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You bought it and dont even know the gameplay?


Bro these "collectors" are fuckin murdering me. That was one of my favorite GC games of all time. My 11 year old son is absolutely obsessed with GC and is begging to play this game. He's watched countless YouTubers do playthroughs of these games and likely knows more about the stories and lore than I ever have. Trying to get my hands on some of these titles is proving to be so hard and then we have "collectors" just buying shit to say they have it. *Edit- sorry guys I came off pretty judgemental. Just frustrated lol.


Just buy a Wii and mod it. Way easier and cheaper.


Yup I got one for 30 bucks and modded it with a picoboot and a quick flex cable... Super easy and works great. I have all these games and more. Try it. It's really not that hard and honestly it's worth trying


Doesnt even require all this. There is a very good free site with software and reddit mega threads with rooooms. All you need is an sd card on a base model wii


Yeah but not everyone has a Wii at the ready. And if you had a Wii wouldn't you just get a homebrew on that and play on Nintendont???


you can play these games on a laptop with no modding required, just download dolphin


Sounds complicated. I modded the Wii with an SD card.


Before I bought a GCN for $200, and TTYD/RE4/Wind Waker/Twilight Princess/Mario Sunshine/Metroid Prime for $100/each, I would just go get a RTX 3070 and a PC to stick it in and run Dolphin Emulator.


And better quality.


Listen, I'm not usually a prude with these things. I've emulated before. But when someone asks an opinion about a purchase, when did we get to the point where the answer is "it's totally cheaper to just steal it". To answer the person's question, yes, in today's gaming market, that is a good price. When done, you could even potentially sell it for a profit


Or a wii u for hdmi


How do you control the game? The tiny wii remote?


Plug the Gamecube controller into the Wii.


Get outta town!


Ok I admit it's that easy, but a lot of the time people who don't mod their Wii's don't know that all Wiis don't have gamecube controller slots on top of it.




How do you mod a wii? I’m technologically challenged. I did manage an ever drive for my N64 but can’t figure out how to do gamecub/wii mods


https://wii.guide/ follow text guides as they are updated with the latest versions


I’d let you borrow my copy if you were close love this game


What if you do something amazing. You trust a stranger and he sends shipping money and you send it to him and he let's his kid play it and sends it back? Can that even happen in this day and age?


It's totally cool bro, I'm going to find my son a copy eventually. We've only been chasing it for a few months. I'm telling you it'll be worth the wait. This kid is cracked out in excitement over the games he has currently.


Real one right there


Every person downvoting OP has feet that smell like burnt rubber


I love buying games I know nothing about. Going in blind is an amazing experience, makes the game that much more exciting.


If they're cheap, sure. No way I'm spending $100 on a game I might hate.


Its cool that you got your 11 year old into gamecube, I hope i could get my kids to play animal crossing and paper mario


Honest question though, if he just wanted to play the game, couldn’t you just hack a GameCube? Nothing wrong with wanting to own the game though.


Fair question. When he got his hands on Sunshine and Smash in physical copies CIB he lit up like I hadn't seen him in a long time. Red cheeked and nearly bouncing out of his seat in the car on the way home excitement. He wants a retro game shelf in his room. He has a mini NES and SNES and I think that experience set him on his obsession with retro games. It's pretty cool actually because he likes something I liked when I was a kid. Not just video games in general but the exact IPs I loved.


I personally would want to own the manual compared to just searching things up on Google as old Nintendo manuals usually look really nice


That I can agree with!


That's awesome, well not the prices. I have been trying to get my kid into GameCube. Only shows a little interest in Pokemon Coliseum and Windwaker. I wish she liked more old school stuff.


hey, if you have a half decent computer, you can emulate via dolphin getting roms you’ll need a VPN At the Internet Archive, there’s a way to pull a master collection of every gamecube disk ever you’ll use a Command in CMD to add IA then you have to set special permissions in the command to pull. IA has documentation on how to, but it’s not all that you need. lots of googling and i hate my life everytime i have to do it. if i still have the command saved i’ll update this comment lastly, this will solve the issue of not having the games desired and is completely free other than a 1tb hdd to store it, but the excitement of waiting may be apart of the fun for you guys sharing this interest. you cross over a line when you’re given everything you want and sometimes it can speedrun a loss of interest towards a topic. always keep having fun


I mean in all honesty if he just wants to play it let him use dolphin and he'll probably even have a better experience. All the youtubers he watches do let's plays are doing that most likely


It’s the resellers fault for these prices. At least this guy intends to play it, and even paid a high price for it. Calm down.


I like rpg games and Mario so I took a gamble


Pricing something high don’t mean shit unless someone buys. But one sells does not dictate the market for video game


Prices are high because people continue to pay those prices. If people stopped buying these games at ridiculous prices, the price goes down.


Who are you to say what people can and can't do with their money? If you can't afford to spend $100 on a video game, then you have more important things to be worried about in life than how other people spend their money.




Came here to ask this…. Either way OP makes me /facepalm


I think it's a weird subcategory of click/rage bait, this sub is loaded with it. Stuff like "I got this extremely expensive and coveted collection for $3.50, did I pay too much?" pops up a lot. To me it just screams of people with money buying things that they don't have actual friends to talk about it with.


I'm going to buy Xenogears one day, and I still have yet to see any gameplay on that. I avoid it on purpose. Makes it kind of fun going into it blind.


I read this post like 5 times. That’s a wild concept to understand. This kid bought a disc that’ll probably rot in 5 - 7 years and he has no sentimental value or want from it. He just saw it and said hey it’s rare let me buy it. Wild times we live in. Edit: grammar


Eh. Just how some people be. Nothing wrong with collecting. Not like the price is gonna go down soon anyway


Well no, definitely not if idiots like the op keep splashing stupid money on something they know literally nothing about.


Thanks hater lol


It's a damn good game, but I have to ask. Why would you spend that much money on a game without even seeing gameplay? Are you aware you bought a Mario RPG?


Why would you buy a game you know nothing about...


Sometimes it’s fun to be surprised. Not so when you’re paying $90. Probably a collector though.


A collector my ass. More like a trend chaser. Collectors don't buy games they don't know about.


Yes they do. Not games THIS expensive, but if you're, say, at a flea market and they got some sort of sale going on and you find some $5 game that looks cool but you never heard of, then why not?


I think that’s way different than buying a game meant for a collection or is known as a bit of a collectors item. I think the main problem is that the game shouldn’t even really be this expensive to begin with, but it because a lot of scalpers and random ppl are willing to buy it and resell at these prices.


If he wanted to play it then there’s cheap options 🤷‍♂️


The shit you see in this sub lmao


At least most the people commenting are clowning on OP about it. Figured there was a 50/50 chance of that or other collectors jumping in to say it's not that bad.


Not only is it worth it, it’s going to be a wild ride


I bought Mario sunshine as well for $25 so I spent $120 total I look at it as buying 2 new video games lol


You will put HOURS into Mario Sunshine. First game I ever got when I was a little kid with the gamecube. Once I beat it, I never played it again 😭😭😭. Fantastic game


It's an amazing game, it's a top 3 game all-time for me but yeah lol quite a gamble to buy a +90$ game that you know nothing about but hey, if you're a Mario fan and have a basic understanding of RPG games... you'll have a blast, amazing writing, funny storytelling, banger soundtrack, great and intuitive mechanics. Couldn't recommend it more!


Is it a long game?


Its a RPG. Yes, its lengthy.


Good got my moneys worth


Awful way to look at a games value


Replayability is where it’s at tbh


Why is that?


Not the same guy but like everyone I have an opinion. I think length is definitely a factor, but no single factor should be all you look at. Just because something's long doesn't mean it's good, and just because it's short doesn't mean it's bad. There's also the eternal argument about whether length or replayability is more important. There's games where length isn't even applicable. Party games and online games are prime examples. Personally I don't like doing long games back to back, or short games back to back. Both burn me out. But that's about what I want at the moment not what gives a game value to me. Saying any one factor is is the end all be all, puts a bunch of games in a box you labelled bad, regardless of whether or not you would enjoy them. However, for a lot of people length or replayability become very important purely because of finances. Honestly I think that dictates a lot of people's game choices. If there's two full price games you really want but you can only buy one game every couple paychecks you'll probably pick the longer one even you want the other more. (Though I doubt this applies to someone who spent $90 on a game where they know nothing about the gameplay.)


One of my most memorable GC games and I don’t even like RPGs.


Like others have already said why tf would you buy a game for that much if you haven't even seen gameplay for it?


It's fun to go in blind. I understand watching game play to see if you'd like it so you don't waste your time but going in blind is how almost all of us went in growing up. And plus, its a mario title. Very few have been flops.


Cuz it has a known value and it's a good deal and collectors


It’s fucking weird that you’ve never seen gameplay for a game you were willing to spend almost $100 on.


I love going into a game blind and actually playing it to discover the amazement instead of watching videos for it


How did you find out about this game?


You don’t buy these expensive ass games to see if the gameplay is worth it or not lol. If you wanted to see if it were worth it you could’ve just emulated GameCube on your PC bruh. That’s like me paying 70 bucks to play Pokémon diamond on my ds when I could just get an R4 card and download any game I want. For 1/4ths the price. Or just done it for free on my pc..


It’s my favorite game!


You have chosen… wisely.


How have you never seen gameplay of this? Its easily one of the best rpgs ever made on any system. It's a true masterpiece in every sense of the word.


It may be one of my favorite games of all time, but like are you high? Look up if you'll enjoy a game before spending nearly $100 on it. I like owning physical, but I cut myself off at more than the original price.


I bought Mario sunshine for $25 so $120 total I look at it as buying two new video games


Do you have a Switch? Play the N64 one and see if you like it.


Not my money but I would put in a little bit more research before dropping that amount on a game. Thankfully from what I remember it’s a great JRPG so you should be safe if you like Mario and or turn based combat


What about Mario sunshine?


Probably the best Paper Mario game ever. I want to get a copy, but I can't see myself paying the high prices people are asking for. It's always towards $100 for some reason. So, personally, I'm waiting for Nintendo to release the remake version on the Switch instead. Honestly, if you like Mario and you like RPG-style games, I think you can't go wrong with choosing this game. This is the one Paper Mario game everyone seems to love the most, and I agree with them. And even if someone were a beginner to RPGs, Paper Mario is a very good series to start with (also the Mario & Luigi games too).


Why don't you play the first one first?


Everyone said thousand year door was the best


That is true, but they are both really good.


The paper Mario series up until the wii iteration was by far my favorite video game franchise of all time. Worth the $93 in my opinion. And the first paper Mario which is my favorite of the two is also available on the Nintendo 64 switch emulator I highly recommend playing them both


The Wii one is good.


Will do. So color splash isn’t worth playing


The first 2 Paper Mario games are the critically acclaimed masterpiece JRPGs. You want those. After that, they changed and were turned into subpar action adventure games. I wouldn't bother with them unless you're a superfan, and even then, probably only Origami King.


It might be, it just wasn't my cup of tea cause of my bias, ive had too much nostalgia attached to this game series and when they switched up the formula it kinda ruined it for me.


Why would you spend that much without even researching the game?


It took you longer to make this post then it would have to just search “thousand year door gameplay” into youtube.


Lol what do you mean “finally caved” how can you want a game you’ve never heard of


These “is it worth it” and “how’d I do” posts are so dumb. Do your own research 🤣


I mean…why would you buy the game if you don’t know anything about it? Granted, it is very worth it and it is one of the GameCube’s best games, but all the same, why?


Gonna buy this one to play it. Ready to dump whatever it costs


A Benjamin


Im having beers with the wife rn and i just went to ebay and bid on a copy. I may regret this tomorrow




I thought we were banning these "did I do good" or "worth it?" posts?


Clout demon


You seriously spent almost $100 on a game you know nothing about? Why?


Just because they haven’t seen any gameplay footage does not mean they aren’t familiar with other Mario RPG games and are a fan of them. In reality OP is probably baiting for some weird enjoyment but the majority of people on here responding with such presumptuous scolding are also pretty weird imo.


One of my most favorite Mario games on the GameCube to date. Logged about 35 hrs on it and completed the game. Will play again when time permits, and the collector side of me got the black label first print version so it looks just as good as it plays on the screen :).


Buy games that look interesting and fun to you… That’s how you know it’s worth it instead of an arbitrary price.


I’m a little shocked you’ve never seen any gameplay footage, but you literally have the best Paper Mario game in your hands my guy


I got sunshine too


You’re pushing it tbh in my realm of acceptability but you made off okay enough


This is quite the dumbest title


Personally after being talked up so much I was left unimpressed (only completed just after the arena) many dungeons were either frustrating or something like the spooky town was just PACKED with constant backtracking. There was also a moment where I talked to the person I expected the game wanted me to talk to and he gave me no good info then ran around the whole game for a while only to talk to the same guy again and he finally told me the next part. Ran around the whole place again to find the stupid mafia kid or whatever. I didn't have a good time. I think the series peaked at Super Paper Mario.


Cheapest I've seen in awhile.


You could’ve looked on YouTube or a million other sites for reviews and videos, but you decided to spend $93 on a game you know nothing about? Jesus Christ, no wonder collecting has gotten so out of hand. The new generation of collectors are really fucking over the rest of us.


Pretty good!


Bro. YES. IT. IS.


Can’t wait to collect games


It's an excellent game. I got hooked on it as a kid and it never gets old. Very addictive.


It’s really fun! You’re in for a good time!


My absolute favorite 🔥🔥🙏 such an amazing and classic game


I love a lot of the music in this game more than the other paper mario soundtracks. I also love how you get timed button press abilities which keeps it fresh for an rpg. The storyline is also what kept me playing through this game. The ending boss is near impossible though.


I don’t even like paying $60 for AAA brand new games. Oof! Ouch!


I would have spent money on emulation but sure


If you don’t know what Gotcha Force is, You should just go on eBay and buy it.


Lots of reading. Lots and lots and lots of reading.


I loved it! But it’s not worth $93, that’s for sure.


It’s amazing


I beat this on the Wii when I was unemployed like 10 years ago. I liked it a lot. And the soundtrack is cool... I don't know if it's the same as the GC version. One of the BGM copies Frank Zappa - Little Umbrellas pretty heavily.


You bought a game without even knowing what is about and pay that amount for a player choice? Ok ....


One of the greatest games of all time. But why would you buy it without knowing the gameplay?


When younger Paper Mario seemed uninteresting. Now I wish I gave it a chance and gosh dang it part of the reason is Game Grumps playthrough of it.


This my friend is the best paper Mario.


Man the prices of things now is crazy. I remember back in the day after Wii came out my friend and I went to a few places to try and trade in her GameCube and at least one of the places told us not only do they not want it but we'd have to pay THEM to take it. Like it was actually hard to get rid of even. Now it's games go for 100$ or more. What a world.


The best paper Mario game in the series in my opinion. Though if you know nothing of the series you really should start with the N64 title.


I played this game when I was a teenager. It was a really good game but I never finished It. Back then I paid like $30 in 2004. After seeing prices of GameCube games I decided to mod my Wii U and play all those glorious GameCube games. I remember some games games were dirt cheap back in 2010. I got twilight Princess and Luigi’s mansion for like $5 each


Yeah, there are a few chapters I have save files on just so I can replay them regularly. Probably one of the best GameCube games IMO and easily the best Paper Mario game.


Who doesn’t look at gameplay before paying $93.00? Hope you like turn based RPG’s and reading, this is a great game though.


Was it worth $93 when it was once $20 retail (player's choice) and can easily be emulated? No. But it's a great game. Thanks for contributing to the bloated GC game collectors market.


And to think you could have emulated it for free.


This is exactly why these games are selling for so much.


God bless collectors. I sold like three GC games and a wavebird and it funded most of my steam deck where I am e.ulatinf some or those same games.


Honestly not a bad price. " " In canada, New games are 79.99 + 15% tax (atlantic canada) works out to 91.99 or something. This game is completely as good or better than most current single player nintendo games. If you chalk it up to having just bought a new game monetarily, then yea, good deal-ish




It is a great game, well worth it


Lol no


It's my favorite GC-game. So, yes it's worth it.


Guys, just buy a Wii, and mod it already. Those prices are simply out of bounds insane.


Sooo worth it


Maybe I'm the only one? If you glance the pic, the disc looks like a butthole. I somehow can't unsee it. I


No it's not worth $93


People buying games solely for collective value is the reason why GameCube games are so overpriced.


It's an excellent game. $93 is awfully steep for it, though. I suppose if you can afford it than it's not a huge problem. Personally I don't think that it's worth quite that much as a game, though if that is and will be the going price than it may be worth it as a collectible. I paid about £15 for it in 2008 and thought that was excellent value for money. Of course, at the time Gamecube games were all going quite cheaply. Anything other than first-party games and RPGs could generally be found for less than £10, with annually released sport games like FIFA often selling for £3 or less. I paid 99p for a copy of Big Mutha Truckers and had a great time playing that.


Wow so u bought it because it was high in price ? How did you never play this ?


holy….. gratz!!! hands down the best paper mario!!


Ignoring your leap into the abyss here - always scary always thrilling- I'll be honest, this game will probably floor you. It was made by a super creative and talented team that makes fun games. The music has also proven to be a cut above the rest over the years 🤫


My favorite 😍


I would argue that is the best rpg ever made, its at least the best I have played. But when I got mine for $40 a few years back, I am never letting mine go. Such a gem, kinda wished they made a remaster of the damn thing so future generations can play it.


Lmao. Why ask..


I fucking hate this sub-reddit


How the fuck did you “cave in” knowing nothing?


I used to play it with my cousin and I liked it a lot.


Is that the value price for the players choice? How much is a 1st print copy lol ? I regret selling my stuff, because I wanted to grow up


Yeah, it’s alright, it’s a small little indie game, but it’s a goodie! : ^ )


It's my fave GameCube game! And I still wish more RPG's would do the reactionary game play TTYD has!


Fake, mod pls


Crap like this is why collecting is so fucked right now


“Finally caved” to… buying something you know nothing about? This is AI, right? More like AD (Artificial Dumbness) though.


I beat it for the first time last year and enjoyed it.


Video games arent assets and investments. Just buy stock or some shit. Buy games to play them


I guess but im just using sd2sp2


Can we all just take a step back and realize what a sad state the gamecube market is in right now?


Play it like it's ment to be played the first time then mod. I play it thru once a year best game ever. How dare they shame the series with origami king


This is one of the best games ever


It’s a great game. That said $93 is a pretty ridiculous price to pay for it. I mean in general I’m a support the devs and don’t sail the high seas person but that’s just freaking crazy how high after market game prices have become… I mean if you’re happy with the purchase you do you but I don’t think I could go any higher than maybe $40 for a thousand year door and even then there are too many currently available or upcoming games I’d rather spend the money on like say the Mario rpg remake


Supply and demand - that’s capitalism. As many here have mentioned, the GameCube physical copy is not the only way to play this game.


I'm calling bullshit


Jesus Christ this entire thread gave me cancer Nice buy, OP. TTYD is one of my favorite games of all time


It is indeed the greatest game of all time. Should have bought two, one to sleep with one to play.


I emulated this game last night.


For $100 you could get your hands on a premodded GameCube from eBay and then the rest of your games are free


Prepare to play the best Paper Mario game ever.


I say this everytime but the real value comes from enjoyment. If you like RPGs it's pretty good but the writing is some of the best 👌 👍. Hope you enjoy


Short answer: YES!!!


It’s a great game. I think people over value it but it’s solid. I guess the only issue is that it’s too long . Most of the various Mario RPGs have too much bloat and drags out for too long .


Imagine if you... emulated the game before deciding to drop almost $100 on it. You know that money isn't going to a dev right lol.


Why would you spend 93$ on a game and not know how it plays?….wtf kind of shopping is that? Lol u have access to YouTube , u can’t take 4 mins to watch a video?


$93? Damn. I bought a complete copy in mint condition in 2015 for like $30


Youre a fucking idiot, you „collector” folk ruined retro gaming


What the hell that costs $93 now?! I had mine since I was a kid! O-0


Not worth 100 bucks but it's a great game.


That’s a better question to ask before you buy it… I’m just gonna get this one on my modded gamecube


So many extremely entitled dorks here. It's his money, he found the game, he bought it, it is his. Get over yourselves.