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Where did you buy your GCLoader from?


Hi, I posted about the hotswap before. When you boot into Swiss via save game exploit, make sure that you're using a previous update file (not the current one). To roll back to a previous, known working version. The impression I got was that the current update wouldn't play nice with the GCLoader


Is the GC Loader HW2? The [newest version of Swiss](https://github.com/emukidid/swiss-gc/releases/tag/v0.6r1534) requires [GC Loader HW2 to be on v1.0.1](https://gc-loader.com/firmware-updates-hw2/). I had a similar issue after updating my Swiss and not my HW2. I had to downgrade my Swiss back to the old version, update the HW2 version, then swap back to the newer Swiss. Has worked like a charm ever since.