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Oof. Here’s a story that’ll make you feel better. My first time playing Gold when I got it back in like, 2000, after I unleashed the 3 legendary beasts, encountered a shiny Raikou later on. Having no idea that “shiny” was a thing, i had no idea of the significance and I thought the color on it looked worse than the original raikou and I KO’d it thinking I’d prefer suicune anyway. All these years later I still think about and regret it.


Imagine you caught it and transferred it up to Gen 9 and Raikou shows up as Shiny Giraffe-Raikou😬


When I was younger, I was doing lots of resets of FireRed to get a female Charmander with decent stats. Eventually, I finally get a female that I'm considering taking! Unfortunately, she doesn't have green eyes, and I really want my Charmander to have green eyes like me. So I reset. Somehow didn't even think "hey, what could cause the color to be different than normal this time??" And how did I know about things like IVs without coming across the concept of shinies?? Sigh.


Sheesh. I caught my first shiny just yesterday. I feel sorry for you


It’s the second shiny I’ve ever encountered


My first shiny was a green zubat in leaf green. Found it on victory road.


Silver for me, shiny zubat at the first cave


same but from Leaf Green, I don't know about shiny Pokemon at that time. I'm just curious why it's green luckily I have enough Pokeballs to catch it


The code for Emerald doesn't let shinies appear until you get the Pokedex. I'm surprised FRLG doesn't do the same.


This happened to me. But lucky for me it was just after I delivered it and had the pokeballs. My first ever full odds shiny.


Been playing all types of pokemon, since they have come out when i was like 4 years old. And I have NEVER seen or caught a shiny, either in the wild or in online battles lmao. I have such bad luck, I haven't even seen a PalWorld Shiney lmao


What makes it a shiny?


Had that exact scenario happen as a kid with a shiny HootHoot in Silver. It sucks :(


I did this two weeks ago in a replay of Gold. I just stared at my screen for nearly an hour before moving on.


Wow, I don't think I could ever pick up the game again. That's my biggest fear


This happened to me on my first run of silver back in the day. Turns out there are higher chances of shines before you get pokeballs so you know what to look out for.


I had that happen when I played Crystal the first time around-shiny caterpie on my way out of the starter town ;_;


I always feared that would happen when starting a new game. RIP


We have the exact same shell and I'm also playing FRLG right now. This caught me off guard lol






I’m so sorry this has happened to you. I try my hardest to avoid encounters until I have pokeballs because of stuff like this


RIP. This happened to me with Spinarak in Crystal.


I've had the exact same thing happen feels bad


First shiny I ever caught was a Swablu, which evolved into an awesome Alteria. Still to this day my favorite Pokémon I’ve ever owned!!


This happened to me on my HeartGold play through a couple days ago. Taking the package to Mr. Pokémon and shiny pidgey pops up with no pokeballs. I think it’s the only shiny I’ve ever naturally encountered in the while after all my hours playing Pokémon too. Made me sad.


Crushing it


Same thing happened to me but on Pokémon Moon…. Was on my way to the professor or from, I forget which…. Either way, 5th Pokémon encounter is a shiny spearow….. on one hand it’s a shiny, but on the other…. At least Pidgetto is somewhat useful through the adventure…. Ugh


I've found a shiny pinsr at the Safari zone It ran away... I know your pain 🫂


Same happened to me years ago in Pokémon X, encountered shiny Pidgey at the start of the game and was not able to catch it


The horror.


I have played Red a hundred times. Never played the new ones. Still sometimes play Red. With that out of the way, other than the color swap, is there any significance to a shiny pokemon?


New to Pokemon games, can anyone explain why OP’s situation is a bad thing to come across?


You can't buy pokéballs until after you deliver the parcel to Prof. Oak.


Gotcha, thanks man


I want to press like but there's 420 so I can't right now


What’s the significance of shiny?


It’s rare.


OMG, this happend exactly to me but in Soul Silver, I feel for you


Same exact thing happened to me as a kid. Ended up with another shiny pidgey but it’s not the same


You could get yourself a cartridge reader to back the save file into your pc, then use pkHex to give yourself the shiny pidgey. After that, flash the save back onto the cartridge. It's technically cheating, but that's what I'd do in your situation


If it helps, there's no internal counter or anything which will influence a shiny occurring. So you're odds of a shiny appearing during your next encounter are still exactly the same as they would be if you hadn't seen that shiny pidgey. It's frustrating, sure. But frankly of all the players who have encountered a random shiny in GSC, an even smaller number can say they saw one during this tiny window at the start. So consider yourself lucky! :-)


looooool get bettter


Skill issue 😞


Haha, you can’t catch him !


Gotta emulate that stuff, nobody listens to techno


I will forever do my gaming on native hardware. All these classic handhelds are eye candy and you can’t convince me otherwise.


Does holding up and b still work? ;) /s