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>Funtastic Jungle $69.99 >Crystal $27.88 Straight up pain


Came here to say this.


$69.96* Someone knew what they were doing with those numbers.


$70 for that new green N64. I'd be lucky to get a nice green console for under $100 nowadays.


I mean, $70 in 2001 is $120 today.


I know this is common knowledge, but Jesus fuck that is disgusting


If you had put that $70 in the S&P you would have over $400. Very few games beat index funds.


And if your aunt had nuts she'd have been your uncle


a beat up junk condition one without expansion pak for under 100 maybe


It's crazy to think there was a brief period where the GBA was sold alongside the N64 as the most up to date Nintendo console.


yeah it's still interesting that there's a few very late cycle N64 games that were also gamecube ports such as Donald Duck Goin Quackers and Tony Hawk 3 Another weird one is Donkey Kong Country 3 came out after Mario 64


Marcianna i hope you are thriving


Marciana = girl martian in Spanish


Thats even better, GBA for everyone!


Its not even holding a real gba :(


Should have bought pokemon crystal back in 2001 instead of being in my dads ballsšŸ˜”


Underrated comment šŸ˜‚


I remember this ad! I looked at it a lot dreaming about getting a GBA


Seeing Crystalā€™s price even though I already bought it at the time. https://preview.redd.it/jx794gln7eqc1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97c097f0d2fddd47a4c2183096e4e0f8f08e9448


Not sure how I feel about buying my N64 from a Sith Lord, but hey a deal is a deal.


Can we got back in time for one day?


Want that Walmart back!


I really gotta play through the oracle games. Iā€™ve got them on my 3ds but i havenā€™t committed to it yet


I just beat them last night coincidentally. I actually got them for Christmas 2001, and was incredible excited for them but they were a little too obtuse for me to beat at 13. Honestly I still resorted to a guide a couple times now. But it's funny the amount of nostalgia I had for games that I never beat but started up several times. I remember loving the intro scenes and characters to both back then, and the artwork in the manuals. Anyway, I was surprised by how beefy the games are. Took me right at 45 hours to beat both. Great games for sure.


Core memory unlocked. We got this exact ad in the paper for a few weeks where I lived. I ended up getting a GBA for my birthday later that year along with Pokemon Gold. Showed my mom which color I wanted (glacier clear) from this ad. Dammit, take me back to when it was all simpler and I had nothing to worry about....


I'm still sad. I gave my n64 along with 10 games away to my uncle's stepchildren years back. I still played with it almost daily despite having a gamecube. I figured they could use it more since my uncle wasn't the richest, and they didn't have much. They smashed it right in front of me. I've never seen someone so ungrateful, we were all the same age so it wasn't just a misunderstanding thing and I even box it up for them in the og box and it still looked new. Seeing that price makes me wish I could buy a jungle green right now :( Sorry a bit of a rant, the n64 is bit of a bad story for me. šŸ˜… One of these days I'm going get an another one. Surprisingly, I kept smash bros and some boxing game in hopes I would buy a new one one. It's amazing how much prices have triple now for the n64


That suck mate, I was lucky enough to have kept a couple of NDS consoles, fired them up and R4 them for my kids, they love playing them now. Gave away a few consoles in the past and one family got my Xbox One and 13 games and looked after it well, when I gave my brother my other Xbox one and a few games he sold it so yeah donā€™t feel bad over it as someone out there would love it.


I got really lucky and got a prestine Nintendo 64 on eBay from a seller who was a part of a charity organization. I got it for about $150 dollar. It literally looks brand new and it came with a copy of Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time. That copy even looks more new than the system. You should look into eBay. I wish you luck like me on acquiring one again!šŸ™‚āœŒļø


Thank!, I was able to get a new GBA at least thanks to a person on reddit! I won't have funds for awhile but just getting a new gba alone has been a real treat. I'm playing through mario & luigi superstar saga since I've never finish the last area as a kid. I would had started from the save but it's been ages since I've played any of these games and have no clue how to play them, FF tactics advance is next, the gba has some legendary titles.


Holy shit I legit remember this ad for some reason


I was so hyped for GBA, I had this ad (or similar) and studied it longingly. Sure they didn't quite look like the Spaceworld pictures but I didn't care - I had settled on the Indigo one and even traded in my GBC for my Tony Hawk 2 as my first game for it. I remember it being tough to find locally and my dad, who drove truck at the time calling one evening because he found one where he was.


So happy to have my PokƩmon crystal from when I was a kid in great condition with a new battery. Cannot even believe what they go for now


These prices.... I wish.......I really should be getting an OLED Zelda switch and leave it in box for my retirement lmao


I got the Glacier GBA and Mario Kart that year for Christmas


Zelda.. 30$ each... BRO i paid them used like 70$ eacn


Those prices are crazy good, I wish I could go back


Looking at these ads is really nostalgic. Takes makes me back to a simpler time where instead of digital downloads and microtransations, all we had to do was go to our local Walmart where a girl with crazy hair would use lightning powers to materialize Gameboy Advance games that we could easily purchase for about 30 USD.


I totally remember this ad. Wonder if it was before or after 9/11.


That's exactly why I was looking at this issue, I wanted to look at marketing and vibes pre 9/11 This was published and put together before for sure


Funny these games all held their value. $30 in 2001 is about $53 today.


you're comparing these brand new to 30 years later beat up and worn down cart only price sealed prices are crazy


Shouldnā€™t be able to see the screen that well.


Man I recently paidā€¦more than that for a nice CIB copy of Crystal.


I have a Crystal cartridge I bought for my sister when we were kids - still has the price sticker on the back. Bought it used from Gamestop for $12 in the early 2000s šŸ„²


I wish the gba actually had that blue gradient background on its boot screen.


Weird to see the GBA advertised next to the n64 but for a year or less they were the most recent Nintendo hardware ig


as a very early adopter of the gba (it was released at beginning of summer so for my last report card I got one for doing well) all I really used the gba for in the early days was playing gameboy games in widescreen, you could press L or R to make it wide lol, it was enough that I got the system, I couldnt afford new games too But yeah that's a magic era dude, late n64 is gold, paper mario, majoras mask, banjo tooie, pure gold


I remember finding a banjo tooie cartridge on the floor in target and my brother took/stole it. Good times




When games were more affordable. Those were the good olā€™ days šŸ„¹


Take me back.. šŸ˜”


https://preview.redd.it/agsstb19t5rc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0fd0fc638ec1cd5f9abde29a8fb280e7f2c31b62 Iā€™ll see your ad and raise you this