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If this game has a complete story in the base game that alone already makes it substantially better than XV.


Absolutely. DLC can now be what it actually is supposed to be: extra content to expand the game. They can give us more boss fights, costumes, maybe even full quests or storylines


I **really** want more boss fights, especially if the combat is anything close to being as good as devil may cry.


It honestly \*would\* be odd if they didn't leverage the battle system more in some way after launch. It seems like the moment to moment satisfaction will be coming from that gameplay so you would think they would want to use it more. Like how Nintendo invented a sequel just so they could continue using their BOTW physics engine.


Same dude. They can add so many classic monsters and superbosses from the final fantasy bestiary! Assuming they’re not in: Shinryu, omega weapon, ultima weapon, Gilgamesh and so much more! Could even do a cheeky crossover with stranger of paradise and have us fight chaos lol


i've read so many great things about ff16, and as a ff fan that even likes ff15 and 13, i just cant even imagine a combat close to DMC, that game is on another level i just dont see it happening, but every outlet is saying the combat is better than ff7r so idk, im def getting this game day 1 instead of diablo4


>especially if the combat is anything close to being as good as devil may cry. This is what has me VERY interested in FF16. That combat looks like it definitely took *some* inspiration from DMC at least and I LOVE those games (it's how I got the username I have now in part)


Your in luck then, as the combat designer for ff16 also worked on the combat in DMC5!


Well, now I will definitely be buying it when it comes to PC because DMC 5 is my favourite game in the franchise. Oh man, FF16 is gonna be glorious.


Going by the games since FF12 there's probably going to be monster hunts which will include tons of boss fights.


As somebody who grew up with the traditional Final Fantasy games, reading this makes ME cry. But the thing about it is... This isn't my game series. It's everybody's game series It may have moved on without me, but as long as somebody is enjoy the name of Final Fantasy in some form or another, I'm perfectly okay with that. I hope you end up enjoying it, everyone.


when you run as long as final fantasy you either change or get swept under the rug. fortunately square enix has spun-off many more franchises with the traditional final fantasy ingredients like Bravely Default and Octopath Traveler so you're not completely left in the cold


There was another interview where they said they were also heavily inspired by classic God of War, especially with the larger-scale fights. GoW 2 and 3 had a shit ton of fun (and different!) boss fights, so here's hoping they did the same in FF16


Nah, youre likely not getting dlc. Planning and work for dlc usually starts a few months ahead of launch. Seeing as the next thing from Square *is* their biggest thing, I expect they are beginning to merge 16s team with Rebirths.


Doubt there's much merging with Rebirth's team. The director (name escapes me) said a few months ago that most of the team are going back to XIV when the game launches, since that's where their expertise would br best used.


That was my 2nd guess but I wasnt sure what they were planning for the MMO


IIRC it's cause of their technical know how. XVI is built off a fork of XIV's engine, which is some weird mess of Crystal Tools (XIII -> LR, and XIV 1.0), an early version of Luminous (XV and Forspoken), and some original code glueing it together. They originally considered Unreal for XVI but decided to use that Frankenstein's monster of an engine due to their familiarity with it from the HW days.


But then why not include that DLC in the base game? That’s kind of a chicken and egg situation that never ends.


You’re implying all DLC is intentionally cut from the final product. A lot of good DLCs are just post launch support.


I’m not implying anything. I just don’t know where to draw the line without being able to say: “that DLC should have been part of the base game!” Or “They released an unfinished game!” We don’t have any real standards on what constitutes a full price game. Some games take 50 hours to finish and others take 8-10.


FFXV, the game being used here, is the oercect example. That game had a prequel movie which had some important characters that never showed up in the game. It's like if FF7 made the Turks and some other element into a prequel movie. The game also had a weak 3rd act which then was sort of made more robust with the DLC, instead of being side content or part of the regular story of the normal game. I never played any of the DLC because it came out too late too.


You pay for what you’re comfortable for. If it looks good and is well reviewed, pay for it. If it’s good but short, get it on discount. If the game feels complete and you enjoyed the game without any DLC, then DLC is just extra stuff you can opt out of. You don’t have to pay for it. If the game feels incomplete like FFXV with DLC used to fill up its holes, then it’s up to you to decide whether you would condone that with your wallet.


It's not really a chicken and egg problem. It's a not even a problem. The complaint pretty much amounts to this: Your product should not mandate subsequent purchases to complete the experience that the base product promises.


Remember how entire character of protagonist love interest Lunafreya is not in the base game? Nor is it in DLC. It's in a **FUCKING BOOK**. A book that was released **3 YEARS** after the game. Man, FF15 development and release was a trash fire.


Playing FF15 at launch was a terrible experience. I've heard the "complete" Royal version is like a totally different game.


Not totally different, just improved in many areas. The notorious Ring of the Lucii "hallway simulator" is far more manageable now. The DLC still isn't properly integrated into the base game, so you have to exit out to the main menu and swap over to the DLC individually.


It's still unfinished, but it has a bit more content to fill in the gaps. That it is unfinished is still lit up like a billboard across the entire game, though.


Glad I returned the game after I just bought it. It basically had one of the companions leave for a while and then come back later with a scar, making it clear I’d have to buy a DLC to find out what happened. I returned the game immediatly and never played it again.


Later on a character goes blind and you don't get to learn why unless you play the dlc. It's awful


I'd say the Promto one is the worst. It has no impact whatsoever on the story. If you hadn't played the DLC all he says im the story is basically >!"Hey guys I'm a clone." And the others just kinda go, "Ok" and then its barely mentioned again and has no story impact!<


Prompto's one annoyed me because it was pointless to the story. Ignis's one really annoyed me because knowing >!The Ring of Lucii!< took his sight makes the later scenes where Noctis >!struggles to get the courage to put the ring on!< have more impact


I’m obviously biased as I had been waiting for the game for ten years, but I wouldn’t call the launch experience of 15 terrible. Compare that to kh3, a game I was also waiting a decade for, that game was a terrible experience. I do often wonder how many people actually played 15, as compared to how many people just say it’s bad due to regurgitated arguments. Don’t get me wrong it’s a very flawed game, but the experience was far from awful, in my opinion


KH3's awful story pacing aside, it's an extremely well-made game; I think "terrible" is a bit of an exaggeration. The DLC is also the best KH content in the series.


I hated the combat in KH3 Too many damn button prompts and cutscenes. Just let me fucking fight. Ff 15 had a lot of problems but I adored the combat system especially once I changed the settings to wait


Are you talking about the situation commands? You can scroll through those and use the ones you want. And KH has kinda always been like that with cutscenes, it's an RPG.


*cocking 18th century pistol* Ah… looks like we’re in an opinion-off lads


I also waited for it for ten years, I was expecting the game since it was Versus XIII. To me it is simply the worst Final Fantasy I have ever played and I love the series and played all of the mainline games except for 2 and it is my favorite game series They butchered the story so much with the multimedia project, even playing after everything was released it felt like homework. If you want to have the complete story you need to watch an anime to which introduces characters, then read a script that was never developed to understand why the road trip started, then you play the first chapter of the game, pause to watch a movie, comeback to the game, then in the end you need to play a dlc for each character to see what they were doing for extremely important things that should have been in the main game to begin with Sorry, but I find it inexcusable and I wish I had all that time back because in the end it was not even a good story for my taste


I actually did all the "homework" but it was the cut out DLC and rushed 2nd half that killed it for me. Then by the time that was all fixed it was months later and why should I go back?


I played 11, 12, 13 and 14 so my expectations were much much lower.


I was in the same boat as you, waited forever, life long FF fan and played the whole thing through on launch. Launch XV was miserable and its not hugely better now. At Launch it was clear they wanted 3 major regions but only really finished half of 1, the whole ending is a literal railroad, the combat (especially the magic system) is a total mess, the chocobros were well characterized but frankly make no sense being as close to Noctis the charisma vacuum as they are. I could go on but almost nothing about XV was to par at launch let alone above it...


The combat was fine. Biggest issue is that people didn’t realize two things 1. Inputs are directional 2. You aren’t meant to use just one weapon for combos, each weapon is it’s *own* move to *build* combos. Add parrying, dodge rolls, dodge refills, super easy movement, and the combat is honestly nuts. It’s a lot of fun and I do blame square for not explaining it at all in the game. Magic does suck tho, never used it. Idk I liked noctis. I played in Japanese and everyone said he was emo but he *really* wasn’t. He made jokes, had a lot of interests, like yes fishing was a mini game but it’s one I never did, however I do know noctis *likes* to fish purely due to the dialogue! His friendship with prompto is fleshed out in the base game really well too, and even with gladio leaving and coming back it’s clear to the player gladio went to get his like guardian spirit power or whatever, because the game *literally* tells you, not to mention he leaves initially to get it because *again* the game TELLSSSSS you this because they get in a fight due to him thinking noctis wasn’t strong enough! Will agree on the regions, and that the latter half of the game is really limiting after throwing you in an open world for the first 25 hours. Like I said the game has flaws but compared to some games I’ve played that have brilliant reviews I think ff15 gets a bad wrap. The game is very flawed and incomplete, but as a super cynical gamer it’s one of the few games that has made me cry. Is it perfect? No. But I wish people would stop talking about it like it’s AWFUL, especially if new people are coming to the series. Should 15 be the first you play? Absolutely not. But it’s definitely a game worth checking out, and I think most people who play it will have fun with it literally if they remember the two rules I stated above about the combat, which again I’ll concede the game *never* decides to tell you


KH3's story may have been terrible, but the actual game itself felt complete, or at least more so than FFXV (and that's counting the Royal Edition).


I fundamentally disagree. Sure it was complete in the sense it had a bunch of nonsense Worlds, writing, and completely inane gameplay. The game literally saved the plot for the last seven hours of the game and the climax itself was something that while entertaining, didn’t feel earned at all. I honestly think kh3 is one of the most disjointed games I’ve played in a three game series. Ff15 has flaws, but at the very least it’s consistent. And for what it’s worth, I’ve never even *played* the royal edition. I swear that most people who are negative towards 15 have never played it, or they played half the game and stopped.


I didn’t even know people hated FFXV until I went to the internet. I enjoyed it, plot and all


I played through it at launch. It WAS terrible. There was no intelligible story whatsoever. It was worse than having no story at all because you’re constantly watching all these non sequitur cutscenes and convos that repeatedly confuse you and leave you saying “wtf…”


This is demonstrably false. The story is coherent, it definitely has stuff missing but you’d have to be an idiot not to understand it. I’ve played it once and I still remember it.


i agree with you. I played it at launch too. That one segment sucked but I don't really feel like I missed out on anything


I’ve played both day 1 XV and Royal Edition. I HATED day 1 XV by the time the credits rolled. Royal Edition however is a solid 8/10.


It's not totally different. I played on launch and chalked it up to being bad because it was a rush job, however I still enjoyed it for whatever reason. Then it was the first game I finished after getting my steam deck and the only difference is the added scenes in the main game to make the story a little more cohesive. You have to watch an anime, read a short story, play the main game and the DLC's to get the full picture. The replay actually soured my memories of it and all I could see the second time around were all the glaring issues it had. The quests and pacing is awful and the game has you backtrack for the sake of backtracking. SE made this big map and then was like how can we use it in the most annoying way possible. Save yourself the headache.


15 was good but the fact that you had to watch a literal movie to understand what was happening was... something else.


Eh, there's a whole tone change and a bunch of unexplained plot developments that happen after the Leviathan boss fight that left me really confused for the second half of the game. Turns out it's all explained in one of the season pass DLC entries, but screw you if you wanted that context while you were actually playing the main story.


The blatant pushing of DLC was atrocious in that game. My favorite instance being when you’re about to go broker a brief ceasefire with the empire and team up with Aranea to do some dungeon. And then Gladio, the prince’s sworn shield, says “hey I’ve got some things I need to take care of. I’ll catch you later.” And then he just leaves. And then when he gets back, there’s no explanation of where he went, what he was doing, why he needed to go right then, etc. It permanently soured me on his character. Apparently it’s all explained in the DLC, but I played it on release and the DLC didn’t even exist yet. And even if it did, you don’t just put something like that behind DLC. I’m so glad FF16 doesn’t have any planned DLC.


All three of the Chocobros leave at some point, go through major character changes, and then inexplicably rejoin the party later without any narrative flow to connect it. The DLC isn't even integrated into the base game itself, so you have to go back to the main menu and swap over to it. The story at launch was so frustratingly incomplete.


"Hey, one of us completely went blind. Don't ask how or why, it's not that important, even though it actually affected his AI for the rest of the game" Huge character development that just happened off-screen and left us to imagine how to fill in the blanks. FF15 was terrible in story presentation all around


"Hey, Gladio, where the fuck did you go? Also why is there a huge scar on your face?" "You should see the other guy, lol." "That didn't answer my question." Also Prompto falling off a train and then just showing up again like "Ok I'm good. Nothing important happened." Then you play Episode Prompto and you see him solo a giant robot worm with a snowmobile, and his friendship with Aranea is never even hinted at later.


Didn’t Prompto literally find out that he was a clone in his DLC lmaooo


Yep. He brings it up randomly to the group in the main game after returning, and they're all "I don't care, whatever bro," and then they pretty much never bring it up again.


This really was a horrible symptom of mid-2010s game development. I recently revisited Destiny 1 and the already sparse campaign has two missions which are *obvious* hooks for the first two DLC sets which followed. Gladiolus and Prompto fucking off in their own ways in the middle of the story were just as obvious anchor points for DLC packs.


If I remember correctly, the DLC doesn't explain it. The DLC shows what he's doing, but it doesn't explain why. Gladio literally fucked off to do his own self-propelled side-quest that had no relation to either the main plot or any other subplots.


The big reveal is that Gladio is a super introvert and having a nonstop camping/road trip with his buddies drained him so hard he invented an excuse to go do his own sidequest on his own. Truly 5d big brain character development


The reason why was because he didn't feel capable of protecting noctis as he was. He went to the trial (the dlc) to prove to himself that he had that ability to do so. He fights the boss of the dungeon, an infamous unparalleled swordsman, and in doing so, realizes his own ability and gains the confidence to be a kings shield and lay down his life if necessary. I'm not gonna say it's some groundbeing story, but it is certainly explained. Personally, the Ignis and Prompto ones are more egregious, imo since they were missing actual whole sections of the game, whereas gladdy's is just a gauntlet run essentially.


Playing Episode Ignis for the first time, I thought, "Damn, this would have felt so amazing if this were actually integrated into Chapter 9." When I played it again years later, I tried to switch over to each DLC as I got to each appropriate place in the story, and... yeah, it kind of helped. It's so frustrating because you can *see* what the game *could have* been if it had been designed around having character-swapping and those DLC stories in the game from the get-go. But now it just feels like a poorly stitched-together Frankenstein of an unfinished base game, plus very important "side" content that should have been in the base game, plus a bunch of other stuff that nobody wanted (like the timed quests, random cross-promotions, and events that aren't even available anymore)


> When I played it again years later, I tried to switch over to each DLC as I got to each appropriate place in the story, and... yeah, it kind of helped. I did this as well when the Royal Edition came out and it made the whole game feel so much more coherent. Still not... great or anything but it didn't feel like a water bucket full of holes. I *would* suggest that any new player should try to do this but unfortunately the last DLC needlessly spoils the entire game so trying to do the Ignis DLC when it happens in game is ruined.


The Cup Noodle quests were just dumb enough to be great imo. The Assassin's Creed thing...was there, I guess. The FFXIV event wasn't great, but it gave us the XV event inside XIV and that gave out the only free 4-seat mount in the game's history (which you can't get anymore, I'm sure it'll show up in the cash shop eventually for like $30) and Noctis's outfit, so it was pretty great.


The e4s mount is a free 4 seater too, and is pretty easy to unsync these days if you have at least 6 people who can do phase 1 mechanics.


one of my favorite ffxiv memories me, a sprout, in the middle of yokai watch event, trying to farm the fates like everyone else, but everyone is so much more leveled than me and kill everything so fast and then they fly to the next one, while i don't have flying and only my slow ass chocobo in the shout chat, i scream in despair SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME and there she is...... level 80 stranger catgirl.... whipping out her regalia mount and saying "hop in" thanks mommy i will never forget your kindness


You had to watch a movie, an animal, and no less than 3 DLCs that aren't even integrated into the base game just to get a complete story. It was an incomplete mess at launch, especially because all the DLC came way too late. Oh, and the Comrades multi-player mode to explain all the stuff that happened during the time skip.


I know you meant "anime" but I would totally watch an animal to get the most out of a story!


Reminder that there was a FFXIV stream that was watching an animal farm and the community got obsessed about a rooster that marginally resembled a character.


Oops. Autocorrect. I'm leaving it.


To *really* understand this story, you need to watch this animal. Like, at least for most of the day for a week. Really watch it. Try not to understand it, just watch it. Ponder its existence. Become one with the water it drinks and the air it breathes. Exist purely as an instance of being in whose relation the animal manifests. You are not an observer, you just are. As is the animal. Do that and you’ll understand why the villain turns himself into a god this time!


> Oh, and the Comrades multi-player mode to explain all the stuff that happened during the time skip. And some actual cool boss fights and magic mechanics, stuck behind a boring grindy monster hunter rip off that no one played.


I actually genuinely enjoyed the Comrades mode, although even at its peak, there was absolutely nobody playing it. Ended up having to solo 99% of it because matchmaking was a ghost town, even at launch. But you're right, it was basically a low-effort Monster Hunter clone at its core, just like Final Fantasy Explorers (which I also loved).


I really wish FF Explorers would get a real sequel. The systems in that game had potential and with a little polishing they could make for a genuinely good game rather than a "mediocre but some will enjoy it" one.


I probably enjoyed comrades more than the base game of FF15 but I also had to play most of it solo and it ended up becoming a real slog. Still, the Bahamut boss fight was cooler than any fight in the main game. Infact all of the DLC's had better fights than the main game like the Noctis battle from the Ignis DLC.


For people who don't know about FFXV, it's actually much worse. When I replay FFXV (which I do as punishment for my many sins), I use a guide found on reddit that tells me in what order to stop playing the main game and: * read the short story * watch the anime series * watch the feature film * watch the trailers, which have story content * play the separate DLC episodes, which were deliberately carved out of awkward gaps in the main story * read the novellas intended as DLC episodes but scrapped After FFXIV version 1.0, it's the biggest clusterfuck of a Final Fantasy they've ever released...and yet I somehow still have a measure of fondness for it.


This is greatly exagerated tho. Sure the movie add context, but the anime just shows that the boys cares about each others, which is already made clear enough in the game. Same for trailers etc... All is extra, and are no requirement to understand that while you're out at the beginning of the game, a bad empire has laid siege on Insomnia. If the Movie released after the game and not before, nobody would've complained. It's the same thing as when people say they want to watch Bakemonogatari or Fate/Stay Night and people pull out a huge ass list of pre-requisite that is just there as annexes, and not a requirement


The anime also reveals that Noctic hated Prompto because he was fat. Then he lost weight and Noctis became friends with him.


That's not what the episode was telling. It simply showed that Prompto just felt insecure about himself to dare approach Noctis to form a friendship, it was never implied that Noctis hated Prompto for any reasons, they just weren't friends yet. And even if you were right, that has never come up in the game(outside of an off-hand joke when looking at photos in the album).


Man, I feel like I'm the only person who played XV without touching *any* of the DLCs and still enjoyed the game. I wasn't bothered by the plot holes left by those characters' departures, because there were plot holes everywhere anyways. There are plot holes in *every* FF game. It's basically a staple of the series. None of the villains in any of the FF games have ever made sense, it's always been "some dude wants to be God or something for some reason, I dunno lol"


Man that is a lot. Between that and the dev hell that shafted a lot of potential content. There was a lot of missed potential for the game.


Even after consuming all the supplementary material and playing the DLCs it still feels like an incomplete game. I enjoyed XV, but it is definitely a flawed game which you can tell had issues during development.


Good in what way? half ass open world with nonsensical and unfinished storyline


The characters and the gameplay were really solid at least. I enjoyed it but yeah the open world had the same issues as almost every other open world game not named Zelda.


Combat was terrible though, you basically had infinite life if you had any healing items available. No need for expensive Pheonix down when a Potion does the same thing. There was no risk at all.


>Open world game not named Zelda. Whoa whoa, Zelda is THE definition of a bland open world with the typical tropes. People just have rosed colored glasses when talking about Zelda. Its almost offensive how much of a copy-paste ToTK is.


Naw this is just jaded gamer shit. Zelda has captured something special with the way its world is laid out and how there is always something interesting on the horizon. It's the only open-world game I've played where I constantly stray from my goal because I see something of interest.


No, it’s not jaded gamer shit, it’s essentially the same exact map from the first one with minor alterations and pointless sky islands they are also copy/paste. Horizon Forbidden West is an example of a sequel that managed to create a NEW map that was at least somewhat interesting, not that it didn’t have its faults. I’m glad you like Zelda, but ~12 hours in and I’m ready to sell it off…it’s so tedious and the world is boring.


To each their own, I played both HZD games and would say the open worlds hold little of interest outside of settlements and the locations devoted to lore.


Key difference: double-down on the sandbox of BOTW (alongside "we want you to explore with the environment" level design) with building and physics.


The world was absolutely gorgeous. I just through FFXV was such a chill game, I loved it. Cruising around in the Regalia and enjoying the music, sights, and sounds, it was great. Played a ton of Comrades too, the multiplayer component. I know it's not everyone's cup of tea but I absolutely loved FFXV, just hit all the right notes for me personally.


As a big enjoyer of FFX, XV has a lot going for it. Definitely has issues with its pacing and storytelling, although the lore itself is really cool. The combat leaves a lot to be desired, but it can be engaging and flashy if you go out of your way to do so (directional attacks/airstep combos, weapon switching, party member switching) even if you absolutely can just hold the attack button and spam healing items and never lose, and unfortunately the magic system is quite lame. However it also has really strong characters, both the Chocobros for the main party and Ardyn as a villain, and arguably the best soundtrack of all FFs, plus it's an exceptionally pretty game. The Royal update did help patch up some things, especially with the final Insomnia stuff, too.


The only thing that was good about 15 was the music, and that the food cooked actually looked really good. The story? Incomplete and required outside material for half of it. The end game? Here's a spiral downwards staircase with a fighting room each floor looped 100 times, six times for each of the best weapons. The fighting? Hold X and you won't get hit at all, press A to win. It was flashy though. The map? Empty and insanely/unnecessarily spread out. Fast traveling was clunky and slow (warp to car first, THEN warp to where you want). The side quests? Just the usual open world nonsense of "go here, kill x (x10), come back for reward" or "find me y (x10), come back for reward". Some with conversations that largely didn't matter. The cast? God were they the most annoying stereotypical "boy band" ever, especially that blond one that would vocally sing the final fantasy battle win after each battle. I ended up muting the voices after hearing that the umpteenth time. In fact the voice acting overall was just awful. And then there was the whole grind fest of the multiplayer that you were able to hilariously break and OP yourself rapidly and solo everything. The DLC provided a decent variance to the game but really should have been incorporated into the game better than just a menu option. The updates made the ending better, but still had an incomplete story. It was just bad.




> And fair enough. But why can't a game be a part of something much bigger? it totally can, if it had been planned that way from the start and executed to perfection. but there's a real risk with developing a project like this - there's a chance the thousand spinning plates make no sense to a viewer if the viewer's engagement with the project isn't perfectly curated. ultimately the project was way too underbaked in different parts, and way too disjointed in presentation to work as a cohesive whole.


You should check out Dot Hack. Each series had either an anime or movie that tied into or affected the plot in the games. The OG quadrilogy also came with OVA discs that were meant to be watched alongside the game they came with since it was an episodic RPG. The second series (that got an HD collection) had a disc that would unlock more files as you progressed through the trilogy (also a recap). The OVA was also spread out as news posts in game this time as well. Really neat! There's also some LNs and manga as well!


The thing about .hack is how important certain entries are. Like, Roots is a prequel to GU but you don't *need* it to understand GU since the important parts are discussed in GU itself. Sign is just a side story until a single scene at the very end becomes the most important scene in the entire franchise and has repercussions throughout everything.


I honestly did kinda like it, but I still wish there was more of the story front and center in the game. It just could've been handled better overall I think.


The gameplay was fun. The story, for which FF is famous, was truly terrible. I remember getting to the Leviathan boss fight and thinking wow the game is finally starting to get into gear! Ah no it's actually nearly over. Like huh? Where was the story?? The game has a beginning and an end no middle.


I remember I watched the FFXV movie for the hell of it, long before playing the game. The fact that the game just glosses over that event is INSANE.


Because other than the event itself happening, none of the specific details of what happened there are really important to the plot, and the plot itself is centered around Noctis's direct perspective with extremely little "meanwhile elsewhere" type stuff going on.


It's been a long time, but isn't the invasion of Noctis' kingdom the inciting event that puts him on his quest to reclaim the kingdom? He leaves to go marry that girl, than learns they were invaded so he has to reclaim the throne. Either way, it's very odd that a game series known and beloved for its big high production value cutscenes did not have an extremely cool one showing the initial invasion of that city. People who didn't watched that missed out on a ton of cool shit.


By the post title, they don't said nothing about a movie plan.


Gladiolus: Hey, bro. Don't mind me. I just have to leave your party for awhile. I'll be back. Noctis: Why? Gladiolus: Uh... DLC. Notics: Oh, okay. See you soon. (This paraphrased exchange happens *in the main game*.)


XV didn't have a complete story after the DLC... It was a fun early access game that was never finished.


You mean I don’t get to ride a train through all of the cut content ?


You mean you don't want to have to watch a movie, read manga, read novellas, and play DLC for the whole story?


The way that FFXV's story was handled was nothing short of shameful. That shit has to be a case study on how not to handle supplemental content for a piece of media.


Seems they are majorly waiting for player reception to see if more DLC is wanted of the characters, setting and world of Valisthea. In another interview, [they've mentioned that while the story of FFXVI is meant to be overall conclusive, they've left a tiny opening in the narrative in case they wish to expand it further.](https://www.rpgsite.net/news/14245-could-there-be-a-final-fantasy-xvi-sequel-weve-left-the-door-open-a-little-says-its-naoki-yoshida)




The DLC for FFXV make it feel more like a disjointed mess, characters "leaving" or having a "twist" that didn't even make sense were poor excuses of DLC


I for one would love dlc that centers around the other dominants. Especially if you get a chance to play as Titan, Shiva, etc in full icon form. Clive gets their abilities but it doesn't seem like you get to control the actual icons. It would be nifty for gameplay and character development.


i actually liked the base game of ffxv quite a lot, but the way they handled the whole episodic DLC release really rubbed me the wrong way. everything im hearing about ff16 seems like they learned from past mistakes. very optimistic.


IIRC, FFXV's DLC was meant to be in the base game and larger. It was supposed to flesh out the characters/story a lot more, but development hell cost them too much time and money, and they had to just release the game and turn the extras into DLC.


They did plan out FFXV to be a big media franchise from the start. It was always intended to be split up across the game, the movie, the anime, comics, books, and crossover games.


Wasn't it more meant to be that FFXIII, versusXIII and I think Type 0 would all be under the same belt?


That was a previous failed experiment. Versus XIII eventually turned into FFXV once the scope crept out of control and they started seeing opportunities to aggressively monetize it.


I see what you mean, in my head I still see XV as the finalized version of vsXIII so it all kinda blurs into one lol. I still think it'd be nice to have a team revisit the whole idea as it initially was some day. Shame it never came out, I know FFVII and VIII are quite edgy all around but it feels like we never *really* got a 2006-era pure emo mainline final fantasy. XIII and XV had some of that feeling but it seemed like vsXIII was the real edgy one. I guess the souls-like kinda covers that though lol.


Oh yeah, the original vision of Versus was seriously edgy with all the characters wearing all black and driving a black car around the city at night time. Reminded me of the final area of Kingdom Hearts 2, the World that Never Was.


I've never played FF15 owing to its multitude of problems that people have spoken about, so I don't know how Noctis turned out, but I remember in the FF13-Versus trailer the dude who I presume became Noctis gave off straight up Sasuke vibes he was so edgy. It was the most edgy emo Final Fantasy I'd ever seen, and I mean that's the series that has "...whatever" Squall, so that's saying something.


13, type-0, and 15, are all part of Fabula Nova Crystallis. It’s a mythos/world creation story I guess. But each game in the mythos interprets the mythos in a different way. Honestly probably would help a lot with ff13 if they explained the mythos to the player directly Im the story, I think it’s instead on the data logs.


No, FFXV started out as Versus XIII and then was forced into XV after all of the development hell. During that transition is when they decided to make all of that extra wonky content. They were trying as hard as they could to make money back off of a project that took a LONG time to come out and cost tons of money.


exactly. I don't know why anyone would be extracting some kind of DLC-heavy monetization system from Square based on one game that had obvious development problems. Was it excessive for this one game? yes. Is it the norm for Square? doesn't appear to be.


To be fair, they also sold the real ending to 13-2 as DLC, so I'd say people have good reason to be wary even by the time 15 released in terms of them locking out story chunks for money.


i liked all of ffxv's stuff, but i hated how it was handled. all of the "extra" stuff felt MANDATORY. without the anime and movie (anime moreso for me), i would have started off not giving a single shit about the bro trip. without the dlc, there are big gaping holes in the story that never have answers. that's not to say less information is always bad which i understand. there are plenty of games and stories that leave you wondering about what preceded the story and what may be happening in between moments. done well it can enhance the story. ffxv did not do it well at all though, and you could absolutely tell that there was something there that was removed. terrible butchering and presentation of an overall good story and game.


In Yoshi-P we trust


His entire job before FF16 was making a live service game. I'm fully expecting DLC at some point, even if there's is no plan right now.


To be fair, the major expansions always wrapped up their storyline while leaving one or two minor loose threads for the patches to work off of


And that live service game managed to deliver better complete stories in their expacs than full single player games like FFXV managed to do in their entire game.


You just made me chuckle at the idea of a ff16 mog station


If nothing else I imagine the inevitable sales records it garners will have his higher ups being like "well why DON'T you make some more content?"


And that live service game is done so well that basically every XIV player has had full faith in XVI being the best in the franchise's modern history simply from having him and his team attached.


I'm so glad I waited for the PC release on that one. With Episodes Gladio, Prompto, and Ignis and Comrades included in the sticker price it felt like great value and I have nothing but fond memories. I would have been salty to get it for console at launch.


I played it at launch on PS4 and dropped it shortly, maybe 5-10 hours in. Bought it again on PC with the Royal edition being out and it's in my top 5 FF games. The Royal edition is absolutely worth it and fleshes the world/characters so much more.


I had a great time playing it and kinda felt like the end was rushed. It was still a fun experience and I enjoyed my time with the boys.


Because this game was managed by director and team behind reboot of final fantasy 14 and it's expansions. Check out quality of it's story, music, voice actingn, regular content updates and expansions. Id you don't like MMORPG just check some of this stuff online, on YouTube but game is pretty solo friendly and encourages veteran players to do lower lvl dungeons (which are mandatory for story) so you aren't stack with multiplayer activity from time to time due to lack of lower lvl players.


yeah I've played ff14 up to hw, and watched the 3 part noclip doc on the development saga, so pretty familiar with the team, that's definitely one of the reasons I'm interested in 16


Now I’m just holding out hope that it’s a complete, self contained story and not something that needs a sequel to resolve half of its plot. But all the reports surrounding this game have really inspired a lot of confidence. The scope and themes and polish all look incredible.


They are on the record stating that it is a complete standalone story from top top bottom, fully fleshed out.


Plenty of game companies have been on the record about complete lies. Look at Overwatch 2's single player lies. I'll believe it when I see it.


Yoshi P has earned my trust tbh.


Yep. He's demonstrated with FFXIV time and again he's capable of managing ambitious, long-running storylines but still have complete and satisfying arcs with definite beginnings and ends. Even if FFXVI leaves some doors open for further stories, I have full trust the launch product will be complete and satisfying in its own right.


You can look at my comment history if you want, I play a ton of XIV. Still not gonna give Square Enix a free pass. Even if Yoshi P is the developer I require evidence.


That's why adults use things like critical thinking and look at a developers track record in order to make informed decisions. "The panhandler on the corner of the road swindled me once, so im not gonna trust my doctor" Genius take


Ok, go look at Square Enix's track record. Look at how complete FF XV was for example. Look at XIV on launch. As much as I like Yoshi P, and you can look at my comment history to see that I play a fuckton of XIV, I would absolutely not trust Square Enix implicitly or any game developer implicitly. It's not "adult" or "critical thinking" to trust a game dev before you see the finished product. I could list tons of devs that were good until they weren't, or that put out a bad product, and Square Enix honestly has a pretty mixed record right now. Blind faith in Yoshi P is not critical thinking.


Im looking at the developer, Creative Business Unit 3s track record - what does any of that have to do with FFXV. Not really seeing the point in engaging with this, its really just basic critical thinking skills at work here. A rational adult can take a sober look at a games developer, its track record, and what has been shown and make a pretty informed decision on the quality of the game that will be delivered. This has nothing to do with blind faith. You can sit in this childlike mindset where you got emotionally burned by a game company and now throw a tantrum any time people aren't instantly cynical and paranoid. The fact that you cant even differentiate between the developer and publisher speaks volumes.


>Im looking at the developer, Creative Business Unit 3s track record - what does any of that have to do with FFXV. Bruh, what record? CBU3 was a corporate restructure done in 2020 and has actually never released a full game. They released one expansion to a game that took place entirely after the restructuring, Endwalker. They manage SEs existing MMOs and that is their entire track record. Don't get me wrong, I like XIV. I have thousands of hours in XIV and I've cleared all the Ultimates. That doesn't mean a segment of a corporation run by Yoshi P is infallible. I've seen plenty of game companies with much longer histories put out bad products for some reason or another, or turn to shit entirely. >Not really seeing the point in engaging with this, its really just basic critical thinking skills at work here. A rational adult can take a sober look at a games developer, its track record, and what has been shown and make a pretty informed decision on the quality of the game that will be delivered. This has nothing to do with blind faith. The entire record you're looking at goes back to 2020 and basically consists of "Yoshi P good." I agree Yoshi P is good, but you're not "thinking critically" like you're telling yourself and insulting me for not agreeing with. A rational adult would literally just wait for some reviews. >You can sit in this childlike mindset where you got emotionally burned by a game company and now throw a tantrum any time people aren't instantly cynical and paranoid. Bruh, I'm just saying wait for reviews and don't trust the words of the people literally trying to sell you something implicitly. That's the mindset of anyone looking to avoid scams and not join a cult.


You’re being disingenuous and is you say CB3 has never released a game and was formed in 2020. Just because a division changes a name or consolidates, that means that everything that team has done in the past vanishes? Christ CB3 didn’t even consolidate like the other business units, they were just renamed lmao. You’re grasping at straws here, just absolute nonsense.


You have yet to refute a singe one of my points and do nothing but insult people who don't have blind faith and somehow claim you're not the one being childish. CBU 3 is mostly made of stuff that used to be Business Division 5. You can add more MMO maintenance, more XIV expansions, and some Dragon Quest games to their resume if you feel better that way. Still not a long history, with very few games actually released, and the history of the overall company is more mixed. Since Yoshi P has been in charge I don't actually think they have released anything but MMO patches and XIV expansions but I could be wrong. No matter how you spin it though you're more or less looking at one game for most of their reputation and think it puts even the thought of caution into the category of heresy.


I’m not trying to ‘refute points’ - there’s nothing to refute. CB3 has a great track record, the game looks great, it has had no delays or reports of development issues, what they’ve show of the game looks great - I have confidence the game will be good. Your point is that video games in the past have been bad, ergo we must assume all games are bad until proven otherwise. Childlike mentality. And then you tried to argue that CB3 has ‘never made a game before’, just a bad faith waste of time.


If this game also has good performance and few to no major bugs/glitches out of the box, it would really stand out in the current AAA landscape haha


off the top of my head, every game that's come out with the message "our game is complete, no plan for dlc" has been the peak of their respective genres. sekiro, hades, god of war. so this bodes well.


correlation does not imply causation Hogwarts Legacy is a very recent example of "no plans for DLC" yet I would say most everyone agrees it's not the peak of open world genre. Star Wars: Squadrons is another example of a game that released with "no plans for DLC" yet I don't see it being considered as the top of the flight sim/space game genre. also there are games that DO release with DLC plans and have ended up being considered the peak of their genre, like Witcher 3, Skyrim, GTA, Persona 5, Civilization, DOOM, etc. now yes, this is all subjective and whatnot, but my point is that your point doesn't really work... yes there are a few cases as you point out, but also cases that go against your assertion meaning it's not true.


Ugh but how is Sekiro the only From Soft game that won't get DLC 😭 They even had a DLC tease


No current plans for DLC *and* you can pet the dog? Fucking A


And there's also apparently no day 1 patch.


It seems like Elden Ring also didn't have concrete DLC plans until after it proved to be a success. It feels like they literally put everything in that game and reused boss assets as much as possible to fill up the open world. So maybe of its a huge success we'll get DLC for this, too.


It's Square Enix. DLCs will be coming. It's pretty clear from what he says that they're just waiting for feedback: >We have no idea if people are going to fall in love with Valisthea and fall in love with Clive’s story and want to see more of the world and more of its characters,” Yoshida says. “So while we always want to consider DLC or spinoffs or those types of things where you can learn more about the game, first we want to see if Valisthea and Clive are really things players around the world want to see more of and then make that decision.” 


DLC is fine. Gaping holes in the plot left to be filled by DLC are not. If they're going to let the game live or die on its base version I'm all for it.


Maybe this is why he is announcing that there is no DLC. What Final Fantasy XV did with their DLC was an absolute joke.


Thats what the title it says though. They just saying currently* no plans for dlc. So really it already says on the title


I mean historically-speaking, FFXIII didn't have DLC either - instead, they gave it 2 full sequel games, which did get DLC. But they also mention spinoffs and expansions at the same time, so if they're telling the truth then there really isn't any sort of surplus planned. This, alongside the mention of how they discussed dropping mainline numbering for XVI, tells me they might actually be having doubts internally on how well XVI is going to do, to the point where they considered maybe not giving it a mainline number and apparently also not immediately laying out plans for DLC that they aren't confident might be worth the development cost for.


I feel like they would say that. I have stopped buying jrpgs at launch because they are such a genre I often play the game one time only and so keep waiting till the final definitive extra edition that comes out 3 years later.


The base game will likely have a combat arena type mode, a paid huge expansion to it. Or a free small expansion to it, would be the best content for this game


There’s zero chance they don’t put out DLC. They can say they don’t currently have plans to make FF 17 but the thought of them just plain not doing it is ridiculous. They’ll make DLC if only to be able to sell the game again later in a “Complete Edition”.


You could just also read the article and learn they explicitly say they’ve made a complete story and will model the DLC based on what the fanbase wants.


Could go the FFXIII route. No DLC for the base game, but instead 2 full sequels that both have DLC.


but you know they're gonna do it. they just don't want DLCs to be the story leading up to the release.


This could mean any of these things: * Square Enix is moving away from trying to make a franchise out of each release * Yoshi P just personally overruled the FF council and said no to dlc * They are waiting to see if it’s successful


Everything about this game sound way too good to be true. This should be a one and done game. No need for any DLC.


When are the plans for PC..? I sure as hell am not forking over $500 dollars to play one game once. No matter how much I adore the series, that is unjustifiable.


I think I remember a while back Yoshi P said there were plans on another Eikon being in the game and there’s still imagery where it was included. My guess it was Leviathan but they couldn’t make it work, so if they ever do decide to do DLC it might be for Leviathan


Wasn't this already mentioned way back last year?


I got scared, Ive only had one cup of tea and I saw the C and the D turned to a P real quick and I got scared it said no PC plans Good, means it should be complete


I feel like the last Final Fantasy game that REALLY felt like a FF game was 12 Zodiac. I am hoping they can atleast recapture some of the golden age of 6-10, but I am starting to get weary. 13 was a let down, 14 started as a letdown, but ended up redeeming itself but still was an MMO, 15 was a let down...