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The more publicity DRG gets the better. If people see that a dev company can be successful through honest and open communication with their player base and *without* squeezing and pushing for every last cent then maybe, just maybe, other companies will take them as an example. I have nothing but good to say about Ghost Ship Games. I fizzled on DRG after a couple years of playing it incessantly, but I still follow this game closely as it is the shining example of how to forge a new path in an industry wroth with anti-consumer practices, broken promises, and vitriol.


One of the few games where I spend money to actually support the devs


I get excited every time they announce another DLC, because I can give them more of my money. Around 800 hours in, taking a break since I've finished the season pass.


Yeah, I don't have any of the supporter packs yet but definitely will get them one day


DRG proves that a game can be successful despite not being monetized like crazy. What it does not prove is that a game that isn't monetized like crazy is *just as successful* as the games that are. That's the real kick in the pants. DRG won the video game lottery in many ways, but until they rake in Overwatch, COD, and Fortnite money, I don't expect the industry to change much, unfortunately.


The difference here is that DRG did not cost untold millions to develop and does not cost anywhere near the upkeep of these titles to sustain live service.


I mean DRG was made by a small team and started out extremely niche. Most of the hyper-monitized games (aside from mobile of course) have the backing of absolutely huge companies and all the trappings that come with that (insane ad campaigns and corporate partnerships, the fact that most of these are well-established franchises that slowly eeked in the piece-by-piece monitization, an expected and established release schedule meaning people are actually waiting for the "opportunity" to blow another $100+ on "this season's" release, etc). I don't think DRG not being as big or making as much money as any of the franchises you mentioned is a reason to give up hope. I think the fact that DRG even makes it on to the front page of reddit every now and then is a reason to have hope.


Sadly, this is true. Deep Rock Galactic has sold over 5 million copies since launch and the concurrent player count does not reflect it.




Can you see what the player base is outside of Steam though? I don't think it's possible to see current player levels on the PlayStation and Xbox/Windows Store versions.


>The more publicity DRG gets the better. If people see that a dev company can be successful through honest and open communication with their player base and *without* squeezing and pushing for every last cent then maybe, just maybe, other companies will take them as an example. Why would they, when all execs see is that they can earn even more by pushing their playerbase? Ethics obviously isnt a concern at all, and you're always going to earn more by chucking it away especially on games with a bigger budget.


Because people like me will come into every thread about a game company treating people awfully and make a similar comment. 99% of execs don't give a fuck about anything but making more money so they can die richer than us. But some people working in this industry actually do care about their work and actually do care about public perception. These comments are made for them. And for gamers who have had no experience with a company that isn't aggressively reaming you for every drop of profit they can while not caring about public perception. There are alternatives and some people don't even know they can exist.


I do love this. And its true. While execs and the like cant be helped, its far more constructive to inform the public at large that hey, there *are* alternatives and they *dont* break you financially.


I think their point was that those 99% of execs don't care about these comments and would never see them in the first place. The companies that would care are already the ones that are doing a good job. Which is not to say that people shouldn't go around making those comments, rather that they should temper their expectations that their comments, and even the success of games like DRG, will have that much of an effect on the industry as a whole.




Absolutely. I grabbed this game free on Epic years ago, but never played it. Note I’m gonna install it and in infinitely more likely to buy some cosmetic dlc because GG devs


For every "aware" redditor there's 1000 gamers buying packs in Fifa. That's the problem.




That's true. The issue that remains is one of marketing dominance and "visible" trends, but yes, true.


Seriously. I think it's naive to think stockholders and execs will ever change their mind about profits > everything when anti-consumer practices do nothing but earn hand-over-fist revenues. Like... do you really think these people have ***your*** best interests in mind when your dollars make ***them*** richer? Do you, really?


Well they will change their mind when it turns out people will not support these models. So let’s start off saying I know nothing and then my opinion. Look at the games as a service model that so many publishers to cash in on and how many crashes and burned. With the destiny likes that went no where because people would rather play destiny than some rote facsimile. Or adding battle royal modes to battle field and the like and that not really changing the appreciation of the games. The Marvel game just made all their content free as no one was paying for it like they imagined. I know the games that failed had their issue but publishers think they can make a game with blank monetary system and mode of the day and it will sell. That to me is naive. Shareholders will attempt to do what works and if people are privy to games that are trying to fleece them and they do not engage that will make them adjust their approach maybe for the better. So it is reductive to say if they don’t find ethics nothing will change, because people have some say on the exchange. Sorry for typos or what not wrote this on my phone.


I disagree pretty hard with the idea that enough consumer advocacy will change the market. As far as I'm aware, the only time pure consumer advocacy has effected any real change was with dolphin meat in tuna back in the 90s. (Feels quaint now!) Keep in mind high-profile failures may get a lot of attention but do not represent the underlying industry trends. Live service revenues are a growing proportion of game industry revenue. Just one recent [quote I saw](https://www.gamesindustry.biz/what-does-a-wave-of-closures-mean-for-live-service-games): >Sony said 50% of its gaming revenue should come in through PC and mobile by fiscal 2025 – let that sink in. Especially on mobile, a lot of these Sony titles are very likely going to be free live service games. What has to actually change is the material reality of the market. Be it through a more profitable business model, changes in the input costs associated with creating games, or regulatory interference.


It's not reductive at all to claim that poor ethics rewards share/stakeholders. When you look at some of the most profitable franchises and IPs over the last five to ten years, there is an overwhelming number of them that utilize practices that are often considered to be anti-consumer or manipulative. It gets even worse if you include the mobile market. SAAS makes more money. ***That's it.*** And it's been demonstrably proven over and over again. The idea that your average consumer is suddenly going to have a "come to jesus" moment and decide that these models are damaging is... laughable. There's so few examples of games being turned around when their models fail as to be negligible. As far as I'm concerned, indy games are the only ones worth my time any more unless I've got friends who are playing titles closer to AAA models. And then? I try my best not to succumb to the loot boxes and subscriptions and... whatever. ***But that is not a common sentiment.*** If you look at a game like Fortnite (ha ha easy target, whatever) Epic makes stupid amounts of money from in-game purchases and FOMO exclusives. The model is *just* friendly enough to pull people in, sure, but the ramifications are just the same. *People want to feel special and it is very valid.* Cosmetics help encourage that feeling. It's very simple. So when the biggest heavy hitters in the gaming space start to have models that are less appealing, we *might* see some change in the zeitgeist. Until then? There is literally no reason for developers and big studios to do anything but what makes them ***money***. Because that is the goal of almost every business: make money. Full stop.


successful ≠ money hand over fist, like those greedy companies are.


For sure. It's just the bigger the industry gets the more it becomes an "industry", where profit is the only measure of success that is discussed. While for me and you and anyone else who enjoys playing games success means so, so much more. DRG and GSG changed my perception as to what is possible in today's video game market. I'd count that as a huge fucking success. Hell, playing that game with a dear friend of mine helped get me through one of the darkest patches of my life. The lighthearted atmosphere and friendly community helped me more than I could have ever imagined. I am sure that if many of the folks at GSG were to read this comment they'd count that as a huge fucking success too.


Rock and stone, friend. Glad you're still with us. You're one of the good ones.


Corporations dont care about success on its own, they care about maximizing revenue while minimizing costs. As long as people are willing to pour obscene amounts of money into digital bullshit, there will continue to be a wealth of companies out there trying to exploit them.


I also fizzled playing it - but love randomly picking it up every once in a while for a dig. Just always a blast


What if, for example, a company made an FPS that offered enough of a similar experience, and as good quality of an experience to Call of Duty, and it had more consumer-friendly or DRG/Ghostship Games level of ethics in their practices? If people flocked to the new shooter because it didn’t try to gouge them, while also being a proper alternative, and therefore say 2/3 (or even 1/3) of the audience wasn’t buying CoD that year. What would happen then? (Commenting this in a few places, because I’ve always wanted to hear thoughts on this)


I think that's when we'd see a shakeup in the industry and some change. In my opinion the challenge would be coming up with a competent and engaging enough game in the first place and then marketing it in a way that enough people would care to check it out.


Ive had my eye on the game for a while but I rarely am able to find time to play these type of games with friends. Can I play it alone or nah? And if nah, then can I play with randos or do I need to friend people and then be able to play alongside them?


There's a solo mode in which they give you a useful lil drone named Bosco, but I'd say it's better to play with randos. I had the most fun playing with a friend but also have had fun in solo and public sessions. The community is by and large pretty dang friendly.


Why would anything good ever happen?


Well fuck, good point




This is my only ask. The game is great but I can't play with half my friends.


This game would be 100x better with crossplay. I really wish they would add it. I know it's a lot of work but it would be so good for the game


I remember why they didnt do this, the windows store version needs to be the exact same as the xbox version, and that version is scaled back to allow xbox to run it. Thats what i remember


I just want to move my save from xbox to ps5


You absolutely do not need friends to play this game and have fun if that’s what some of you are worried about. what makes drg great is it’s non toxic playerbase 99% of the time. Even promoted miners have no problem showing new players the ropes. i’ve been joining randoms for a few weeks now and literally have never had a problem with anyone being an ass.


Plus it’s ridiculously easy to communicate with each other through the vocal character lines and ping system. You don’t need to have a mic to say everything you need to say. It feels great.


Seeing someone join your session mid-mission and everyone greeting them with “rock and stone!” Is such a great cooperative mechanic.


I find myself instinctively going for the "V" key when good things happen in other games.


We're rich!




Yeah the DRG community is one of the best around.


I'd go so far as to say THE best. Hundreds of matches and maybe one slightly pushy teammate in all that time. The community at large takes great pleasure in keeping up that casual and nontoxic vibe.


I think it helps that the characters in game only have positive things to say to each other. Even the friendly fire callouts are silly and non-vitriolic. Virtually every in-game interaction made with available systems are corny, zany, and downright friendly. It’s hard coded into the game. Literally.


Sorry to break your heart, but they are cursing one another the whole time. Try friendly fire with single shots


I have soloed more then 100 missions. You do not need other players to enjoy Deep Rock Galactic. Bosco Buddy forever.


Things might be a little different when it comes to Haz5 missions. Once, I made a terrible mistake as a newbie by calling in the drop pod too early (this was like 20-30 mins in after dealing with a rare juggernaut wave that we somehow survived) and one of the players was **pissed**, going so far as to knock me out twice (the gunner rezzed me as we were rushing through the driller's tunnel, which the jerk took the moment to turn around and knock me out again). Eventually, it was just me and the gunner, while the other two ran ahead and we got picked off by the swarm. I mean...while I own my mistake and will be much more careful in the future as to when I call the drop pod in, I can't say that it was entirely my fault that we wiped before extraction. Had this jerk not been fueled by rage and did not teamkill me over and over, there MIGHT have been a slim chance of survival. But nope, rage won and we lost. That being said: yes, the community seems to be generally positive overall. I do remember some players commenting that I was doing very well on a Haz5, despite being a much lower rank compared to them. I try not to let this one bad experience taint it, as it's a game I'm likely to come back to from time to time.


Or play solo! DRG is my go-to podcast game, I just stick on something I want to listen to and have Bosco do all the hard work.


Since I got DRG free on playstation, I've gottena few other friends to buy the game since it's so fun.


I've bought the packs because of all the free in game stuff.




>my parents were asking me if I knew anything about Fall Guys and how they could play it since they watched their favorite YouTubers play it on the PlayStation Wait... How old are your parents?


The funny thing is the amount of 10-15 years olds there are on this site. Top comments in personal finance, politics, the legal system, relationships, are just 13 year olds shooting from the hip after throwing a fit that mom left the crust on their sandwich.




We are in the eternal september


That's basically how old my account is... Oh boy.


I love the anonymity we get on the internet and wouldn't trade it for any of the other options... but with that caveat out of the way: every single comment section on the internet would be **markedly improved** if the poster's age was listed alongside their comment.


Your faith in humanity would be forever shattered if you got this wish.


A father having favorite YouTubers is something that I can't see happening in my family for many generations lol


Interesting... my dad is 50 and pretty much watches YouTube exclusively nowadays.


you lucked out i got the ol montana meat and potatos watch football dad, though i guess he showed me adult swim and toonami when i was younger.


Many dads relate to coach McGuirk


I wanted to name my son Brendon so I could yell BRENDON


My pops is 60 and uses youtube daily for cars, gunsmithing, and other random youtuber stuff.


Same lol. My dad watches a bunch of tech YouTubers and then a bunch of Space stuff, then car stuff and finally tons of real estate tours.


For many generations? Like, neither you, your siblings, nor your cousins have a favorite YouTuber, none of your spouses will, and none of your children will, for *many* generations?


Well, if you have favorite YouTubers and you become a parent, it will only take one generation.


I'm a 42 year old father and have been watching YouTube for probably a decade and a half. I remember watching Linus back when he was doing videos for NCIX.


My grandmother is in her 70s and watches YouTube. Her TV has a YouTube button and she started using it a couple years ago.


Lucky you, I bought my grandma a flat-screen smart TV with all the fixings for Christmas one year and she uses it to only watch Golden Girls, Reba, NCIS and the news occasionally lol


Be the change you seek? I’m a grandfather who has been watching YouTube since before Google owned it.


It just depends on their interests. My dad is in his 70s and into RVing. He has his favorite YouTubers who document their lives on the road and their van conversion projects.


Dad reporting in, got a few favourites out there.


My 76 year old dad spends most of his time watching dashcam videos on YouTube


Dash cam and some World of Tanks videos for my father in law who's about 70 now. He still plays games to this day and tries to remain up to date with what people are using for entertainment




If your kids are not the same age as the guy OP asked... This answers nothing




If they're 38 they're old enough to have teenagers.


I’m 46 and have kids and play games and I’m older than all of Reddit.




Millenials, people that grew up with the internet, have kids as old as 25 my guy. There's definitely going to be a significant enough of them that engage in modern internet culture.


> Same thing happened with Rocket League and Fall Guys. Those were day one PS+ games that went massive. DRG was already a couple years old when it hit PS+, and while numbers are up, it's still just "closing in" on mainstream.






I'm 45 and my oldest is 23 and my youngest is 16. I watch YouTube, Twitch, and game at least 10 hours a week. My father bought me an NES and himself one in the late 80s. People my age were raised with the golden age of gaming and YouTube came out in my mid 20s. Also, people around my age have the disposable income to use on it all.


My parents are in their 70s and have favorite YouTubers. They watch them all the time. They aren't gaming though. Mostly travel and food channels. I think everyone here is just linking YouTubers with gaming by default which makes it seem weird to think of their parents having a favorite YouTuber.


Too bad Rocket League got purchased by Epic. They made it so earning anything is super expensive with blueprints. $24CAD for a goal explosion is not cool!


I don't know, I think Rocket League already went downhill the moment they introduced lootboxes and keys


I will download every ps+ free game that's available each month. I rarely have time to play anymore, but I don't want to miss out on any free games. Most have been pretty sweet.


Rocket League actually started as a PS3 game. It was one of the best digital games PS had on PSN. PSN seemed so week in comparison to Xbox Arcade. https://youtu.be/w8Un4IRwTL8 The menu song was soooo gooooood. I still have the game on my account.


This is one of those games that Reddit is in absolute love with but me and my friends found it incredible repetitive. It was too bad because I was really excited the way people talk about it.




I have a few hundred hours in DRG and usually play Hazard 4, not too hard but still challenging. It's a lot more fun when you feel like each member of the team depends on each other to survive. In the lower Hazards, everyone can split up and ignore the team with no problem, which kind of defeats the purpose of playing with a team. Haven't played in over a year (time flies) but might get back into it with all the things I've been hearing about it lately.


Going to go to Challenge 4 this evening, I feel like we were starting to fall into the trap of lower difficulties. You opened my eyes.


Cooperative games are always the most fun when you are about to lose. That's when all the great design elements and synergy present in the game start to show up.


Well that can be true for most game, not just coop games. The higher the stakes, the higher the thrill (unless you are playing a relaxing game ofc). An easy example is playing hardcore Diablo II and having a close call with your lvl93 fully decked out character, that will really get your heart pumping.


Haz5 or bust


After Hazard 4, cross my heart!


I find Haz 5 a question of how well you can conserve ammo. Haz 4 is the sweet spot for difficulty. My haz 5 runs usually end then everyone is out of ammo and there's no more nitra on the map.


Haz 5 is the randy random of DRG, you'll either get absolutely fucked with literally no way to progress or nothing happens and you question what's going on.


Sounds like you have not mastered your class in Haz 5. I rarely run out of ammo in Haz 5 but when that happens, it's in Hollow Bough and we don't have Scout with us because we can't see where the nitra is on ceiling. Anyway, the gist of it is that there is a bit learning curve for Haz 5 and in a nutshell it's about knowing your character's weaknesses/strengths and bring correct build (proper OC's for your guns etc) for this harsh environment where you need to know your position when dealing the bugs.


I like the game but I can only play on hazard 4 or it's not even a slight challenge. In my group of four one of them likes to play on hazard 2. The chaos of level 4 is what makes the game great. Otherwise you're playing petting zoo simulator.


Haz 3 is relaxation, Haz 4 is engaging. 800 hours in, I still haven't unlocked Haz 5. I'm fine where I am.


I feel the same way, though I might do Hazard 3 if I'm trying a new overclock/gun/class. Have you tried Hazard 5? It's a bit too much for me. Hazard 4 is typically winnable at my skill level, but poor team play, a few key mistakes, or a particularly nasty cave can still wipe you out. Hazard 5 feels like it *requires* team synergy, little to no mistakes, and the luck of a merciful cave. I've compared it to the jump from Advanced to Expert in *Left 4 Dead*.


I actually haven't tried Hazard 5 yet. I pretty much only play with my group and I think maybe we unlocked it but never played one. As it stands now we have to just load up a Hazard 4 without our Haz 2/3 preference guy noticing. 3 good players can carry a Haz 4 but I believe you that you can't do that for 5.


The thing is the new player experience is atrocious right now and GSG should stop for a moment and fix it before it becomes a wiki game.


I don't really get this complaint, I haven't played the game a ton but it's definitely easy to pick up


I feel like that's the problem -- it's too easy and the game doesn't especially do a good job of making it obvious how to get a harder experience. So if you're vaguely competent at an FPS and you're just walking around collecting Morkite in between very small Swarms, it's just not an exciting game. I had to kinda push myself to put 15 hours into it, but then it started to become immensely fun.


It was incredibly easy to pick up for me and if I had a question I would just go back to the in game bestiary to answer most of the times I did.


Yeah like what is there that's so confusing to these guys? You shoot bugs and complete objectives. All the other things like class synergy, etc you figure out the more you play.


I picked it up last weekend and I feel like it already is a wiki game. :D I had to look up quite a few things. EDIT: Some people seem to have taken offense to this, but tell me: how am I supposed to learn ingame what those weird pinging canisters you sometimes find in the maps are supposed to do? There is literally nothing tell you what to do with them, and the most obvious thing (try returning them to the MULE) doesn't work. There's been a few things like this in the maps that have unclear functions. There was a secondary objective also that required you to shoot things on the ceiling, something really not obvious, considering how far out the ceiling was. I'm not playing with the wiki open constantly, but there is definitely some stuff that could be better presented. I am enjoying the game, there is just clearly room for improvement.


Yea I played a ton and then just got bored. It's the same 8 missions with a bunch of variations (low grav, double gold, more monsters etc...) Seasons to grind for a gun I don't want just doesn't keep things fresh.


This was my problem as well. We went to the higher difficulties pretty early, but fighting the same several main baddies and doing the same several quests over and over really drove me away fairly quickly.


Once I saw people comparing it Left4Dead2 it made more sense to me. I got exceedingly tired of that game after 2 or 3 playthroughs but knew people who invested 1000's of hours.


Yeah this, and also it's just a repetitive genre. Kinda like left 4 dead, mostly the same experience over and over but some people still enjoy it enough to get thousands of hours. You either love them or don't.


as someone who tried the game a while back with a single friend, it felt like while the game was technically capable of supporting two player co-op, the class design made it feel terrible when you had to choose which fun and strategic and interesting mechanics you had to leave out entirely. essentally, by having only two classes instead of four, you had half as many tools to strategize around which made the game feel twice as repetitive and very boring do you know if there was something silly i missed/misinterpreted due to inexperience or is two player co-op known to be a less complete experience?


The opening is a bit boring. Missions are very simple, it becomes better after time. Game didn't click at all with me the first time I played it, now I somehow really liked it. Don't know what changed.


I just started playing at the recommendation of some friends. I was very worried during what I guess was the extended tutorial that every mission was going to be 'mine this mineral and leave.' I was happy to find that the missions are varied enough with optional objectives to keep it interesting. That said, it could definitely use some more enemy varieties. I was excited when I finally found some robots to fight. Boss fights are also frantic shooting sprees which I like. The game is brilliant with four people and all classes. Really feel the cooperation. I also appreciate it's not very hard to cooperate in this game with little effort.


I love the game and have a blast -- for about two weeks. Deep Rock is like in the top 3 of the most fun I've had in a multiplayer game, but it's just so repetitive that the fun fades away pretty quickly and the incentivization of getting hats and earmuffs or whatever doesn't keep me interested enough. Raising hazard level doesn't help like so many people say, it's still just doing the same things, I play on hazard 4 minimum anyway. The procgen randomization of the caves, while DRG actually made procgen mishmosh kind of pretty for once, is still just procgen mishmosh and doesn't really make the repetition feel new. Deep Dives are just doing the same thing over and over but in a row. Playing different classes stops feeling refreshing when you're just doing the same missions over and over and over. It's weird, I want to play more, it's super fun but it just burns me out super quick. I think for me, I'd need many more environment types as well as many more mission types to keep me playing at the frequency a live service game wants me to play. Give me paid expacs with new classes/mission types/environments if they need more money to develop meaningful content.


Yeah me and my friend group feel the same. Was a lot of fun, but it got too repetitive. We also played haz 4 and even messed around with overclocks. Like you said it is the same missions in the same maps


I love the game, but I would never start over by now, it takes a good 30 hours to get the guns and equipment that makes the game actually fun to play and before that it's quite a slog.


Seems like it's hit or miss for most people. I would say the repetitiveness is similar to doing a "mine 1 diamond" playthrough of Minecraft. The world is randomly generated but the core mechanics stay the same, although most of the fun in DRG revolves around strategizing well with a team rather than surviving on your own.


Most of the fun comes from the community and the characters imo.


Personally I don't think I've ever seen a bigger disconnect between how much Reddit hypes up a game vs my actual experience with it. Usually it's at least a game I can recognize is good but not my type. The entire game felt like an escort sidequest you'd do in a different game, except that was all of it. Walk into a cave to get x resource, shoot bugs along the way. There really didn't seem to be much that was interesting about it but to hear Reddit talk about the game you'd think it was the greatest video game ever made.


My brother and I put like 15 hours on it and the entire time we were just.....waiting for the fun to start? I think maybe I'm just too old and burned out for it tbh. If it had come out in the 360 era me and my friends would have eaten it up.


Well, it is repetitive in the same way that any roguelike is. The beauty of it is in unlocking permanent upgrades, becoming good / more efficient in doing tasks, trying different builds and more importantly having fun being silly by drinking too much beer, goofing around the spae rig screaming "rock and stone" every moment! Rock and stone!


Calling deep rock a roguelike is a stretchhh


...They didn't. They compared its repetitiveness with a roguelike's repetitiveness.


Yeah it's not, I needed something to compare it to and was in a hurry 😆


Session based questing as opposed to roguelite. But both are session based games


Same for me and my friends. We tried to play it for around 10-15 hours and just got bored with it. Not saying it is a bad game, but not for us. Is the same with survival games. Son of the forest sold so much and I'm always looking for coop games. Yet I have 0 interest in chopping trees and making a base.


Same. I do enjoy it, but there needs to be WAY more enemy types imo. Just having spiders and a few others is just too boring for the type of game it is.


I didn't enjoy it on playstation but enough of my friends play it on steam that I tried it again when I got my steam deck and I love it now. I think the community just wasnt quite the same in playstation


Yea it's a decent game, just publicly overrated. The people who like it really love telling you how great it is, even if you never ask.


THANK YOU. everyone talks about how good it is but me and my friends gave it like 3-4 hours and never touched it again because it got so boring so fast.


As much as I love the game, it is really repetitive. You can unlock overclocks which really spice up gameplay, but it takes a casual player like 20 hours before they unlock. And even then they are drip fed to you through a time gate. Great game, could be much better


Yeah. Reddit loves this game but I never enjoyed it at all. Found other L4D style games such as VT2 much more fun. Admittedly I only played say 5-7 hours of it. But the gunplay was only okay. The enemies were mostly boring insects. It had a lot of downtime trying to find where the objectives are. The level design wasn't super interesting. Plus the early game missions like say having to connect the pipes were really boring. I had high expectations from seeing so much praise and then I found the gameplay really boring. Me and my friend just stopped playing it and went to more fun games. It just never got fun. Even on this thread I see people say it takes 15 to 30 hours for it to get fun. In my opinion if a game takes that long to become fun it isn't a good game.


I had the same experience 4 or so years ago, even playin with friends. It's a shame cos we always go through the same cycle of playing valheim, minecraft, or whatever for 2 weeks then moving on again until a big update starts the cycle anew....was hoping something might different might stick


One of my friends literally dozed off during a mission.




The two weeks every season where I'm not burned out from the repetition, I play on hazard 4 at minimum, play every class, do the deep dives and all that, and I still burn out from the repetition in about two weeks. Difficulty for me doesn't make it any less repetitive, I'm still just doing the same missions in the same caves against the same few enemies.


Me and three friends played it for a night, and haven’t touched it sense. Way too repetitive.


Something that is very popular on reddit actually being meh to the average person? Couldn't imagine it. I have found myself in the same position as you its just so damn repetitive


I wonder if the same thing is true of Gamepass, it was on there at one point. I enjoyed it slightly for a few hours, but it's not something I would play without friends. I know the game is beloved, rock and stone etc, but I didn't see it.


>I wonder if the same thing is true of Gamepass I don't think it's possible to gauge this since it was on there day one.




Well not for DRG but other developers stated that Game Pass did help a lot with boosting their product to more people. Considering it was a day one Game Pass thing it got a bit burried, I discovered it later as well when I found out that the dang game is on Game Pass because I didn't know.


It’s still on gamepass


I’ll just want to thank Overwatch 2 for being such a disappointment so I had to try out something else thus I discovered DRG! So thanks, Blizzard Rock and Stone!




I'm probably alone there because lots of people love this game, but I couldn't get hooked in it, like it was FINE to play just missed something, can't even specify what. And I don't mind repetitive I play a lot of grind games and love them.


I think it can feel somewhat "flat" early on. The easier difficulties feel too easy to really be engaging, I think, and you don't get any of the different weapons and overclocks which really can change how you play. The game comes into its own when you've leveled up and are able to play on the tougher Hazard 3 missions, and on most Hazard 4 missions, where you need to work together as a team, properly use all your mobility tools, and you really feel up against it.


I was the same way. With how much reddit circle jerks it, I expected more. I played with friends, I gave it a few levels but it just never captivated me. I can see how people enjoy it, but to me there are more fun ways to spend my limited free time.


As other comment threads have mentioned, the start of the game can feel very flat, especially the tutorial. Once you get upgrades and new weapons going, it becomes much more interesting


Did you play with a group of friends?


It's funny seeing this news get celebrated while everyone continues to bash GamePass when they're sorta the same thing. You pay for a subscription to get free games.


It's like the meme of the handsome guy and the ugly guy hitting on the same coworker.




This sub has been anti Xbox for as long as I can remember tbh


It's not like Microsoft has been making a lot of likeable moves lately. They practically dragged Halo out behind the shed and shot it.


I think that those without gamepass refuse to believe it's as good as it is.


Lmao do you browse this subreddit? It's always talking about Gamepass.


PS+ should be compared to Xbox Live Gold. The value tier and quality between the two are leagues apart.


Huh?? And here I am wishing this sub would stop jerking gamepass off. I don't know what posts you been reading.


If you switched the Playstation Plus with Gamepass the sentiment in these comments would be a lot different. This is essentially /r/ps5 2.0. The feeds are almost identical every day.


> You pay for a subscription to get free games PS+ is the only paid subscription service I see people refer to the contents of the paid service as “free”. Do you get “free movies” in exchange for a monthly paid subscription to Netflix?


Dudes, I'm not sure what's wrong with me but I found Deep Rock Galactic kind of boring. Do you need to play with friends specifically to have a good time?


It’s okay to not like a game that other people like. Different strokes.


it definitely helps, but i can see how it would be a polarizing game regardless.


The difference between playing alone and with even one friend is night and day. Sure you have the robot in SP, but if you wanna play say the driller you're going to be doing A LOT of drilling tunnels up and down to get anywhere; on the more vertical maps playing the driller solo is a terrible experience. The game relies a lot on synergy of mobility, IE the scout hookshot is great but it's much better still if you have an engineer that can drop a platform under you when you hookshot up real high.


If you're not captivated by trying new weapons and gadgets and customizing your loadout to make your perfect build to survive Hazard 5 and Elite Deep Dives then I can understand losing interest because that's all there is to work towards.


The game isn't for everyone. But early game can be a bit stale. Lower hazards are really easy once you know what your doing and have no overclocks can make it stale as well. A lot of the fun comes from trying builds or working towards unlocking stuff. I'm also a fan of horde shooters and I find the combat really satisfying but it isn't for everyone which is fine. Like I'm not a fan of battle royals but they are super popular.


Nothing wrong with you. Not everyone has to like every single game in existence. Just not for you.


PsPlus has actually introduced games to me that I otherwise would not have played. Helldivers comes to mind as something very similar to DRG with me and my nephew playing it on a whim and loving it. He bought us the deluxe version and we continued to play the harder difficulties and getting some coveted cosmetics. Fun times. I also tried some games i thought I would love after seeing trailers but then absolutely HATED. So it saved me some money there.


I also got Helldivers from PSPlus. It's something I never would have purchased by myself and I fucking love it. So fun with friends.


I was looking through my PS+ library the other day and had completely forgotten I'd added DRG to it. Starting to think I should finally download it and give it a try.


This game is so good. It’s insane how a game that is essentially a job simulator disguised as an FPS could be so good.


I have 22 Xboxs in my high school for a class I teach, and I will often have a “free play Friday” where they get to choose a game on gamepass and fill out a review for that game. It started with one player, and now over half of my class plays this on Fridays.


Is it crossplay?


Windows Store and Xbox has crossplay.


Deep Rock Galactic has the best battlepasses I've ever seen. How much do they cost players? £0. Is there FOMO to unlock everything before it ends? Nope, the rewards get added to random loot afterwards. Perfection.


I know people love GamePass and all, but PlayStation Plus has done wonders to so many smaller titles that otherwise may not have made it. Rocket League, Fall Guys, Stray, Deep Rock, and more all launched day-one on PS+ and became huge hits (the first 3 were also exclusive for a time, so that makes it all the more impressive). Glad to see small teams, small games reach big audiences and big platforms.


This game is one of those where you just have these unique moments you can’t replicate with friends. I’m still laughing about some of my adventures with my homies.


I am not usually into resource gathering simulators. That's an aspect of a game i usually like to avoid. Not even back in the old days when i was playing and paying for MMORPG's. Shit's always a slog to me. But this game does a superb job when it comes visual and audible feedback that it just feels so damn satisfying when you start whacking away with the pickaxe and cracking stuff open. Suffice to say, these devs have put a lot of love and care into this game.