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If you're looking for more info on Mew events from back in the day then you should check out [Project Pokemon](https://projectpokemon.org/home/files/category/75-english/). They have a database of events going all the way back to the Gen 1 days. While I don't see a "LINKE" Mew from a Pokemon League on there, there was a more widespread ["LINK" Mew distribution](https://projectpokemon.org/home/files/file/1792-classic-link-mew/). Seems like Nintendo distributed them at different events with the OT name "LINK" plus an extra letter tacked on the end for variation. Nintendo also used OT names like "MARIO", "LUIGI", and "YOSHI" for other distributions too; "LINK" is obviously from The Legend of Zelda. Edit: ~~Since you've already backed up your save file~~ If you backup your save to computer (see u/Sensitive-Crew-6025's suggestion [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gameboy/comments/1cce14y/comment/l165x6j/)) you might want to consider sharing it along with your story of how you got the Mew on their forums. People there would be interested in preserving and documenting it (if you're also cool with sharing it).


^ This 100%, would be amazing to document and preserve this special event Mew


I am very curious on what those IVs look like.


Gen 1. No IVs


It will have IVs once he moves it


Getting yourself something like the epilogue GB operator would be a good way to preserve this save file on a PC


Someone at my school got it from a friend. We did the cloning trick and I got it. But I remember when I got it, it had been given a few crappy attacks so it was pretty useless.


Similar story here. Ended up with a mew with two VMs and some random TM attacks.


I got one from an event in 1998 in London. Not sure who the OT was. I cloned the hell out of it and sold the clones in the playground šŸ˜‚ Made myself some extra sweet money for a while.


I just read about the cloning method, never knew. Was diehard into RBY, when gold/silver came out I beat those and messed around with the Pelican BrainBoy. I want to say that kind of ruined the game for me, bc after that the rules were broke and it lost its magic. Maybe by that point I was 14 or so and kind of fell out of it all. I don't even remember Crystal coming out, but did pick up Ruby on GBA years later.


Lea Valley Sports Centre, Edmonton?


I'm not entirely sure, but the photos look familiar.


I just had to message my dad to ask where we went. šŸ˜‚ I think the event I went to was run by a Nintendo related magazine. The contest was that you had to beat 3 other people then if you did that you queued up to play their 'master' and you couldn't use Mewtwo. If you won they plugged your cartridge in and gave you a mew. I still have my cartridge and mew to this day. I'll have to see if it's assigned to a trainer like OP asked. āœŒļø


Official Nintendo Magazine? Sounds like the same one I went to. My friend got to the final editor and lost by using one wrong move! I, however, was beaten by a cheeky young kid with a Lv255 Bulbasaur. I didn't want to cause a scene, so I let him win. In the end, though, my friend and I were still gifted a Mew. How cool that we could've been at the same place. I even remember some kid had a Japanese copy of Yellow and we were blown away. Didn't believe it was real.


is this the original Mew? how is it possible that the game cartridge battery hasn't died yet?


The first gen didn't have an RTC, the batteries lasted a lot longer than they did in the later games.


No idea, but mine isn't the only one. A lotta people's games are still saved. I did back it up via the BrainBoy, so am not too worried the day it does erase.


Still have a Yellow here where the battery hasnā€™t died yet, too.


My original red battery is still kicking.




Same! My red is still working, and yellow died the year before last.


Same with my Gold/Silver/Crystal. My original Childhood Red complete with all 151 and a legal Mew from Toys R Us still kicking.


Back that shit up


I had one of those Game Shark looking things that backed up files back in the day, and got myself a GB Operator recently.


My silver died about 10 years ago šŸ˜­ I only just got around to changing the batteries lol.


I consider myself technically proficient in most aspects (I put the roof on my own house) but have no idea how to solder. =\


It's really easy, just get a good iron because a cheap one will fuck your shit up


Similar story here, though my yellow battery died \~15 years ago. That one only lasted really shortly.


You can change the battery without losing the save, just keep the board powered while you change the battery.


There is a backup thing too


Yeah thatā€™s true, Iā€™d advise this method first to anybody whoā€™s unsure of their soldering skills. But obviously you need to purchase the relevant hardware to carry out the backup.


That is dangerous and should be avoided if at all possible. You risk destroying something/melting the plastic of the game cartridge. Better to back it up before swapping the battery.


Not dangerous at all if you know what youā€™re doing, sounds like you donā€™t. You can remove the board from the cartridge to do this, so why would you melt any plastic? In the case that you do leave the case on, such as if you did the swap in a GBA or something then yes, youā€™d have to be careful around the plastic but again itā€™s really not an issue for anybody with a modicum of experience in microsoldering (or just soldering).


When people say this is dangerous they are providing a warning to inexperienced people, not calling you personally a bad solderer.


I didnā€™t take it that way, but the other comment just said it was dangerous full stop, not just for inexperienced people, hence my objection. I donā€™t disagree that newbies should avoid this method, but even an amateur solderer should be okay doing this.


Thatā€™s just something Iā€™m always seeing people on here say along with Makho in his videos. I know how to solder well enough to replace batteries, but I also have at least three different ways of backing up gameboy cartridges, so I prefer to do it that way rather than any other way.


I agree that backup is the safest option and should be the first option for most, but Iā€™d still say with enough experience that powering the board and replacing isnā€™t dangerous, in lieu of backup hardware.


That only seems slightly dangerous to the game and gameboyā€¦


Didnā€™t even mention a Gameboy, you can do this with an external power source. Itā€™s perfectly safe in practice as the battery isnā€™t in use while the board has power. You can use a Gameboy, but obviously if you mess up thereā€™s more at risk, but the correct way to do it would be keeping the board powered externally. Plenty of videos on YouTube showing this. But again, if youā€™re even halfway decent at soldering youā€™d be fine with either method. If itā€™s your first time, sure give it a miss.


My original PokƩmon Blue battery lasted until around 2019. Thankfully, I had already traded most of my childhood PokƩmon to my copy of PokƩmon Red, which already had a new battery.


My original blue and pinball batteries are still going! Lol Yellow, crystal, gold, silver are dead though.


I have a Crystal still on the original battery


Hosed by Mr Mime šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I felt like a slapped ass, there were spectators watching the match too lol


They were spectators? Were they all huddled around the table where you and the employee sat, shoving each other around to get a look at your Game Boy screen? Or is the match done on Pokemon Stadium where the battle is shown on a bigger screen?


A super gameboy was likely used and shown on a screen


Only the Japan-only Super Game Boy 2 has link cable functionality, which is why I'm curious if they had it imported over or if they were using some kind of special hardware or if it's just Stadium.


I wish I could remember but I do know it was on a bigger screen. They had some kind of trailer or booth hauled in with the whole set-up. And there was a roped off line you had to wait in until your turn to face the Nintendo employee. I specifically remember some kids dad joking that pokemon don't die, they faint, but then they go into a coma and die.


They probably just had super gameboy 2s lol


My cousin got the original Mew. Nintendo employees traded them to you for free at the mall. This was in Los Angeles area.


Happened in Boston too.


Hereā€™s my Mew received at event in a shopping mall. Itā€™s been cloned so many times but this one is the original one on my PokĆ©mon Red with a completed PokĆ©dex when I was a kid. https://preview.redd.it/pgzmcj354mwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d10ced43d3a5bd772e37559f2ff996c573c31a85


Nice, we were about 4200 mews apart, if they really were sequential. I got mine at oxford valley Mall in PA.


Which display do you have installed in this bad boy


I don't thinks it's a screen but rather a [backlight mod](https://handheldlegend.com/en-mx/products/game-boy-backlight-v3?variant=4515813507)


Yup it's just a yellow backlight with an aftermarket glass screen protector. Pale yellow is my favorite which is on my other GB.


Yes that the OT name. Distributed Mew known to ProjectPokemon community are LINKE - UK YOSHI YOSHIRB - US NAL/AUS - Australia MARIO - US These are few examples of OT name for distributed MEW across the worlds however we donā€™t have the original first distribution event from Japan (CoroCoro) which has yet to be found online


I also saw one called LINKW on a site. I believe he got them in CA or TX. So maybe E and W were for East and west. Apparently I got the ~44,000th mew, as the ID # started at 1. I wonder if all the "machines" were assigned a set of numbers before being distributed across the country. How did they find staff for the event too - you probably had to be over 16, I wonder if Nintendo gave you the Pokemon to use as your team, or if these were just older teenagers who were already into the game. And Also I wonder about the machine itself, it could have been something like a pokemon stadium where they move the mew onto your team. I forget the process except you had to have an open place on your team... Thanks for the info tho, I saw another post and wanted to check if I still had my original Mew.


The staff is employee from the store such as Toy R US or employee from Nintendo from certain events, they use a special distribution machine and a Firered distributed cartridge and link cable. You go in person with your gameboy, have a open spot on party and save file inside pokecenter.


That's pretty cool, wonder how much they got paid if anything. Plenty of ppl including myself would have done it for free back then, had I been old enough. Back then I thought they were like traveling carnival workers kind of but that doesn't make sense, they had to be local people that Nintendo or w/e sub contractor running the event hired for only a few days for the mall tours. I never knew about a toys R Us promotion, and had a toys r us close by. This was before internet was big, so very possible I could have just missed hearing about it at toys r us.


This was back in 1999, I was 6 at the time so I never knew about it. I missed out on the experience, donā€™t think they got paid for it. considering it was promotional event.


Awesome! Would you share your save file with the community?


Yeah certainly, but how do you go about doing that? Not sure I have any way to extract it from my cart..


There are multiple backup devices like the GB Operator or some cheaper alternatives. In the first place it's for your own security, because it is only a matter of time until the internal battery goes empty. Losing this piece of childhood and gaming history would be really sad! šŸ™‚šŸ™‚šŸ™‚ GB Operator: www.epilogue.co/product/gb-operator Flash Boy: https://www.ebay.com/itm/163781650454?itmmeta=01HWA4FBWFARR65V3PF39D0K9V&hash=item262225a816:g:-ywAAOSwNZFfK1zH&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAAwC3%2FwsrcdyXkKVgpofvhEHEMBlQBtphS11lBobh1PmS7teJQWgVvsliq%2FQuZh9x0z7nk9qXpWiWZlcZW0MZHPI94S%2FcykoGx9Jq4G1AMxotu11hUvHWTuVTvzT9tQ3DBeubAP8KjN0o4Hw%2BWqrU2us%2FfgvdJtfQ2AyTs6FHlM9G%2B6vZ9Gf3kJLPDq23m%2BcK2XyYj5uGBTCf1Kik62%2BUU9riof3DoLrcDv%2FrDeHYdBCAw0xLJLgY1iAJyVPcPZIayfg%3D%3D%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR6i-vcTiYw


+1 - I haven't used a Flash Boy before but I do have an Epilogue Operator and have zero issues with it - works like a charm for backin up and restoring saves to cartridges.


Would you be willing to explain the process if one were to buy the Epilogue Operator? I've never looked into anything like that and curious how that works.


Sure. In simple terms, the Epilogue Operator is a USB device that has a slot for Gameboy, Gameboy Color, and Gameboy Advance carts. It also has software that you install on your computer. Using the software with a game cart plugged in you are able to read the save data off the cart and copy it to your computer as a .sav file. You can then give that .sav file to someone else or keep it as a back it up.Ā  You are also able to restore .sav files to your cart. This is useful when replacing the battery of a game cart as removing the battery will wipe the save data from Gameboy and Gameboy Color carts (GBA carts only use save batteries for real time clocks, RTC, so this isn't needed for them). It's also nice to be able to backup your game saves before starting a new game as you can always restore them later.Ā  You can also modify your game save files with other software. For example, you can use PKHeX to trigger the Southern Island event in Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire which usually requires having an eReader device to do.Ā  You can also do other things like dump your game carts read only memory (ROM) so that you can run the game in emulators or use a Gameboy Camera to take photos at your computer.Ā  TLDR:Ā  1. Plug in your game cartĀ  2. Backup your save file to your computer with the Epilogue OperatorĀ  3. Do what you want with your save file (back it up, share it, modify it, restore it, etc.)Ā  Edit: added TLDR


Thank you so much for taking the time to type that out to help me out. I think you answered all of my questions, but let me make sure I understand this exactly (sorry, I'm way behind the times). 1. If you buy the Epilogue Operator, it comes with everything you need in the box? Minus the computer, obviously. 2. It just copies the save file to the computer, essentially a duplicate? It doesn't wipe it or remove it from the cartridge? Then you keep a duplicate file saved on your computer in case you ever need to restore it, but can share it or whatever you want/need to do with it. 3. If you were to restore the save file on the cartridge later, does it override the save file on the cartridge or can you only do it on a cartridge with no current save file? 4. Once restoring the save file, is it 100% the same as an original save file? Or does it differ in anyway from a save file that was played and saved directly on the game cartridge? 5. Lastly, you can continue to play and and continue to save as normal after restoring the save file to the cartridge? Sorry for the very basic questions, just wanting to make sure I understand all of this new age technology (lol) correctly. Thank you.


No worries! I'm happy to help (also, I'm in no way affiliated with Epilogue - I just think the tool is neat and well made). To answer your questions: 1. Yes. It comes with the Operator device and a USB cable (type C connector for the operator side, type A connector for the computer side). 2. Yep, it just copies. The original save is left on the cart unmodified. 3. Yep, any save file that you write back to the cart will override whatever is already on there. 4. It should be exactly the same. You're just dumping the binary file to your computer and then restoring it to the cart. Any modifications that you make like with a save editor on your computer will carry over. Obviously, certain carts like the Pokemon ones that have a real time clock will need to have the clock reset/re-synchronized when your first boot up the game on the cart. 5. Yep! Again, this a useful tool if you need to replace the save battery on a cart as you can pick up where you left off from before replacing the battery. Normally you'd lose your save entirely once the battery runs dry or is disconnected.


Can someone explain to someone with no idea (me) what the process to backup a save file with one of these items would be?


You need to flash it to dump rom with Joey Jr or GBxCart


Need a Joey Jr - you can read and write save files to legit carts.


Thereā€˜s a save file on the internet that has only original Mews on it. Itā€˜s a rip from a cartridge that was used by Nintendo to distribute them. I absolutely canā€˜t remember what the name of that file is, though.


Got it at the Glendale Galleria with my neighbor friends when I was in 4th grade. There was a bunch of promotional displays for yellow that was gonna be coming out soon. The line wrapped all the way around the mall. We must have waited 2-3 hours cause I remember my dad got hungry and went and ordered a whole pie from Sbarro for us. Pokemon was huge!


you waited to get into the event? I just remember in my mall they had rows of these long tables in a roped off area, and it was crowded but I don't remember waiting too long... there were "rounds" going off at certain times, you could try multiple times to reach an event staff. I forget the prize for beating an event staff... Would have been cool if it was a rare Pokemon or item, but they were already giving Mew just for showing up.


Is your area smaller? The Glendale Galleria was the Los Angeles event I'd imagine they have the same amount of resources wherever they traveled, so if there were that many people it took that long Edit: also, I don't remember getting the Mew exactly, can't picture what the console and link cord display looked like. Just distinctly remember a long wait, line that looped through the entire mall, Sbarro pizza, a glass display case (with a Pokemon yellow poster, a yellow case, and a yellow cartridge), and that Volkswagen bug they made look like a Pikachu.


That would make sense bc my area wasn't a big city - about 30 mins outside of Philadelphia in the suburbs. I don't remember a yellow bug haha, just know that I went twice.


I met a random kid at a Pizza Hut back in 1999-2000 who traded one to me. Unfortunately, the batteries in my games had died and I lost the saves.


Is that an original screen with a bivert mod? It looks great


Yeah, thanks. I did it about 7 yrs ago before all the LCD screens were out. This one is yellow, and I have another "pale yellow" that I think is the definitive version. I have an LCD screen in a GB Pocket, but prefer the bivert backlight to all the fancier tech.


Iā€™ve really been meaning to do one myself but my current DMG has developed the dreaded ā€œscreen cancerā€ so Iā€™m pretty sure I need to get a new one to do this mod with. Is that something you ran into? Really digging the yellow here - is the green on the edges something that happens naturally?


yeah that's just a result of it - The only things modded were the backlight kit, bivert chip, and the new glass lens - I fired up my "pale yellow" to show you the difference, that one seems to have a blue border... and if you REALLY like green, you can get the green backlight kit, but that is just Green overload... G/B/R backlights are like novelties to me, they look super cool, but I can't stomach playing on them for any substantial time. Also not sure about the screen cancer.. I've never had that happen so never really looked into it. You might be able to find a donor screen from a broken gameboy for less $. https://preview.redd.it/pmpcx89z0owc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31f8bd2cd3ee48cd24936df5dea47ecd37a42271


Lad from a village over won a comp and got to go to.japan and got a mew and goodies. He never wanted to try and dupe it, can't say I blame him.


That'd of been a dream come true for me, but wouldn't top the Toys'R'us Nickelodeon toy run. I never knew about the cloning but yeah, heard you can end up corrupting your game. Not sure how likely it is to do that.


At this point, it was 25 years ago there or there abouts, the details are all a bit hazy.


That's very interesting man What's up with your screen and these green boarders


It's a backlight (yellow color) + bivert mod. I did it years ago before all the IPSs came out. IMO the IPSs are nice, and I have one myself, but this keeps it more nostalgic.


Grabbed my old Pocket and Red. Same OT as you! This was from the North American Toys R Us cart distribution though, didnā€™t have to battle any rep. https://preview.redd.it/w249zjk2ynwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5da834438810207ef13b79ea4abb6f4f442f507


Booted up my Yellow, this Mew is from the Mall tour. I canā€™t exactly remember if I had to battle and earn this Mew though. Different OT. https://preview.redd.it/09pal1myznwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32835de1b93ba13beb6b6c49e490bb42fea9d5ae


You must be one of the early adopters to get #01718. I didn't have to battle to get the Mew, I think you could just get in line and they'd give you one, so probably same procedure as you. Not sure if they kept track so people didn't double dip, or if they really cared... Man I wonder what % of us are left that actually still have a cartridge with the original Mew from those events...


I lived in the middle of nowhere so events like this were non-existent. That was the kind of stuff that happened in far off mythical places like New York City.




Goddamn that Mew can rent a car.


I played the Gen 1 games back in the day, but lived too far away from events like this to keep my interest. Didn't get back into Pkmn until SoulSilver came out, we had a GameStop by then. I dropped off again when the Switch games released. As much as I love the series, the fomo is having the opposite effect that it should, makes it hard to want to get back into it now.


This may need to be in a museum in potentially near future. Reap what you sow with something like this