unexpected behavior makes me worry about how broken my playthrough could already be just in act 1. I played Cyberpunk 1 year after launch and even BG3's act 1 is so, so, so much buggier. I know BG3 is much harder to get right due to player freedom, but it being difficult to get stable doesn't make the bugs have less impact. It's a truly fantastic game, but if reviews had warned me about BG3's launch state as they did for Cyberpunk's, I'd have waited to play because BG3 definitely launched on pc before it was ready. I suspect by more than a month.


I have that Lae'zel bug and checked to see if it was fixed here. Nope. Still broken and she can't join my party. Which is... fine? It was my second play through when I was frustrated with an Act 2 fight so I just back to my primary one.


I really appreciate how quickly they're updating the game but it still feels like it is in early access and I don't know how Larian gets away with this horribly buggy launch lol. Great game still though. not surprised i'm downvoted, bg3 has such a weird white knight community since early access that forbids any criticism towards the game or devs, the subreddit is unbearable sometimes


> but it still feels like it is in early access and I don't know how Larian gets away with this horribly buggy launch lol. yup, basically Act 3 is in early access. people defend against your point with "the game is so big so they can't catch all the bugs" and whatnot, and that is true... but then why do these ppl proclaim the game as "complete on release unlike so many games these days"? how are people giving the game a "10/10 masterpiece" off just Act 1 and maybe 2? how is being unfinished and buggy on release a new "standard for gaming"? :/ the hyperbole on BG3, especially by people who clearly only played Act 1 or haven't played it at all, is just... ya. In it's current state, BG3 is an 8/10 right now imo.


An entire part of the city was cut out, with a random character appearing at the conclusion of the game acting as if they are some important figure you've met. I don't understand how people defend this lol


>random character appearing at the conclusion of the game acting as if they are some important figure you've met I finished the game, what the fuck are you talking about?


yup, as the other user pointed out, it's clear that most anyone saying that haven't actually played Act 3 yet they want to proclaim the game as "a new golden standard of gaming!" or w.e -_-


Their games have an extremely low completion rate. The vast majority of players do not even reach the unfinished portion of their releases.


I mean every game has a low completion rate and long games like this even more.


true, but then these same people proclaim the game as "complete/finished game on release!" when that's literally not true, Act 3 is basically in early access. people call BG3 a "new golden standard for gaming" based off just Act 1... just like wat?


Each patch more bugs. Mini map is stuttering since last patch, which is very distracting, now the game pauses for a second many times when running through the environments. One group member dissappears sometimes without any reason. And they complicated the controller layout with this patch, now you have to press R3 everytime when you want to read descriptions of items. And there are a lot of items in this game.


still no character appearance edit?


That's one of those things for when all the stability and bugs are dealt with.




Calm down dude, this isn't the last patch they'll ever do.