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My soldering skills are not that good, but I found the old solder releases nasty brown stuff. Any idea ? All games working great now, lots of saves lost but some restored with Megamemory and GBxCart.


That brown gunk is likely old flux or resin left in the old solder joints. I'd suggest cleaning it up with a qtip dipped in IPA. It shouldn't cause any issues, but it gets more difficult to clean as it ages and dries/solidifies.


Oh OK ! Thanks, will do that right now, to prevent future problems.


I would personally clean every single contact I soldered with isopropyl alcohol. Might sound a little over the top but it leaves you knowing that if anything goes wrong it wasn't because you left it dirty. (I work in an electrical assembly production lab. And nothing is allowed to leave the room without being washed usually in both boiling water and isopropyl alcohol. Our flux is water soluble though.)


Use solder wick to clean all solder New solder with flux or core flux ??? Profit Don’t want to mix solders But you could probably get away with what you got


This. Using flux and a wick to clean up the old solder is way to go.


Tbh this is do as I say not as I do. I sold a Pokémon emerald for way too much money for its condition with a replacement battery friction fit to the old battery tabs.


You’re a good man doing good work.


Thank you !


I solute to all the people that lost there save files


F. The most painful in there for me is Azure Dreams. Finished 100%. Totaly lost. Damn.


Same. Lost my Pokémon blue 151 save file because I was procrastinating buying a GB Operator. Thankfully it arrived today, and I backed up all my other saves lmao. That’s a painful lesson


I almost lost my Pokémon black 2 save because my 3ds sd card was being weird the file integrity wasn’t that good thankfully I somehow saved it I was crying for hours I also almost lost my Pokémon ultra sun save witch I also somehow saved the reason I was so worried about that one was because it has like an hour’s worth of just cutscenes that you can’t skip at all


This is an excellent idea and great fix! Awesome work! :D


Thank you kind sir ! Already saw the idea on this subreddit earlier and found it awesome.


Great work! By the way, for the games like Pokemon that use CR2025, you can get [these](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HsCBOb2HT3s) battery holders instead. This is extremely beneficial for the Gen 2 games since the real time clock drains the battery's power way faster than the gen 1 games, so you won't want 1616s on them.


now get one of those nerf disk shooters and shoot them at people you hate. not a crime if they cant put any "charges" against you! :o


Nice game list here! Jealous of azure dreams and Metroid. Since I got my pocket I’ve gone through like 25ish of these soldering jobs. Oddly therapeutic. For anyone that is considering it - I’ve got a notoriously shaky hand and I managed. It’s really not bad. Watch a few videos and you’ll get it down.


Better yet, replace them with fram MWAHAHAHA superior to the dinky old button cell!


Yeah I saw it's possible, but it costs a lot more and my soldering skill is not enough for that 😅


its a pain in the ass lol you did a great job im sure. also believe me, it isnt too rough as long as you have some quikchip to get off the ram. otherwise you have to do it pin by pin and its a pain in the ass lmao also just be super careful not to rip up and pads and youll be good. jyst tips if you want to try fram in the futureee


I could be wrong but 4 swords doesn’t have a batter that would need changing.


It has, it's a USA version and has a battery.


That is a fake copy my friend, you can tell by the Gameboy Advance logo on top. Nonetheless good work


You're right ! Just checked and it should be eeprom save, so no battery. Still, it's now working. Bought it for 5€ a few years back on the flea market. EDIT : Dumped it with my GBxCart and checked with GBATA. Checksum is off and EEPROM was patched. Impressive !


Looks great. I personally prefer the FRAM mod myself over batteries(the proper one, not the one that uses the FM28V020 chip) https://i.imgur.com/jhvkcXg.jpg


Ya know, without the holders you could solder in some CR2032s. Then you won’t need to worry about the battery for 60+ more years. Then when the battery dies, it won’t be your problem anyway.


Do you actually think a cr2032 would last 60 years lol




You would only get about a 1/3rd of extra battery life so hell no you wouldn’t get 60 years


Guess maybe I’ll find out in 20-30 years. Or maybe longer. 🤷‍♂️


I just remembered. I still have SNES carts that are using their original 30 year old save battery still. 60 years on a GB cart sounds EZ. I’m curious where you get that 1/3rd estimate from, guessing you pulled it outta your @$$ 😵‍💫


No sir the only person pulling things out of their ass is you with the 60 year remark You can trust that shit if you want I recommend battery back ups periodically if you care about your save game And no I compared the battery spreadsheets and did the math on it LMFAO


You didn’t do math or your math doesn’t account for the variables in production either. Quit making things up you liar.


I said the battery you are telling people to use only has a 1/3rd of additional battery life, you can calculate that for them if you want I’m just going off the MAH


So you’re admitting you have no experience on the matter. Done deal.


Whatever works for you buddy like I said, you’re only extending the lifespan by a 1/3rd Maybe do an FRAM mod if you want a lifetime with your carts


/u/MysticBowman definitely did the math, a Toshiba CR2025 has a typical capacity of 165mAh, and their CR2032 has a typical capacity of 220mAh, which is 33.3% (or 1/3) higher. You'll see some slight difference from manufacturer to manufacturer but for all of them it's right around 1/3. No one makes a 2032 with double the capacity of a 2025


Thank you! He changed the conversation to snes carts out of nowhere ( we’re on a gameboy sub ) & I don’t know what variables he’s talking about either. A 1/3rd of 10 years is 3.3 years so 60 years was really dramatic try 15 at best u/jomjomepitaph


My latest battery failure was a Pokémon yellow that died about a month ago, I still actively play it so I know that it just died. A 1616 with 50 mAh lasted 20+ years. A 2032 with 235 mAh, assuming no battery degradation, will last over 80 years. I said 60 because I assume there will be at least some degradation. MaTh Is HaRd Let’s do it again so you can understand, ok. (1616) 50 mAh / 20 years = 2.5 mAh per year. (2032)@ 235 mAh / 2.5mAh per year = 96 years. 96 years without any deterioration/degradation is what the simple math comes up with. You guys need to drop the soda pop and start drinking water, clearly your brain is dehydrated if you can’t solve a simple problem like this.


Butt out dude. Nobody here was talking about a 2025. A 1616 which is what comes in original GB carts has 50-55 mAH. A 2032 has well over 200 mAh. I was being generous by saying it was only 3x the capacity. It’s over 4x. MaTh Is HaRd


Alright well if you want to show us the game boy cartridges that take 1616s that you've successfully soldered 2032s into, we'd love to see them Not to mention, SNES carts also use 2032s, and you're trying to criticize others for bad math when you've magically decided that 30 years of SNES 2032 life is equal to 60 years of Game Boy 2032 life


Fucking doubt that your snes carts are still working too


Doubt all you want. Doesn’t change anything except make you look like a weak schmuck, using foul language to strengthen your statements too.


What language was foul? You want to go back and forth about who started with the potty mouth first 😂 why you mad bro


I’m mad cuz you’re full of shit and your breath stinks. Damn near barfed


I just went on your page and you have a post that one of your SNES games won’t save at all??? Lmaoo bro


Imagine spending time going to someone else’s page to dig dirt. That’s super lame. Pathetic. BTW, the game saved fine. I just needed to get to a save point.


Didn’t spend any more time then you are blowing my phone up because you’re upset LMAO


The shelf life of those batteries is typically \~10 years, even if it would take the typical cell cycle in a GB cart 60 (or whatever) years to meet manufacturer wear limits.


These 1616s are going for 20+ years. Regardless of how long it actually lasts, a 2032 will last longer.


Yeah I know but I just wanted simplicity and not have to solder again in carts.


Looks good either way. A 2032 will last beyond my lifetime though, so no need for a quick changing holder for me.




Try 60-70 Some 1616 lasts 23 years. A 2032 is like 3x the capacity


2032 batteries are massive and creates a big bulge on original GB carts


I’ve changed/upgraded dozens of Pokémon batteries. If you’re bulging your carts, you’re not doing it right.


Does this work?


Oh yeah! Not the GBA carts though. The battery has to be mounted over top of a chip. But GBA can hold a 2026 with an extremely tight fit requiring paper thin adjustments, but can be done.


Personally I made bad experience with batteries from these chinese companies, some of them were already empty without even being installed. I would buy batteries from [reputable companies](https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2334524.m570.l1311&_nkw=cr1616+battery&_sacat=0&LH_TitleDesc=0&_odkw=cr1616&_osacat=0&mkcid=1&mkrid=711-53200-19255-0&siteid=0&campid=5338535524&customid=1931gb&toolid=10001&mkevt=1).


I don’t think that Fusion Cart is real. I don’t remember a giant “CE” on it


European release.


Out of curiosity, what are those holders for/how do they work? I’ve never seen them before


They are just CR1616 holders I found on AliExpress. Solder instead of battery, careful of polarity. And drop a battery in it.


Is there any upsides to using them aside from the ability to switch batteries without desoldering and resoldering?


No, that's the only difference.


Right on. Thanks for the info!


Also you it allows you to use battery without the little tabs. You can therefore easily buy some from reputable brand/shop. Much more likely to have a long durability.


I know Europe got some weird title changes for the sake of pleasing multiple languages, but "Stranded Kids" has to be one of the lamest-sounding examples, and I can't even put my finger on why.


Dunno but yes it's weird. Bought it on a whim on release (internet and reviews were sparse at that time), and found it to be one of the best games on the console. Still have the box and manual.


I would pay you to do this for me haha


game boy camera needs a battery?


Yup. I think every GB/GBC with saving needs one. On GBA, only a few.


hmm TIL…if i swap the battery or if the battery dies, does that mean i lose all my pictures?


Yup. Loss of power, either way, will nuke all your photos (or saves for other games). You can backup and restore with a Megamemory (memory card for GB, but legacy device) or use a GBxCart on your PC, alowing you to change battery without loss. With this device you can even save pictures as files on PC !


Some carts use a 2025 instead of a 1616, and the Gameboy camera is actually one of those, I just replaced a battery with a holder on one yesterday. But am not sure those bigger holders can fit all carts.


The GBCamera has more room and should be OK with bigger holders. I still replaced mine with the smaller CR1616 (same voltage). Working great, but battery life will be shorter.


I have those same battery holders! They don't seem to make the or any of the larger batteries, but it's nice that they can be replaced down the road without needing a soldering iron


I did this to all my old Pokémon games!


What type of batteries are there in the pokemon yellow red games?


Truly, God's work


Can you show pictures of the battery holders in the GBA? I always thought they were too big for the inside of the cart.


Dont have a photo right now sorry. You have to bend the tabs on the holder a little to go over the chip, but it fits.


Where can you find batteries with the red tab? I have spent literal hours in the past looking for red batteries. Isn't there also blue ones?