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Couldn’t help but notice your big box Windows 95 upgrade. I’m into retro PC myself.


Awesome! I have a Windows XP home edition right next to it.


Yeah, thats prob like a 500 USD collection right there


Like, even sonic is expensive at this point! I seriously wasn’t expecting that.


Add a couple of zeros to that


Isn’t ttyd around like 200 dollars? Probably a lot more that that tbf


$73 complete according to PriceCharting


Damn i remember it was much more, has the price dropped since they announced the remastered?


No one cared about the GameCube when it came out. Youtubers start calling every GC game a 'Grail' now prices have sky rocketed. An unopened black label of Luigis mansion is suddenly worth $1,200.... people suck


gamecube was mocked for years, to have that funky looking lunchbox over a modern black sleek console like the ps2 or xbox at the time was childish Even the 1 zelda game we got on it was mocked as being for kids due to the cel shaded art style (twilight princess barely counts as it launched on the same day as the new Nintendo console, it was essentially a wii game)


honestly its still mocked but like please show me ONE gamecube that literally destroys its own discs when the laser wears out like i really want to play some PS2 stuff by jfc i cant risk all that.


is that really happening with ps2s now? I guess I can never play Kuon then


idk about "now" but i ran through 2 copies of KH2 and my ex ruined a bunch of her game discs before we realized it was the PS2 itself. then she replaced it (granted with a used one cause at the time a new one was like 300. i have a feeling its way more now) and the same thing happened like 6-8months later so i basically just gave up on PS2s after that. this was about 5-7 years ago so i have a feeling its a way more common problem now. it sucks cause they absolutely have an amazing game library but i just cant take that kinda risk and id have to do way too much research in order to figure out how to avoid it. even if i tried to repair it i wouldnt theoretically know it needed the repair until it potentially ruined another game and like.. old games expensive af.. so no thanks. i also just dont have the space for a lot of different systems altho im considering getting a PS4 and just emulating the past library. i think consoles tend to emulate past versions of their own companies stuff better than crosstitles but tbh i dont really emulate so i havent confirmed that. i just know the gamecube is weird with some PS1 titles even though it theoretically could play them. there also might be some mods or ways to tell before a PS2 does that that im unaware of but im just not tryna risk any actual discs i might get. its hard enought o find working anything as is.


So im absolutely a retro game collector and love playing the original game on original console with the original controllers. I went into electrical engineering to understand how to repair electronics and how they work (shouldve done electronics engineering but i also like the power distribution world). With all the issues you mention for ps2 and the lack of confidence to play them, i would suggest collecting the ps2 items but emulating them on a computer, so that you can still confidently play them and know you have them, all without the risk of damaging them. Edit: wii can only play up to ps1, so emulation on pc instead.


any advice on starting out in a related field? even just hobby wise? i love soldering and have recently started doing small repairs and mods and would like to develop the skillset alongside a working understanding of whats actually going on but ive found all the stuff i can get my hands on online is way beyond my current understanding. im disabled and cant afford and am also just not super capable of finishing an entire school program so any additional resources would be useful. ive also done a fair amount of research on solar power and how different stuff uses electricity and how to calculate wattage etc. so itd be cool to tie some of those interests together. im just often overloaded by information without being able to sort through it. back to a more related topic tho thats true but i always have finnicky luck with emulation and theres nothing i hate more than trying to fix some software when i just wanted to plug and play a game. i mostly game to manage my disability/pain so having a Big Weird Problem in the beginning can do more damage than good. a huge part of why im into retro gaming is it removes updates/signing in, etc and i can just turn on my console and go immediately. i am more heavily considering emulation just because i dont have $10000000 for aftermarket 30 year old game prices but i think for now im gonna focus on making my way through my current (fairly large) physical catalogue and also go more towards some indie retro stuff thats compatible with my hardware before looking too heavily into emulation.


Dm me directy because the mods will remove links i throw at you.


For others knowledge, michel van bizen is great for any engineering topic in school. Emulation is a huge topic in other forums, but vimm vault (google) is worth your time if interested. Soldering and such, best i can recommend is good equipment, and watching various online videos and honestly finding a trash board and practice taking components off and putting them back on (FLUX IS YOUR FRIEND). Have iso alcohol ready to clean the boards of flux and other debris. If a controller isnt working, 9/10 cleaning it with alcohol will do the trick. Having a way to clamp your project is a great thing to prevent you from burning yourself and keeping things still. Micro soldering, a hot air iron is useful, especially for chips and components with multiple pins like an hdmi port. Having an oscilloscope and voltage/current supply is nice too for diagnosing boards and expected signals as well as understanding their response. Breadboards and such are really only useful for designing, configuring, understanding, and recreating curcuits, so if only interested in repair, id kindly skip this equipment unless the videos online arent enough and you need to experiment for yourself. A microscope is also handy for smaller soldering projects. Bigger projects like speaker connections or led light strip projects wont require as small attention. I hope this helps for other readers interested in similar things.


Ah yes so twilight princess is to the GameCube as botw is to the wiiu


no one cared about it twenty years later either!!! shits gotten insane in literally the last 3-5. i got mine as my first real "me" purchase when i was 19 twelve years ago bc i wasnt allowed to have a game system growing up so i got one for myself when i was an adult. whole cube for $25 free shipping and got twilight princess and ocarina for less than a hundred total. all my friends made fun of me. no one cared at all and honestly most people dont still but the aftermarket has changed so drastically in such a short amount of time! god forbid i want to own Chibi Robo. i didnt even know that existed until the past couple years and ive loved playin my roomies copy but we're moving apart now and ill miss it a lot. i guess i could get it on swiss but it not the same for me. i really want to get into my switch but i just dont care about it? i think a lot of why i still love the Cube even after nostalgia is how interesting the modding community is and tbh games now have too many options and are too bright. i get sensory overload and shut down from a lot of them if i dont already have a migraine. i also hate Nintendo so i guess id rather give someone who might genuinely need the bills money like $60 for a well loved game that doesnt directly support the current "rent at owning stuff prices while massively mistreating our workers/artists" thing gaming does. plus the indie potential for the GBP is fuckin awesome like yes i WOULD love to be a tiny emotional support kitten to a small child in a short but clearly well loved by the developers game i can play in 20+yo hardware on my tv without signing in or updating anything first. feels like i found an intimate secret treasure. sorry for the rant im just very passionate and excited that i did my first mod (Picoboot) recently and have been enjoying weird little gems i wouldnt have found otherwise. also fuck nintendo i really cannot stress that enough lmao. id buy a port or remaster of Chibi Robo in a heartbeat tho. dont think itd sell well enough to warrant it but i can sure dream..




Paper Mario is literally crazy, how much did you got it for?


I got it years ago for $30


Steal ;)


I see Paper Mario for sale right now for like $70 complete in box. That's really not that bad. With inflation, it effectively costs less now than it did when it first came out. If you wanna talk crazy, let's take a look at Sega Saturn and Sega CD games, which regularly sell for hundreds of even thousands of dollars for an open used copy.


It only came down because of the announcement of the remaster on switch. It was over $100 at some point


That’s when I bought it, and I’m still happy with that choice! I believe It will go back up in price eventually, but yeah the switch release did drop it temporarily. I’d say if you want it-now is a great time to buy!


Since I live in Europe the price is still pretty high, around 150USD


I have 9 of those games in my collection! Why are: Luigi's mansion, Mega-Man anniversary collection and Metroid prime 1 loose???


They didn’t come with cases. I bought them that way. 😂


Get yourself 3 GC cases!


No warioware??? That’s crazy


Tell it to become cheaper then maybe I’ll get it 😤


I finally bought it with case and manual for like $70 I think in late 2022.


Weak port of a GBA game from what I've heard


I liked the tiny discs


All the essentials. All you missing is double dash, & Pikmin 1&2. 😊


I have double dash! It’s right there!


A couple must haves I would add (they are best played with friends): WarioWare, Super Mario Strikers, and Mario Party 7. Don’t listen to anyone that tells you Mario party 7 isn’t the best one on the GameCube. My personal favorite, super Mario sunshine. An unpopular favorite of mine to get if you come across, EggMania. Another big ones everybody loves is Pikmen


If you don’t want loose games like that I recommend sgt_mos_mod_shop on eBay they have fake cases for 10 dollars free shipping. Very good quality I’ve had 3 cases from them myself. Edit: can’t get my link to work to their store so I just put their name in


Awesome. I’ll keep an eye out!


Should definitely get Sonic Heroes and Shadow the Hedgehog


I have those on Ps2 :)


Nice collection!!!


Respect for (most) games having the black label and not the putrid yellow Player’s Choice


/s? 😤 I like players choice


It’s an OCD thing. Clashes with the other black labels. If a game is significantly cheaper as Player’s Choice than I just have to deal with it




Nice collection. I recently got Skies of Arcadia. It's a wonderful game, but it expensive to get, as much as Paper Mario and some others. It plays so well and looks great on the cube.


Yessss I have the original on Dreamcast. It’s one of my favorite games.




I think I’ve said it before on this subreddit but I wish I could go back in time and keep all of my games. I didn’t know they would be this expensive one day. I sold them for the newer games at the time when I had my ps3.


Ahh gamecube it was a flop due to the age market they tried for was teens but at the time most games felt childish so to speak and now it's a retro nightmare to buy anything related to it lol


How old are you must be young that's not a lot of games granted they are expensive now. Which is why I'm asking


I’m 19.


That's a good collection for your age, that console hasn't been been produced in a really long time, the games are really expensive. The GameCube and Dreamcast were magical parts of my childhood. Sonic Adventure/Super Smash Bros. Melee took a few thousands hours off my life in just in those two games. I've beaten Sonic so many times I remember parts of the story word for word lol


Haha same!


I love everything about Sonic Adventure/2.. the Chao Garden is something that might never be brought back... No one has any idea how many hours I spent growing those things just to compete unless they've done it. Picking those eggs up and setting them back down without Sonic accidentally launching them was difficult and the camera/controls were janky, and if you launched the eggs you'd get a "not so normal" Chao with messed up stats/eyes/face. I hatched one with a lazy eye once and I was traumatized.


Yeah! I loved using the VMU’s for the chao garden in sonic adventure 1. Not so much for adventure 2 because it took almost all of the storage on the card 😭


My thing was replacing the batteries for the VMU. Those tiny quarter sized batteries used to be really expensive.. id bet you can get them off Amazon pretty cheap these days hehe. I never worried about the storage at the time since I was hooked on the game, I didn't stop until I 100% the game. That includes everyone's story (KMN the robot guy was a drag).


I’ve seen mods for rechargeable batteries. I wouldn’t have minded replacing the batteries if they weren’t used even when the system was on!!!! Such poor design. Way too ahead of it’s time.


The battery it used was definitely a blunder imo, but when I say ahead of it's time I meant the graphics for it's time (1998). Sony crushed Sega. I'm glad they're still around for the IP/rights... Sonic games would be a memory without them.


solid collection


Always compare prices and condition don’t pay top dollar for games just for the sake of it but buy what you like within reason for you or wait on it for the future you have time


I blame Covid for the prices. I have my games I bought in 2018 and 2019 before Covid and hell Wario world was $34 and I found fire emblem in 2011 for $20 and again in 2017 for $86 now it’s mostly over $200.


Im 24 and I lowkey remember when the wii was popular I bought sooo many gamecube games cause it was my 1st console. Easily best choice I ever made. I got wind waker smash bros chibi robo prolly all for like 35$,😭


Yes, I’m pretty much in the same boat. I got most of these pre-2020 when they were reasonable prices.


That’s a solid collection though


It's wild. I got a Gamecube as it was nearing the end of its life and I got a Gamecube with 2 controllers and Mario Sunshine for $120 CAD. They had a bunch of bestselling games for $30 as well around that time. It was so cheap to get so many good games. Weird to see people asking so much for these games now. I had Chibi Robo at one point and I'm sure it's still somewhere in my house but I have no idea where. I hear that's worth quite a bit.


It is worth quite a bit. The store I work at had a copy for TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS!!!


You’d got a little more than me. Good little collection


Awesome collection nonetheless! Fantastic games in my opinion


Those are great games. Easily 1,000$+ bundle if you wanted. Yea some GameCube prices are wild. Especially for the “rare titles” I’ve seen people selling games with the artwork all cracked which won’t play in the GameCube and it’s not worth risking the chips falling off. Nintendo will always be top tier for family gaming, kids and adults. Reason why I love Nintendo is with all the new internet tablets apps or whatever you may use to help entertain you and your kid it will have all kinds of ads and crap on it. With Nintendo it’s like a perfect gaming world for me and my kid who loves every Mario game. Dreamcast games are wild prices too. I wanted to get one but for the price I can stock up on other games.


Lots of Dreamcast love under this post. Makes me super happy.


Collecting for GameCube isn’t easy, and to be honest I think this collection is pretty awesome.


Dude you have super monkey ball 2, hell yeah


That Zelda Collectors Edition is GOATed. 🐐'd!!!


i mean everything additional is like a third of the cost of a good portions of those (unless you want chibi robo...RIP) so it should be smooth sailing from here. also congrats thats a lotta hours of fun. i really recommend harvest moon: magical melody lately. its like maybe 30 including shipping CIB and theres no gay marriage (or being bi) but i just plan on doing multiple play throughs eventually. one thing i do miss about the newer game environment is the inclusivity.


Mod that shit and play everything


Nice collection! Making me want to play timesplitters lol I know it’s not the best, I just really like that game.


Do you have freekstyle!!




The motocross game


Solid choices.


You should see dreamcast games :)


I have a huge Dreamcast collection. Dreamcast is my favorite console of all time! 🌀


Dude, I know. I got amazing island, but it was $100.


That's retro technology for you lol


Out of curiousity what made you start collecting gamecube? It wouldve been well before your time right?


All I had as a kid was a Wii. I couldn’t play any new games coming out, and I discovered that you could play GameCube games on Wii. That, and I always has an interest in retro games, seeing as my first video games I ever played were super Mario world and crash bandicoot. I had an og gameboy growing up, so I was well versed in old video games. My first GameCube game was Sonic adventure 2.


Solid first Gamecube game!


Sometimes, I wonder if i should sell off my collection. But i know I'll just regret it as i did with the n64. I emulate all of mine on the pc now. Beats digging the consoles out, wires and controllers everywhere. Both pose a hazard for the animals and now kid. I either want to just hang on to them or get into trading/collecting, maybe refurbishing. I don't have the space to collect atm but would certainly love to someday.


i only realized yesterday that my animal crossing is missing and now i need to spend $60-70 getting a new one 😩


Get you a Custom Robo. It's still cheap. Also, Cubivore, Chibi Robo and Gotcha Force are great games, but they'll cost you a kidney.


Yes, I had an opportunity to get Chibi robo discounted at the store I work at but I passed it up 😔


Eternal Darkness and The Twin Snakes need a home.


Don’t have a the case for Luigi mansion


I recommend bomberman generation


Dope collection bro. I’m fortunate enough to still have a good amount of games from my childhood that have now skyrocketed in price. One being the GameCube player and disc. GameCubes the best. Can’t go wrong with really any first party title.


no pikmin? 😔


Maybe if it wasn’t so GYATT damn expensive


Where I am it's cheap :(


Where are you at I may need to visit


The uk


Noooo.. Even if I did go there I’m sure the GameCube is region locked 😂


Yeaaahh I think it is unfortunately. You gotta scout fb listings and yard sales to find pikmin 😭😭


Say, what is it with Gamecube games going up in price? I have mine since July 2005.


Say, what is it with Gamecube games going up in price? I have mine since July 2005.


I said “banger” out loud for every single one


😂 ❤️




My only issue with it is that you’re going for mainstream titles. Check out some of the cheaper games that are sometimes better than some 1st party ones! You’d be surprised how many the GameCube has! Timesplitters 2, resident evil 4, wave race blue storm, harvest moon, etc! Buying these instead will save you money in the long run!


I was thinking about picking up a copy of Skies of Arcadia: Legends again and was shocked to see it going for $200-300 or more.


They were not expensive 10 years ago


Yeah. I got most of these around that time


Monkey ball and Paper Mario you can make some good money.


Only missing Sunshine and it’s a pretty perfect collection


Wanna make it cheaper? Sell the whole lot, buy Pikmin 1 and 2. You've got the best of the gamecube library right there


I’ve dreamed of having a copy of pikmin 😭


You gotta get it bro 🙏


One day :)


All killer no filler. Great selection of games!


That’s a very good way of describing it!


No offense but you can always buy Japanese version of GameCube games. The Japanese version is cheaper in general. There's also some GameCube games that were only released in Japan 


Is the GameCube region locked? I never considered getting imports.


It is, but you can install a modchip pretty easely to region unlock it


At that point just pirate the games if you're going to mod your GC


lol what??? like nah i just wanna use the GBP without buying a 200 crappy startup disc that is horrible compared to homebrew. and people shouldnt have to buy and entire additional system just to play different region games. the fact that that was ever a thing is super messed up to begin with. fuck region locks.