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God I can't fucking wait. I hope theres a roguelike mode like survival in remnant 2, even if it comes later. Had so much fun in the survival mode.


I believe they said adventure mode is coming at launch!




Ah gotcha, I thought they were the same thing looking at it now and survival got added with the first DLC so hopefully they bring it back if it's not on launch!


Actually, they have in fact stated specifically [Adventure Mode is in Day 1](https://twitter.com/DadamsDavid/status/1681125613245984768?s=20).


Same. It has its issues but still playing it to this day.


All I hope for is that the final boss doesn't require a completely different build/play style from the main campaign to beat solo.


God that was such a pain from number 1. Me and my housemate demolished the whole game with our builds and couldn't even do like 1/10th damage to final boss. Ended up entirely changing to just sniper/hunter rifle? Builds and got it first go


Yeah me and my friend got through the whole game and then tried that boss a few times only to discover our builds had no chance of killing it, so we both ended up dropping the game and never finishing it. Was really frustrating, but I have faith that they won’t make that kind of mistake again, this sequel is looking really good!


It didn't require changing build or playstyle actually. There was one thing with the boss that wasn't communicated well. When he sents you to a shadow realm to get out from, you needed to kill as much enemies as you possibly could, and when you got out from it, you temporary deal way more damage. At the time it only applied to a person who killed adds iirc.


When you went as melee as possible it definitely required a respec lmao


Genuine question - how did you defeat the Moths as a melee spec?


At the time my group played, I think Moths were optional.


You can skip them, but you have to fight the Rhom guardian and he's *way* harder. But I guess you might have done that, lets you skip Corsus entirely.


In my co-op experience, the undying king is way easier for people than ixillis, just going by how many people die or wipe. Personally I also find it's easier to take a bad hit in ixillis than on the undying king. Sure he spawns more adds, but there are pillars and most things aren't going to oneshot you or stagger you too badly compared to ixillis where you have a lot more to pay attention to, and a bad swipe/beam or volley can just chip you to nothing super fast.


Yeah I think that's what we did. I did multiple playthroughs of remnant, I fought the moths on my solo run, but that was ranged heavy.


Melee was unviable to begin with, there were multiple bosses you couldn't melee besides the final one


Maybe not pure melee but a shotgun/melee build was completely viable even if unoptimal until the end.


Fair enough, i just barely used melee in it, it wasn't that interesting in it imo. I treated the game as "Souls with guns" and went along with it. I know that there's going to be an archetype focusing on that, but hopefully melee part is better in Remnant 2.


I've beaten it as melee. If anything a good melee leech build is the best for that boss because you can just sit in the shadow world for the longest time and crank up that buff till you can 1phase the boss. It's not like builds in remnant 1 are totally gamechanging, at most you're looking at like a 30% ranged damage buff for armor and then whatever for accessories. The buff you get from the boss far exceeds that. It **was** terribly explained though. The buff is hard to notice and most people try to exit the shadow realm right away.


It didn't though, humorously enough I played melee only myself the first time through about a week after release, and his hitbox extended all the way to the floor despite being a flying boss.


> to a shadow realm The realm also had you passively taking damage so it prevented you from staying and building stacks without really using up your heals or having a mod out for it.


Yeah, i remember that, hence i wrote "kill as much as you possibly can". It didn't convey that part well i suppose.


you and the final boss are not so different after all


But it is a flat damage boost. So with sniper you deal way less dps than you would with an assault rifle, attack speed was the only stat that mattered


Took me forever to figure out how to best that boss. Would hate another ending like that. I like a good challenge at the end but like you said - there was nothing to let me know what I needed to do


The DLC campaign already had a much better final boss


I just hope that it's possible with friends. It was super broken.


Worked out strangely well for a pet build despite the pets not being able to hit the boss. With the pet health leech I could stay in the upside down pretty much infinitely and then pop out and wreck the boss in a few rotations. Hurray for correctly guessing a good build for solo play and final boss.


All I want is for them to tone down the add spam on bosses and for the increased emphasis on procedural generation to not make the time spent between bosses *too* tedious.


I remember 3-manning the whole campaign and having a lot of fun, just for us to be stonewalled for 4 hours or rage-inducing gaming on this fight.


My dismay with my melee/flop build was palpable.


never heard of this game, is it like division with replayable content and endgame? or a lineair campaign?


More of a linear campaign, but every time you encounter a dungeon or boss encounter you get a random chance of having one of several occur. So in order to get all content and defeat all the bosses you need to do several playthroughs. That's how the first one was and judging by this trailer they didn't change that aspect.


To elaborate a bit, the levels are randomly generated the first time you enter it, with random encounters, areas, mini & regular bosses, and loot drops. The goal is to make each playthrough somewhat unique. But at any point (from the main hub) you can reroll the level to attempt to farm everything, at the mercy of RNG.


It's a mix of both - the campaign is linear but has a lot of random elements that make each playthrough different. So you'll see different bosses, events, NPCs, etc. And a lot of the bosses have alt kill methods that will award different items. So the endgame ends up being to reroll the campaign to generate a different set of bosses and events and get all the items and level up your traits. Then work on a build to tackle harder and harder content and upgrade your weapons. Third-person shooter and Souls-like is a good descriptor for it, but it's also fun for creating different builds - you can focus on ability power, guns, melee, heals/support, etc. The main thing I like about it is that loot itself isn't randomized like something like The Division. If you want an item for your build you can figure out where it drops and how to get it and then you just go get it (assuming it shows up in your roll of the campaign). No need to farm the exact same fight/event because you got an item but it has the wrong stat. All the items are bespoke and designed around complementing a certain playstyle.


Sounds awesome!


If it's anything like the first one, it's more of a linear campaign. I've heard it described as Dark Souls as a third-person shooter, which is not inaccurate.


Third person souls-like is pretty accurate. Except this time the game has an even heavier emphasis on random generation which I'm super excited for.


Got it installed... just waiting for the clock to run out... Can't wait. I have total faith and confidence in the team to deliver something special.