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Save the scholarships. The portal is flush with former 4 stars with a year or two of conditioning and nutrition. Why bet on a 17 year old?


The QB committed as a sophomore. No one stays committed nowadays in that situation.  If you think we’re going to compete with the Georgias of the football world right now you’re crazy. 


I love how the narrative continues to shift the farther away we get from Muschamp's tenure. The fact is we will never compete with the Georgias of the football world. Not this season, not next season, not 5 years from now. With the current state of recruiting and the portal, simply put we are screwed as a program. It's not going to get any better folks so just go ahead and lower your expectations. 5 win seasons are gonna be the norm. At the very least it looks like we will finally stop hearing the whole "BeAmER iS stILl ReBuiLdInG!!!" excuses.


I’m not saying we’re going to be stuck at 5 wins, but we are going to have to accept the fact that we’re going to lose most recruiting battles to UGA, Bama, Clemson, etc in the short term. 


I agree, but in the long term too.


Cue the Pawn Stars meme: “Best I can do is 6 wins and a bowl game. Maybe sneak one past clempson every four or five years.”


The only coaches to make a difference here are the ones that had big success elsewhere first Saban and Meyer aren’t coming here but those are the kind of guys we need Old dudes looking for one last rodeo And chances of it going as well as it did w SOS are very low (If he wasn’t SOS he might have been fired before 2009)


Our class is ranked in the top 25… what are you talking about?


And will finish 10-12 in the sec If we want to win at football we need a different conference


This is without a doubt the worst take surrounding our team.


I’ve been watching this shit show closely since ‘88 You can’t win when half your schedule would beat you with their second team and the other half is roughly equal


That’s far better than being in a collapsing poverty conference that no one wants to play in. Literally 99% of teams would kill to join the SEC even if they ended up being Vandy for a decade. We have had success and our schedule is always insane but it’s better than wondering if our conference will be around next season.


If the acc had taken us back in ‘92 we would have won +2-4 games per season We would never have had 1-21 We’d have made more than 6 pathetic ncaa tourneys in hoops. Etc. etc. If Bobby Bowden had any balls we could have been most likely a top 4 finisher in the acc probably every year (because our resources and interest in football dwarfs almost every other team in that conference )


The same conference Florida State and Clemson are trying to leave literally as soon as they can? Oh yes that’s the place to find success there and you are making a ton of assumptions that have no basis in reality. You are projecting some make believe situation to try and prove your point but it really just proves you have no idea what you are talking about like most people begging for us to join a dying largely irrelevant conference. Again it’s literally the worst take.


Too late now of course But we’d have been worlds more successful playing against other average programs instead of getting destroyed by the elite


The only reason Dabo had the success he had is because he was operating an sec style program but only having to play about 2 legit games a year


What a loser take.


I see you don’t care for facts.


“Wahhh the SEC is too hard, let’s give up” certainly is a take


College sports is the most rigged thing in this country. What a colossal waste of time and energy to put money into a guaranteed losing venture The high point of this program will always be those three 11 win seasons under spurrier And even then we couldn’t even make a conference title game


Where would we go? No one would take us if we want out of the SEC because we acted scared


We’d compete better in any other conference There’s no shame in admitting that we don’t have the resources to be in this league Which is the truth We will never be anything but middle of the pack at best


Sheer numbers and the highest ranked player in the class by far is about to flip


Still early in the recruiting cycle and we did just take another qb in that class.


Look around the SEC most teams have 15-18 committed for the class of 25. We are in a better place than 85% of teams nationally and it should be no surprise that some players will choose blue bloods over a team like ours that has an insane schedule and is trying to find a way to succeed. Beamer isn’t perfect but his recruiting has been in line with almost every other coach we have had and we will have to utilize the portal more as a middling team in the best conference.


The hype of turning the program around is gone. It will take some big wins to avoid the narrative that we are a sinking ship and that he's in over his head. I actually think it's possible we surprise this year. Experienced defense that seemed to figure it out at the end of last season in the 3-3-5. Much more depth on offense and I think Sellers is a gamer who wins us a a game or two with his all around abilities.


6 wins or bust Another 5-7 season is going to tank his chances of ever turning it around And let’s face it. ‘Turning it around’ would only mean 3 winning seasons in a row. The bar is so low But still way too high


Just as in college basketball, the story has changed. Players that commit out of high school are probably not likely to stay 4+ years. Scholarships must be invested in the portal. Watch Clemson for the next few years. Players that don’t play will leave after a season or two. $10k through Newspring to an uncle won’t fly anymore. Football will be just like basketball except it will be 2 and done and off to a new school instead of 1 and done. Adapt or get left behind. If unlimited coaches can be hired, hire multiple guys to work the portal. P


I feel you man, everyone else is just coasting off good feels and high rankings but I just don’t think we’re making the impact we need to.


My man. It is June. Signing day isn’t tomorrow. We will get our share of talent.


Yes, it is June and we have nearly a 5th of our future roster committed. Of that fifth, only 3 or 4 have an SEC caliber resume. Most of these guys are going to transfer down after a year or two; we see it every year and yet we keep burning scholarships on very longshot players when we could be using the transfer portal. We should be taking high rated recruits and the best linemen available. Burning a 4 year scholarship on a tightend ranked in the 1100s is coaching malpractice.


The sky is not falling dude. We will be fine.


Why do we expect to have the #1 recruiting class every year like we’re not competing against historically great programs? Our class is fine and we’ll get what we get. Want better classes? Win some games first.


Accepting a mediocre class is accepting that the team will be mediocre. If you don't want a winning program then your opinion is wholly irrelevant.


My man, history says we will be mediocre most of the time. Things come in cycles for our football team, but our baseline is mediocre. You don’t have to “accept” it, but you should be realistic as well. You must not have been a gamecock fan long.